8 banks failed Friday! Republicans destroying economy.

ShoreBank... Why does that ring a bell?

Regulators Allow "Unusual Bid" for Shore Bank

The Wall Street Journal reports Regulators Seize ShoreBank; Management Takes Over

Regulators seized ShoreBank Corp. on Friday and agreed to sell assets to a team led by the community lender's executives and backed by several large U.S. financial firms.

The bank closure, among the 118 failures in the U.S. this year, caps months of uncertainty for a $2.16 billion Chicago bank that had ties to the Obama administration and deep roots on Chicago's South Side. The new institution will be known as Urban Partnership Bank and led by William Farrow, a former First Chicago Corp. executive who was ShoreBank's president and chief operating officer at the time of its failure.

The decision to sell to management is a rare move by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which generally bars investors who own more than 10% of the failed bank from bidding on its assets. The FDIC also typically wants to know if bidders have "ever been an officer or director of a failed institution" and "participated in a material way in one or more transactions that caused a substantial loss to any such failed institution," according to an FDIC document.

The structure of the deal "is unusual," said Atlanta banking attorney Chip MacDonald.

The holding company will remain intact, according to a person familiar with the deal. Urban Partnership is backed by a consortium of large U.S. financial institutions, including Bank of AmericaCorp., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley.

Follow the Money

ZeroHedge reports Failure Of Obama's Pet ShoreBank Costs Taxpayers $368 Million, Which Immediately Goes To Goldman Sachs Among Others

After a lengthy attempt to bail out his pet bank, ShoreBank Chicago, Illinois, which included several alleged armtwisting episodes by the administration, the president has finally let the bank die (with its assets valued at about 50% of face). Yet instead of going to hell, it was immediately resurrected with a bevy of new owners, among them Goldman, Morgan Stanley, and BofA, all of whom received nearly $400 million in taxpayer money for their "generosity" to keep the bank zombified even in the afterlife.

Some details on the bank from the FDIC press release: "As of June 30, 2010, ShoreBank had approximately $2.16 billion in total assets and $1.54 billion in total deposits." In other words, the value of ShoreBank's assets was well below 70% of face, if the bank was undercapitalized at its current deposit level.

As it stands, Goldman and 11 other banks are receiving a multimillion dollar gift to conduct a portfolio liquidation run-off of ShoreBank's assets, while merely making sure existing deposits are serviced.

The funniest bit: this is how efficient the auction process was (from the press release Urban Partnership Bank, Chicago, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of ShoreBank, Chicago, Illinois):

"FDIC received only one bid, which included an asset discount of $146 million and a 0.5 percent deposit premium. This saved the FDIC’s insurance fund $250 million to $334 million over liquidation."

This also padded the top line of the above mentioned banks by $368 million off the bat, over and above whatever they make as they collect the proceeds from the portfolio run off.

In other words, Wall Street's core banks could have come up with any bid they wanted, and the FDIC would have had no choice but to fund the difference, because the alternative would be, gasp, so much scarier. Hm, where have we heard this before.
Whether or not the above math is totally accurate is essentially irrelevant.

This is what matters: It is crystal clear there were irregularities in attempting to keep this turkey of a bank alive, irregularities in who was allowed to bid, irregularities in selling the assets to failed management, and a suspicious single bid by a consortium of large U.S. financial institutions, including Bank of AmericaCorp., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley.

The FDIC's handling of Shore Bank smells as bad as a pile of dead alewives on a Chicago beach in mid-July.

It seems that the government picking winners doesn't work.

Why do people continue to deny this?
You murkins forgot what your ancestors did.
When their countries went to shit they got the fuck out before it was too late.........some lucky ones, after it was too late.
My suggestion ? GTFOD.
You'd be better off picking coffee in the mountains of Bolivia for $15 a day than living in what is about to come upon you.
You don't have enough wealth to get through it. Neither does Oprah.

My GAWD MAN! You are a GENIUS!

You are SO RIGHT!

