80% of the Letitia James case for "Fraud" was tossed....statute of limitations

Is this an indication that the democrat's "lawfare" against Trump will fail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
Sure they do. It’s still no excuse to lie to the bank.
It hasn't been established that he lied to the bank. You can whine and cry from now until doomsday, your hatred for Trump does not elevate your shithouse lawyer degree to the level that overrules this judge. Justice was served, now STFU. How about going after Bowman for Insurrection--you guys seem to be able to pull that out of your ass at will.
That's why most banks didn't deal with Trump. The one holdout was Deutsche Bank and they are as shady as Trump
Did they sue him? Did they suffer a loss? NY has no claim whatsoever. Your personal hatred for Trump doesn't equate to a crime. Justice was served today.
Why is NY state bringing this civil case and not the banks, insurers, and others Trump has defrauded? If Trump has bilked money from these companies, why haven't they filed suit against him?
Wow. What an amazing original thought! Wonder why the Trump lawyers haven’t argued that.

Instead of asking me this question, why don’t you volunteer your services? I am sure you can’t fuck it up any more than the orange loser.
Who is illiterate?

The judge who agreed with the prosecutor that “Trump and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork” or his ever-gullible retard followers?

Point here is, the guilt of the orange loser has been established. All we are now waiting for is the amount of fines Trump has to pay.

Your orange fuhrer is trying to spin this and of course you idiots are falling for it. As usual. :itsok:

You’re funny!
You got ‘‘em now! Well, maybe 20% of him.
This OP appears to be FAKE news. I haven't seen any credible sources to verify it. This story may be related to some very old news about the statute of limitation in this case - which had previously been considered and adjudicated. Doesn't sound like anything new.
The news is true. Trump is spinning this as some sort of victory that he is not liable for 100% of the crime since the statute of limitation has run out for some of the fraud but he is still liable and he is still going to pay fine.

The poor trumptards just swallow everything he dishes out. They are going to be disappointed when he does have to pay a fine.
Uh huh sure. Didn't the Judge and Jury of one, conclude guilt for the fraud already? Did he exclude anything then? Forgive me if I don't take the Dirty Don's or his lawyers' word on what the Judge really meant or said.

You hang in there little buccaroo!
Wow. What an amazing original thought! Wonder why the Trump lawyers haven’t argued that.

Instead of asking me this question, why don’t you volunteer your services? I am sure you can’t fuck it up any more than the orange loser.

So you don’t want to admit why then? Do t worry we all know already
Uh huh sure. Didn't the Judge and Jury of one, conclude guilt for the fraud already? Did he exclude anything then? Forgive me if I don't take the Dirty Don's or his lawyers' word on what the Judge really meant or said.
The trial will take months, so the preliminary judge "guilty" isn't set in stone.
80% gone, 20% soon to be gone. There was no fraud because there was no victim.
The judge hasn’t changed his mind. Trump will be fined. Scope of the case is narrower but in the end Trump will still be liable.

Or, should I say, his idiot followers will be liable? Since his ever gullible retards end up bailing the so-called “billionaire “?

Are you upset?
I don't see how it changes much. Trump isn't off the hook
This is what passes for real news. The orange douche bag spins some sort of lies and these idiots swallow it hook, line, and sinker while ignoring all other evidence.

I sometimes really sorry for them. To be so ignorant.
The judge hasn’t changed his mind. Trump will be fined. Scope of the case is narrower but in the end Trump will still be liable.
Or, should I say, his idiot followers will be liable? Since his ever gullible retards end up bailing the so-called “billionaire “?
The trial is supposed to go on for months, probably less now that 80% is dismissed.
I'm not sure how you prove fraud when there is no victim?!
This is what passes for real news. The orange douche bag spins some sort of lies and these idiots swallow it hook, line, and sinker while ignoring all other evidence.

I sometimes really sorry for them. To be so ignorant.
Their whole identity is wrapped up in Trump. Trump was the only president in their lifetime that gave a shit about racists and crackpots. They love him for it

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