74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

who is going to take someone seriously who screams out people can put their guns in their vagina?

they sound as nuts as the people out shooting people

Instead of trying to punish law abiding citizens with your hysteria, you should be pissed that YOUR government can't protect you from all these nut jobs

get a frikken grip..if guns are gone, it will be lead pipes, trucks filled with fertilizer, etc

anyone else see the irony?
One can obtain automatic weapons with the proper federal permit so sure why not an UZI?

The point that is sailing over your head is that I passed every background check necessary to get my concealed carry permit and my fingerprints are on file like a common criminal's.

I should not have to be subjected to more checks because some idiot killed somebody with a firearm.

Would you want to be forced to take a field sobriety test a breathalyzer and submit a blood sample every time you wanted to drive to work because some idiot drunk driver mowed down a bunch of kids?

I would not be opposed to every motor vehicle having a Breathalyzer conjoined with the starting motor which would prevent a driver over the legal limit from starting his car. I doubt the local gun shop has an UZI on the shelf, and I doubt anyone can obtain a permit to buy one. So, not only is your response a non sequitur, it is also, at best, a half-truth.

It is not impossible to get a federal permit for automatic weapons but since I prefaced my answer with that stipulation it was a cogent answer.

And I doubt if you would be so willing to subject yourself to field sobriety tests and breathalyzers every thime you got in your car.

Look up the CA Vehicle Code for a first time conviction for driving with a BA of .08 The code section 23152 CVC, and describes the fine, penalty assessment, jail time, loss of driving privilege, and attendance in a one year post conviction drinking driver program is more than sufficient to convince me driving under the influence is foolish.

Harsher penalties have reduced DUI arrests and fatalities. Might harsher penalties reduce gun violence?
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Your "logic" gives intent to an in inanimate object. Violence is an action undertaken by a human, not a gun. Not a knife, bat, golf club, hammer, vehicle pr any other of the dozens of inanimate objects available to an individual with the intent to cause violence.

That "logic"?


Reading is not your strong suit. Nor is logic.

Adam Lanza without a gun was nothing but a twisted little freak. A classroom of kids could have held him down until cops arrived.

Same with the lunatic who shot up the movie theater. If he attacked the theater with a baseball bat he might have gotten one person, but then his ass would have pulverized by others in the theater.

You gun nutters must know how spineless and powerless you are without your penis substitutes.


So Adam wouldn't have done anything nefarious and try to murder had he not stolen someone's firearms? That's a fun lesson in logical fallacy, fella. Try again, you worthless troll.

No. In his own words he just admitted he still would have committed the act. Just with a different weapon or method. Nut actually shot down his own point.
Australia Has Eliminated Gun Massacres By Doing What the U.S. Doesn't Have the Guts For - PolicyMic

After a mass killing in 1996 at Port Arthur where 35 people died and 20 were injured, Australia passed a comprehensive firearms act that didn't ban guns but placed logical restrictions on them. Despite having a strong frontier gun culture, Australia went from a firearms mortality rate of 2.6 in 100,000 (one-quarter the U.S. rate) in 1996 to under one in 100,000, less than a tenth of the U.S. rate.
I would not be opposed to every motor vehicle having a Breathalyzer conjoined with the starting motor which would prevent a driver over the legal limit from starting his car. I doubt the local gun shop has an UZI on the shelf, and I doubt anyone can obtain a permit to buy one. So, not only is your response a non sequitur, it is also, at best, a half-truth.

It is not impossible to get a federal permit for automatic weapons but since I prefaced my answer with that stipulation it was a cogent answer.

And I doubt if you would be so willing to subject yourself to field sobriety tests and breathalyzers every thime you got in your car.

Look up the CA Vehicle Code for a first time conviction for driving with a BA of .08 The code section 23152 CVC, and describes the fine, penalty assessment, jail time, loss of driving privilege, and attendance in a one year post conviction drinking driver program is more than sufficient to convince me driving under the influence is foolish.

Harsher penalties have reduced DUI arrests and fatalities. Might harsher penalties reduce gun violence?

That's AFTER a conviction.

And nice switch to punishment from prevention btw.

If you have ever seen any of my posts I have advocated for life in prison without parole for any crime committed while in possession of a firearm.

In addition if a child commits a crime with a parent's firearm that parent and child should spend life in prison.

I think that would be quite a deterrent.
74 school shootings in the past 77 weeks.

Not 74 chemical bombings, not 74 stabbings, not 74 bows and arrows, not 74 hatchet attacks. The common denominator (do I need to define that term for you?) is guns.

If you Ammo-sexuals want to keep, sleep with and insert your guns into your privates because I really think it's that sick, then figure out a way to stop this epidemic.

This data tells me that the parents of these kids are pretty much out of touch with their kids, so start with them.

Do something besides shoving the 2nd Amendment in my face and whining about your fucking rights. Your rights end when innocent people who cannot protect themselves die.

School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook | Everytown for Gun Safety - School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook


All acceptable risk for you to be breathing this morning pounding out non-sense on the keyboard.

Look, to live in America you take risk. Risk of drowning in a pool, being mugged in Chicago so on and so forth


so all we need to be is an apartheid police state which is hated by the entire world.

Nope, don't have to worry about robberies.

Just rocket attacks and kids strapping bombs to themselves.
Not only is immigration reform now dead thanks to Americans for Prosperity and the Tea Party but so to is gun control. The scared, weak and Obama drones are just chit out of luck


No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Background checks=registration=confiscation

The number sounded like bullshit, it was. Which is why liberals gobbled it up.

A closer look: How many school shootings since Newtown? - CNN.com
(CNN) -- After Tuesday's shooting at an Oregon high school, many media outlets, including CNN, reported that there have been 74 school shootings in the past 18 months.

That's the time period since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were shot to death.

The statistic came from a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella group started by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a passionate and public advocate of gun control.

Without a doubt, that number is startling.

So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included.

Everytown says on its web site that it gleans its information from media reports and that its list includes school shootings involving a firearm discharged inside or on school grounds, including assaults, homicides, suicides and accidental shootings.

CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon -- a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one shooting every five weeks.

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