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80-year-old Palestinian man remembers destroyed village of his youth

Saying a Zionist cares about Truth is as far from Truth as saying Satan is God.

And thinking about by comment I recall a poster just stating Jesus was Satan in a post in another thread a few days ago.
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The thread here is actually addressing Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, underway continuously since Israel declared herself into existence as a nation in 1948.
Saying a Zionist cares about Truth is as far from Truth as saying Satan is God.
That partisan observation does nothing to address the validity of Sands' conclusions.

You certainly have provided nothing credible to dispute anything Sand has said, in your many uninformed and opionated and judgmental comments.
Your 'comrade' (Billo) holds that Sands disputes the first (and biggest) wave of The Diaspora (following the Sack of Jerusalem in 70 AD) on the grounds - in part, at least - that insufficient infrastructure and people-mover capabilities existed in the Empire at that time, to effect such large-scale expulsions and enslavements of large numbers of Israelites.

Don't look now, but I effectively and efficiently counterpointed that assertion; both in connection with your boy Billo, and your newfound hero, Sands.

I do not pretend any particular and accomplished scholarship with respect to the Classical Period but even 'uninformed and opinionated and 'judgmental' amateurs such as I can have a good day and get on-a-roll and effectively counterpoint such speculation.

Which is exactly what happened here.

Your personal opinion of me notwithstanding, and being non sequitur to the matter at hand.
The thread here is actually addressing Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, underway continuously since Israel declared herself into existence as a nation in 1948.

Virtually every thread on this or any other board-system takes side-trips and side-bars onto related matters and even unrelated or marginally-related ones...

YOU are the one who decided to sidetrack us and open-up a new sidebar...

"...Dreams to return to a land one has been ethnically cleansed from never die..."
Indeed. The Jews managed to hold onto their dream for 1,878 years; from the Sack of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD, to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. That dream is not yet fully realized but they're getting there... their goal is nearly achieved.

It never happened, more Zionist Mythology! These myths are debunked by yet another Israeli Professor named Shlomo Sand.

...and, having done so, you, the originator of the thread, are responsible for opening Pandora's Box, not I.

It gets a little difficult to stuff the genie back into the bottle, once you've pulled the cork, and once you begin losing the sidebar or its ancillary branchings, isn't it?

Besides... discussions of Ethnic Cleansing in the region, involving both parties, are sufficiently related so as to have a legitimate place within, as a sidebar.

A sidebar which YOU initiated.

It is not my fault if YOUR sidebar has temporarily become the focal point, even though such an interlude is legitimate in its own right...
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80-year-old Palestinian man remembers destroyed village of his youth

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "An 80-year-old Palestinian man recalled memories of the destroyed village of his youth for the TV program, "A memory that never rusts," describing a landscape destroyed by Zionist forces in the 1948 conflict known in Arabic as the "Nakba," or catastrophe.

Jameel Deif-Allah Sawalma offered recollections of his long lost village of al-Auja, near Jaffa, before it was overtaken and destroyed."Our village plains were wide like a palm, al-Auja river was to our west and our soil was red like a beet," he said. "There were no rocks, and we planted it with watermelons, melons, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, sesame, lupine, oranges and lemons."*Sawalma recalled fishing from the nearby river using hooks and sleeping bills to knock the fish unconscious, as well as the run back home to cook them, while fish traders used large nets to catch the famous Jaffa fish.*He recalls the two schools they had in the village, and how he studied at one until the 3rd grade. "I used to study maths, Arabic, the Quran and to this day I remember the poems I memorized," he added, and recited some of the poems he learned decades ago. Sawalma’s weary memory still holds an image of how al-Auja River meandered through their lands, and how it flooded in the winter. He talked about the red brick houses of the village, the horse-drawn carriages on the dusty streets, and their wooden or metal wheels which he used to repair for a living.*

Sawalma concluded with the harsh recollections of the Nakba, when him and his family were forced out of the village and had to march to Qalqiliya and the to al-Far'a refugee camp.*A dream that never leaves him is to return to the river, fish from it and walk in the fields of his village, a place that exists only in memories now.

Around 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes inside Israel during the 1948 conflict that led to the creation of the State of Israel, and today their descendants number around five million, spread across the world.

