77% of Gaza Women Experience Violence from Palestinians since Hamas took over

Beating up women is part of their Koran.

Please provide chapter and verse where it says this.

Thank You

I am happy to educate you.

Here are your leaders saying that not only is beating up woman part of the Koran, you should be proud of it.



No wonder there is more so much more violence against muslim women by muslim men, the koran promotes it.

It also makes sense why so many would rather be sucide bombers than stay in the life that they are in.
No wonder there is more so much more violence against muslim women by muslim men, the koran promotes it.
Once again, I am asking for chapter and verse.

Posting some you tube video's is not answering my question.

Sorry, but the opinions of some arab guys don't count as evidence.

btw I am a Sunni muslim, which is about 90% of all Muslims in the world.

We have NO leaders in Sunni Islam, and NO muslim cleric can order us to do anything. Period.
No wonder there is more so much more violence against muslim women by muslim men, the koran promotes it.
Once again, I am asking for chapter and verse.

Posting some you tube video's is not answering my question.

Sorry, but the opinions of some arab guys don't count as evidence.

btw I am a Sunni muslim, which is about 90% of all Muslims in the world.

We have NO leaders in Sunni Islam, and NO muslim cleric can order us to do anything. Period.

Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.
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Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.

No dimwit, the men are just giving their opinion and are NOT considered important leaders of anyone. :cuckoo:

It's like Rush Limbaugh spouting his rhetoric on TV

Many people may listen to him, but he is not the leader of anyone. And he can't order people to do anything.
Beating up women is part of their Koran.

Please provide chapter and verse where it says this.

Thank You

I am happy to educate you.

Here are your leaders saying that not only is beating up woman part of the Koran, you should be proud of it.




Anyone who appears on television is a leader?
CMike once watched "Gilligan's Island" on TV

And for several years thought Gilligan was his Supreme Leader. :cuckoo: :lol:
Wow you would have though that violence against women would 100 fold increase under an Islamofacist regime like Hamas! Bottom line is when Islamofacist regimes (such as the Taliban and the one in Sudan) take power, the lives of women (and minorities for that matter) spiral down to unimaginable levels.

77 percent of Gazan women may be facing violence | Middle East
The vast majority of women in Gaza face violence of varying types, a new survey has found.

The study, by the Gaza-based Palestinian Women's Information and Media Center, found that violence against women in Gaza has increased since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in the June 2007 coup and Israel subsequently imposed restrictions on the coastal enclave.

The study found that 77.1% of Gazan women have experienced violence of various sorts, with almost half experiencing violence of more than one type.

A quarter of the women said they do not feel safe in their own homes because of violence and more than a third said they were unable to fight back as they had more urgent priorities to deal with.

67% of the women surveyed said they had encountered verbal violence, 71% mental violence, 52% physical violence and more than 14% sexual violence.

"I think the levels [of violence] are higher than they were in the Gaza Strip in previous years and compared to other countries, the rates are certainly higher," Huda Hamouda, Director of the PWIC told The Media Line. "It's hard to imagine a family living in dignity when seven family members are living on less than three dollars a day."

"Many say they suffer from disrespect and deprecation," Hamouda said. "There's also domestic violence, which is committed by relatives such as the father, the brother or the husband."

Women are exposed to hardships in every sphere be it financial, social, political or lack of security, she said.

That article is not outrageous in any way. Totally believable. I've read many articles about Palestinian women....having to put up with occupation and abusive men at the same time. They get it from all sides.
One thing I notice when it says 77% have experienced violence...it doesn't say from who. It mentions domestic violence later...leaving me to believe it is referring to violence from occupation as well as domestic violence.

Men like to oppress in general. They'll oppress other men if given the chance. But women and children make the easiest targets. So women and children living in the midst of men being oppressed by other men get it the worst.
While CMike is busy looking for non-existent passages of scripture, shall we take a look at some of the finer points of halakha? Yes, I believe we shall.

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. - Numbers 31:17-18 (KJV)​

The speaker was supposedly Moses, referring to the Jewish genocide of the Midianites. How old were the girls that were kept alive for the soldiers to rape, CMike? At what age does Jewish law deem girls ready for sex? Let's see how well you know your Talmud. ;)
Wow you would have though that violence against women would 100 fold increase under an Islamofacist regime like Hamas! Bottom line is when Islamofacist regimes (such as the Taliban and the one in Sudan) take power, the lives of women (and minorities for that matter) spiral down to unimaginable levels.

77 percent of Gazan women may be facing violence | Middle East
The vast majority of women in Gaza face violence of varying types, a new survey has found.

The study, by the Gaza-based Palestinian Women's Information and Media Center, found that violence against women in Gaza has increased since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in the June 2007 coup and Israel subsequently imposed restrictions on the coastal enclave.

The study found that 77.1% of Gazan women have experienced violence of various sorts, with almost half experiencing violence of more than one type.

A quarter of the women said they do not feel safe in their own homes because of violence and more than a third said they were unable to fight back as they had more urgent priorities to deal with.

67% of the women surveyed said they had encountered verbal violence, 71% mental violence, 52% physical violence and more than 14% sexual violence.

"I think the levels [of violence] are higher than they were in the Gaza Strip in previous years and compared to other countries, the rates are certainly higher," Huda Hamouda, Director of the PWIC told The Media Line. "It's hard to imagine a family living in dignity when seven family members are living on less than three dollars a day."

"Many say they suffer from disrespect and deprecation," Hamouda said. "There's also domestic violence, which is committed by relatives such as the father, the brother or the husband."

Women are exposed to hardships in every sphere be it financial, social, political or lack of security, she said.

