78 Criminal Counts.......B...b...b...but Hunter Biden's Johnson!

Do you still have HULU?

Put the trowel down.
No I do not and that isn't the point. For one HULU isn't cable. Second if you had read further in the same post you would have seen that I was DITCHING FOX.
But you saw one sentence and thought you had me 😆

I don't watch any of the corrupt & corporate news channels anymore.
No I do not and that isn't the point. For one HULU isn't cable. Second if you had read further in the same post you would have seen that I was DITCHING FOX.
But you saw one sentence and thought you had me 😆

I don't watch any of the corrupt & corporate news channels anymore.
You don't need cable for HULU.

And if you ditched FOX it must be because they were obliged to stop catering to your eager credulity.

So where did you find a new Safe Space?
You don't need cable for HULU.

And if you ditched FOX it must be because they were obliged to stop catering to your eager credulity.

So where did you find a new Safe Space?
Scripps News is the only channel I get outside of my locals via HD antenna.
Not giving any of the cabal my money anymore.
This latest round of indictments are outrageous.
Essentially turning someone's beliefs & words into federal crimes.
A clear violation of the first amendment.
Once again we'll have Republicans, who were there, testifying against him. Not about what he thought, but about what he did and said.

Will they be lying under oath?
Once again we'll have Republicans, who were there, testifying against him. Not about what he thought, but about what he did and said.

Will they be lying under oath?
Highly likely, yes. "Get Trump" is not just a democrat playbook game.
This is all politics and VERY ugly for the nation that promotes democracy around the globe.
Once again we'll have Republicans, who were there, testifying against him. Not about what he thought, but about what he did and said.

Will they be lying under oath?
You're addressing someone who ditched FOX because it can no longer afford to continue to indulge his ignorance.


Seriously, people.

Think about that...

Does ANYONE still think it was a good idea for the GOP senate to coddle this recidivist the first time members of his own administration testified to his crimes?

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