$75 Per Hour Minimum Wage?

Would a $75 an hour minimum wage be a good idea or a bad idea?

  • Good idea (explain)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Bad idea (explain)

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Would a $75 an hour minimum wage be a good idea or a bad idea?

Personally I think it would be a neutral idea. Eventually inflation would take over and everyone would be in the same boat. It just causes problems in the short term. What do you guys think and why?
You think runaway hyperinflation is “neutral”? Many lives would be ruined and the economy would be shattered
Why have any wages anymore at all?

Why not just tell everyone in the country that they now have unlimited cash.

If they have a bank card, they can buy anything they want....


They have to show up for work everyday from now on or they will be killed.

So if you have a job, keep going, don't be calling in, someone from DC will let you know when your days off are.

If you don't have a job, report to a labor office and we'll find sumpin fer ya da do!!!

By the way, be up by 6AM, and in bed by 10PM unless your job dictates otherwise.
Why pay people anything? If employers didn't have to pay people, profits would soar!!! We know a lot of right wingers hate paying people. Just think of how good hamburgers would be if the flippers were paid nothing, since we know they tasted a lot better when they were being paid $2 an hour, so what are we waiting for?
Why pay people anything? If employers didn't have to pay people, profits would soar!!! We know a lot of right wingers hate paying people. Just think of how good hamburgers would be if the flippers were paid nothing, since we know they tasted a lot better when they were being paid $2 an hour, so what are we waiting for?

We don't hate paying people, but we do believe people should be paid based on their worth. If NOBODY would or could flip burgers, demand would increase and I would be first in line to make 500k/yr flipping burgers. It is pretty simple really, if you want to make more money, you must make yourself more valuable. Why do pro football players make far above and beyond what a ditch digger makes? They both do physically demanding jobs.
Would a $75 an hour minimum wage be a good idea or a bad idea?

Personally I think it would be a neutral idea. Eventually inflation would take over and everyone would be in the same boat. It just causes problems in the short term. What do you guys think and why?

Eventually inflation would take over and everyone would be in the same boat.

Which boat? Please explain.
We don't hate paying people, but we do believe people should be paid based on their worth. If NOBODY would or could flip burgers, demand would increase and I would be first in line to make 500k/yr flipping burgers. It is pretty simple really, if you want to make more money, you must make yourself more valuable. Why do pro football players make far above and beyond what a ditch digger makes? They both do physically demanding jobs.

lol rubbish. Employers even collude to hold wages of chicken pluckers and engineers alike, doing non-competition agreements under the table in pretty much every industry. It's pretty simple, really.

ThuggzBawl? A handful of welfare billionaires competing for a stable of thugs with each other. And, there are restrictions on that, too. If local govts. weren't loading them down with taxpayer funds they couldn't afford paying 2nd string QB's and basketbawl players that kind of money; it's not like it comes out of their own pockets or anything.
Eventually inflation would take over and everyone would be in the same boat.

Which boat? Please explain.

People are in their own individual boat. There are billions of them. I just mean everything would go back to normal after about 5 years. Prices would go up over the course of time and $75 would have the same buying power as $7.25 so raising the minimum wage to $75 wouldn't do anything good or bad in the long run. In the short run it would cause disruptions galore.
People are in their own individual boat. There are billions of them. I just mean everything would go back to normal after about 5 years. Prices would go up over the course of time and $75 would have the same buying power as $7.25 so raising the minimum wage to $75 wouldn't do anything good or bad in the long run. In the short run it would cause disruptions galore.

I just mean everything would go back to normal after about 5 years.

What do you mean, "go back to normal"?
You mean the $75 minimum wage would be repealed?

Prices would go up over the course of time and $75 would have the same buying power as $7.25

Then what was the reason for the $75 minimum wage?

raising the minimum wage to $75 wouldn't do anything good or bad in the long run.

