8 times left wingers broke into government buildings and assaulted democracy

When you are able to produce even a slight bit of evidence for that we can discuss it.
200 fucking years Tammany Hall corruption dumb phuck.


How to Steal an Election​

John Fund
Autumn 2004
Politics and law
New York

Election fraud is expanding. This past March, in just one of many recent cases, Texas representative Ciro Rodriguez, chairman of the congressional Hispanic Caucus, lost a close Democratic primary after a missing ballot box suddenly showed up in South Texas, stuffed with votes for his opponent. Rodriguez charged fraud but could never definitively prove it. The circumstances were eerily similar to those that tipped a 1948 Senate race to Lyndon Johnson. Election officials found ballot box 13 several days after the election. It held 203 votes, all but one for LBJ. Amazingly enough, the voters had cast their ballots in alphabetical order.

owhere did voter fraud have a more notorious record than in Tammany-era New York. Tammany Hall's ruthless efficiency in manufacturing votes—especially during the zenith of its power in the second half of the nineteenth century—is legendary. At the time, America didn't yet have privacy-protecting voting machines or official government ballots, so Tammany fixers could ensure that voters would cast ballots as promised. Vote riggers would simply give people pre-marked ballots and watch as they deposited them into the voting box........................................................................................................................................................................................................

200 fucking years Tammany Hall corruption dumb phuck.


How to Steal an Election​

John Fund
Autumn 2004
Politics and law
New York

Election fraud is expanding. This past March, in just one of many recent cases, Texas representative Ciro Rodriguez, chairman of the congressional Hispanic Caucus, lost a close Democratic primary after a missing ballot box suddenly showed up in South Texas, stuffed with votes for his opponent. Rodriguez charged fraud but could never definitively prove it. The circumstances were eerily similar to those that tipped a 1948 Senate race to Lyndon Johnson. Election officials found ballot box 13 several days after the election. It held 203 votes, all but one for LBJ. Amazingly enough, the voters had cast their ballots in alphabetical order.

owhere did voter fraud have a more notorious record than in Tammany-era New York. Tammany Hall's ruthless efficiency in manufacturing votes—especially during the zenith of its power in the second half of the nineteenth century—is legendary. At the time, America didn't yet have privacy-protecting voting machines or official government ballots, so Tammany fixers could ensure that voters would cast ballots as promised. Vote riggers would simply give people pre-marked ballots and watch as they deposited them into the voting box........................................................................................................................................................................................................

When you can provide any evidence.............................
Democrats / Liberal Extremists / Domestic Left Wing Terrorists have BOMBED the Capitol, have used axes and other tools / weapons to violently force their way into and take over Federal buildings, and have created such a threat to the US President and our government that our President had to be rushed to the WH bunker for his protection while multiple Federal law enforcement agencies (DHS & FBI) and the Secret Service had to assist the local and Capitol Police In engaging the domestic terrorists to end the threat...

So this entire SCAM being runby Pelosi is yet another bogus, treasonous theatrical performance designed to demonize and vilify anyone who opposes the Marxist Democrats ideology and agenda.

I mean, come on, she had a member if the Broadway show 'Hamilton' appear in the House to PERFORM?! WTF?! If that doesn't convince you this whole thing is POLITICAL THEATER you're an idiot.

I only believe what the 1st and 2nd A says,,, and the 1st is clear a protest is to be peaceful and the 2nd says nothing about protesting,, am I wrong about that??


And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
not seeing that in the constitution,, could you show where that exists??
I do not support anyone taking anyone's life. You have to remember, it all started with peaceful protests. People kneeling. Trump called them SOB's and called for them to be fired. Pence walked out on them. Things escalated from there.
Right, I don’t buy it. Calling names is no excuse for violence. What happened in Ferguson under Obama? What about Dallas under Obama? What about Baltimore? No excuse for the violence, you want to protest, I’m for it. Be responsible and quit blaming others for bad behavior.
Right, I don’t buy it. Calling names is no excuse for violence. What happened in Ferguson under Obama? What about Dallas under Obama? What about Baltimore? No excuse for the violence, you want to protest, I’m for it. Be responsible and quit blaming others for bad behavior.

You think I defend Obama? LOL

8 times left wingers broke into government buildings and assaulted democracy​

Oh come on, that's Different. Blood thirsty Dems also injured 2,000 police officers, looted and burned multiple cities, assaulted and raped citizens but you know, look over there, Trump something.
How many of those 8 times did the Democratic Party go all out to defend them, deflect from them, make up stuff to excuse them, or call them patriots?
so you are saying then your problem isn't with them DOING IT, but what we CALL IT?

funny shit, man.
Lets be real, if we had a fair and impartial press in this country Dems would never win an election and countless Dems would be in prison.
How many of those 8 times did the Democratic Party go all out to defend them, deflect from them, make up stuff to excuse them, or call them patriots?

Rep. Jerry Nadler personally lobbied on behalf of a woman caught trying to BLOW UP the US Capitol to have her prison sentence commuted. That’s pretty bad.

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