8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
I think they have ladders in Mexico...
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.

Then why do border walls stop over 90% every place else they are tried, but not stop them here?
You don't care that your president lied like he always does and said it was unclimbable.

It really fucking is if you don't have gear. I guess he should have specified that gear makes it possible to get over. Maybe he thought only a fucking idiot would need that explained to them.

Dumb ass. He said a team of mountain climbers tried, but couldn't climb it.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
I think they have ladders in Mexico...
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.

Then why do border walls stop over 90% every place else they are tried, but not stop them here?
Credible link, or did you just pull that number out of your ass?
FFS ... what maroons.

How many ILLEGAL immigrants do you expect to get over, around, under, or through it, Nutjobs?

Sheesh. There is no intelligent life on the American left. None.

A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.

Then why do border walls stop over 90% every place else they are tried, but not stop them here?
Credible link, or did you just pull that number out of your ass?

Not at all. You should know better than to challenge me by now.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere
Probably be a lot of these made:

Sure thing...I mean who would notice a trojan horse, right? right?
Even people in medieval times figured out how to defeat walls...

People in medieval times didn't have cameras, heat sensors, drones, and ground sensors to help stop them.

Border barriers have worked every place they are tried in the world, and here in the US as well.

How does one define "worked"?
In dictatorships, they keep out information and keep in underpaid workers.
But is that "good"?
What is wrong with people attempting to gain employment with the highest pay?
Isn't that an inherent individual right?

And think about the 8 states we purchased from Mexico?
Those states were supposed to retain full Mexican citizenship rights if the people wanted to.
They were contractually protected by specific treaty language, that they did not have to become US citizens, lose any land or transportation rights, etc.

Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?
A more appropriate question would be how many do you think it will stop? A dozen? Two dozen?

You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.

Then why do border walls stop over 90% every place else they are tried, but not stop them here?
Credible link, or did you just pull that number out of your ass?

Not at all. You should know better than to challenge me by now.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Does not really prove much.
For example, who wanted to bother going to Hungary anyway?
With sector walls, who is to say they are not just easily bypassing to someplace easier?
That does not prove they would stop if there was no place easier.
You're admitting it might stop two dozen or more? That's progress!

I really doubt it will stop that many, but it might slow them down a few seconds.

Then why do border walls stop over 90% every place else they are tried, but not stop them here?
Credible link, or did you just pull that number out of your ass?

Not at all. You should know better than to challenge me by now.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Does not really prove much.
For example, who wanted to bother going to Hungary anyway?
With sector walls, who is to say they are not just easily bypassing to someplace easier?
That does not prove they would stop if there was no place easier.

Apparently Hungary had a large enough problem where they thought the wall was necessary, and it seems to have worked very well.

A wall won't stop everybody, but it will stop most. And if they go to sections that are easier, then we improve the quality of borders there as well.
You think they aren't smart enough to climb a fence?!?

I think the wall will do exactly what it's supposed to do, serve as a deterrent. Obviously some will get over it.

I'm willing to bet every person thats against the wall has a wall or fence around their own property

If Democrats thought for a minute that the wall would be a failure, they would have given it their blessing as they could tie that failure to Trump.

Democrats are not afraid the wall will not work, they are afraid that it will work.
Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?

You really have to ask that?

His question is based on the belief that a wall won't deter anybody.

It's one thing if they have proof of that, but nobody can post a credible site that states a border was a complete failure. Like I said, some smart ass will find ways around it, but most of the people won't go through that trouble. The odds of success are too high against them, and even if they make it through, it doesn't guarantee they will get five miles from the wall before getting caught.

After all, the more idle border agents we have, the better they are able to patrol and keep people out.
most of the people won't go through that trouble.

A lot won't anyway. I agree. Scaling that wall would be a motherfucker even with gear in most situations. How many of these people could actually pull their asses up a rope and then go back down without breaking their legs? Also a ladder would be dangerous as fuck still. You're going to bring kids up that? Belongings and supplies? Good luck.
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most of the people won't go through that trouble.

A lot won't anyway. I agree. Scaling that wall would be a motherfucker even with gear in most situations. How many of these people could actually pull their asses up a rope and then go back down without breaking their legs? Also a ladder would dangerous as fuck still. You're going to bring kids up that? Belongings and supplies? Good luck.

Yep, we could see some of that.

Is the wall metal?
If so paint it black so it gets unbearably hot in the sun, then coat it with STP which will make it extremely slippery.
You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

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