75 economic numbers from 2012 that are almost too crazy to believe...

Be sure to mention that to Marx (Groucho not Karl)

"The wealthiest 400 families in the United States have about as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent of all Americans combined."

What an insanely stupid claim.

Communists never think.

Let's assume that all the bottom 50% have incomes of the bottom median of $19,687, which I will round to 20K. (We know it's closer to $40K, but for arguments sake.)

190 million people times $20,000 = $1,300,000,000,000

$1.3 TRILLION in income - Even Soros and Nancy Pelosi don't approach that level.
No one puts the insanity into stupid like you.
Possibly you require assumptions (assume a can opener), but I don't.
I spent 45 years working in the bottom 50% of earners and never earned $19,000/year.
During that time I received food stamps and GR about 5% of the time
I did earn $0/year on four different occasions without spending any time in jail.
Can you wrap your pathic excuse for a mind around that, Parasite?
Maybe you should spend some time with Pedro in your local Tyson plant.
Perhaps your IQ would improve.

"Labor force: 153.6 million
note: includes unemployed (2011 est.)"

United States Labor force - Economy
No one puts the insanity into stupid like you.
Possibly you require assumptions (assume a can opener), but I don't.
I spent 45 years working in the bottom 50% of earners and never earned $19,000/year.
During that time I received food stamps and GR about 5% of the time
I did earn $0/year on four different occasions without spending any time in jail.
Can you wrap your pathic excuse for a mind around that, Parasite?
Maybe you should spend some time with Pedro in your local Tyson plant.
Perhaps your IQ would improve.

"Labor force: 153.6 million
note: includes unemployed (2011 est.)"

United States Labor force - Economy

George; the bottom income of $20K is based on an unemployed person receiving aid. You never had "zero dollars" for income in a year, or you would be dead. Soup kitchens or communes, you were still receiving some sort of income.
Multiple dumpsters and one mother to fall back on when all else failed.
You are highly intelligent and knowledgeable about many things.
I sense you have no first hand experience with real poverty.
Possibly when hyperinflation arrives you will?
I sense you have no first hand experience with real poverty.

how much experience does one need to know that liberal Marxism slowly starved 125 million or so to death in the USSR and China. If you have even an ounce of decency in you Georgie, you 'd better develop the IQ to understand how capitalism works!!
How (Finance) capitalism works:

"Today’s economic warfare is not the kind waged a century ago between labor and its industrial employers.

"Finance has moved to capture the economy at large, industry and mining, public infrastructure (via privatization) and now even the educational system. (At over $1 trillion, U.S. student loan debt came to exceed credit-card debt in 2012.)

"The weapon in this financial warfare is no larger military force.

"The tactic is to load economies (governments, companies and families) with debt, siphon off their income as debt service and then foreclose when debtors lack the means to pay.

"Indebting government gives creditors a lever to pry away land, public infrastructure and other property in the public domain.

"Indebting companies enables creditors to seize employee pension savings.

"And indebting labor means that it no longer is necessary to hire strikebreakers to attack union organizers and strikers."

The Financial Elite's War Against the US Economy | Common Dreams

Capitalism works the same way the creditor class has always worked.
Eternal war and endless debt.
Grow a pair and fight back, Pluto.
Eternal war and endless debt.

Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson so there would be no debt. I gather you are now a Republican?

Housing debt and student debt is created by libturd Democrats as a kind of middle class welfare which Republicans have always opposed.

Still over your head???

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow??

Oh, changing the subject every time you backed into a corner does not fool anyone except you. Sorry
The subject was how capitalism works (your choice)
It works by endless war and the private creation of money at interest.
Try to concentrate.
The subject was how capitalism works (your choice)
It works by endless war .

George are you intelligent enough to be here??? There was much war for centuries and centuries before capitalism was discovered 200 years ago. Sorry
Endless war.
Eternal debt.
Sorry you're not logical enough to make the corporate connection.
Maybe you should try law school?
The subject was how capitalism works (your choice)

Yet you went to a Communist website and listed a conspiracy theory, rather than dealing with the reality of the mechanisms of a highly regulated market economy.

It works by endless war and the private creation of money at interest.
Try to concentrate.

Utter idiocy, try again.
Endless war.

Who creates wars? Is it corporations? Is it those evil non-union entrepreneurs? No George, it is the government that you demand should be all powerful.

Eternal debt.

Who creates the debt? Is it corporations? Is it those evil non-union entrepreneurs? No George, it is the government that you demand should be all powerful.

Sorry you're not logical enough to make the corporate connection.
Maybe you should try law school?