80-year-old Palestinian man remembers destroyed village of his youth | Maan News Agency

Dreams to return to a land one has been ethnically cleansed from never die.

Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity and a practice that violates intl law and a practice still ongoing in Palestine today.
80 year old people generally remember things theywished would be. Pictures from 80 years ago normally show a bunch of ragged urchins in front of a hovel in the midst of a collection of hovels, grassless yards with stray goats and yapping mongrels. Paradise lost.

Very true.
80-year-old Palestinian man remembers destroyed village of his youth

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "An 80-year-old Palestinian man recalled memories of the destroyed village of his youth for the TV program, "A memory that never rusts," describing a landscape destroyed by Zionist forces in the 1948 conflict known in Arabic as the "Nakba," or catastrophe.

Jameel Deif-Allah Sawalma offered recollections of his long lost village of al-Auja, near Jaffa, before it was overtaken and destroyed."Our village plains were wide like a palm, al-Auja river was to our west and our soil was red like a beet," he said. "There were no rocks, and we planted it with watermelons, melons, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, sesame, lupine, oranges and lemons."*Sawalma recalled fishing from the nearby river using hooks and sleeping bills to knock the fish unconscious, as well as the run back home to cook them, while fish traders used large nets to catch the famous Jaffa fish.*He recalls the two schools they had in the village, and how he studied at one until the 3rd grade. "I used to study maths, Arabic, the Quran and to this day I remember the poems I memorized," he added, and recited some of the poems he learned decades ago. Sawalma’s weary memory still holds an image of how al-Auja River meandered through their lands, and how it flooded in the winter. He talked about the red brick houses of the village, the horse-drawn carriages on the dusty streets, and their wooden or metal wheels which he used to repair for a living.*

Sawalma concluded with the harsh recollections of the Nakba, when him and his family were forced out of the village and had to march to Qalqiliya and the to al-Far'a refugee camp.*A dream that never leaves him is to return to the river, fish from it and walk in the fields of his village, a place that exists only in memories now.

Around 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes inside Israel during the 1948 conflict that led to the creation of the State of Israel, and today their descendants number around five million, spread across the world.

80-year-old Palestinian man remembers destroyed village of his youth | Maan News Agency

Dreams to return to a land one has been ethnically cleansed from never die.

Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity and a practice that violates intl law and a practice still ongoing in Palestine today.
80 year old people generally remember things theywished would be. Pictures from 80 years ago normally show a bunch of ragged urchins in front of a hovel in the midst of a collection of hovels, grassless yards with stray goats and yapping mongrels. Paradise lost.

Very true.

I remember the house of my youth-----IT HAS BEEN DESTROYED-----by evil land
developers. It was beautiful. From a distance it looked like a tin can----cut in
half from top to bottom. -----so you could make two of them from one large tin
can. There were rows of them-----and a beautiful swampy field nearby with lovely
HIGH WEEDS with fluffy tops------lots of frogs and mosquitos. I played with my brothers
in lovely places------there was a very large GOLD MINE ----well---actually it was
the foundation of a large demolished building----but it did have big chunks of
concrete upon which one could climb. I was very happy there-------I want to
go back and scoop polywogs out of the swamp, and break off the long reeds with
fluffy tops Now even the polywogs are gone-----the evil land developers
destroyed the swamps------DAMN THEM!!! they filled them in.:mad:
Are you referring to Josephus?
"...are you proposing to use the records..." of the Bible as proof?
Your unworthy evasion of a simple question by posing another, and your obvious and most un-scholarly confusion of The Exodus and the Diaspora, and your embarrassing assumption of a connection between the Bible and Josephus, tells the audience all that is needed, in connection with your scholarship and knowledge in matters pertaining to the Diaspora.

Also, you have completely ignored your former 'infrastructure and logistics' rationale for denying the Diaspora.
Nope. I disagree with that.
If you failed to serve-up any response to my Infrastructure and Logistics counterpointing, then you have, for all visible and practical intents and purposes, ignored the further defense of your position, and may be legitimately viewed as having conceded the matter.

I will score that one as a 'win'.
How can you call that a 'win', when you didn't even address the evidence I provided?

