74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

The cause is not guns. That is all you need to know.

I get it, it does not fit in the narrative that your puppet masters have created.

So then what is the cause? In your expert opinion...

The cause is not guns, that is all you need to know. You have a real hard time understanding don't you?

I get it, it does not fit the narrative of your puppet masters.

You ever wonder how the greatest mass murder committed by terrorists in this country was done without a gun?

Oh, never mind. I really cannot tell if that makes you happy that people were killed without guns, or if it frustrates you that brown people were able to commit mass murder without a firearm, and so it proves that one does not need a firearm to commit mass murder.

I am serious. I cannot tell.

I didn't ask you what ISN'T the cause. I asked what IS the cause?

We both know you have no fucking clue what you're talking about thats why you keep repeating yourself like the parrot that you are. You should be
TheParrot32, TheOwl is just a bit off.
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Zzzzz. Are people still using this washed up response?
If our president would sign an executive order sealing the borders many of these problems would go away. Enforce the law.

They tried taking guns from locals that live in lawless countries and it doesn't work. It won't work here either.
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Zzzzz. Are people still using this washed up response?

Only someone who doesn't want to see the similarity between the two arguments will not see it. Can a car kill someone if no one puts it in motion? Can a gun kill someone if no one pulls the trigger? What exactly is the common denominator? It's someone using the object in a manner that causes it to be deadly.

Anyway, lets get to the real question RDD, what is your suggestion that is going to stop all of this gun violence? Because from what I've seen there are just as many gun deaths in the states that have the tightest control over firearms with the most strict gun laws. Obviously, passing more laws is not the answer. So, what is?

Rick (hboats)
While the low information left is focusing on the 2nd Amendment, American kids are being doped and subjected to unrelenting violence and carnage by the pop culture media. Doesn't it occur to the left that the son of a Hollywood producer who had every advantage in the greatest Country in the world decided to kill people? It surely ain't about guns. The Columbine kids were doped up on psychotropic mood enhancer drugs and their parents were upper middle class left leaning victims of the pop culture generation. What does that tell you about the video addicted violence orientated generation? Today's American kids see more realistic violent carnage than most WW2 Veterans saw in their four years of warfare. American kids are probably as qualified for a PTSD pension as Afghanistan war Veterans.

Oh bull shit.

In Los Angeles, a kid is playing a violent video game, reading a book with violence or seeing a violent movie. After the game is over, the book is finished or the movie ends, he has the option of going out to a pawn shop and buying a gun or simply perusing the arsenal his parents have at the house because of the 2nd Amendment. After pumping strangers and frenemies full of hot lead he expects what happened in the game, book, or magazine to happen. It doesn't.

In London, a kid is playing the same violent video game, reading the same book with violence and seeing the same violent movie. After the game is over, the book is finished or the movie ends, he has no option to go buy a gun or loot his parent's arsenal because they have sane gun laws. So there is no pumping strangers and frenemies full of lead.

Kids all over the world are exposed to the same cultural influences. The difference here is that we have the 2nd amendment so there is almost comical access to weaponry.

It just proves you can't fix stupid.

Violence is still rampant in the UK. Guns or no guns.

You're living proof.
Yet somehow the violence in the UK doesn't result in weekly school/college massacres.
So then what is the cause? In your expert opinion...

The cause is not guns, that is all you need to know. You have a real hard time understanding don't you?

I get it, it does not fit the narrative of your puppet masters.

You ever wonder how the greatest mass murder committed by terrorists in this country was done without a gun?

Oh, never mind. I really cannot tell if that makes you happy that people were killed without guns, or if it frustrates you that brown people were able to commit mass murder without a firearm, and so it proves that one does not need a firearm to commit mass murder.

I am serious. I cannot tell.

I didn't ask you what ISN'T the cause. I asked what IS the cause?

We both know you have no fucking clue what you're talking about thats why you keep repeating yourself like the parrot that you are. You should be
TheParrot32, TheOwl is just a bit off.

I never offered up what the cause is, cause I have no fucking clue. What I do know is what did not cause it.

Stop getting crushed by me with pure logic then acting like you got one up on me. Makes you look dumber than you already look.
They could have just said "The Right of the People to bear arms shall not be infringed". It would have covered militias too. They didn't

How would not mentioning militias cover militias?

I quoted a noted expert in language usage that says the militia clause does not limit the rights of people to keep and bear arms.

If you have an absolute right to bear arms, what additional value does mentioning militias add?

Language expert? :lol:

So to you a person with these credentials

on the usage panel of the American Heritage Dictionary, and Merriam Webster's Usage Dictionary frequently cites him as an expert. Copperud's fifth book on usage, "American Usage and Style: The Consensus," has been in continuous print from Van Nostrand Reinhold since 1981, and is the winner of the Association of American Publisher's Humanities Award.

Does not constitute recognition as a language expert even though 2 published dictionaries call him an expert?
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Parroting other's non sequiturs is not substantive, it's foolish.
No, but I will subject myself to a sobriety check
Why won't you submit to a background check?

I have had my checks done.

I have my fingerprints on file with the state even though I have never committed a crime

So I should be able to walk into any gun store and but any gun I want.

