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80 million on Medicaid

In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
What do you do about the problem of medical care over-consumption and under-supply resulting in price inflation thatā€™s already happening under existing government health insurance systems? What about the costs associated with implementing such a system, just go further into debt to fund it?

The countries/continents you pointed out donā€™t carry our current debt and structural deficit burdens, not to mention the fact that theyā€™re in part relying on U.S. obligations to provide for their national defense and thus carry a lower burden in that department as well. They also have their own scarcity issues of medical care along with the fact that they enjoy lower drug prices thanks the fact that American consumers shoulder the lions share of the burden of pharma R & D costs for them.

ā€œUniversal careā€ isnā€™t the silver bullet that some make it out to be, there are A LOT of questions that need to be addressed before traveling down that road.

Do you know what cost shifting is? Have you noticed private insurance premiums going up? You are already paying for seniors, indigents and million dollar premature infants.

Its all about priorities or maybe we really aren't smart enough or compassionate enough to pull it off.
Yeah, Iā€™m intimately familiar with the fact that costs can be shifted, however shifted costs donā€™t mean that those costs VANISH, theyā€™re still there and what youā€™re proposing doesnā€™t solve the problem since it doesnā€™t address the root cause of rising costs, it EXACERBATES them by further disconnecting the consumer from the cost of service and encouraging OVER-CONSUMPTION, insufficient supply meet artificially induced increased demand.

25 -30% of costs goes into administrative costs and paperwork. Over consumption? Nope. Healthy young families use less than 40% of the healthcare dollar.. 60% goes to seniors , the chroically ill and premature babies.

Besides, doctors prefer to treat you early than wait until its a full blown conflagration... Besides, its cheaper and has a better success rate.
In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
What do you do about the problem of medical care over-consumption and under-supply resulting in price inflation thatā€™s already happening under existing government health insurance systems? What about the costs associated with implementing such a system, just go further into debt to fund it?

The countries/continents you pointed out donā€™t carry our current debt and structural deficit burdens, not to mention the fact that theyā€™re in part relying on U.S. obligations to provide for their national defense and thus carry a lower burden in that department as well. They also have their own scarcity issues of medical care along with the fact that they enjoy lower drug prices thanks the fact that American consumers shoulder the lions share of the burden of pharma R & D costs for them.

ā€œUniversal careā€ isnā€™t the silver bullet that some make it out to be, there are A LOT of questions that need to be addressed before traveling down that road.

Do you know what cost shifting is? Have you noticed private insurance premiums going up? You are already paying for seniors, indigents and million dollar premature infants.

Its all about priorities or maybe we really aren't smart enough or compassionate enough to pull it off.
Yeah, Iā€™m intimately familiar with the fact that costs can be shifted, however shifted costs donā€™t mean that those costs VANISH, theyā€™re still there and what youā€™re proposing doesnā€™t solve the problem since it doesnā€™t address the root cause of rising costs, it EXACERBATES them by further disconnecting the consumer from the cost of service and encouraging OVER-CONSUMPTION, insufficient supply meet artificially induced increased demand.

25 -30% of costs goes into administrative costs and paperwork. Over consumption? Nope. Healthy young families use less than 40% of the healthcare dollar.. 60% goes to seniors , the chroically ill and premature babies.

Besides, doctors prefer to treat you early than wait until its a full blown conflagration... Besides, its cheaper and has a better success rate.
Over consumption is rampant in populations that already have ā€œuniversal careā€ namely MEDICAID, that drives up costs for everybody else, the consumer is completely disconnected from the cost of service. As far as Administrative costs itā€™s GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE in the market place that are the principle drivers of those and younger populations eventually become OLDER populations and thus costs increase over time, especially when we have to be concerned about huge generations like millenials.

You have to address that problem for any ā€œuniversal healthcareā€ scheme to succeed in reducing overall costs while maintaining (or hopefully improving) the accessibility and quality of health care.

The system has to reconnect the consumer to the cost of service, MediCARE attempts to address that problem with gap insurance but the system is overly complicated and probably wonā€™t work with a system that covers the entire population. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s already been placed on it not just shift it to the Federal Bureacracy.

Some sort of premium sharing system is whatā€™s called for, where the consumer actually sees a BILL every month that is commensurate with what they consume, I havenā€™t seen anything close to that in whatā€™s been proposed. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s been placed on health care PROVIDERS, since theyā€™ve been forced to often carry more administration costs than actual medical care costs. Lastly the system needs to address prescription drug costs which are out of control and the entire system is a MESS.
Without a massive domestic conflict....America is history
America is already history.

All I can do now is preserve Texas and I will do so or go to Valhalla.

And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Planning more tax cuts for the billionaires no doubt.

It's all they know.
And the Ds will gladly support that.

