74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?
The number sounded like bullshit, it was. Which is why liberals gobbled it up.

A closer look: How many school shootings since Newtown? - CNN.com
(CNN) -- After Tuesday's shooting at an Oregon high school, many media outlets, including CNN, reported that there have been 74 school shootings in the past 18 months.

That's the time period since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were shot to death.

The statistic came from a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella group started by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a passionate and public advocate of gun control.

Without a doubt, that number is startling.

So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included.

Everytown says on its web site that it gleans its information from media reports and that its list includes school shootings involving a firearm discharged inside or on school grounds, including assaults, homicides, suicides and accidental shootings.

CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon -- a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one shooting every five weeks.

Yeah, if CNN is even questioning the numbers you know its a clusterfuck of mis-information.
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Background checks=registration=confiscation


Translation- Geaux lives in mortal fear if they ever did a background check on him, they'd probably take his guns because he's nuts.

Here's the thing. If your neighbors aren't comfortable with you having a gun, there's probably a good reason.
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Background checks=registration=confiscation


Translation- Geaux lives in mortal fear if they ever did a background check on him, they'd probably take his guns because he's nuts.

Here's the thing. If your neighbors aren't comfortable with you having a gun, there's probably a good reason.

Yea, the neighbors are libs who are afraid of their shadows. And more importantly, fences make good neighbors and if no fence, they can gfts

No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?

I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.
The number sounded like bullshit, it was. Which is why liberals gobbled it up.

A closer look: How many school shootings since Newtown? - CNN.com
(CNN) -- After Tuesday's shooting at an Oregon high school, many media outlets, including CNN, reported that there have been 74 school shootings in the past 18 months.

That's the time period since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were shot to death.

The statistic came from a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella group started by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a passionate and public advocate of gun control.

Without a doubt, that number is startling.

So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included.

Everytown says on its web site that it gleans its information from media reports and that its list includes school shootings involving a firearm discharged inside or on school grounds, including assaults, homicides, suicides and accidental shootings.

CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon -- a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one shooting every five weeks.

that is how the antis and often leftists in general roll

by spreading lies and disinformation

they cant win on the facts
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?

I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.

Thanks for proving my point Joe. You are indeed correct that gun control is carried out in small, incremental steps. That way you really don't feel your civil rights being stripped from you all at once.

Armed Guards Ended Oregon School Shooting

When a teenage student brought a gun into Troutdale, Oregon’s Reynolds High School on June 10, the carnage he could have caused was cut short by two armed resource officers who ran toward the sound of the shots.

The officers–Nick Thompson and Kyle Harris–closed in on the shooter’s proximity in “less than a minute.”

According to Oregon Live, “Troutdale Police Chief Scott Anderson credited the two resource officers… for preventing further carnage.” Said Anderson: “I believe their quick response saved many of our students’ lives.”

Oregon high school shooting: Resource officers at Reynolds credited with preventing further carnage | OregonLive.com

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the difference between trained law enforcement and an armed civilian. A clear contrast between what happened in Troutdale at a high school and in Las Vegas at a Wal-Mart.

Its more of a difference in the fact that the police know backup is arriving and WAIT for that to happen. They are REQURIED to do that by their protocol. The guy with the CCW was on his own, and had no idea if the guy was going to start shooting or not.

More than likely if a PO was in there when they entered he would have been ambushed the same as the other two.
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?

I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.

So you still are for a total gun ban, you are just better at lying about it.

Fuck off.
The number sounded like bullshit, it was. Which is why liberals gobbled it up.

A closer look: How many school shootings since Newtown? - CNN.com
(CNN) -- After Tuesday's shooting at an Oregon high school, many media outlets, including CNN, reported that there have been 74 school shootings in the past 18 months.

That's the time period since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were shot to death.

The statistic came from a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella group started by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a passionate and public advocate of gun control.

Without a doubt, that number is startling.

So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included.

Everytown says on its web site that it gleans its information from media reports and that its list includes school shootings involving a firearm discharged inside or on school grounds, including assaults, homicides, suicides and accidental shootings.

CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon -- a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one shooting every five weeks.

that is how the antis and often leftists in general roll

by spreading lies and disinformation

they cant win on the facts

Indeed- Where is the OP that usually shows up to these type threads and says something like gun grabbers.. 'gun grabbers only argue for emotion and.....



http://specialguests.com/guests/viewnews.cgi?id=EFZyyplkAZdKOoYdjT&style=Full Article

Democratic strategists have drafted a how-to manual on manipulating the public’s emotions toward gun control in the aftermath of a major shooting.

The “gun control playbook” is available for free download online. Anyone expecting a handbook advocating for stricter gun control laws to contain arguments based on fact, will be left wanting.

"Preventing Gun Violence through effective messaging," is an 80-page document prepared by a political research and consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. with close ties to the Democratic Party.

The manual opens by claiming three key arguments are the most “powerful” when trying to grip the public: “One: The serious personal toll that gun violence takes on people’s lives, Two: People’s right to be free from violence in their communities; Three: The changing nature of weapons towards more powerful, military-style ones that make us less safe.”

The document also encourages gun-control advocates use images of frightening-looking guns and shooting scenes to make their point.

Later tips suggest gun-control advocates, “Always start with the pain and anguish that gun violence brings into people’s lives,” and, “Use statistics to support an emotional argument, not to replace it.”

This manual is a must read for every gun owner. Find the document here: http://thegunwriter.blogs.heraldtribune.com/files/2013/08/Gun-ViolenceMessaging-Guide-PDF-1.pdf
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Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?

I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.

So you still are for a total gun ban, you are just better at lying about it.

Fuck off.

i wouldnt say better

so all we need to be is an apartheid police state which is hated by the entire world.

Nope, don't have to worry about robberies.

Just rocket attacks and kids strapping bombs to themselves.

Vigilante is right....Israel is much safer than we are. Maybe we should look to Israel to model our gun laws

Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest - The Washington Post

Israel limits gun ownership to security workers, people who transport valuables or explosives, residents of the West Bank, and hunters. People who don't fall into one of those categories cannot obtain a firearm permit. Moreover, Israel rejects 40 percent of firearm permit applicants, the highest rejection rate in the Western world. Both Switzerland and Israel require yearly (or more frequent) permit renewals to insure that the reasons are still applicable
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Background checks=registration=confiscation


these people have thought process disorder Geaux.......inability to connect the dots, or, in the case of JoeB, a committed socialist who is well aware that a background check system is the route to gun confiscation. Dang......I hate the phoney frauds of the world......guy is a $3.00 bill.

so all we need to be is an apartheid police state which is hated by the entire world.

Nope, don't have to worry about robberies.

Just rocket attacks and kids strapping bombs to themselves.

Vigilante is right....Israel is much safer than we are. Maybe we should look to Israel to model our gun laws

Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest - The Washington Post

Israel limits gun ownership to security workers, people who transport valuables or explosives, residents of the West Bank, and hunters. People who don't fall into one of those categories cannot obtain a firearm permit. Moreover, Israel rejects 40 percent of firearm permit applicants, the highest rejection rate in the Western world. Both Switzerland and Israel require yearly (or more frequent) permit renewals to insure that the reasons are still applicable

Meh, I like this approach better


Interesting, you have been proposing a gun ban for some time. Maybe you have moved that view over to your paintmyhouse sock?

I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.

Thanks for proving my point Joe. You are indeed correct that gun control is carried out in small, incremental steps. That way you really don't feel your civil rights being stripped from you all at once.


Or you realize that you really didn't need it.

Let's be honest what you are talking about here. There are two reasons you nutters give for wanting to have guns.

1) To protect yourself from criminals. Except that a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy. (Yes, yes, suicides don't count, etc. We get all the anti-Kellerman foot-stomping, no need to rehash that here.) Well, the only reason why you are afraid of the criminals is because they have guns, too.

2) So some day, you can take on the government! You know, like these two brave patriots did...


Oh, wait. THe "Patriot" is a nutbag who thinks he's the Joker and the "Government" is a father of six who was just stopping for lunch. Oooops.
I'm realistic.

I know you can't ban guns, but let's start with the baby steps of getting them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals.

