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80 million on Medicaid

Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.

This is why Republicans are opposed to education. Educated people don’t fall for their lies, distortions and bullshit. Those who know history and are taught critical thinking skills, won’t vote for the party that has crash the economy four times in the last hundred years.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to keep voting for the people that are bankrupting you over and over again.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The dimwits in Mass sent clowns like Kennedy to Congress. That sonofabitch killed a girl, never was right on an issue and the assholes still elected him, for years. Also that traitor. liar and asshole Kerry. Princess Liesalot is fucking joke. Markey is a fucking idiot. Just look at those morons that serve in the House of representatives. Low IQ hate mongers.

Massachusetts is a terrible state filled with idiots.

We know that here in Florida because a lot of the obnoxious pieces of shit from Massachusetts come down here as snowbirds each year. Smelly, obnoxious and dumber than a door knob.

Their education system sucks because it is turning out morons.

You must have been educated in Florida.
It’s appalling and ignorant of any American to cl
The problem is that has all been subverted long ago. The Constitution is meaningless, except when it favors the ruling oligarchy.
The American public will not tolerate the repeal of Medicare or Medicaid, despite the strident ravings of an alienated faction.

I would love to see both those stupid programs thrown in the trash. Along with Social Security.

Right, and we could eventually become Venezuela. That's what happens when you destroy the middle class.
That same Constitution that told us what real money was. It is not that there were people not doing well back then. But the taxes were nothing compared to today and the same issues and much worse exist. It is understandable. Poverty and hunger is not a fun thing. Yet it exists here with massive payouts in many ways. So the taxes keep rising in incremental ways. And the issues do not go away.
The Founding Fathers anticipated the inevitable societal changes and designed a democracy wherein succeeding electorates decide their contemporary concerns by electing representative who legislate according to those priorities.
Yes it does. But to subvert it a fiat currency had to installed and it was pushed through by very powerful globalists. Legalized loan sharks who take a cut from every federal reserve note.
I realize Fiat Currency is a popular buzzword, but both the founders and Lincoln gop financed wars with fiat currency
So did the Romans and the practice played a major role in their decline. The fact that mistakes were made in the past doesn’t justify making the same ones in the present.
Without a massive domestic conflict....America is history.

People younger than 65ish are fucked royally.
If you're over 65....you threaded the needed and you got the best this world may ever offer. Congrats!
You'll be checking out just as the ship sinks beneath the soiled, contaminated, deadly waters.

What comes after you can be seen today....in Venezuela and Cuba.

You fucked yourselves by electing generation after generation of corrup Republican presidents to transfer wealth to the top.

You keep pointing to Venezuela and Cuba because that’s what your minders tell you that happens in “socialist” countries. Neither of these countries are “socialist” or democratic. Both are corrupt authoritarians dictatorships. Which is the direction that today’s iteration of the Republican Party is taking the United States.

Canada, all of the EU countries, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the first world Asian countries of South Korea and Japan have all managed to produce healthy and thriving economies where their governments have invested in people, infrastructure and education. None of these countries have ended up like either Venezuela or Cuba.

All of the countries which lead the world on the “best places to live” lists, are “socialist democracies”. The only first world country in danger of slipping into second world status is the United States of America, the one most like Venezuela.

The USA has the most extreme wealth and income inequities in the first world. Republican tax codes have transferred 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10% of the elites and wealthy corporations. It is that tax code which is impoverishing the working and middle class, and enriching the wealthy.

80% of the wealth of Nations now held at the top. Unless there a drastic changes to the tax code and employment law, nothing will change. Your tax code rewards wealth and punishes workers.

80% of the people receiving public assistance, are working at least one full-time job. If half of them were paid $15 an hour, they would no longer qualify for public assistance, nor would they need it.

But Republicans keep telling you that this is wrong. The people shouldn’t be paid more for minimal skills. Instead they think that the shareholders should pocket the increased profits, while sitting on their asses at home.