Even if you desire an UZI?

One can obtain automatic weapons with the proper federal permit so sure why not an UZI?

The point that is sailing over your head is that I passed every background check necessary to get my concealed carry permit and my fingerprints are on file like a common criminal's.

I should not have to be subjected to more checks because some idiot killed somebody with a firearm.

Would you want to be forced to take a field sobriety test a breathalyzer and submit a blood sample every time you wanted to drive to work because some idiot drunk driver mowed down a bunch of kids?
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Parroting other's non sequiturs is not substantive, it's foolish.

32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Parroting other's non sequiturs is not substantive, it's foolish.

So Alabama and Wyoming ought to have B-2 Bombers with nuclear weapons, and if you could afford one, you too?

The right? Absolutely. However, the government is not required to provide you with arms, it is just prohibited from preventing you from having them. So acquiring those could be a bit tricky.

I suppose that depends on how one defines "right". If you assume the Second gives you the right to own any weapon, I'm able to understand that opinion, though I believe it to be insane.

There is no way to control who should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, or any weapon of war, unless people of good will and of uncommon sense see a problem and seek a soltuion. Only one side seems to have these attributes, and that is those of us who want to have a rational debate on the problem.

Rational? You propose laws that do nothing to prevent the very tragedies you use to forward your agenda. All you want to do is BAN SOMETHING, say you did good, and go about your way as our freedoms get eroded just a bit more.
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Zzzzz. Are people still using this washed up response?

Only someone who doesn't want to see the similarity between the two arguments will not see it. Can a car kill someone if no one puts it in motion? Can a gun kill someone if no one pulls the trigger? What exactly is the common denominator? It's someone using the object in a manner that causes it to be deadly.

Anyway, lets get to the real question RDD, what is your suggestion that is going to stop all of this gun violence? Because from what I've seen there are just as many gun deaths in the states that have the tightest control over firearms with the most strict gun laws. Obviously, passing more laws is not the answer. So, what is?

Rick (hboats)

They want our guns, so they can take our property.
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

Parroting other's non sequiturs is not substantive, it's foolish.

Have you looked at the OP? You want to talk about parroting other's non sequiturs? Give me a break.

Rick (hboats)
And still, you refuse to look at the root cause of these tragedies. Hint: it's not guns.

Its guns....but it's also the media and society as well.
The idea that guns do not play a part in this is absurd. ...and well a lie. Guns create a fantasy for people..almost a romance because you go out in a blaze of glory...the media helps this along because they run the stories and give people the fame they crave. Society helps by helping the media along....

The real answer is more complicated than: it's guns or its not guns....
I guess people rather post hyperbole...and this is why I don't care about this issue..
The threads that are started by liberals who love to exploit tragedies for their socialist agenda and get crushed are my favorites.

This thread is an example of that.

Let me know when one of them put their little plan together. The logistics included. Let us first find out what they actually want, and their actual point is. That would be nice.

Then, after they come to the conclusion that their puppet masters want to disarm the citizens, what will be the plan? I am hoping one of them describes just how that gets done.

Jail time? What kind of jail time? How many more prisons, and how do they fight the black market that will rise?

I asked this before, and none of them attempted to address it. I think they think this is some kind of straw man argument. I love when they go that talking point whenever they are confronted with pure logic in the form of rhetorical questions.

The funnier part is watching them thinking they are such academic intellectuals.
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

You are right .....we have had alot of traffic fatalities

What have we done about it?
Required seatbelt use, mandated air bags, made cars more crash survivable, made roads safer, stricter drunk driving laws, mandatory licensing and car registration, mandatory insurance

Why don't we do the same with guns?
32,000 traffic fatalities in 2013 in the United States. Why aren't we calling for cars to be outlawed? Why don't we have a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of a motor vehicle? Those things are deadly.

Wait, maybe it's the person behind the wheel that is to blame? No? Ok. Let's ban cars.

Rick (hboats)

You are right .....we have had alot of traffic fatalities

What have we done about it?
Required seatbelt use, mandated air bags, made cars more crash survivable, made roads safer, stricter drunk driving laws, mandatory licensing and car registration, mandatory insurance

Why don't we do the same with guns?

Basically all those apply in CCW permits, where people bring their guns in the commons.
So Alabama and Wyoming ought to have B-2 Bombers with nuclear weapons, and if you could afford one, you too?

The right? Absolutely. However, the government is not required to provide you with arms, it is just prohibited from preventing you from having them. So acquiring those could be a bit tricky.

I suppose that depends on how one defines "right". If you assume the Second gives you the right to own any weapon, I'm able to understand that opinion, though I believe it to be insane.

There is no way to control who should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, or any weapon of war, unless people of good will and of uncommon sense see a problem and seek a soltuion. Only one side seems to have these attributes, and that is those of us who want to have a rational debate on the problem.

Liberals have "good will and ... common sense." LOL, that's hilarious.

I think for free speech, people should be required to go to government and register what they want to say, pay a fee and get a permit. What do you think, Wry? You on board with government regulating Constitutional rights in advance of their use and having to approve them?

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