We need to invade South America and steal it from the INDIANS!

Can you say CHAVEZ-KABOBS?

Almost all of the banking laws and regulations that allow the banks to fleece the public in good times and allow the investment houses to fleece the public in bad times were set in place by Fat Cat Republicans who largely profit from the legislation.

Yeah well tell it to Clinton who signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagal as he left office and Obama who just signed another gimme "reform bill" favoring the banks. Not to mention the balance of the Obama "economic policies". Not to mention that Obama's largest campaign conributor was of all people Goldman Sachs.

Of course Big Dog Bill and Big Dog Hillary were also in the pockets of Citibank and GS, ML, JPM.

And little dogette Chelsea just married a Goldman Sachs Jew whose father really was a one man crime wave. A Midwestern version of Madoff.

Are you color blind?
Almost all of the banking laws and regulations that allow the banks to fleece the public in good times and allow the investment houses to fleece the public in bad times were set in place by Fat Cat Republicans who largely profit from the legislation.

Yeah well tell it to Clinton who signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagal as he left office and Obama who just signed another gimme "reform bill" favoring the banks. Not to mention the balance of the Obama "economic policies". Not to mention that Obama's largest campaign conributor was of all people Goldman Sachs.

Of course Big Dog Bill and Big Dog Hillary were also in the pockets of Citibank and GS, ML, JPM.

And little dogette Chelsea just married a Goldman Sachs Jew whose father really was a one man crime wave. A Midwestern version of Madoff.

Are you color blind?

Pretty low rent to include Chelsea who is nothing more than a bystander in her parents' boondoggles.
Bank Name ...............City .....State .....CERT #Closing Date....Updated Date
Sonoma Valley Bank Sonoma CA 27259 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Los Padres Bank .....Solvang CA 32165 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Butte Community Bank Chico CA 33219 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Pacific State Bank ..... Stockton CA 27090 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
ShoreBank .... .... ....Chicago IL 15640 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Imperial Savings and Loan Association Martinsville VA 31623 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Independent National Bank Ocala FL 27344 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010
Community National Bank at Bartow Bartow FL 25266 August 20, 2010 August 20, 2010

None of those banks are mine, therefore this thread is not relevant to my interests.
Good we have too many banks anyway. We only need about 4 to cover the nation.
Better competition that way.

:eek:How does fewer banks = better competition???

Did someone mention MONOPOLY?

The government instead of regulating the banks should just nationalize all the banks and form the US Banking Agency under the auspices of the Federal Reserve. Since they print all the money anyway and contol the flow this would eliminate the middle man and provide the government direct control of loans, savings, credit/debit cards and such. I know more government, but here I think it works and may stabilize the financial enviroment a little more. Of course the federal government is not solvent either I suppose.


Do away with any need for Fannie and Freddie, eliminate the national debt entirely and make available to all citizens the same interest rates currently available only at the discount window in one fell swoop.

You probably have no idea how brilliant your idea could be if it was done with the best interests of the nation at heart.

And don't worry about big government. Our nation was founded with a succession of 3 federally owned central banks.

If the feds owned the healthcare industry, banks, insurance, energy industries, military contracting, military manufacturing and research like they do many utilities, schools, and public infrastructure we would lve in a far more secure nation while paying a fraction of the costs for medicare, the defense budget, the new health care program.

Not to mention the fact that NONE of the recent spate of bailouts would have been necessary! Not ONE!

AND the icing on the cake is that a national bank wouldn't have to create a national debt to finance deficits, there would be nobody to repay it to.

AND we wouldn't need a fiat currency anymore! The US dolar could be backed by he actual debt of all the banks clients: as in the full value of every mortgaged property, auto, business who owed the bank money as well as every indebted citizens ability to pay.

This idea really is the way it should be done. It is a win/win/win/win for everybody except the bankers and private insurance, healthcare, military contractors etc.

In fact, if we nationalized every industry that is essential to national security ad imposed a 100% inheritance tax we could eliminate all other taxes completely!

