8 Modern Advancements Europeans Wouldn't Have If The Moors Didn't Bring It To Europe !

cardamom comes from India too------but somehow DENMARK got it ------long ago and use it in the pastry called DANISH
interestingly enough-----I agree with POGO about the worthlessness of the USA history curriculum------it is
actually----the BRITISH POV that we learn in "THE
HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION". history according to Queen Victoria. however amongst the
myths is the concept of "the Islamic golden age of intellectualism'------I remember CLEARLY the bullshit idea
in my ninth grade history class that claimed that the CRUSADES brought the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Islamic
world back home------there was a picture of a crusader on
horseback ----STARING at a lemon. The text implied that

You can't "invent" a lemon. It's part of nature.

You can certainly post them though.

The word "Lemon" btw ....... comes to us from .......... Arabic. :D

the word LEMON came from Hebrew----before it came from
Arabic. In fact----the word is Lemon in Aramaic too---In a sentence-----Jesus wanted a lemon for his tea (if there had
been tea in the middle east by then). The word SCHMUCK
comes to us from Yiddish----but I don't know from where Yiddish got it

Lemons are from India and were introduced to Europe by the Romans in the first century AD long before they were introduced to the Middle East in 700 AD. The word has Sanskrit origins, no Hebrew origins.

could be----however jews were trading in india LONG BEFORE
700 BC which is long before 700 AD ----that why there are YEMENITES and there were jews in arabia. I have no idea how CUMIN got to Mexico ------but it is likely that some Mexicans believe that MONTEZUMA invented it

Just a fact. Lemons were not introduced to the Middle East until 700 AD.

probably not true------- what does INTRODUCED mean?
Bagels were not INTRODUCED into my town (in the USA) ---until after 1960------but I grew up eating them
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

While at the same time trying to twist history to suit your needs, hey?
Uhhh----- yeah, no advancements were unavailable. That was kind of the point.

Point of what? some idiot article written by idiots that claim
that muslims INVENTED glass, microscopes, mathematics,
matzoh balls, lemons?

Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<
Seems that you have the worse case or readcing comprehension as you claim that LEMON originated as an arabic word, and your link says that the word came from Persia.

Once again ---- learn to read.
I did not say it "originated as an arabic [sic] word (proper names are capitalized in English but I didn't even say it that way) --- I said we got it from Arabic. Which we did.

I even gave you the whole pathway.


No shit Sherlock. That's how new words for thing enter a language. That's how we get racoon from Algonquin.

Now were did I use the word invent in my post regarding the naming of a Lemon ?
Disinformation as practised by the islamonazis and the neo marxists every time they are proven wrong

Didn't say you did. I *DID* say it was Rosie's strawman. Is your name "Rosie"?

Whatcha gonna do, now that you're proven wrong?
It is the only adequate source of funding left to them. It is kind of like "WE" bought the shit farm so we are going to stick with it even though it stinks so bad we can barely stand it.

Humans share knowledge. Any time there is trade, the knowledge of one culture is passed to another. The Middle East sat smack dab in the middle (imagine) of the trade routes flowing from Persia, China, India, Constantinople and Rome. Knowledge was accumulated based on contact.

Pogo and CC are bursting with Pride over what their Islamic brother did yesterday, so they try and inflate the stature of Islam. But Islam retarded, rather than aided the development of knowledge.
You were doing great in that first paragraph. All human knowledge is accumulated and shared that way. If some want to point out that the ancient Persian world was not RETARDED, there is nothing wrong with that.
We spend a dozen years in school learning the prescribed stories, and then the rest of our lives unlearning them and finding out everything they "forgot" to mention.

While at the same time trying to twist history to suit your needs, hey?

History should never be twisted. Actually my original statement above is a version of that maxim.
I seem to spend a lot of time here quashing ignorant myths. Like "Mohammed invented lemons and gave them a Hebrew name". :rofl:
cardamom comes from India too------but somehow DENMARK got it ------long ago and use it in the pastry called DANISH

I love cardamom. Unfortunately I ran out and need to replenish but normally it goes in my morning coffee.

Whoopsie. 'Nother word from Arabic. Mohammed invented it you know.
Seems that you have the worse case or readcing comprehension as you claim that LEMON originated as an arabic word, and your link says that the word came from Persia.