You do know Joe kept Donā€™s tax cut right?
Not true at all. Bidenā€™s tax plans are well known.
Are they? Why arenā€™t they being enacted? He has total control of Congress. Please wake up. Heā€™s no different from dumb Don.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Planning more tax cuts for the billionaires no doubt.

It's all they know.
I received a tax cut from Trump and Iā€™m not a billionaire. Care to explain?
Yet based on the recent ProPublica report, itā€™s possible that you had a higher effective tax rate than the top 25 billionaires in the country. So instead of giving you a tax cut, what Trump really should have given you is access to those billionaires armies of attorneyā€™s, accountants, financial advisors and lobbyists.

So much for our ā€œprogressiveā€ tax code, huh?

Hahahahahaha. You have nothing.
Really? You might want to try objectively reading the post.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Planning more tax cuts for the billionaires no doubt.

It's all they know.
And the Ds will gladly support that.

You do know Joe kept Donā€™s tax cut right?
Not true at all. Bidenā€™s tax plans are well known.
Are they? Why arenā€™t they being enacted? He has total control of Congress. Please wake up. Heā€™s no different from dumb Don.
Exactly, same corrupt system, different brand label on the box.

ā€œMeet the new boss, same as the old bossā€ ā€” The Who, Wonā€™t Get Fooled Again
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Planning more tax cuts for the billionaires no doubt.

It's all they know.
And the Ds will gladly support that.

You do know Joe kept Donā€™s tax cut right?
Not true at all. Bidenā€™s tax plans are well known.
Yes, Bidenā€™s ā€œtax plansā€ are well known, theyā€™re well known as ā€œsmoke and mirrorsā€, he just wants to raise top rates without doing much of anything to address all the means in our monstrosity known as the Federal Tax Code that those exposed to those top rates use to avoid paying them.
Exactly and the smoke and mirrors op works perfectly on D partisans. Their blind to the truth.
In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Working a job and paying for our own healthcare.
What if you haven't got and can't get a job?
They donā€™t consider that point or they donā€™t care.
In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
We know Joe wonā€™t do that, just as Don and Ears wouldnā€™t do it. Joe said heā€™d veto such a bill, because heā€™s owned by the ultra wealthy and they run the show. Heā€™s just a lackey, like most recent presidents.

Funny thing: wingers on both sides donā€™t get this, even though itā€™s transparently obvious.
In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
What do you do about the problem of medical care over-consumption and under-supply resulting in price inflation thatā€™s already happening under existing government health insurance systems? What about the costs associated with implementing such a system, just go further into debt to fund it?

The countries/continents you pointed out donā€™t carry our current debt and structural deficit burdens, not to mention the fact that theyā€™re in part relying on U.S. obligations to provide for their national defense and thus carry a lower burden in that department as well. They also have their own scarcity issues of medical care along with the fact that they enjoy lower drug prices thanks the fact that American consumers shoulder the lions share of the burden of pharma R & D costs for them.

ā€œUniversal careā€ isnā€™t the silver bullet that some make it out to be, there are A LOT of questions that need to be addressed before traveling down that road.

Do you know what cost shifting is? Have you noticed private insurance premiums going up? You are already paying for seniors, indigents and million dollar premature infants.

Its all about priorities or maybe we really aren't smart enough or compassionate enough to pull it off.
Yeah, Iā€™m intimately familiar with the fact that costs can be shifted, however shifted costs donā€™t mean that those costs VANISH, theyā€™re still there and what youā€™re proposing doesnā€™t solve the problem since it doesnā€™t address the root cause of rising costs, it EXACERBATES them by further disconnecting the consumer from the cost of service and encouraging OVER-CONSUMPTION, insufficient supply meet artificially induced increased demand.

25 -30% of costs goes into administrative costs and paperwork. Over consumption? Nope. Healthy young families use less than 40% of the healthcare dollar.. 60% goes to seniors , the chroically ill and premature babies.

Besides, doctors prefer to treat you early than wait until its a full blown conflagration... Besides, its cheaper and has a better success rate.
Over consumption is rampant in populations that already have ā€œuniversal careā€ namely MEDICAID, that drives up costs for everybody else, the consumer is completely disconnected from the cost of service. As far as Administrative costs itā€™s GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE in the market place that are the principle drivers of those and younger populations eventually become OLDER populations and thus costs increase over time, especially when we have to be concerned about huge generations like millenials.

You have to address that problem for any ā€œuniversal healthcareā€ scheme to succeed in reducing overall costs while maintaining (or hopefully improving) the accessibility and quality of health care.

The system has to reconnect the consumer to the cost of service, MediCARE attempts to address that problem with gap insurance but the system is overly complicated and probably wonā€™t work with a system that covers the entire population. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s already been placed on it not just shift it to the Federal Bureacracy.