A capitalist economy requires a thriving middle class in order to be successful. Republicans have destroyed the American middle class in favour of the wealthy. And you keep cheering this distraction. More people are falling back into poverty than arising into wealth and this is driving your country on a downward spiral into second world status.

When looking at Bidens American rescue plan it was shocking to this Canadian to see the difficulty that he was having in convincing Americans that this was a good way to go for the economy.

All of the programs he is proposing we have in Canada. We’ve had a child tax benefit for 15 years. It is one of the reasons why Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world. Our students aren’t graduating colleges and universities carrying a lifetime load of debt, because we support public education.

We have one of the best public education systems in the world because teachers are well paid and we haven’t politicized education.

In Canada, the wealthy and the elites get 40% of our wealth - half that of the USA. Walmart is still the most profitable company in Canada. But we didn’t have people lining up for hours for food during the pandemic.

We also gave no money to privately owned corporations during the pandemic. We gave the money to the people, to the workers.

Most importantly, we locked down the country tight, and we reopened slowly. We had 1/3 of the deaths and illness of the United States. We are now more than 70% vaccinated. And we we are re-opening safely.

Our country was not bankrupted by the cost of testing and treating millions of sick Canadians. We flatten the curve, twice. We vaccinated like crazy. And we didn’t politicize the pandemic.

American view everything through partisan. You are all Americans and if you don’t start acting in your own best interest and stop believing partisans, you will never have control of your country.

You are blinded by your love of partisanship.

it's not about Republicans or Democrats.....it's about forces that want absolute power and control and hyper partisan hacks like yourself are willingly handing all to them on a silver platter.

Any fool who actually belives in either party wholesale....is also an imbecile.

Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.
In other words, you are pissy about education because it tends to distinguish folks from you, a hardly creditable criterion.

Education is always a threat to hard right Christian conservatives.
Education has always been elusive to Libtards.

They are absolute idiots. For instance, they believe Socialism will work in America, increased taxation will make the US more prosperous, unborn babies are not humans, borders are not necessary and we can supply all our energy needs with sunshine.

They are absolute idiots. For instance, they believe Socialism will work in America, increased taxation will make the US more prosperous, unborn babies are not humans, borders are not necessary and we can supply all our energy needs with sunshine.
Your fantasy is amusing.

The folks in the better-educated, more prosperous states [These Are the 10 Richest States in the U.S.] will let you live here, but you must behave yourself. Trump's goon attacks on democracy are unacceptable!

How many Republicans elected in 2020 are legit, or did the mysterious dastards who allegedly steal elections fake their victories as well? Why wouldn't they?
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They are absolute idiots. For instance, they believe Socialism will work in America, increased taxation will make the US more prosperous, unborn babies are not humans, borders are not necessary and we can supply all our energy needs with sunshine.
Your fantasy is amusing.

The folks in the better-educated, more prosperous states [These Are the 10 Richest States in the U.S.] will let you live here, but you must behave yourself. Trump's goon attacks on democracy are unacceptable!

How many Republicans elected in 2020 are legit, or did the mysterious dastards who allegedly steal elections fake their victories as well? Why wouldn't they?

Liberals are the biggest dumbasses on the planet. They prove it with the all disastrous things they support like letting other countries export their poverty here. How dumb do you have to be to have open borders? If they is what they are learning with their education system then some teachers need to be fired.

Your health care problems are not mine. Take care of your own self.

By the way Moon Bat. Health Care would be a lot better and a lot cheaper if the fucking government would stop interfering.
Yes, you've made it clear that you hate all advanced democracies.

Why do you persist in constituting a possible expense to society if you are upset about you and your family being protected from catastrophic loss due to an unforeseen serious illness?

There is no shortage of third-world nations wiling to accommodate you.
advanced democracies

List the advanced democracies that have 350 million citizens and 30+ million trespassers.

...and 80 million on welfare.
80 million? In what few states? You are totally clueless!

