$75 Per Hour Minimum Wage?

Would a $75 an hour minimum wage be a good idea or a bad idea?

  • Good idea (explain)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Bad idea (explain)

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's a bad idea. The minim wage needs to have relatively small increments, and those increments have to stop at some point.
Higher wages increase purchasing power, but they also increase operating costs.
The increment is not equal across all sectors it depends on the labour / capital ratio of each firm.
The lower the wage participation the lower the impact. Also firms that have mostly high wages will not be affected.
Before rising the minimum wage it is important to know
How many people will benefit
Which sectors of the economy will be most affected
Which sectors of the economy will get the benefit when the purchasing power of those workers increases.
You just make me laugh, with your silly tactic of asking a list of silly stupid questions like some 4 year old. lol the fact you think you 'refuted' anything I said is pretty funny; you don't even know what you're looking at.
I would choose running away if that is your only two choices.
He's highly dependent on others for his 'research', which is why all he has is his 'fallacy of many questions' schtick.

Yeah but once you look up the facts you don't have to show anybody you were right or wrong. You would just know for 100% of all the facts. If you wait for others to post the facts then you are a lazy idiot. Go find the facts for yourself. Don't rely on others. You may just end up with bad information. So go look the stuff up for yourself. It just makes more sense if you are verifying something. You can't rely on the pure lies of others. That would make you dumber than a dirt pie filled with poo poo.

Are you dumber than a dirt Pie filled with poo poo or are you going to go look that shit up for yourself like a smart ole boy?
Prove your silly claim.
Use the links.
Show your starting year, plug it into the CPI calculator, post the $20 result you claimed.
Or run away.
Do your own homework. If you're too stupid to do anything but run around demanding links like the other kids who don't know anything, go learn how the Fed calculates CPI, then ignore the silly inflation calculators that use their numbers, for a start. If you find that confusing then go take a class in basic arithmetic. People have already written big giant books on all this; go find one.
Yeah but once you look up the facts you don't have to show anybody you were right or wrong. You would just know for 100% of all the facts. If you wait for others to post the facts then you are a lazy idiot. Go find the facts for yourself. Don't rely on others. You may just end up with bad information. So go look the stuff up for yourself. It just makes more sense if you are verifying something. You can't rely on the pure lies of others. That would make you dumber than a dirt pie filled with poo poo.

Are you dumber than a dirt Pie filled with poo poo or are you going to go look that shit up for yourself like a smart ole boy?

Says some idiot who copies the Toddster. I guess you already knew you were full of shit and need to Post Last with a lot of sniveling, as if people here are obligated to kowtow to your silly demands or something. We already know you either won't read them or snivel and just change the subject, since all you 'know' is just some ideological crap you're parroting from some shill or other.
lol so all you got is copying dumbass Todd, you two should get married; then you could share a book or take classes together.

We'd be quite the couple. Verifying and compiling data our whole life to satisfy all the posters on USMessageboard. So so sad that we may never be together to remedy the lack of links and other verifying data of important information that enhances the lives of those who read it.
Says some idiot who copies the Toddster. I guess you already knew you were full of shit and need to Post Last with a lot of sniveling, as if people here are obligated to kowtow to your silly demands or something. We already know you either won't read them or snivel and just change the subject, since all you 'know' is just some ideological crap you're parroting from some shill or other.

Calm down. I have just been mocking you two. I have no idea what the two of you were talking about and I am too lazy to do the research to find out so I will have to live my life never knowing but I feel I might manage.
We'd be quite the couple. Verifying and compiling data our whole life to satisfy all the posters on USMessageboard. So so sad that we may never be together to remedy the lack of links and other verifying data of important information that enhances the lives of those who read it.

There are several search engines that will help.
Calm down. I have just been mocking you two. I have no idea what the two of you were talking about and I am too lazy to do the research to find out so I will have to live my life never knowing but I feel I might manage.

I am calm.
I am calm.

Just tell him to look up the stuff he needs to know. You look up the stuff you need to know.

The truth has more value than what you are him need to say. Just look the shit up for yourself and don't rely on others. That's pure retarded. And don't report your findings here. That's gay. Just find the truth and enjoy it with some cinnamon toast.
Just tell him to look up the stuff he needs to know. You look up the stuff you need to know.

The truth has more value than what you are him need to say. Just look the shit up for yourself and don't rely on others. That's pure retarded. And don't report your findings here. That's gay. Just find the truth and enjoy it with some cinnamon toast.

OF curse it's a waste of time arguing with uninformed ideologues who don't bother with basic facts, but knock yourself out doing that if that;s what gives you a woody; I don't do morons who can't do be bothered with that and just babble endless ideological rubbish.
OF curse it's a waste of time arguing with uninformed ideologues who don't bother with basic facts, but knock yourself out doing that if that;s what gives you a woody; I don't do morons who can't do be bothered with that and just babble endless ideological rubbish.

I have no idea. Look up information you need or don't look up information you need. Frankly I don't give a fuck. It just seems to be the most efficient way to gain knowledge. If you don't want knowledge then don't par6ake of it. I have no idea. Any idiot demanding proof is lazy. How can there be any other explanation for such a lunatic type behavior. "I'm dumb. Post proof." "I am super duper retardly double triple smiple dumb. Post proof." A saner option might be something like: "I am smart. I found the proof." I am a smart functioning whipper snapper genius verifying facts and data for myself like a good boy. I need nothing at all from you."
Do your own homework. If you're too stupid to do anything but run around demanding links like the other kids who don't know anything, go learn how the Fed calculates CPI, then ignore the silly inflation calculators that use their numbers, for a start. If you find that confusing then go take a class in basic arithmetic. People have already written big giant books on all this; go find one.

I did my homework, that's how I was able to point out your lie so quickly.

Now run away again.
Calm down. I have just been mocking you two. I have no idea what the two of you were talking about and I am too lazy to do the research to find out so I will have to live my life never knowing but I feel I might manage.

Post #36 has the links that prove Dud is full of shit.

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