76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com
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A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com
McCain was in cahoots with Dingy Harry Reid...what else is there to say?

McCain needs to GO to the other side and get it over with. He Should be followed by Lindsay Grahamnesty...and Mitch McConnell. THEY are quite at home with Schmuckie Shumer.
If he doesn't put Rand Paul on the ticket, it won't matter.

I like both men. Rand is only 3% behind in this poll. Check out the numbers. Two awesome youngbloods.

The YAY! in all of it is Christie is still behind the two of them.

And that conservatives are proud to be saying they are conservative. :)

-- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: 20 percent.

-- Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul: 17 percent.

-- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: 14 percent.

-- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush: 11 percent.

-- Florida Sen. Marco Rubio: 10 percent.

-- Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan: 10 percent.

-- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal: 4 percent.

-- Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum: 3 percent.

-- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: 3 percent.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com
A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com
McCain was in cahoots with Dingy Harry Reid...what else is there to say?

McCain needs to GO to the other side and get it over with. He Should be followed by Lindsay Grahamnesty...and Mitch McConnell. THEY are quite at home with Schmuckie Shumer.

I wish they'd pull an Arlen Specter and just have done with pretending to be a little bit conservative.

I just want these old geezers to come out of the closet and admit they are Democrats.
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Regardless of what you think of the guy or his chances, he sure did get his name in the spot light. Everyone in DC was making fun of him for reading 'Green Eggs and Ham' to the Senate, but in the end, he got what he wanted...national publicity and a massive boost in the polls. Kudos to him.
A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com
McCain was in cahoots with Dingy Harry Reid...what else is there to say?

McCain needs to GO to the other side and get it over with. He Should be followed by Lindsay Grahamnesty...and Mitch McConnell. THEY are quite at home with Schmuckie Shumer.

I wish they'd pull an Arlen Specter and just have done with pretending to be a little bit conservative.
McCain, Grahamnesty, McConnell are NOT Conservatives...they are old guard Repubicans that have helped lead us into this mess by NO spine and capitulating to REID..."to get along" with the other side.

REAL Conservatives FIGHT. Cruz did...gave US voice...WE don't capitulate to anything. Capitulating is for (pardon)...pussies, wimps.

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