Look at the title of this thread. Medicaid is welfare. That is addition to all the other filthy ass welfare programs.

You simply won't ever be happy in any first world country.

I would be happy in a free America where the government didn't steal the money I made and give it away to filthy ass welfare queens.

You do know that the whole concept of welfare queens was a republican lie, do you not? This was the original Republican lie which Ronald Reagan spewed to vilify the poor.

Taxes are not theft of your income. They are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. Even the ancient Romans had the good sense to make sure that every Roman had a measure of wheat and a roof over their head. The Roman elites knew that they governed at the pleasure of the “headcount”. If the headcount was not fed and taken care of their heads would be on pikes around the Senate Forum.

This is what it always comes down to with the right. They’re afraid that their tax dollars might go to someone they deem “unworthy”.

The republican party continues to tell you fools the poor people are responsible for your economic situation, while they give tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, funeral home pay any taxes at all.

Your tax dollars are not going to welfare queens, they’re going to the top 10%, to allow them to sit on their ass is at home and collect dividends. They’re going to farm corporations who were hurt by Trump’s tariffs.

And they’re going to defence contractors to build weapons that you no longer need because you’re no longer the worlds policeman.

But you keep believing that it’s all about the “welfare queens” because you’re just that stupid and gullible. This is why Republicans keep cutting funding for education. So that it will turn out dolts like you who can easily be gulled into voting against their own best interests.

If your point is that whenever the Democrats have fucked up this country then they have been helped by the Republicans then I would agree with you.

I stopped being a Republican a long time ago because they nothing more than Democrat Light.

Every millionaire in the US pays more in taxes each year than you do so stop your pathetic class warfare bullshit. it just makes you look like an asshole.

Defence contract serve a useful purpose for this country. For instance, they provided equipment for my son to use in Iraq when Obama sent him there. Welfare queens provide nothing of use except being Democrat ballot slaves.

I give you facts, you repeat the Republican lies. Your son would not have been in Afghanistan if not for Republican lies.

There are no welfare queens. There have never been any welfare queens. Reagan lied. Republicans are giving all of your money to the wealthy because that’s who their donors are. Billionaires in Fortune 500 corporations are no longer paying taxes. Taxes are paid by working people.

Your health care problems are not mine. Take care of your own self.

By the way Moon Bat. Health Care would be a lot better and a lot cheaper if the fucking government would stop interfering.
Yes, you've made it clear that you hate all advanced democracies.

Why do you persist in constituting a possible expense to society if you are upset about you and your family being protected from catastrophic loss due to an unforeseen serious illness?

There is no shortage of third-world nations wiling to accommodate you.
advanced democracies

List the advanced democracies that have 350 million citizens and 30+ million trespassers.

...and 80 million on welfare.
80 million? In what few states? You are totally clueless!

Look at the title of this thread. Medicaid is welfare. That is addition to all the other filthy ass welfare programs.

You simply won't ever be happy in any first world country.

I would be happy in a free America where the government didn't steal the money I made and give it away to filthy ass welfare queens.

You do know that the whole concept of welfare queens was a republican lie, do you not? This was the original Republican lie which Ronald Reagan spewed to vilify the poor.

Taxes are not theft of your income. They are your share of the cost of living in a first world country. Even the ancient Romans had the good sense to make sure that every Roman had a measure of wheat and a roof over their head. The Roman elites knew that they governed at the pleasure of the “headcount”. If the headcount was not fed and taken care of their heads would be on pikes around the Senate Forum.

This is what it always comes down to with the right. They’re afraid that their tax dollars might go to someone they deem “unworthy”.

The republican party continues to tell you fools the poor people are responsible for your economic situation, while they give tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, funeral home pay any taxes at all.

Your tax dollars are not going to welfare queens, they’re going to the top 10%, to allow them to sit on their ass is at home and collect dividends. They’re going to farm corporations who were hurt by Trump’s tariffs.