Once again ---- learn to read.
I did not say it "originated as an arabic [sic] word (proper names are capitalized in English but I didn't even say it that way) --- I said we got it from Arabic. Which we did.

I even gave you the whole pathway.


No shit Sherlock. That's how new words for thing enter a language. That's how we get racoon from Algonquin.

Now were did I use the word invent in my post regarding the naming of a Lemon ?
Disinformation as practised by the islamonazis and the neo marxists every time they are proven wrong

Didn't say you did. I *DID* say it was Rosie's strawman. Is your name "Rosie"?

Whatcha gonna do, now that you're proven wrong?

Pogo's idiocy is not in who INVENTED THE WORD----it is really in the idiot concept that somehow "THE EUROPEANS" would have remained bereft of lemons or even a word for the fruit if not for the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC INVASION,
PILLAGE, MURDER AND OPPRESSION which extended into Europe----to the GREAT ADVANTAGE OF THE POOR STUPID EUROPEANS who ------to that point---like circa the 8th century AD----- did not even know how to take a bath.
Somehow -----NO ONE WOULD KNOW-----muslims or moors or whatevah were the SOLE CONDUIT of transport of human genius. As to the innovations of the GREEKS and ROMANS---all that stuff was FORGOTTEN by everyone except the generally illiterate arab muslims. Somehow----if not for MUSLIM BAGHDAD-----the mathematical genius of India and
Egypt would have been LOST FOREVER---somehow because no one but muslims knew how to schlep over to india on a camel or how do deal with a boat and only muslims have two hands with five fingers on each hand-------and got to the concept of ONE THRU TEN.
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
Point of what? some idiot article written by idiots that claim
that muslims INVENTED glass, microscopes, mathematics,
matzoh balls, lemons?

Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.
cardamom comes from India too------but somehow DENMARK got it ------long ago and use it in the pastry called DANISH

I love cardamom. Unfortunately I ran out and need to replenish but normally it goes in my morning coffee.

Whoopsie. 'Nother word from Arabic. Mohammed invented it you know.

not from Arabic and Not from Hebrew-----probably Sanskrit---sorta. PUTTING THE STUFF IN COFFEE---is probably a
Yemeni thing or Saudi. The first time I saw anyone put a pod
in coffee ------it was a Saudi---he carried the pods in his pocket----------then I found my Yemenite hubby------he can't live without it. It shows up in indian food------IN POD----just squish the pod with your fingers and TOSS IT IN and try not
to choke on it later on------best to do indian with fingers to avoid CHOKING on cardamom pods. That the DANES use it -----fascinates me. For the record----CRANBERRIES are AMERICAN ---all the way
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.

the cardamom seems to cut the bitterness------so I do it too--that way I can skip the milk. If you have middle eastern or
indian spice places-----you can buy it by weight. If you buy the cute little jars---------of that well known company----YOU WILL PAY THRU YOUR NOSY for a few pods------you can also get it already ground to a fine powder. I cannot buy that stuff-----HE HAS TO GRIND AND COMPOUND the stuff himself----like an ALCHEMIST. The stuff he makes includes----get this-----cinnamon (in stick form so he can grate it) ginger-(-dried so he can grate that) cloves ---(mortar and pestil)
nutmeg (grated) and cardamom pods---(mortar and pestil)
have fun
Seems that you have the worse case or readcing comprehension as you claim that LEMON originated as an arabic word, and your link says that the word came from Persia.

Once again ---- learn to read.
I did not say it "originated as an arabic [sic] word (proper names are capitalized in English but I didn't even say it that way) --- I said we got it from Arabic. Which we did.

I even gave you the whole pathway.


No shit Sherlock. That's how new words for thing enter a language. That's how we get racoon from Algonquin.

Now were did I use the word invent in my post regarding the naming of a Lemon ?
Disinformation as practised by the islamonazis and the neo marxists every time they are proven wrong

Didn't say you did. I *DID* say it was Rosie's strawman. Is your name "Rosie"?

Whatcha gonna do, now that you're proven wrong?