What do you think the massive inflation and disruption of the job market isn't bad?
People are in their own individual boat. There are billions of them. I just mean everything would go back to normal after about 5 years. Prices would go up over the course of time and $75 would have the same buying power as $7.25 so raising the minimum wage to $75 wouldn't do anything good or bad in the long run. In the short run it would cause disruptions galore.

Really? So why did prices keep going up when minimum wage stayed the same for years? Why did wholesale meat and poultry prices that were going down suddenly started going back up after Reagan busted the meat packers' strikes by allowing them to bus in scabs from Mexico? Only people who don't know what they're talking about claim wages lead inflation; wages lag inflation, and by a whole lot, and always have.
Really? So why did prices keep going up when minimum wage stayed the same for years? Why did wholesale meat and poultry prices that were going down suddenly started going back up after Reagan busted the meat packers' strikes by allowing them to bus in scabs from Mexico? Only people who don't know what they're talking about claim wages lead inflation; wages lag inflation, and by a whole lot, and always have.

wages lag inflation, and by a whole lot, and always have.

That would mean real wages now are much lower than they were 20 years ago.
Much, much lower than 40 years ago. Why has no one noticed the constant,
historical reduction in standards of living over the last 40, 60, 100 years?

Maybe you could post evidence that supports your claim?
wages lag inflation, and by a whole lot, and always have.

That would mean real wages now are much lower than they were 20 years ago.
Much, much lower than 40 years ago. Why has no one noticed the constant,
historical reduction in standards of living over the last 40, 60, 100 years?

Maybe you could post evidence that supports your claim?

They have noticed, especially since 1973. Just because you're utterly ignorant doesn't mean everybody else was. Maybe you can find a graph or something your ideological Daddies made up for you to post.. For those with subscriptions to decent business news sources ....

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They have noticed, especially since 1973. Just becasue you're utterly ignorant doesn't mean everybody else was. Maybe you can find a graph or something your ideological Daddies made up for you to post..

They have noticed, especially since 1973.

Real wages are lower since 1973? Prove it.

Just becasue you're utterly ignorant doesn't mean everybody else was.

Just because you haven't shown any evidence to support your claim
doesn't make you a lying asshole. Maybe you're just stupid?

Maybe you can find a graph or something

Maybe you can just run away again.
They have noticed, especially since 1973.

Real wages are lower since 1973? Prove it.

Just becasue you're utterly ignorant doesn't mean everybody else was.

Just because you haven't shown any evidence to support your claim
doesn't make you a lying asshole. Maybe you're just stupid?

Maybe you can find a graph or something

Maybe you can just run away again.

Maybe you're just too stupid to bother with, as usual. Go read a book or something.
Keep running away.
It's easier than posting your evidence.

lol Google has all the evidence anyone needs. too bad you can't figure out how to use it, then you wouldn't be spending your posting life asking so many endless stupid questions. I posted one link for you, and you didnt read it, so why waste my time posting another for you? It's just better to laugh at you instead.
lol Google has all the evidence anyone needs. too bad you can't figure out how to use it, then you wouldn't be spending your posting life asking so many endless stupid questions. I posted one link for you, and you didnt read it, so why waste my time posting another for you? It's just better to laugh at you instead.

Typical leftist, allergic to the facts.
lol Google has all the evidence anyone needs. too bad you can't figure out how to use it, then you wouldn't be spending your posting life asking so many endless stupid questions. I posted one link for you, and you didnt read it, so why waste my time posting another for you? It's just better to laugh at you instead.

Thanks for the link. LOL!


wages lag inflation, and by a whole lot, and always have.

And here's your proof.


Increased 107.5% between 1948-1979 and
increased 13.7% between 1979-2019.

That's rock-solid proof that wages lag inflation. By a whole lot. DURR
Typical leftist, allergic to the facts.

Typical dumbass, doesn't know basic economic facts, as demonstrated by his stupid endless questions making it clear he had no idea what is going on, but he has Town Hall and Freeperville loons to parrot stuff from.
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