And they’re going to defence contractors to build weapons that you no longer need because you’re no longer the worlds policeman.

But you keep believing that it’s all about the “welfare queens” because you’re just that stupid and gullible. This is why Republicans keep cutting funding for education. So that it will turn out dolts like you who can easily be gulled into voting against their own best interests.

If your point is that whenever the Democrats have fucked up this country then they have been helped by the Republicans then I would agree with you.

I stopped being a Republican a long time ago because they nothing more than Democrat Light.

Every millionaire in the US pays more in taxes each year than you do so stop your pathetic class warfare bullshit. it just makes you look like an asshole.

Defence contract serve a useful purpose for this country. For instance, they provided equipment for my son to use in Iraq when Obama sent him there. Welfare queens provide nothing of use except being Democrat ballot slaves.

I give you facts, you repeat the Republican lies. Your son would not have been in Afghanistan if not for Republican lies.

There are no welfare queens. There have never been any welfare queens. Reagan lied. Republicans are giving all of your money to the wealthy because that’s who their donors are. Billionaires in Fortune 500 corporations are no longer paying taxes. Taxes are paid by working people.

You mean like when Biden voted to fund the invasion of Iraq? Along with most other Democrats?

If he beleived any lies then he was stupid. If he didn't believe any lies then he was stupid.

If you think there are no welfare queens then you are absolutely dumber than a fucking door knob.

By the way the fat cat billionaires are the ones that backed Obama, Clinton and Joe Dufus. They are globalists and the Democrats love their globalism. The billionaires also like the Democrats creating the welfare state. That takes the heat off of them.
Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.

This is why Republicans are opposed to education. Educated people don’t fall for their lies, distortions and bullshit. Those who know history and are taught critical thinking skills, won’t vote for the party that has crash the economy four times in the last hundred years.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to keep voting for the people that are bankrupting you over and over again.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The dimwits in Mass sent clowns like Kennedy to Congress. That sonofabitch killed a girl, never was right on an issue and the assholes still elected him, for years. Also that traitor. liar and asshole Kerry. Princess Liesalot is fucking joke. Markey is a fucking idiot. Just look at those morons that serve in the House of representatives. Low IQ hate mongers.

Massachusetts is a terrible state filled with idiots.

We know that here in Florida because a lot of the obnoxious pieces of shit from Massachusetts come down here as snowbirds each year. Smelly, obnoxious and dumber than a door knob.

Their education system sucks because it is turning out morons.

Well that was a whole lot of bluster that said nothing other than you don’t like Democrats. Your entire post just fact free except for the part where you said Kennedy killed a girl.

If you are not a “hate monger moron”, you do a perfect imitation of one. You believe everything Republican lie that has destroyed your nation, and spew hate at the Democrats who keep pulling the economy out of the fire.

Three economic crashes in 40 years have destroyed your economy. Those crushes are the result of Republican policies. They have reversed the 50 years of economic growth under the new deal, and restore the economy of the Robber Barons - where the rich get richer, and working people are screwed.

And your only response to that is the Democrats are idiots and morons. I would say the idiots and morons are the people who voting for the party who are crashing the economy to benefit their wealthy donors.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, Republican voters are insane. You keep voting for Republicans and expecting that they won’t crash the economy.

And yet you keep voting for Republicans. And then blaming Democrats when cutting taxes and increasing the deficits crashed the economy.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Yes it does. But to subvert it a fiat currency had to installed and it was pushed through by very powerful globalists. Legalized loan sharks who take a cut from every federal reserve note.
Conspiracy theories abound, and some even have an element of truth, but democracy does not hinge upon whether the citizenry buys one or another of them. Self-governance does not require either a perspicacious awareness, nor an embrace of the notion of one clandestine scheme or another.

Jefferson's contention was that the cornerstone of our democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate, and that remains the case.

View attachment 504340
But Jefferson was also for a narrow reading of spending and general welfare.
Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.

