8 Modern Advancements Europeans Wouldn't Have If The Moors Didn't Bring It To Europe !

Here's another contribution to society by the Moors..


You're thinking of the Irish.
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

But originated in Assyria from where the arabs stole it. The far east had Lemons before the arab's knew they existed and they were traded all along the silk road by the Chinese. As were many spices from the far east as well as silk

Ah, reading comprehension.

See where it says the word "Lemon"? Understand the difference between the word and the object itself?

Nobody anywhere ever claimed "Mohammed invented lemons". You can't 'invent' what Nature already did. That's Rosie's strawman.
Here's another contribution to society by the Moors..


We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

only if you are THAT stupid

Uhhh----- yeah, no advancements were unavailable. That was kind of the point.

Point of what? some idiot article written by idiots that claim
that muslims INVENTED glass, microscopes, mathematics,
matzoh balls, lemons?

I see. So you were content to take the 12-year pill and then go :lalala: for the rest of your life.

Well --- it shows.

newsflash------neither arabs as arabs nor muslims as muslims----invented anything------not even Felafel------with one exception------they invented the idea of putting cardamom in coffee


Apparently this cult goes back a looooooong way.

"whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage" --- kinda says it all.
"I didn't read it but whatever it said was bullshit".

Massive, massive intellectual dump. You must be taking Mentalmucil.

So where is your supporting evidence then, as one source is not valid

"Supporting evidence" ..... for.....?

All the claims made in the video of course, only having the one source calls the validity into question. Having opposing sources shows that LIES are being told

I didn't make the video, now did I?
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it


lemon (n.1)
type of ovate, pale yellow citrus fruit, c. 1400, lymon, from Old French limon "citrus fruit" (12c.), which comes via Provençal or Italian from Arabic laimun, from Persian limu(n), a generic terms for citrus fruits (compare lime (n.2)). Cognate with Sanskrit nimbu "the lime."​

Know what else is Arabic?

This :coffee:

Your cut and paste says that it came from Persia not arabic, making it Assyrian in origin. You cant jump 1000 years just so a fact will meet with your POV and hope not to be found out and ridiculed.
[try again POGO-----in order to TRANSLATE A BOOK FROM ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER-----you have to have the book,
know the language in which that book is written and know the language into which you wish to TRANSLATE IT. In Baghdad
---way back in CALIPHATE TIMES-------the people who knew
greek and Arabic and Latin and Arabic WERE NOT
interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum

An interesting comment, since at the time I posted that you went:

We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

only if you are THAT stupid

Which way you wanna go here, hm?

[try again POGO-----in order to TRANSLATE A BOOK FROM ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER-----you have to have the book,
know the language in which that book is written and know the language into which you wish to TRANSLATE IT. In Baghdad
---way back in CALIPHATE TIMES-------the people who knew
greek and Arabic and Latin and Arabic WERE NOT

No shit. I do translations myself. And they have nothing whatever to do with religion -- mine or anyone else's.

lemon (n.1)
type of ovate, pale yellow citrus fruit, c. 1400, lymon, from Old French limon "citrus fruit" (12c.), which comes via Provençal or Italian from Arabic laimun, from Persian limu(n), a generic terms for citrus fruits (compare lime (n.2)). Cognate with Sanskrit nimbu "the lime."​

Know what else is Arabic?

This :coffee:

your citation is bull shit------anyone who knew Hebrew----(lots of people) knew the Hebrew word for LEMON is LEMON--long before the barbaric moors invaded Sicily. Of course I know lots of words "from Arabic" ----mostly those words which came to sicily via the barbaric moors-----which are really hebrew

You can't even construct a coherent sentence in English --- and I'm supposed to take your word over the OED on etymology?


Yeah you go with that.

yes. The word is Hebrew and was Hebrew long before Arabic was a written language. It may have been Persian first----I don't know. Muhummad did not invent lemons. My sentences are coherent. There are misconceptions in the world that creep into the literature

Nobody anywhere ever claimed "Mohammed invented lemons". That's absurd even for a strawman.

persons here----including you, claimed that "MUSLIMS"---
or "MOORS" introduced their own innovations to Europeans who WOULD NOT HAVE THEM had it not been for "MUSLIMS" or "MOORS" invading Europe. ----that is
ABSURD. People who had those particular "innovations"
had been residing in Europe for CENTURIES before muslims
and moors GOT THERE. As to the translations of books----
Christians and Jews had the GREEK AND LATIN STUFF
long before MUSLIMS got the Christians and Jews to TRANSLATE them into Arabic. People were on the MOVE--
during the whole era in question-----Christians and Jews and
Zoroastrians were moving around just as much as were arabs.
Your mistake is in actually BUYING the idiotic notion that anything that happened in area CONQUERED by marauding
arab/muslims was THEIR PROPERTY OR INVENTION even
before the inception islam. Phonecians are the accepted
founders of "GLASS MAKING"-----somewhere in Syria----but
muslims take credit for that innovations too----along with the
microscope and----lots of ZOROASTRIAN astronomy. The
phrase "Islamic architecture" is actually HILARIOUS