Corporations exist at the pleasure of the rulers in government. Blue Cross and Kaiser are Il Douche's bitch - they are looters licking Obama's boots for the opportunity to rape the public at large. Dear Leader holds their leash, as is always the case. Government has the guns, looters are nothing more than agents of the state. I know the communists portray a war of evil corporations bashing a poor, noble state that is no match for their Machiavellian schemes. But George, THINK - the government has the guns, the tanks, the nuclear missiles. Corporations do what they are told - by rulers of the state, like your little god Obama.
The financial oligarchy in the US depends on "earnings" they derive from corporations to fund the election campaigns of Democrats and Republicans alike. Dear Leader could not afford to buy that leash without corporate cash. Since all governments exist to serve financial oligarchs why would you THINK the guns, tanks, and WMD would not be employed in the interests of those who own evil corporations?
The subject was how capitalism works (your choice)
It works by endless war .

George are you intelligent enough to be here??? There was much war for centuries and centuries before capitalism was discovered 200 years ago. Sorry
Endless war.
Eternal debt.
Sorry you're not logical enough to make the corporate connection.
Maybe you should try law school?
Ed is a libetarian. What do you expect. He believes in a socio-economic theory that has never, ever worked. There never has been a successfull Libertarian economy, but still ed believes. But then he is paid to post this drivel.
Endless war.

Who creates wars? Is it corporations? Is it those evil non-union entrepreneurs? No George, it is the government that you demand should be all powerful.

Eternal debt.

Who creates the debt? Is it corporations? Is it those evil non-union entrepreneurs? No George, it is the government that you demand should be all powerful.

Sorry you're not logical enough to make the corporate connection.
Maybe you should try law school?

Corporations exist at the pleasure of the rulers in government. Blue Cross and Kaiser are Il Douche's bitch - they are looters licking Obama's boots for the opportunity to rape the public at large. Dear Leader holds their leash, as is always the case. Government has the guns, looters are nothing more than agents of the state. I know the communists portray a war of evil corporations bashing a poor, noble state that is no match for their Machiavellian schemes. But George, THINK - the government has the guns, the tanks, the nuclear missiles. Corporations do what they are told - by rulers of the state, like your little god Obama.
Wow. Maybe you spend just a little too much time in those bat shit crazy con tool web sites, dipshit.
2008 is yet another Lib who thinks shrinking government will inhibit Goldman Sachs and Boeing.
I'm not sure he's living on the same planet with most of us.
Eternal war and endless debt.

Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson so there would be no debt. I gather you are now a Republican?

Housing debt and student debt is created by libturd Democrats as a kind of middle class welfare which Republicans have always opposed.

Still over your head???

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow??

Oh, changing the subject every time you backed into a corner does not fool anyone except you. Sorry

The only thing dumber than a "liberal" is a fucktard Republican like EdwardBaiamonte. You are so consumed with trolling that you never consider the idea that both political parties actually run things the same way. They are the same party.
The financial oligarchy in the US depends on "earnings" they derive from corporations to fund the election campaigns of Democrats and Republicans alike. Dear Leader could not afford to buy that leash without corporate cash. Since all governments exist to serve financial oligarchs why would you THINK the guns, tanks, and WMD would not be employed in the interests of those who own evil corporations?

Nicely stated. The truth seems so evasive for most hapless Americans.
not be employed in the interests of those who own evil corporations?

Dear, most Americans work for and own the 35 million corporations in America.

Your argument unbeknownst to you is against humanity not the saintly corporations that got us from the stone age to here with their amazing inventions and super high wages that enable us to afford all the great new inventions.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow? Do you hate corporations and your mother too??
The financial oligarchy in the US depends on "earnings" they derive from corporations to fund the election campaigns of Democrats and Republicans alike.

Elections are Panem et Circensus for the consumption of the masses. The state takes what it wants by force of arms. This fiction of the left of some all powerful corporation that somehow cows a nuclear armed police state is absurdum ad redactum.

Dear Leader could not afford to buy that leash without corporate cash.


Quick George; who has the power to incur $16 trillion in debt?

  1. Apple Computer
  2. Monsanto
  3. Walmart
  4. Goldman Sachs
  5. The Federal Government

None save the government could even incur a trillion.

Since all governments exist to serve financial oligarchs why would you THINK the guns, tanks, and WMD would not be employed in the interests of those who own evil corporations?

You live in a childish fantasy.

The U.S. Government could (and have many times, with many companies) go in and take all the assets of Apple or Monanto tomorrow, and there isn't a damned thing these companies could do about it. The government has the guns and soldiers, and they print the money. This silly fantasy that the Communists have taught you is foolish and utterly divorced from reality.
Ed is a libetarian. What do you expect. He believes in a socio-economic theory that has never, ever worked. There never has been a successfull Libertarian economy, but still ed believes. But then he is paid to post this drivel.

I realize that you are a drooling, Common Dreams poster with a sub-50 IQ, but would you care to detail exactly what a "Libertarian economy" entails?

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