This is why Republicans are opposed to education. Educated people don’t fall for their lies, distortions and bullshit. Those who know history and are taught critical thinking skills, won’t vote for the party that has crash the economy four times in the last hundred years.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to keep voting for the people that are bankrupting you over and over again.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The dimwits in Mass sent clowns like Kennedy to Congress. That sonofabitch killed a girl, never was right on an issue and the assholes still elected him, for years. Also that traitor. liar and asshole Kerry. Princess Liesalot is fucking joke. Markey is a fucking idiot. Just look at those morons that serve in the House of representatives. Low IQ hate mongers.

Massachusetts is a terrible state filled with idiots.

We know that here in Florida because a lot of the obnoxious pieces of shit from Massachusetts come down here as snowbirds each year. Smelly, obnoxious and dumber than a door knob.

Their education system sucks because it is turning out morons.

Well that was a whole lot of bluster that said nothing other than you don’t like Democrats. Your entire post just fact free except for the part where you said Kennedy killed a girl.

If you are not a “hate monger moron”, you do a perfect imitation of one. You believe everything Republican lie that has destroyed your nation, and spew hate at the Democrats who keep pulling the economy out of the fire.

Three economic crashes in 40 years have destroyed your economy. Those crushes are the result of Republican policies. They have reversed the 50 years of economic growth under the new deal, and restore the economy of the Robber Barons - where the rich get richer, and working people are screwed.

And your only response to that is the Democrats are idiots and morons. I would say the idiots and morons are the people who voting for the party who are crashing the economy to benefit their wealthy donors.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, Republican voters are insane. You keep voting for Republicans and expecting that they won’t crash the economy.

And yet you keep voting for Republicans. And then blaming Democrats when cutting taxes and increasing the deficits crashed the economy.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The big economic crash with the housing market in 2007 happen because the Democrat CRA program was a disaster. The Democrats being idiots thought that if they forced lenders to give credit to people that could not otherwise qualify then everything would be peaches. They almost destroyed the economy. Couple that with the fact that the filthy ass Democrats took over the House and Senate and didn't do their oversight job made it even worse.

That piece of shit Obama had eight years and during his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased and we had dismal economic growth so who is the disaster?

Now Joe Dufus created runaway inflation, letting millions of Illegals flood in and sign up for welfare, high cost of energy, tremendous debt and the moron is dead set on a tax increase. Someone would have to be a moron to have voted for that clown.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country and only idiots vote them into office.
That same Constitution that told us what real money was. It is not that there were people not doing well back then. But the taxes were nothing compared to today and the same issues and much worse exist. It is understandable. Poverty and hunger is not a fun thing. Yet it exists here with massive payouts in many ways. So the taxes keep rising in incremental ways. And the issues do not go away.
The Founding Fathers anticipated the inevitable societal changes and designed a democracy wherein succeeding electorates decide their contemporary concerns by electing representative who legislate according to those priorities.
Yes it does. But to subvert it a fiat currency had to installed and it was pushed through by very powerful globalists. Legalized loan sharks who take a cut from every federal reserve note.
I realize Fiat Currency is a popular buzzword, but both the founders and Lincoln gop financed wars with fiat currency
So did the Romans and the practice played a major role in their decline. The fact that mistakes were made in the past doesn’t justify making the same ones in the present.
Well I agree, sort of. But the problem has nothing to do with "fiat currency" and the buzzword of today. We paid our unsecured debts we ran up in wars. The gold standard was responsible for turning a recession into a decade long global depression that was only cured with "fiat money." The problem is leaders willing to vote for crap and tax cuts regardless of budget deficits.
Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.

This is why Republicans are opposed to education. Educated people don’t fall for their lies, distortions and bullshit. Those who know history and are taught critical thinking skills, won’t vote for the party that has crash the economy four times in the last hundred years.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to keep voting for the people that are bankrupting you over and over again.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The dimwits in Mass sent clowns like Kennedy to Congress. That sonofabitch killed a girl, never was right on an issue and the assholes still elected him, for years. Also that traitor. liar and asshole Kerry. Princess Liesalot is fucking joke. Markey is a fucking idiot. Just look at those morons that serve in the House of representatives. Low IQ hate mongers.

