77% of Gaza Women Experience Violence from Palestinians since Hamas took over

Actually we are discussing Islam's promotion of beating up women, as evidenced by the muslim leaders discussing it on arab TV.
[. The leaders that are 'muslim' use the faith to keep their people in a state of fear. Christianity has been used to do that also, for short periods of time, the 'flock' rose up and stopped that behaviour

Yea, it was only a short period of time (400 years) for the Christians to get rid of slavery here in America. :doubt:
[. The leaders that are 'muslim' use the faith to keep their people in a state of fear. Christianity has been used to do that also, for short periods of time, the 'flock' rose up and stopped that behaviour

Yea, it was only a short period of time (400 years) for the Christians to get rid of slavery here in America. :doubt:

Don't 'muslims' STILL own slaves???????
Beating up women is part of their Koran.

Please provide chapter and verse where it says this.

Thank You

I am happy to educate you.

Here are your leaders saying that not only is beating up woman part of the Koran, you should be proud of it.




These are all from MEMRI. MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine.
Please provide chapter and verse where it says this.

Thank You

I am happy to educate you.

Here are your leaders saying that not only is beating up woman part of the Koran, you should be proud of it.




These are all from MEMRI. MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine.[/QUOTE]

Hey smart guy! MEMRI only SEARCHES arab media and places them for the whole world to see. What is the matter, your antisemitic brain can't believe what your eyes and your ears are showing you. For christ sake, MEMRI doesn't even give an opinion on it, they give a title and let the speaker sink himself.

These are all from MEMRI. MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine.

Hey smart guy! MEMRI only SEARCHES arab media and places them for the whole world to see. What is the matter, your antisemitic brain can't believe what your eyes and your ears are showing you. For christ sake, MEMRI doesn't even give an opinion on it, they give a title and let the speaker sink himself.[/QUOTE]

Think what you want. MEMRI is the one who said that Iran was going to wipe Israel off the map when no such thing was said.
I am sorry I must have missed it my bad.

Where are the link to christian and jewish leaders saying that women should be beaten, like muslim leaders have said?
Yea, it was only a short period of time (400 years) for the Christians to get rid of slavery here in America. :doubt:

Don't 'muslims' STILL own slaves???????

Slavery in the Modern World — Infoplease.com
Modern Day Slavery quotes: Women in poor Asian countries are tricked into coming into places like Saudi Arabia with promises of jobs. When they get there they are forced to become permanent household slaves, without pay. They are not permitted to leave and are beaten often to control obedience.

One Filipino who escaped from Kuwait claimed "The whole country was a jail."

Encyclopedia Britannica 1992 World Data Annual shows that the economically active sector of the population in Kuwait is 699,000. And one must remember that this leaves out a lot of unemployed children and old people. And a lot of women. Only 20.6 percent of women are employed.

Yet, the total official population is only 400,000. That shows a lot of workers are from overseas. And, only 9% of all workers are in manufacturing, with only 1% in agriculture. What do the rest of them do?

It seems that 53% of them are in the category of "services." Compare this to the US, where 32% are in services, and Saudi Arabia, where 29% are in services, and Egypt, where 35% are in services. What do the extra 20% of service workers in Kuwait do?

Laxmi Swami, an Indian woman lured with a housekeepers job, escaped when her Kuwaiti "employers" took her on a trip with them to London. She was kept behind bars for 4 years, half-starved, with daily beatings with an electric cord. "Hundreds of times they called me slave, hundreds of times" said Swami.

Anti-Slavery International of Britain says this is all too common, even today. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, embassies in Kuwait were flooded with "guest workers" desperately taking advantage of their one opportunity to escape.

Slavery takes different forms in different lands. In Pakistan and India there is debt bondage. Poor people are tricked with promises of good jobs, but they are isolated and must deal with their employer in every way. The food they buy and other required things are sold only by their employers, with very high prices. The workers are forced to stay and work until the debt is paid off. But the deck is stacked so the debt keeps getting bigger. The "employee" is a slave for life.

And, even beyond life. The children are kept working until the debt is paid, which never happens. Generations are forced to work without ever seeing a day of freedom.

Like other slaveries, force is used to keep the worker in his place. Beatings, threats and killings are commonplace.

The type of work is different, though. In Kuwait they are household servants. In India it is usually profit making work such as working in stone quarries, brickmaking and carpetmaking.

Modern-Day Slavery - Editorial - NYTimes.com

By a conservative estimate, there are 27 million people working under various forms of slavery in the world today, and the number is growing. In contrast to the slavery America knew, today's slaveholders mainly exploit people of their own race. But as in the American past, they use violence and threats to force people to labor for no pay. Slavery is illegal everywhere, but it thrives because of the corruption of police and government authorities. Many people are unaware that modern slavery exists.

People held in some form of bondage pick sugar cane in the Dominican Republic, make the charcoal used in Brazil's steel industry and work as prostitutes in Thailand. In Mauritania and Sudan blacks are forced into domestic and agricultural slavery in Muslim households. Similar forms of oppression are not unknown in developed nations. The Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 45,000 women and children are smuggled into the United States each year with false promises of decent jobs. Instead, most find that their passports are stolen and they are forced to work as prostitutes or maids, on farms or in sweatshops.

Human Trafficking, Modern-day Slavery, Forced Labor & Debt Bondage lisings ( to be fair, most other countries were also listed)
Near East [2007 Tier Ratings Map]

Saudi Arabia

Would you care to revise your statement?

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