You provided no evidence. You made a statement supportive of Sands' 'logic' (not 'evidence', but 'logic') which holds that insufficient infrastructure and logistics existed at that time in order to effect large-scale population transfers...

"...Sands logic is pretty solid. Back in that time, there was no physical means available to move a population that size, that distance, over the desert. The logistics to cover a feat like that, didn't exist."

My counterpointing demonstrated that such infrastructure and logistics did, indeed, exist, and even logically speculated that sizable numbers of enslaved Hebrews could have been sold-off locally and regionally rather than being transshipped all the way to Rome and its environs.

Your failure to effectively defend your assertion after such effective counterpointing utilizing well-documented historical fact (infrastructure and logistics capabilities) constitutes a de facto concession of the point, by any objective standards observed by rational adults.

Also, are you proposing to use the records (or lack of records) of Hebrew enslavement in Egypt in order to prove or disprove the Diaspora to some extent?
It's a lot better than the innuendo's and conjecture you were using.
What innuendo and conjecture would that be, pray tell?

Unless, of course, you want to demonstrate to us that the Empire of 70 AD actually lacked the Roman Road System and Merchant Marine that routinely moved millions of tons of foodstuffs and trade goods and slaves, and that routinely moved scores or hundreds of thousands of Legionaries and Auxiliaries throughout the Empire.

I will assume that we are now done with this, for all intents and purposes.

Here... let me help you bail out of this one...

"That bastard Kondor wins this round."

There... done... all over.

And, although I enjoy winning as much as the next guy, there is not much enjoyment or satisfaction to be had from such an easy, slam-dunk -caliber win; more akin to stopping a sandlot ball-game due to the Slaughter Rule than anything else.

Don't like that?

Do a better job, next time.

I'm no scholar and I'm not all-that-difficult a take-down.

You'll get your turn to slam-dunk me some other day.

But today is not that day.
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Just another low IQ, brainwashed clone sitting on his computer in Cali reading all his anti-Jew propaganda bullshit. 100 dead Christains here, 1000 dead muslims there, another 100,000 over here, who cares...It's the Jews!... :cuckoo:
You got a problem with So Cal?

Yeah too many liberal nutjobs there, lots seem to have some kind of affection for islamic nutjobs you'd be one of them :cuckoo:
The thread here is actually addressing Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, underway continuously since Israel declared herself into existence as a nation in 1948.

The Jewish people are the nation of Israel have been since the time of Moses:cool:
First, the world has to deal with Holocaust Denial, and now Diaspora Denial?

I don't think so.

We can start with the writings of Josephus and toss-in goodies like the Arch of Titus and then start branching outwards from there.

In actuality, though, if you want to play with Diaspora Denial, in the face of 1900 years of acceptance of the accounts of Josephus, you're gonna have to go it alone on that one.

My own No. 54 on this thread ( http://www.usmessageboard.com/middle-east-general/322339-80-year-old-palestinian-man-remembers-destroyed-village-of-his-youth-4.html#post8098371 ) describes a centuries-long battering of the Jews of the region in order to describe a Disapora which spanned such a timeframe.

But very large segments of the population were, indeed, subjugated and enslaved and transported at various times, and this was accomplished over the infrastructure and logistics capabilities of Antiquity.

Even merely within a Jewish-Hebrew-Israelite context we can look to the well-documented (by both sides) Babylonian Captivity in which much of the Hebrew population of the region was forcibly relocated to Babylonian territory (modern-day Iraq).

As to your support for Sands' logic pertaining to infrastructure and logistics, in denying any large-scale Disapora Event at the time of the Sack of Jerusalem (70 AD) and subsequent wars and rebellions between the two parties in the 70 years following the Sack of Jerusalem...

Behold a map of the Roman Empire in the year 70 AD; the year of the Sack of Jerusalem by Titus, and notice that Rome controlled the entire Mediterranean Basin and all travel within that basin-area at the time...


Now, behold a map of the Roman Road System (their equivalent of our Interstate System), many of whose roads may still be seen today in part, and some of whose sections are actually still in use, 1300+ years after the Fall of the Western Empire, with special notice of the Roman Road leading north towards modern-day Turkey and southwest towards Egypt and East towards Babylonia and Persia once you reached the vicinity of modern-day Turkey...