Massachusetts is a terrible state filled with idiots.

We know that here in Florida because a lot of the obnoxious pieces of shit from Massachusetts come down here as snowbirds each year. Smelly, obnoxious and dumber than a door knob.

Their education system sucks because it is turning out morons.

Well that was a whole lot of bluster that said nothing other than you don’t like Democrats. Your entire post just fact free except for the part where you said Kennedy killed a girl.

If you are not a “hate monger moron”, you do a perfect imitation of one. You believe everything Republican lie that has destroyed your nation, and spew hate at the Democrats who keep pulling the economy out of the fire.

Three economic crashes in 40 years have destroyed your economy. Those crushes are the result of Republican policies. They have reversed the 50 years of economic growth under the new deal, and restore the economy of the Robber Barons - where the rich get richer, and working people are screwed.

And your only response to that is the Democrats are idiots and morons. I would say the idiots and morons are the people who voting for the party who are crashing the economy to benefit their wealthy donors.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, Republican voters are insane. You keep voting for Republicans and expecting that they won’t crash the economy.

And yet you keep voting for Republicans. And then blaming Democrats when cutting taxes and increasing the deficits crashed the economy.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The big economic crash with the housing market in 2007 happen because the Democrat CRA program was a disaster. The Democrats being idiots thought that if they forced lenders to give credit to people that could not otherwise qualify then everything would be peaches. They almost destroyed the economy. Couple that with the fact that the filthy ass Democrats took over the House and Senate and didn't do their oversight job made it even worse.

That piece of shit Obama had eight years and during his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased and we had dismal economic growth so who is the disaster?

Now Joe Dufus created runaway inflation, letting millions of Illegals flood in and sign up for welfare, high cost of energy, tremendous debt and the moron is dead set on a tax increase. Someone would have to be a moron to have voted for that clown.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country and only idiots vote them into office.

LOLOL Nope. Bush promised 5 million new minority homeowners.
Massachusetts ain't very educated because the nitwits keep sending really shitty members to Congress.

This is why Republicans are opposed to education. Educated people don’t fall for their lies, distortions and bullshit. Those who know history and are taught critical thinking skills, won’t vote for the party that has crash the economy four times in the last hundred years.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to keep voting for the people that are bankrupting you over and over again.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The dimwits in Mass sent clowns like Kennedy to Congress. That sonofabitch killed a girl, never was right on an issue and the assholes still elected him, for years. Also that traitor. liar and asshole Kerry. Princess Liesalot is fucking joke. Markey is a fucking idiot. Just look at those morons that serve in the House of representatives. Low IQ hate mongers.

Massachusetts is a terrible state filled with idiots.

We know that here in Florida because a lot of the obnoxious pieces of shit from Massachusetts come down here as snowbirds each year. Smelly, obnoxious and dumber than a door knob.

Their education system sucks because it is turning out morons.

Well that was a whole lot of bluster that said nothing other than you don’t like Democrats. Your entire post just fact free except for the part where you said Kennedy killed a girl.

If you are not a “hate monger moron”, you do a perfect imitation of one. You believe everything Republican lie that has destroyed your nation, and spew hate at the Democrats who keep pulling the economy out of the fire.

Three economic crashes in 40 years have destroyed your economy. Those crushes are the result of Republican policies. They have reversed the 50 years of economic growth under the new deal, and restore the economy of the Robber Barons - where the rich get richer, and working people are screwed.

And your only response to that is the Democrats are idiots and morons. I would say the idiots and morons are the people who voting for the party who are crashing the economy to benefit their wealthy donors.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, Republican voters are insane. You keep voting for Republicans and expecting that they won’t crash the economy.