The economy would take off like a rocket! It would be like a $3-5 trillion dollar stimulus each and every year with no new national debt as a result!

And like i said, twice, it would eliminate the existing national debt entirely.
Almost all of the banking laws and regulations that allow the banks to fleece the public in good times and allow the investment houses to fleece the public in bad times were set in place by Fat Cat Republicans who largely profit from the legislation.

Yeah well tell it to Clinton who signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagal as he left office and Obama who just signed another gimme "reform bill" favoring the banks. Not to mention the balance of the Obama "economic policies". Not to mention that Obama's largest campaign conributor was of all people Goldman Sachs.

Of course Big Dog Bill and Big Dog Hillary were also in the pockets of Citibank and GS, ML, JPM.

And little dogette Chelsea just married a Goldman Sachs Jew whose father really was a one man crime wave. A Midwestern version of Madoff.

Are you color blind?

Pretty low rent to include Chelsea who is nothing more than a bystander in her parents' boondoggles.

You think so, do ya?

At this point in time she is the most likely person to become the first female US president.
:eek:How does fewer banks = better competition???

Did someone mention MONOPOLY?

The government instead of regulating the banks should just nationalize all the banks and form the US Banking Agency under the auspices of the Federal Reserve. Since they print all the money anyway and contol the flow this would eliminate the middle man and provide the government direct control of loans, savings, credit/debit cards and such. I know more government, but here I think it works and may stabilize the financial enviroment a little more. Of course the federal government is not solvent either I suppose.


Do away with any need for Fannie and Freddie, eliminate the national debt entirely and make available to all citizens the same interest rates currently available only at the discount window in one fell swoop.

You probably have no idea how brilliant your idea could be if it was done with the best interests of the nation at heart.

And don't worry about big government. Our nation was founded with a succession of 3 federally owned central banks.

If the feds owned the healthcare industry, banks, insurance, energy industries, military contracting, military manufacturing and research like they do many utilities, schools, and public infrastructure we would lve in a far more secure nation while paying a fraction of the costs for medicare, the defense budget, the new health care program.

Not to mention the fact that NONE of the recent spate of bailouts would have been necessary! Not ONE!

AND the icing on the cake is that a national bank wouldn't have to create a national debt to finance deficits, there would be nobody to repay it to.

AND we wouldn't need a fiat currency anymore! The US dolar could be backed by he actual debt of all the banks clients: as in the full value of every mortgaged property, auto, business who owed the bank money as well as every indebted citizens ability to pay.

This idea really is the way it should be done. It is a win/win/win/win for everybody except the bankers and private insurance, healthcare, military contractors etc.

In fact, if we nationalized every industry that is essential to national security ad imposed a 100% inheritance tax we could eliminate all other taxes completely!

The economy would take off like a rocket! It would be like a $3-5 trillion dollar stimulus each and every year with no new national debt as a result!

And like i said, twice, it would eliminate the existing national debt entirely.

Interesting theory.

How has every other nationalized economy fared?
Yeah well tell it to Clinton who signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagal as he left office and Obama who just signed another gimme "reform bill" favoring the banks. Not to mention the balance of the Obama "economic policies". Not to mention that Obama's largest campaign conributor was of all people Goldman Sachs.

Of course Big Dog Bill and Big Dog Hillary were also in the pockets of Citibank and GS, ML, JPM.

And little dogette Chelsea just married a Goldman Sachs Jew whose father really was a one man crime wave. A Midwestern version of Madoff.

Are you color blind?

Pretty low rent to include Chelsea who is nothing more than a bystander in her parents' boondoggles.

You think so, do ya?

At this point in time she is the most likely person to become the first female US president.

Based on what? She's not even involved in politics outside of some minor stumping for her mother.
Funny... I could think of only one alternative worst than Hillary, one that made even Her shine in comparison. Unfortunately we are living that alternative Today, bought and paid for, hook line, and sinker.

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