...roads on which Scores and Hundreds of Thousands of Roman Legionaries and Auxiliaries traveled extensively every year; from one end of the Empire to another; including all of the staging and logistics required to support such large-scale People-Mover Systems.

Heck, the Romans even had their own 'stagecoach' routes and services...


Now, behold a map of the Roman Trade Routes operated by the Empire at a point in time when the Mediterranean was a Roman Lake (50 BC - 250 AD); with special attention to the heavily-traveled Shipping Routes between nearby Alexandria and Rome and between nearby Tyre and Rome...


...and consider that the Roman Merchant Marine kept Rome and other large-scale Italian cities alive by transshipping unbelievably vast quantities of Egyptian Grain from a country very nearby to Israel, all the way to Rome, every year, on a regular, ongoing, daily basis.

Not to mention the vast amounts of wheat and other grain shipped to Rome by the Province of North Africa (Libya, Tunisia, etc.), which utilized a combination of Roman-owned and local-owned shipping assets to sustain this huge delivery mechanism and its intended beneficiaries.

Never mind the auxiliary merchant fleets operated by the subjected Egyptians and Tunisians and Roman Carthaginians and Phoenicians and Greeks and Cilicians and the like who all hired-out to the Romans on a regular or overflow or special-occasions basis, and who could be re-tasked and cheaply rented for transporting large numbers of highly profitable slave-stock, quickly.

With all of that massive megatransport between the African coast and Rome and other parts of Italy already in-place and fully operational during the reign of Augustus, never mind 60-70 years later, at the time of the Sack of Jerusalem.

And, of course, never mind the very real likelihood that, in addition to transporting thousands of conquered and displaced and captured Jews to Rome and its environs over these very excellent, well-supported Roman Roads and Trade Routes and Shipping... that a great many of those enslaved were shipped to much-closer regions (Egypt, Syria, Phoenicia, Cappadocia, Tunisia, Libya, Cyprus, Persia, Galatia, etc.) and sold at those destinations rather than being Road-marched or Transshipped all the way to Rome.

The Romans are admired for their Engineering and Terraforming and Hydraulics and Transport Systems and Logistics as much - more, perhaps - than for their Military Prowress; it's part of their 'rep' and their legacy. We 'moderns' arrogantly think ourselves so superior, but the Old Timers of bygone eras oftentimes were on a par with or even ahead of us in various disciplines or areas of effort, once one adjusts for differences in technology and knowledge-bases.

Sands makes some very good points and serves-up some very good conclusions.

The infrastructure / logistics argument, however, is not one of his Shining Moments...
The diaspora "allegedly" occurred 600 years before your maps.

The diaspora began with the 6th century BCE conquest of the ancient Kingdom of Judah by Babylon, the destruction of the First Temple (c. 586 BCE), and the expulsion of the population, as recorded in the Bible.
So your "counterpoint", missed its mark.
The Jewish people are the nation of Israel have been since the time of Moses:cool:
That is correct.

Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have both been living in that area this entire time.

And it should also be noted, they've been living there in relative peace, until the Zionists showed up.
Your unworthy evasion of a simple question by posing another, and your obvious and most un-scholarly confusion of The Exodus and the Diaspora, and your embarrassing assumption of a connection between the Bible and Josephus, tells the audience all that is needed, in connection with your scholarship and knowledge in matters pertaining to the Diaspora.
Boy, was that a mouthful?

If you failed to serve-up any response to my Infrastructure and Logistics counterpointing, then you have, for all visible and practical intents and purposes, ignored the further defense of your position, and may be legitimately viewed as having conceded the matter.
I just did. See above.

You provided no evidence. You made a statement supportive of Sands' 'logic' (not 'evidence', but 'logic') which holds that insufficient infrastructure and logistics existed at that time in order to effect large-scale population transfers...
Yes I did. You even made reference to it.

My counterpointing demonstrated that such infrastructure and logistics did, indeed, exist...
600 years later!

Your failure to effectively defend your assertion after such effective counterpointing utilizing well-documented historical fact (infrastructure and logistics capabilities) constitutes a de facto concession of the point, by any objective standards observed by rational adults.
You give yourself way too much credit.

What innuendo and conjecture would that be, pray tell?

