8 times left wingers broke into government buildings and assaulted democracy

Yep. What happened when the police and the DA viewed the evidence?
i have no idea…i do know the men that did the killing are going to prison and i believe the DA is being prosecuted now too.

what’s your point?
I support the people in doing that. I supported the right of the people to protest on Jan 6 but I believe they protested about something awfully petty and stupid.

Protesting over a government violating your civil rights is a proper protest IMO. You are free to feel different but I'm not able to grasp the argument if you do.
I know right,,
who ever said protests need to be peaceful,,
The January 6th insurrectionists didn't attack "government buildings", they attacked the elected government officials as they tried to certify the election.

An "assault on a building", isn't an insurrection, even if it's a court house, because it's not the seat of government, nor can you overthrow the US government if you kill a judge. The January 6th coup attempt was an assault on the members of the House and Senate, in an effort to prevent the election of Joe Biden.

This is NOTHING comparable to it in the history of the nation.
Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.
I was for the protests but ruining others property, damaging public buildings assaulting others is wrong. Takeing others lives, that is where my support goes way. Rioting was wrong.

I do not support anyone taking anyone's life. You have to remember, it all started with peaceful protests. People kneeling. Trump called them SOB's and called for them to be fired. Pence walked out on them. Things escalated from there.
so you agree with violent protests,, color me surprised,,

I've said that many times. So did the Founders.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
I've said that many times. So did the Founders.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
thats not a protest,,

and the founders were clear about protests in the 1st A
Part 1

The 1983 U.S. Senate bombing was a bomb explosion at the United States Senate on November 7, 1983, motivated by United States military involvement in Lebanon and Grenada. The attack led to heightened security in the DC metropolitan area, and the inaccessibility of certain parts of the Senate Building. Six members of the radical far-left Resistance Conspiracy were arrested in May 1988 and charged with the bombing, as well as related bombings of Fort McNair and the Washington Navy Yard which occurred April 25, 1983, and April 20, 1984, respectively.

On January 6TH 2020 a violent riot was incited resulting in citizens invading the Capitol. Many took selfies, many stole souvenirs, some were led by Capitol Police through the Capitol, and some engaged in violence and destruction of govt property. Only 1 person was murdered – a petite, unarmed, female US military veteran was shot dead in cold blood by a black Capitol Policeman, supposedly a follower/supporter of Louis Farrakhan.
- Democrats call this an ‘Insurrection’ that is on the same level as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hi and as the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack that resulted in 3,000 Americans being killed.

In 1983 Six members of the radical far-left terrorist group Resistance Conspiracy were arrested in May 1988 and charged with the BOMBING of the US Capitol, specifically the US Senate, on 7 November 1983. The group was also charged with related bombings of Fort McNair and the Washington Navy Yard which occurred April 25, 1983, and April 20, 1984, respectively.
- Democrats do not consider this an attempted ‘Insurrection’.

Part 2

On June 14th, 2017, after extremely violent rhetoric from Democrat politicians – to include calling for citizens to find, stalk, and criminally harass GOP politicians in public, resulting in physical violence against Republicans and a GOP Election HQ being torched, an insane democrat snowflake extremists attempted to assassinate GOP politicians on a baseball field. R-Steve Scalise was shot down, seriously injured, and was hospitalized.

- Democrats denied all of their extremely violent rhetoric had contributed to the attempted assassination and did not call the event an ‘Insurrection’

Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia



‘Scenes of the day were reminiscent of January 6th, but the response and results were much different. Video from the Bureau of Indian Affairs surfaced showing that the building was’ taken over and occupied by the ‘domestic terrorists’.

Security reportedly responded similarly to the Capitol police on 1/6/21, allowing the take-over of the building and putting lives in danger.

