8 Democrats Join Republicans in Rejecting Sanders’ $15 Minimum Wage Hike Bill

As Thomas Sowell rightly observed about workers and wages: “In short, no one is employable or unemployable absolutely, but only relative to a given pay scale.” As wages rise under coercion from Congress, the least skilled among us become legally unemployable, save for employers’ charity.

Democrats complain about the COVID-related economic downturn but then propose harebrained minimum wage policies that would screw over suffering small business and their employees. They complain about college debt but then introduce legislation that prices high school students out of low-skill job opportunities, increasing the barriers to entry. They scoff and insist that businesses can pass the costs of wage increases onto consumers without pausing to think about who exactly those consumers are, the same Americans they say are living in poverty.
As Thomas Sowell rightly observed about workers and wages: “In short, no one is employable or unemployable absolutely, but only relative to a given pay scale.” As wages rise under coercion from Congress, the least skilled among us become legally unemployable, save for employers’ charity.

Democrats complain about the COVID-related economic downturn but then propose harebrained minimum wage policies that would screw over suffering small business and their employees. They complain about college debt but then introduce legislation that prices high school students out of low-skill job opportunities, increasing the barriers to entry. They scoff and insist that businesses can pass the costs of wage increases onto consumers without pausing to think about who exactly those consumers are, the same Americans they say are living in poverty.
Sounds like she has evolved over the past 7 years.....good for her. It would be nice if others in her party learned to evolve instead of devolve
if by evolve you mean sold her soul like a corporate whore, then yes
What a sexist comment....

No evolve...realizing that raising the Federal Min wage to that level would harm the economy, hurt businesses and drive up unemployment. You know educate herself.

i don't see gender, and i think Sinema is a good man in general
Calling a successful woman a "whore" is sexist.....

and another personal attack against her....wow....just wow....sexist

That's how the left treats women.

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