Unless, of course, you want to demonstrate to us that the Empire of 70 AD actually lacked the Roman Road System and Merchant Marine that routinely moved millions of tons of foodstuffs and trade goods and slaves, and that routinely moved scores or hundreds of thousands of Legionaries and Auxiliaries throughout the Empire.

I will assume that we are now done with this, for all intents and purposes.

Here... let me help you bail out of this one...

"That bastard Kondor wins this round."

There... done... all over.

And, although I enjoy winning as much as the next guy, there is not much enjoyment or satisfaction to be had from such an easy, slam-dunk -caliber win; more akin to stopping a sandlot ball-game due to the Slaughter Rule than anything else.

Don't like that?

Do a better job, next time.

I'm no scholar and I'm not all-that-difficult a take-down.

You'll get your turn to slam-dunk me some other day.

But today is not that day.
I cut down your argument as easily as I cut down your font size.

It's time to embrace the horror! You've been bitch-slapped!
"...The diaspora 'allegedly' occurred 600 years before your maps..."

Sidenote to Sherri: There. Contradicting your understanding (hope?) that nobody questions the Diaspora.

"...The diaspora 'allegedly' occurred 600 years before your maps..."

Au contraire: the maps are highly relevant to the 'wave' of Diaspora at-issue as part of our sidebar concerning the related after-effects of the Sack of Jerusalem.

The Diaspora (if, indeed, one may map multiple events spanning centuries as a single event or to use a single label for it) may be said to be comprised of a series of 'waves' of population transfer, spanning the period from late Babylonian times (600-ish BC) through the end of the Roman-Jewish Wars (136 AD -ish) and beyond, to the end of the era of Muslim Conquest.

The WAVE of population-transfer or Diaspora being discussed at-present is the large wave of population-transfer that Josephus documents in connection with the Sack of Jerusalem, and Sands' (and your) assertion that insufficient infrastructure and logistics existed at that time within the Empire in order to effect such transfer in whole or in part.

This narrowing down to the timeframe of the Sack of Jerusalem and its immediate after-effects was triggered by Sherri's Post #24, her ill-advised serving-up of Sands' theories as factual and authoritative and conclusive, and your ill-advised further narrowing of the matter to focus upon infrastructure and logistics (or the lack thereof) as the reason why such a population transfer could not have materialized during that period.

We have not been discussing the multi-faceted aspects of the Diaspora here, nor other waves.

We have been discussing the probability of one of the larger and better-known and documented 'waves' of that multi-facted long-term trend or event; namely, the very large scattering that occurred in the wake of the Sack of Jerusalem.

You know that just as well as I do; it's as plain as the nose on your face, for anyone silly enough to bother ranging backwards to find the earlier posts in this sequence.

"...So your 'counterpoint', missed its mark."

Only if I allow you to play Revisionist and continue to pretend that we were discussing multiple waves of population transfer spanning several centuries, rather than our actual narrow focus upon that wave of population transfer that occurred after the 70 AD Sack of Jerusalem.

Not gonna happen.

Better luck next time.
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"...I cut down your argument..."
You don't even demonstrate an understanding of the nature or parameters of the argument, with respect to ethnic cleansing of Palestine in a historical Diaspora context, subset: post Sack of Jerusalem in 70 AD - never mind scoring even a single point in that context.

"...You've been bitch-slapped!"
Only in that Alternative Universe which you insist on inhabiting.
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Kondor-----you cannot argue with obscene sophistry. The trick here----employed
by the "lawyer" and "historian" ----is the fact that jews ----like all people---
tend to mark their history by noting IMPORTANT EVENTS -------Sophist pigs
try to exploit such "holidays" . Of course the sack of jerusalem did not
'CREATE THE DIASPORA"--------it is ----simply a single event in the process----but one
which is SYMBOLIC FOR JEWS christianity did not rise up as a developed
religion-----one day in a manger in bethlehem---------but CHRISTMAS is used as a
SYMBOLIC EVENT for christians

When I was a kid----I knew lots of people as dim as the lawyer. I used to think to
myself--------(I was a shy kid---and spoke little) "they seem to think that whilst
mary was giving birth-----joseph was frying eggs and bacon for breakfast"

By 70 AD a considerable diaspora already existed----in fact it existed 1000
years earlier.

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