Some sort of premium sharing system is whatā€™s called for, where the consumer actually sees a BILL every month that is commensurate with what they consume, I havenā€™t seen anything close to that in whatā€™s been proposed. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s been placed on health care PROVIDERS, since theyā€™ve been forced to often carry more administration costs than actual medical care costs. Lastly the system needs to address prescription drug costs which are out of control and the entire system is a MESS.

Prove it. Are you a hospital CEO or executive with one of the 800 pound gorillas?
How about you paying your health care bills and I'll pay mine and you not be a greedy asshole that wants the government to take my money and give it to you?
How about you paying your health care bills and I'll pay mine and you not be a greedy asshole that wants the government to take my money and give it to you?

Cost shifting doesn't work that way..
How about you paying your health care bills and I'll pay mine and you not be a greedy asshole that wants the government to take my money and give it to you?

Cost shifting doesn't work that way..

It sure as hell does.

Some worthless piece of shit signs up for the filthy government to pay their health care bills. The filthy government taxes people to pay for the health care.

The people paying the taxes are not the ones getting the free health care.
In the richest nation on earth. Thatā€™s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ā€˜High-Water Markā€™

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
What do you do about the problem of medical care over-consumption and under-supply resulting in price inflation thatā€™s already happening under existing government health insurance systems? What about the costs associated with implementing such a system, just go further into debt to fund it?

The countries/continents you pointed out donā€™t carry our current debt and structural deficit burdens, not to mention the fact that theyā€™re in part relying on U.S. obligations to provide for their national defense and thus carry a lower burden in that department as well. They also have their own scarcity issues of medical care along with the fact that they enjoy lower drug prices thanks the fact that American consumers shoulder the lions share of the burden of pharma R & D costs for them.

ā€œUniversal careā€ isnā€™t the silver bullet that some make it out to be, there are A LOT of questions that need to be addressed before traveling down that road.

Do you know what cost shifting is? Have you noticed private insurance premiums going up? You are already paying for seniors, indigents and million dollar premature infants.

Its all about priorities or maybe we really aren't smart enough or compassionate enough to pull it off.
Yeah, Iā€™m intimately familiar with the fact that costs can be shifted, however shifted costs donā€™t mean that those costs VANISH, theyā€™re still there and what youā€™re proposing doesnā€™t solve the problem since it doesnā€™t address the root cause of rising costs, it EXACERBATES them by further disconnecting the consumer from the cost of service and encouraging OVER-CONSUMPTION, insufficient supply meet artificially induced increased demand.

25 -30% of costs goes into administrative costs and paperwork. Over consumption? Nope. Healthy young families use less than 40% of the healthcare dollar.. 60% goes to seniors , the chroically ill and premature babies.

Besides, doctors prefer to treat you early than wait until its a full blown conflagration... Besides, its cheaper and has a better success rate.
Over consumption is rampant in populations that already have ā€œuniversal careā€ namely MEDICAID, that drives up costs for everybody else, the consumer is completely disconnected from the cost of service. As far as Administrative costs itā€™s GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE in the market place that are the principle drivers of those and younger populations eventually become OLDER populations and thus costs increase over time, especially when we have to be concerned about huge generations like millenials.

You have to address that problem for any ā€œuniversal healthcareā€ scheme to succeed in reducing overall costs while maintaining (or hopefully improving) the accessibility and quality of health care.

The system has to reconnect the consumer to the cost of service, MediCARE attempts to address that problem with gap insurance but the system is overly complicated and probably wonā€™t work with a system that covers the entire population. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s already been placed on it not just shift it to the Federal Bureacracy.

Some sort of premium sharing system is whatā€™s called for, where the consumer actually sees a BILL every month that is commensurate with what they consume, I havenā€™t seen anything close to that in whatā€™s been proposed. Along with that the system also has to lower the administrative burden thatā€™s been placed on health care PROVIDERS, since theyā€™ve been forced to often carry more administration costs than actual medical care costs. Lastly the system needs to address prescription drug costs which are out of control and the entire system is a MESS.

Prove it. Are you a hospital CEO or executive with one of the 800 pound gorillas?
You require a ā€œhospital CEO or executiveā€ to ā€œprove itā€ to you? How would that help your case for ā€œuniversal healthcareā€? How about instead you demand that politicians address the questions that Iā€™ve raised and come up with a system that provides accessible, quality healthcare at a price thatā€™s lower than the current one? Isnā€™t that what you want?

Or are you just going to buy whatever politicians on your side of the aisle shovel at you, jump off the cliff and just hope for the best?

Iā€™m trying to make you think through all the details of what youā€™re proposing, you seem to be doing everything you can to AVOID thinking about any details that arenā€™t favorable to it, NOT PRODUCTIVE.

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