A second video sowed the domestic terrorists attempting to violently force their way into the Department of the Department of the Interior. Domestic terrorists reportedly used axes and other items to try to break through the door. This time security officials did not pull their weapons, as was the case on January 6th. Instead, they approached the protesters with tasers and forced them back. None of the liberal extremist domestic terrorists were killed, unlike 1/6 when a petite unarmed female military vet was ambushed and shot dead by a Capitol Policeman.

During these events, there was no outrage from the White House. There were no comments from Joe Biden or any other Democrats on Capitol Hill. There were no fences eradicated to protect the buildings.

President Joe Biden was too busy spreading vaccine propaganda and pitching forced vaccinations. Vice President Kamala Harris was still in hiding, as there were not enough paid actors in the crowd to for her to actually attend the event.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer were both silent.

Several Federal buildings were completely taken over, yet Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi made no remarks about an ‘Insurrection’.

Insurrection? Climate change activists storm into Dept. of the Interior, Democrats quiet among the chaos
Part 3


Erich Muenter, a German who was a Harvard professor smuggled 3 sticks of dynamite into the Capitol in his briefcase. Thankfully he found the Senate empty, planted the bomb, and it went off 3 hours later causing damage but not killing anyone. The next day he went to the home of J. PO. Morgan Jr, shot and wounded him before he was finally subdued.


Puerto Ricans opposed to American colonialism and who favored independent nationhood spurred attacks on the island and in New York City, all the way up to the Fraunces Tavern bombing in 1975, which killed four people. There was even an assassination plot that targeted then president Harry Truman in 1950.

In 1952, a significant majority of Puerto Ricans voted for commonwealth status but some nationalists were unmoved, calling it a mere façade.

Nationalists Lolita Lebrón, Irvin Flores Rodríguez, Rafael Cancel Miranda and Andres Figueroa Cordero, carried out their attack in D.C., on March 1, 1954, from the gallery of the House of Representatives, where members were debating a bill concerning migrant Mexican workers. Five congressmen — Republicans Alvin Bentley and Ben Jensen, and Democrats Clifford Davis, George Hyde Fallon and Kenneth Roberts — were injured by gunfire.

No ’Insurrection’, no comparison to Pearl Harbor.


Leftist militants the Weather Underground claimed responsibility for a bomb placed in a men's washroom one floor below the Senate chamber on March 1, 1971. The result was no dead or injured but $300,000 in damage.

- Weathermen Underground – YES, we are talking about Obama’s best buddy, Bill Ayers.


Motivated by United States military involvement in Lebanon and Grenada.. The perpetrators were later caught and charged with Conspiracy, destruction of govt property, bank robbery, and several other crimes.NO ‘INSURRECTION’.



After nights of engaging in domestic terrorism (violent riots, destruction, burning, etc…) a large number of Domestic Terrorists initiated violence at Lafayette Park near the White House, creating such a threat to the WH and the President that the President and 1st Lady were rushed to the WH bunker for the President’s protection.

The crowd of violent terrorists were so large in number members of the FBI, Homeland Security, and Secret Service were required to help Local and Capitol police engage the terrorists, repel the group, and shut down the attack / violence. During the event numerous Secret Service members were injured.

- The domestic terrorists threatened the President, were such a threat the President of the US was taken to the WH Bunker for his protection, numerous federal agents from different Federal Agencies were called out to engage the terrorists and protect the President and WH, and these terrorists injured numerous Secret Service members. This was an assault on the US govt, on agencies of the US govt, and the terrorists injured federal agents….

The event was not called an ‘Insurrection’. None of the terrorists who engaged in the violence or those who injured federal agents were arrested, denied their rights, placed in DC Gitmo, and none of them remain in DC Gitmo or are being sentenced to prison for years.

The Biggest Difference Between May 2020 and 1/6/2021? May 20 consisted of Democrat-supported liberal extremist domestic terrorists. 1/6/2021 consisted of Conservatives.

Secret Service agents wounded outside White House, car bombs feared; official says Trump was taken to bunker

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