That article is not outrageous in any way. Totally believable. I've read many articles about Palestinian women....having to put up with occupation and abusive men at the same time. They get it from all sides.
One thing I notice when it says 77% have experienced violence...it doesn't say from who. It mentions domestic violence later...leaving me to believe it is referring to violence from occupation as well as domestic violence.

Men like to oppress in general. They'll oppress other men if given the chance. But women and children make the easiest targets. So women and children living in the midst of men being oppressed by other men get it the worst.

Read closer, they mean violence from Palestinians!
No wonder there is more so much more violence against muslim women by muslim men, the koran promotes it.

It also makes sense why so many would rather be sucide bombers than stay in the life that they are in.

and the bible doesn't specifically tell you that women should be subservient to men? Did you assume asshole muslims who beat their wives invented domestic violence, you silly, ironic fucker? THIS is why it's funny to watch Sunni bitchslap you with domestic abuse stats from the United States... since, you know, you seem to think islam makes dickheads beat their wives.

No wonder there is more so much more violence against muslim women by muslim men, the koran promotes it.
Once again, I am asking for chapter and verse.

Posting some you tube video's is not answering my question.

Sorry, but the opinions of some arab guys don't count as evidence.

btw I am a Sunni muslim, which is about 90% of all Muslims in the world.

We have NO leaders in Sunni Islam, and NO muslim cleric can order us to do anything. Period.

Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.

Do YOU want to be hung by every stupid fucking statement that a CHRISTIAN LEADER states in public, you dumb son of a bitch? Now, scramble for a double standard before I post two dozen christian leaders saying shit that you'd disavow quicker than you've chosen to think in this thread.
Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.

No dimwit, the men are just giving their opinion and are NOT considered important leaders of anyone. :cuckoo:

It's like Rush Limbaugh spouting his rhetoric on TV

Many people may listen to him, but he is not the leader of anyone. And he can't order people to do anything.

Hello? A leader many people listen to them.

I would say Rush Limbaugh is a leader of sort. He has a following.

The muslims promoting beating up women are leaders of muslims. They were important enough for arab television to put them on TV to explain the details of how to beat up women.

Do you condemn these islamic leaders for promoting beating up women?
Once again, I am asking for chapter and verse.

Posting some you tube video's is not answering my question.

Sorry, but the opinions of some arab guys don't count as evidence.

btw I am a Sunni muslim, which is about 90% of all Muslims in the world.

We have NO leaders in Sunni Islam, and NO muslim cleric can order us to do anything. Period.

Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.

Do YOU want to be hung by every stupid fucking statement that a CHRISTIAN LEADER states in public, you dumb son of a bitch? Now, scramble for a double standard before I post two dozen christian leaders saying shit that you'd disavow quicker than you've chosen to think in this thread.

Go ahead.
Once again, I am asking for chapter and verse.

Posting some you tube video's is not answering my question.

Sorry, but the opinions of some arab guys don't count as evidence.

btw I am a Sunni muslim, which is about 90% of all Muslims in the world.

We have NO leaders in Sunni Islam, and NO muslim cleric can order us to do anything. Period.

Once again, those are muslim leaders. In fact, they were on arab tv discussing this, so it seems that at least a good chunk of muslims consider them important leaders.

Do YOU want to be hung by every stupid fucking statement that a CHRISTIAN LEADER states in public, you dumb son of a bitch? Now, scramble for a double standard before I post two dozen christian leaders saying shit that you'd disavow quicker than you've chosen to think in this thread.

I can't think of any christian or jewish leader promoting beating up women. But if you can find them feel free to post them.

This should be interesting :lol:
Rather than the fact that secular societies like the Western one treat women 1000 fold better! Western societies are Christian based countries! They treat women as women should be treated!

National Domestic Violence Hotline
The Harris Poll 2006

Approximately 8 in 10 (79%) respondents recall “seeing or hearing something” about domestic violence in the past year. Furthermore, 53 percent say that they have heard of the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

This percentage increases substantially among those people who admit that they have been victims of domestic violence (71%).

Approximately 33 million1 or 15% of all U.S. adults, admit that they were a victim of domestic violence.

Furthermore, 6 in 10 adults claim that they know someone personally who has experienced domestic violence.

Abuse In America « National Domestic Violence Hotline
2 out of 3 (66%) strongly agreed that domestic violence is a serious, widespread social problem in America. While 4 out of 10 (43%) ranked fear that the ...

Abuse In America « National Domestic Violence Hotline

15% of Americans is a very high number and should be reduced.
77.1% of women does not indicate what percentage of boys or men are abused. If 15% is considered high, what is 77% considered?

Islam touts its peaceful course, yet of all the countries that are ruled by muslims, there are none to which people want to immigrate. Just an observation.
The Bible isn't exactly promoting great values in some cases, especially in the OT.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Nehemiah 13:23-27, Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 20:9, Leviticus 20:10, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Timothy 6:1-2, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 , Ephesians 5:22-24, Deuteronomy 22:15-21, Ezra 9:1-2, Deuteronomy 17:12, Luke 12:47-48, Deuteronomy 17:2-5, Chronicles 15:12-13, Colossians 3:18, Romans 1:24-32, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, 1 Peter 3:1-2 all come to mind.

By the way, the ones I bolded deal specifically with how you are suppose to treat women.
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While CMike is busy looking for non-existent passages of scripture, shall we take a look at some of the finer points of halakha? Yes, I believe we shall.

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. - Numbers 31:17-18 (KJV)​

The speaker was supposedly Moses, referring to the Jewish genocide of the Midianites. How old were the girls that were kept alive for the soldiers to rape, CMike? At what age does Jewish law deem girls ready for sex? Let's see how well you know your Talmud. ;)

Where is the verse that tells the soldiers to rape? Is that in reference to non-existent passages?
Put 2+2 together, the reaon that so many palestinian women experience violence is because their religion promotes them being beaten up.

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