And yet you keep voting for Republicans. And then blaming Democrats when cutting taxes and increasing the deficits crashed the economy.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The big economic crash with the housing market in 2007 happen because the Democrat CRA program was a disaster. The Democrats being idiots thought that if they forced lenders to give credit to people that could not otherwise qualify then everything would be peaches. They almost destroyed the economy. Couple that with the fact that the filthy ass Democrats took over the House and Senate and didn't do their oversight job made it even worse.

That piece of shit Obama had eight years and during his administration poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased and we had dismal economic growth so who is the disaster?

Now Joe Dufus created runaway inflation, letting millions of Illegals flood in and sign up for welfare, high cost of energy, tremendous debt and the moron is dead set on a tax increase. Someone would have to be a moron to have voted for that clown.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country and only idiots vote them into office.

LOLOL Nope. Bush promised 5 million new minority homeowners.

The CRA was created and mostly advanced by the dumbass Democrats. "Hey lets use the goverrnment to put pressure on lenders to give credit to those that don't qualify, what could possibly go wrong?

If your point is that Republicans occasionally aid in Democrat destruction then you will get no argument from me. At the end of the day Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light.

I don't know why you Libtrds hated Bush so much. He increased the size of government, ran up the debt ,expanded the welfare system, allowed millions of Illegals to flood in and pretty much was a Liberal. You should have loved him. He even kissed Negro ass. It wasn't his rinky dink little tax cut that got all your Moon bat panties in a wad, was it?

They are absolute idiots. For instance, they believe Socialism will work in America, increased taxation will make the US more prosperous, unborn babies are not humans, borders are not necessary and we can supply all our energy needs with sunshine.
Your fantasy is amusing.

The folks in the better-educated, more prosperous states [These Are the 10 Richest States in the U.S.] will let you live here, but you must behave yourself. Trump's goon attacks on democracy are unacceptable!

How many Republicans elected in 2020 are legit, or did the mysterious dastards who allegedly steal elections fake their victories as well? Why wouldn't they?

Liberals are the biggest dumbasses on the planet. They prove it with the all disastrous things they support like letting other countries export their poverty here. How dumb do you have to be to have open borders? If they is what they are learning with their education system then some teachers need to be fired.
Too dumb to establish better Capital trade relations, right wingers? Wall don't earn any money.
That same Constitution that told us what real money was. It is not that there were people not doing well back then. But the taxes were nothing compared to today and the same issues and much worse exist. It is understandable. Poverty and hunger is not a fun thing. Yet it exists here with massive payouts in many ways. So the taxes keep rising in incremental ways. And the issues do not go away.
The Founding Fathers anticipated the inevitable societal changes and designed a democracy wherein succeeding electorates decide their contemporary concerns by electing representative who legislate according to those priorities.
Yes it does. But to subvert it a fiat currency had to installed and it was pushed through by very powerful globalists. Legalized loan sharks who take a cut from every federal reserve note.
I realize Fiat Currency is a popular buzzword, but both the founders and Lincoln gop financed wars with fiat currency
So did the Romans and the practice played a major role in their decline. The fact that mistakes were made in the past doesn’t justify making the same ones in the present.
Well I agree, sort of. But the problem has nothing to do with "fiat currency" and the buzzword of today. We paid our unsecured debts we ran up in wars. The gold standard was responsible for turning a recession into a decade long global depression that was only cured with "fiat money." The problem is leaders willing to vote for crap and tax cuts regardless of budget deficits.
You seem to be forgetting the effects of our dropping Bretton Woods in the early 1970’s and why that agreement existed in the first place. After it was gone the dollar was no longer tied to ANYTHING and since much of the world uses the dollar as their reserve currency guess what their currencies are tied to?

We’re doing the same thing with the dollar that the Romans did to the denarius and for the same reasons (removing spending restraint on the state), the Romans devalued their currency so badly that even the state stopped accepting it for tax payments.

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