British Archeologists often find glass objects in the ruins of Roman buildings, and have also found stained glass from before 1 C.E. This shows that the Romans had glass making before the invention of islam. In fact science shows that the moors or muslims invented nothing and are consumate LIARS when they claim they have
Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it


lemon (n.1)
type of ovate, pale yellow citrus fruit, c. 1400, lymon, from Old French limon "citrus fruit" (12c.), which comes via Provençal or Italian from Arabic laimun, from Persian limu(n), a generic terms for citrus fruits (compare lime (n.2)). Cognate with Sanskrit nimbu "the lime."​

Know what else is Arabic?

This :coffee:

Your cut and paste says that it came from Persia not arabic, making it Assyrian in origin. You cant jump 1000 years just so a fact will meet with your POV and hope not to be found out and ridiculed.

See the bolded words above? Or are they too obvious? "from Arabic laimun"
Thus the path in chronological order is:
Persian (concurrent with Sanskrit) > Arabic > Provençal/Italian > English

See the word "Arabic"?
See my original post that "the word Lemon comes to us from Arabic"?

Again --- reading comprehension.
interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum

An interesting comment, since at the time I posted that you went:

We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

only if you are THAT stupid

Which way you wanna go here, hm?


you did not understand my "only if you are that stupid" I began to understand that the HISTORY I learned in grades first thru ninth-------was idiotic------during my high school years when I started doing a lot more of MY OWN reading.-----That is in the USA grades 10 thru 12-------because I was not THAT IDIOTIC. The "we got so much from the arabs or muslims "---was mostly in the NINTH GRADE HISTORY BOOK. Constantine was some kind of SAINT---was mostly 8th grade-------the pilgrims and the Indians LOVED each other was kindergarten
[try again POGO-----in order to TRANSLATE A BOOK FROM ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER-----you have to have the book,
know the language in which that book is written and know the language into which you wish to TRANSLATE IT. In Baghdad
---way back in CALIPHATE TIMES-------the people who knew
greek and Arabic and Latin and Arabic WERE NOT

No shit. I do translations myself. And they have nothing whatever to do with religion -- mine or anyone else's.

try again------in the times to which you ALLUDE-----the educated Christians ----virtually the only literate Christians---
were THE CLERICS As to muslims -----almost all illiterate.
Jews were literate in Hebrew and Aramaic and USUALLY in the language of the land in which they resided which was often ARABIC and often in greek. -----not so much Latin. Zoroastrians did Farsi. and if they lived in an Arabic speaking place like BAGHDAD----arabic
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it

Lemons are from India and were introduced to Europe by the Romans in the first century AD long before they were introduced to the Middle East in 700 AD. The word has Sanskrit origins, no Hebrew origins.
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

But originated in Assyria from where the arabs stole it. The far east had Lemons before the arab's knew they existed and they were traded all along the silk road by the Chinese. As were many spices from the far east as well as silk

Ah, reading comprehension.

See where it says the word "Lemon"? Understand the difference between the word and the object itself?

Nobody anywhere ever claimed "Mohammed invented lemons". You can't 'invent' what Nature already did. That's Rosie's strawman.

Seems that you have the worse case or readcing comprehension as you claim that LEMON originated as an arabic word, and your link says that the word came from Persia.


Now were did I use the word invent in my post regarding the naming of a Lemon ?
Disinformation as practised by the islamonazis and the neo marxists every time they are proven wrong
your citation is bull shit------anyone who knew Hebrew----(lots of people) knew the Hebrew word for LEMON is LEMON--long before the barbaric moors invaded Sicily. Of course I know lots of words "from Arabic" ----mostly those words which came to sicily via the barbaric moors-----which are really hebrew

You can't even construct a coherent sentence in English --- and I'm supposed to take your word over the OED on etymology?