Pogo's idiocy is not in who INVENTED THE WORD----it is really in the idiot concept that somehow "THE EUROPEANS" would have remained bereft of lemons or even a word for the fruit if not for the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC INVASION,
PILLAGE, MURDER AND OPPRESSION which extended into Europe----to the GREAT ADVANTAGE OF THE POOR STUPID EUROPEANS who ------to that point---like circa the 8th century AD----- did not even know how to take a bath.
Somehow -----NO ONE WOULD KNOW-----muslims or moors or whatevah were the SOLE CONDUIT of transport of human genius. As to the innovations of the GREEKS and ROMANS---all that stuff was FORGOTTEN by everyone except the generally illiterate arab muslims. Somehow----if not for MUSLIM BAGHDAD-----the mathematical genius of India and
Egypt would have been LOST FOREVER---somehow because no one but muslims knew how to schlep over to india on a camel or how do deal with a boat and only muslims have two hands with five fingers on each hand-------and got to the concept of ONE THRU TEN.

Didn't say that either.
Why don't you just continue to list all the things you wish I'd said but didn't. Job security right there.

I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
Not one of which was mentioned in the video you already admitted you didn't watch.

Massive dump of a shoot-itself-in-the-foot post there Rosie.

no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison

Mohammed invented spaghetti. Everybody knows that. It only looks like an Italian word because he invented Italian too.
Spaghetti with lemon. It was a big hit.
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
no problem ---whatever is in the video which I cannot access---it is garbage ---as to ALUM----it is poisonous

to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.

Not at all expensive. I like to get mine at an Indian grocery. Indians don't fart around with spices.

If you grind your coffee beans just toss a handful of seeds (maybe a dozen, or more to taste) in the grinder with the beans. Yum!
Popular Turkish recipe.
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.

the cardamom seems to cut the bitterness------so I do it too--that way I can skip the milk. If you have middle eastern or
indian spice places-----you can buy it by weight. If you buy the cute little jars---------of that well known company----YOU WILL PAY THRU YOUR NOSY for a few pods------you can also get it already ground to a fine powder. I cannot buy that stuff-----HE HAS TO GRIND AND COMPOUND the stuff himself----like an ALCHEMIST. The stuff he makes includes----get this-----cinnamon (in stick form so he can grate it) ginger-(-dried so he can grate that) cloves ---(mortar and pestil)
nutmeg (grated) and cardamom pods---(mortar and pestil)
have fun

Yup, I have all that too. Got a mortar and pestle for my birthday.
I love love love coming across an Indian or ME grocery. I stock up. Has to be somewhere in my travels though.
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
to animals. alum is also used in pickling and in baking soda.

yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.

Not at all expensive. I like to get mine at an Indian grocery. Indians don't fart around with spices.

If you grind your coffee beans just toss a handful of seeds (maybe a dozen, or more to taste) in the grinder with the beans. Yum!
Popular Turkish recipe.

any store that has a small wall of mexican spices between $1-3 for a envelope/bag
I would add ----that it was the muslims of china who invented
spaghetti-------but the fact is that NOODLES were not really
restricted to china even in the ancient world-----but I should
not complicate things
yes---my poor mom believed that ALUM was killing people-----she got rid of her ALUMINUM POTS------that was----a libel in the 1960s------it relates to the fact that ALUMINUM is found in
Alzheimer plaques-----she looked for the word ALUM----in

laudanum (opium) can kill

Aluminum pots can slowly leach into the foods. Too much of anything....
People around the world have used and still use aluminum

If you have any of the following symptoms, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis:

  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children <<

if your kids got any of those----it is probably an inherited
metabolic disease----OR Mercury OR Lead. Chances of
it being from the ALUMINUM SPAGHETTI POT are nil. All
people SHOULD KNOW------do not store your pineapple juice in aluminum containers-------it will make the juice TASTE like
poison----but not be poison
I don't know that I've ever tried cardamom, but if I can find a wee bit of it somewhere and it isn't too expensive, I'm going to try it in my coffee. Sounds good, like cinnamon in my coffee.

Not at all expensive. I like to get mine at an Indian grocery. Indians don't fart around with spices.

If you grind your coffee beans just toss a handful of seeds (maybe a dozen, or more to taste) in the grinder with the beans. Yum!
Popular Turkish recipe.

any store that has a small wall of mexican spices between $1-3 for a envelope/bag

Mexican spices/foods are one of the few "exotic" things available in this little burg since there is a population, but they appear to be very cheap run-of-the-mill prepackaged crap from some assembly line, so I don't even bother. That's OK, I have a trip to the big city this week, I'll just work it in. :eusa_dance:

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