75th Anniversary

Mass murdering defenseless women and children is nothing to be proud but somehow some Americans are so sick in the head, they are proud of it.

Please show us the list of wars were no women or children were killed.
Mass murdering defenseless women and children is nothing to be proud but somehow some Americans are so sick in the head, they are proud of it.

Please show us the list of wars were no women or children were killed.
That’s your justification for Truman’s war crime. LOL.


Well that is one of the sticking points. They japanese leadership did not understand the devastation of the first bomb. So they were not making fully informed decisions. Had they had a full understanding, they may well have surrendered after the first bomb. Waiting a week might have allowed this to happen.

Yes, that is why we are here. If i wanted a recount of history, i surely wouldn't be looking to you for it.

There were 72 million Jap[anese] on that island in 1945. Want to know how many I would be willing to kill to save one US soldiers life?
One of them.

Anyone who believes that isn't much of an American, isn't much of a man, isn't much of a human being.

I protect my own from fights they didn’t start. Family and country.

There’s nothing more human, manly or patriotic than that.

If you want to cry over the results the instigator brought on themselves have at. I don’t give a shit about them or your fucking feelings.

Be any kind of douche bag you want to be. Just don't pretend to be an American - or any kind of man for that matter.
So now those that dropped the nukes on Japan aren’t American or manly? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Not talking about them, as you damn well know. I'm talking about you.

Callous disregard for human life isn't American. Reveling in death and destruction isn't being a man. It's being a mentally ill little boy acting out like some mindless animal. You debase yourself and pretend to be proud of it. That makes you a disgrace and beneath contempt.
Japs shoulda stood down, it was up to them. Screw them. Too bad we didn't take over the world next.
MacArthur informed fdr that he had received word of overtures to surrender from Japan. You are calling MacArthur a liar.
I am not familiar with that story

but great as he was MacArthur was only one of many high ranking American officers in the Pacific and not the obvious choice to negotiate with

the japanese wanted a peace treaty not a surrender
Here are some facts for all you crying sissies...

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, at Hiroshima on Aug. 6, and Nagasaki on Aug. 9.

Each year, Americans argue about our supposed moral shortcomings for being the only nation to have used an atomic weapon in war.

Given the current cultural revolution that topples statues, renames institutions, cancels out the supposedly politically incorrect and wages war on America’s past, we will hear numerous attacks on the decision of Democratic President Harry Truman to use the two terrible weapons.

But what were the alternatives that Truman faced had he not dropped the bombs that precipitated Japan’s agreement to surrender less than a week after the bombing of Nagasaki and formally on Sept. 2?

One, Truman could have allowed Japan’s wounded military government to stop the killing and stay in power. But the Japanese had already killed more than 10 million Chinese civilians since 1931, and perhaps another 4 million to 5 million Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians and members of the Allied Forces since 1940.

A mere armistice rather than unconditional surrender would have meant the Pacific War had been fought in vain. Japan’s fascist government likely would have regrouped in a few years to try it again on more favorable terms.

Two, Truman could have postponed the use of the new bombs and invaded Japan over the ensuing year. The planned assault was scheduled to begin on the island of Kyushu in November 1945, and in early 1946 would have expanded to the main island of Honshu. Yet Japan had millions of soldiers at home with fortifications, planes and artillery, waiting for the assault.

Dare you cowards read the rest...

MacArthur informed fdr that he had received word of overtures to surrender from Japan. You are calling MacArthur a liar.
I am not familiar with that story

but great as he was MacArthur was only one of many high ranking American officers in the Pacific and not the obvious choice to negotiate with

the japanese wanted a peace treaty not a surrender
Had the Japanese had the atomic bomb they would have used it also.
We could use this type of argument to argue that we should have gassed german civilians en masse. With the difference being germans actually did this, making the argument even stronger. Does that seem like a good moral argument to you?
Had the Japanese had the atomic bomb they would have used it also.
We could use this type of argument to argue that we should have gassed german civilians en masse. With the difference being germans actually did this, making the argument even stronger. Does that seem like a good moral argument to you?
It could be as good as any.
As good as any argument for gassing civilians en masse? What a courageous position...
Had the Japanese had the atomic bomb they would have used it also.

Because they were a murderous regime, we should be too? I think not.

Americans like to think their government is better but sadly it isn’t, because too many of it’s people are easily duped by the corporate establishment.
Had the Japanese had the atomic bomb they would have used it also.

Because they were a murderous regime, we should be too? I think not.

Americans like to think their government is better but sadly it isn’t, because too many of it’s people are easily duped by the corporate establishment.
We proved we could be just as murderous as the Japanese but for different reasons.

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