Then later on, we can talk the gun nutters off the ledge.

Thanks for proving my point Joe. You are indeed correct that gun control is carried out in small, incremental steps. That way you really don't feel your civil rights being stripped from you all at once.


Or you realize that you really didn't need it.

Let's be honest what you are talking about here. There are two reasons you nutters give for wanting to have guns.

1) To protect yourself from criminals. Except that a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy. (Yes, yes, suicides don't count, etc. We get all the anti-Kellerman foot-stomping, no need to rehash that here.) Well, the only reason why you are afraid of the criminals is because they have guns, too.

2) So some day, you can take on the government! You know, like these two brave patriots did...


Oh, wait. THe "Patriot" is a nutbag who thinks he's the Joker and the "Government" is a father of six who was just stopping for lunch. Oooops.

Once again you use kellerman, you get negged.

What a fucking idiot.
No one has suggested a handgun ban, Spambot.

But not letting Crazy people guy guns, yeah, most Americans think that's a good idea.

Now we just need to get Congress's collective testicles out of the National Rampage Associations lockbox.

Background checks=registration=confiscation


these people have thought process disorder Geaux.......inability to connect the dots, or, in the case of JoeB, a committed socialist who is well aware that a background check system is the route to gun confiscation. Dang......I hate the phoney frauds of the world......guy is a $3.00 bill.

And to add, the gun grabbing nutters, aka, libs; indeed have a thought process disorder. They just can't recognize the difference between right and wrong. It's just a terrible disease with no apparent cure.


so all we need to be is an apartheid police state which is hated by the entire world.

Nope, don't have to worry about robberies.

Just rocket attacks and kids strapping bombs to themselves.

Vigilante is right....Israel is much safer than we are. Maybe we should look to Israel to model our gun laws

Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest - The Washington Post

Israel limits gun ownership to security workers, people who transport valuables or explosives, residents of the West Bank, and hunters. People who don't fall into one of those categories cannot obtain a firearm permit. Moreover, Israel rejects 40 percent of firearm permit applicants, the highest rejection rate in the Western world. Both Switzerland and Israel require yearly (or more frequent) permit renewals to insure that the reasons are still applicable

You do have a point. Israel is secure because they've spent a lot of time disarming people they don't want to have guns.
74 school shootings in the past 77 weeks.

Not 74 chemical bombings, not 74 stabbings, not 74 bows and arrows, not 74 hatchet attacks. The common denominator (do I need to define that term for you?) is guns.

If you Ammo-sexuals want to keep, sleep with and insert your guns into your privates because I really think it's that sick, then figure out a way to stop this epidemic.

This data tells me that the parents of these kids are pretty much out of touch with their kids, so start with them.

Do something besides shoving the 2nd Amendment in my face and whining about your fucking rights. Your rights end when innocent people who cannot protect themselves die.

School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook | Everytown for Gun Safety - School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook

School Name
School Type
1. 1/08/2013 Fort Myers FL Apostolic Revival Center Christian School K-12
2. 1/10/2013 Taft CA Taft Union High School K-12
3. 1/15/2013 St. Louis MO Stevens Institute of Business & Arts College/University
4. 1/15/2013 Hazard KY Hazard Community and Technical College College/University
5. 1/16/2013 Chicago IL Chicago State University College/University
6. 1/22/2013
Houston TX Lone Star College North Harris Campus College/University
7. 1/31/2013 Atlanta GA Price Middle School K-12
8. 2/1/2013 Atlanta GA Morehouse College College/University
9. 2/7/2013 Fort Pierce FL Indian River St. College College/University
10. 2/13/2013 San Leandro CA Hillside Elementary School K-12
11. 2/27/2013 Atlanta GA Henry W. Grady HS K-12
12. 3/18/2013 Orlando FL University of Central Florida College/University
13. 3/21/2013 Southgate MI Davidson Middle School K-12
14. 4/12/2013 Christianburg VA New River Community College College/University
15. 4/13/2013 Elizabeth City NC Elizabeth City State University College/University
16. 4/15/2013 Grambling LA Grambling State University College/University
17. 4/16/2013 Tuscaloosa AL Stillman College College/University
18. 4/29/2013 Cincinnati OH La Salle High School K-12
19. 6/7/2013 Santa Monica CA Santa Monica College College/University
20. 6/19/2013 W. Palm Beach FL Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts K-12
21. 8/15/2013 Clarksville TN Northwest High School K-12
22. 8/20/2013 Decatur GA Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy K-12
23. 8/22/2013 Memphis TN Westside Elementary School K-12
24. 8/23/2013 Sardis MS North Panola High School K-12
25. 8/30/2013 Winston-Salem NC Carver High School K-12
26. 9/21/2013 Savannah GA Savannah State University College/University
27. 9/28/2013 Gray ME New Gloucester High School K-12
28. 10/4/2013 Pine Hills FL Agape Christian Academy K-12
29. 10/15/2013 Austin TX Lanier High School K-12
30. 10/21/2013 Sparks NV Sparks Middle School K-12
31. 11/1/2013 Algona IA Algona High/Middle School K-12
32. 11/2/2013 Greensboro NC North Carolina A&T State University College/University
33. 11/3/2013 Stone Mountain GA Stephenson High School K-12
34. 11/21/2013 Rapid City SD South Dakota School of Mines & Technology College/University
35. 12/4/2013 Winter Garden FL West Orange High School K-12
36. 12/13/2013 Arapahoe County CO Arapahoe High School K-12
37. 12/19/2013 Fresno CA Edison High School K-12
38. 1/9/2014 Jackson TN Liberty Technology Magnet HS K-12
39. 1/14/2014 Roswell NM Berrendo Middle School K-12
40. 1/15/2014 Lancaster PA Martin Luther King Jr. ES K-12
41. 1/17/2014 Philadelphia PA Delaware Valley Charter HS K-12
42. 1/20/2014 Chester PA Widener University College/University
43. 1/21/2014 West Lafayette IN Purdue University College/University
44. 1/24/2014 Orangeburg SC South Carolina State University College/University
45. 1/28/2014 Nashville TN Tennessee State University College/University
46. 1/28/2014 Grambling LA Grambling State University College/University
47. 1/30/2014 Palm Bay FL Eastern Florida State College College/University
48. 1/31/2014 Phoenix AZ Cesar Chavez High School K-12
49. 1/31/2014 Des Moines IA North High School K-12
50. 2/7/2014 Bend OR Bend High School K-12
51. 2/10/2014 Salisbury NC Salisbury High School K-12
52. 2/11/2014 Lyndhurst OH Brush High School K-12
53. 2/12/2014 Jackson TN Union University College/University
54. 2/20/2014 Raytown MO Raytown Success Academy K-12
55. 3/2/2014 Westminster MD McDaniel College College/University
56. 3/7/2014 Tallulah LA Madison High School K-12
57. 3/8/2014 Oshkosh WI University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh College/University
58. 3/21/2014 Newark DE University of Delaware College/University
59. 3/30/2014 Savannah GA Savannah State University College/University
60. 4/3/2014 Kent OH Kent State University College/University
61. 4/7/2014 Roswell NM Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell College/University
62. 4/11/2014 Detroit MI East English Village Preparatory Academy K-12
63. 4/21/2014 Griffith IN St. Mary Catholic School K-12
64. 4/21/2014 Provo UT Provo High School K-12
65. 4/26/2014 Council Bluffs IA Iowa Western Community College College/University
66. 5/2/2014 Milwaukee WI Marquette University College/University
67. 5/3/2014 Everett WA Horizon Elementary School K-12
68. 5/4/2014 Augusta GA Paine College College/University
69. 5/5/2014 Augusta GA Paine College College/University
70. 5/8/2014 Georgetown KY Georgetown College College/University
71. 5/8/2014 Lawrenceville GA Georgia Gwinnett College College/University
72. 5/21/2014 Milwaukee WI Clark Street School K-12
73. 6/5/2014 Seattle WA Seattle Pacific University College/University
74. 6/10/2014 Troutdale OR Reynolds High School K-12

Take away the gang related shootings, the suicides and the drug related shootings and your list is quite small.

Forum List
