75 economic numbers from 2012 that are almost too crazy to believe...

So the Supplemental Nutrition Program chart is crap?
The U.S. census bureau is crap?
Facts like.

Most rural areas in the USA are majority Republican.
Most rural areas in the USA have a much lower income average than urban areas.
Therefore Republicans are responsible for lower wages?

It is all about spin.

with all that said, yes we have pretty much given our economy to China.
Or at least the "cream" of our economy for the working class.
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Zero hedge is NOT a reliable source of ANY data
"In September 2009, during the depths of the last economic crisis, 58.7 percent of all working age Americans were employed. In November 2012, 58.7 percent of all working age Americans were employed. It is more then 3 years later, and we are in the exact same place."

The are some things in US political economics you can NOT change by "choosing" between a Republican OR a Democrat.

The rich want it all; Republicans AND Democrats will help them get it.

75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe | ZeroHedge
Also a notable portion of our economy is based on a sustained war or two.
Not a good thing at all.
Zero hedge is NOT a reliable source of ANY data
"In September 2009, during the depths of the last economic crisis, 58.7 percent of all working age Americans were employed. In November 2012, 58.7 percent of all working age Americans were employed. It is more then 3 years later, and we are in the exact same place."

The are some things in US political economics you can NOT change by "choosing" between a Republican OR a Democrat.

The rich want it all; Republicans AND Democrats will help them get it.

75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe | ZeroHedge

Then explain to me why the Bush SEC held back the broker rules for 8 long years?
It is a false equivalency to say the current repoublican party and the current democratic party equally work for only the wealthy.

Its fucking horseshit
Also a notable portion of our economy is based on a sustained war or two.
Not a good thing at all.
That might become even worse (for one of our southern neighbors) if the US dollar collapses and the Pentagon can't borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Pakistan.


If hundreds of Catholic Americans are dying from US drone strikes in a few years, things will heat up in my neighborhood.
It is a false equivalency to say the current repoublican party and the current democratic party equally work for only the wealthy.

Its fucking horseshit
Yet they both depend on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns.
If they don't do what the 1% want, they will face a well-funded opponent in their next primary.
It is a false equivalency to say the current Republican party and the current democratic party equally work for only the wealthy.

Its fucking horseshit

Then why do the wealthy give more to the Dems?
It's because the Dems also work for the wealthy.
Those “Evil, Rich People”

Top 20 wealthiest Americans give to the Dem's.

*Correction. In the attached chart, Christy Walton is listed as a Democrat when in fact she is Republican. However, the math was reported correctly.

So if the Repubs are for the wealthy only, I would think that the wealthy would contribute more to the party.
obama has been hard at work. :thup:

Thank goodness he was invited back for 4 more years. :eusa_eh:



Look at all the tax relief exceptions the Senate Dem's gave to those who made huge donations.
Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Look at Sec. 201 for teachers
Look at Sec. 317 for the Hollywood crowd. Films and TV productions.
Yes, the Dem's do pander to the rich just as much as the Repubs do.
Let's see - 8 for the individuals, that's us, the American citizen's.
27 for Businesses
11 for energy
28 for Medicare and other Health
And then there is this little tidbit;

(a) PAYGO Scorecard- The budgetary effects of this Act shall not be entered on either PAYGO scorecard maintained pursuant to section 4(d) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010.

(b) Senate PAYGO Scorecard- The budgetary effects of this Act shall not be entered on any PAYGO scorecard maintained for purposes of section 201 of S. Con. Res. 21 (110th Congress).
Much of our military budget also leaves the USA and does not return.
Not to mention the possibility of control accounting fraud in the Pentagon rivaling that of Goldman Sachs. I wonder which Republican OR Democrat will take that on?
Much of our military budget also leaves the USA and does not return.

Econ 101: any American money spent abroad must then be spent in the USA.

If you think it does not return, then where does th esilly liberal think it goes?? To Pluto??

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