Yeah you go with that.

yes. The word is Hebrew and was Hebrew long before Arabic was a written language. It may have been Persian first----I don't know. Muhummad did not invent lemons. My sentences are coherent. There are misconceptions in the world that creep into the literature

Nobody anywhere ever claimed "Mohammed invented lemons". That's absurd even for a strawman.

persons here----including you, claimed that "MUSLIMS"---
or "MOORS" introduced their own innovations to Europeans who WOULD NOT HAVE THEM had it not been for "MUSLIMS" or "MOORS" invading Europe. ----that is
ABSURD. People who had those particular "innovations"
had been residing in Europe for CENTURIES before muslims
and moors GOT THERE. As to the translations of books----
Christians and Jews had the GREEK AND LATIN STUFF
long before MUSLIMS got the Christians and Jews to TRANSLATE them into Arabic. People were on the MOVE--
during the whole era in question-----Christians and Jews and
Zoroastrians were moving around just as much as were arabs.
Your mistake is in actually BUYING the idiotic notion that anything that happened in area CONQUERED by marauding
arab/muslims was THEIR PROPERTY OR INVENTION even
before the inception islam. Phonecians are the accepted
founders of "GLASS MAKING"-----somewhere in Syria----but
muslims take credit for that innovations too----along with the
microscope and----lots of ZOROASTRIAN astronomy. The
phrase "Islamic architecture" is actually HILARIOUS

British Archeologists often find glass objects in the ruins of Roman buildings, and have also found stained glass from before 1 C.E. This shows that the Romans had glass making before the invention of islam. In fact science shows that the moors or muslims invented nothing and are consumate LIARS when they claim they have

romans got their glass from the AEGEANS-----generally phonecians who did it long before Brutus shoved a knife into Ceasar
Uhhh----- yeah, no advancements were unavailable. That was kind of the point.

Point of what? some idiot article written by idiots that claim
that muslims INVENTED glass, microscopes, mathematics,
matzoh balls, lemons?

Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it

Lemons are from India and were introduced to Europe by the Romans in the first century AD long before they were introduced to the Middle East in 700 AD. The word has Sanskrit origins, no Hebrew origins.

could be----however jews were trading in india LONG BEFORE
700 BC which is long before 700 AD ----that why there are YEMENITES and there were jews in arabia. I have no idea how CUMIN got to Mexico ------but it is likely that some Mexicans believe that MONTEZUMA invented it
interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it


lemon (n.1)
type of ovate, pale yellow citrus fruit, c. 1400, lymon, from Old French limon "citrus fruit" (12c.), which comes via Provençal or Italian from Arabic laimun, from Persian limu(n), a generic terms for citrus fruits (compare lime (n.2)). Cognate with Sanskrit nimbu "the lime."​

Know what else is Arabic?

This :coffee:

your citation is bull shit------anyone who knew Hebrew----(lots of people) knew the Hebrew word for LEMON is LEMON--long before the barbaric moors invaded Sicily. Of course I know lots of words "from Arabic" ----mostly those words which came to sicily via the barbaric moors-----which are really hebrew

You can't even construct a coherent sentence in English --- and I'm supposed to take your word over the OED on etymology?


Yeah you go with that.

I have no doubt the Hebrew word is similar. Hebrew and Arabic are closely related. But we got it from the Arabs. Like it or lump it -- one lump or two?

Oh btw there's another one, sugar --- we get it from Persian --- via Arabic. So do German, Spanish, Italian and even the Slavic langs.

No we got it from the Persians as the OED clearly says, the arabs were just in the way of the free passage of goods
interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it


lemon (n.1)
type of ovate, pale yellow citrus fruit, c. 1400, lymon, from Old French limon "citrus fruit" (12c.), which comes via Provençal or Italian from Arabic laimun, from Persian limu(n), a generic terms for citrus fruits (compare lime (n.2)). Cognate with Sanskrit nimbu "the lime."​

Know what else is Arabic?

This :coffee:

Your cut and paste says that it came from Persia not arabic, making it Assyrian in origin. You cant jump 1000 years just so a fact will meet with your POV and hope not to be found out and ridiculed.

See the bolded words above? Or are they too obvious? "from Arabic laimun"
Thus the path in chronological order is:
Persian (concurrent with Sanskrit) > Arabic > Provençal/Italian > English

See the word "Arabic"?
See my original post that "the word Lemon comes to us from Arabic"?

Again --- reading comprehension.
Uhhh----- yeah, no advancements were unavailable. That was kind of the point.

Point of what? some idiot article written by idiots that claim
that muslims INVENTED glass, microscopes, mathematics,
matzoh balls, lemons?

Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in
Like the Imaginary Greatness of FDR for example

interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it

Lemons are from India and were introduced to Europe by the Romans in the first century AD long before they were introduced to the Middle East in 700 AD. The word has Sanskrit origins, no Hebrew origins.

could be----however jews were trading in india LONG BEFORE
700 BC which is long before 700 AD ----that why there are YEMENITES and there were jews in arabia. I have no idea how CUMIN got to Mexico ------but it is likely that some Mexicans believe that MONTEZUMA invented it

Just a fact. Lemons were not introduced to the Middle East until 700 AD.

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