81% rate hike for Obamacare - enough yet?

None of the costs associated with my healthcare plan increased until BarryCare went into effect.
TY for helping the poor and pre-existing, and now it's guaranteed. And IS a beginning of a solution for costs, the actual problem.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
TY for helping the poor and pre-existing, and now it's guaranteed. And IS a beginning of a solution for costs, the actual problem.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

Or they don't pay at all nor pay the fine because they're deadbeats.

I have a solution. Stop subsidizing deadbeats, stop providing them with something they're unwilling to provide for themselves, and if you care as much as you claim, you provide it to them with your money. If you can't, I guess they're out of luck.

Those who get subsidies are working dumbass.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

No, they did not "always did."
You paid for the "deadbeats'" ER care.
It was far cheaper than Obamacare.
so was a loaf of bread.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.
Obamacare deductibles are 3 times what I had on my previous policy. Furthermore, the catastrophic insurance didn't cost $1600/month. Only an imbecile there's any comparison between the two things.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

No, they did not "always did."
You paid for the "deadbeats'" ER care.

So deny deadbeats ER care. I'm not buying their booze or drugs, I'm not paying for their toilet paper and shampoo, I'm not paying their electric bill or paying to put gas in their car, why should I pay for their damn health insurance?
What ACA taxes are you paying?

Are you in a top tax bracket? Do you tan a lot?

Tell me or are you like the other Trumpettes & don't know shit how the ACA is funded.

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

No, they did not "always did."
You paid for the "deadbeats'" ER care.
It was far cheaper than Obamacare.
so was a loaf of bread.
Bread isn't insurance, moron.
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

Or they don't pay at all nor pay the fine because they're deadbeats.

I have a solution. Stop subsidizing deadbeats, stop providing them with something they're unwilling to provide for themselves, and if you care as much as you claim, you provide it to them with your money. If you can't, I guess they're out of luck.

Those who get subsidies are working dumbass.
If someone else is paying their bills, they are deadbeats.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.
Obamacare deductibles are 3 times what I had on my previous policy. Furthermore, the catastrophic insurance didn't cost $1600/month. Only an imbecile there's any comparison between the two things.

Well, I guess you should have picked a better plan.

A catastrophic plan does not pay anything until a certain amount of out of pocket is paid. Sort of like a very high deductible plan.
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.
Obamacare deductibles are 3 times what I had on my previous policy. Furthermore, the catastrophic insurance didn't cost $1600/month. Only an imbecile there's any comparison between the two things.

Well, I guess you should have picked a better plan.

A catastrophic plan does not pay anything until a certain amount of out of pocket is paid. Sort of like a very high deductible plan.
I can't pick a better plan, moron. Obamacare made it illegal.

It defies comprehension how incredibly stupid you are.
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

No, they did not "always did."
You paid for the "deadbeats'" ER care.
It was far cheaper than Obamacare.
so was a loaf of bread.
Bread isn't insurance, moron.
It is called inflation dipshit. Things cost more now than they did a long time ago.

Wow you pay more for insurance than you did 20 years ago.

Your party did nothing to stop the near double digit yearly increases prior to the ACA. Did you bitch then? Nope, you kept voting fr your pathetic party.
I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.
Obamacare deductibles are 3 times what I had on my previous policy. Furthermore, the catastrophic insurance didn't cost $1600/month. Only an imbecile there's any comparison between the two things.

Well, I guess you should have picked a better plan.

A catastrophic plan does not pay anything until a certain amount of out of pocket is paid. Sort of like a very high deductible plan.
I can't pick a better plan, moron. Obamacare made it illegal.

It defies comprehension how incredibly stupid you are.
So you re now claiming the ACA forces you to choose a high deductible plan.
TY for helping the poor and pre-existing, and now it's guaranteed. And IS a beginning of a solution for costs, the actual problem.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.
it is the providers that charge more because ogf the uninsured
I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?

Actually, it is the providers that charge more because of the uninsured, not the insurance companies. Without the ACA, there would be millions more of the uninsured. The ACA makes people pay at least a percentage of their income for insurance, insurance that pays for treatments especialy high cost ones.

You don't pay for the subsidies unless you are paying the ACA funding taxes. I doubt you are.
No, they did not "always did."
You paid for the "deadbeats'" ER care.
It was far cheaper than Obamacare.
so was a loaf of bread.
Bread isn't insurance, moron.
It is called inflation dipshit. Things cost more now than they did a long time ago.

Wow you pay more for insurance than you did 20 years ago.

Your party did nothing to stop the near double digit yearly increases prior to the ACA. Did you bitch then? Nope, you kept voting fr your pathetic party.
ROFL! You dim bulbs were constantly complaining about medical costs increasing by 12% a year, but now when they increase by 30% and even 81%, well that's just inflation!

What a dumb fucking jackass.

Right before the ACA passed medical costs were increasing by something like 7%. Obamacare obviously wasn't the solution to the problem, was it you dumbass?
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.
it is the providers that charge more because ogf the uninsured
I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?

Actually, it is the providers that charge more because of the uninsured, not the insurance companies. Without the ACA, there would be millions more of the uninsured. The ACA makes people pay at least a percentage of their income for insurance, insurance that pays for treatments especialy high cost ones.

You don't pay for the subsidies unless you are paying the ACA funding taxes. I doubt you are.
That's only because of another dumbass law you dim bulbs passed that forces hospitals to treat those without insurance. However, Obamacare appears to have made the problem worse.
None of the costs associated with my healthcare plan increased until BarryCare went into effect.
TY for helping the poor and pre-existing, and now it's guaranteed. And IS a beginning of a solution for costs, the actual problem.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.
The insurance companies were forced to raise both premiums and deductibles to offset the subsidies and pre existing conditions on all health plans before entering the exchanges...yet they low balled the drain the ACA would be on their ability to offset cost initially.

Unfortunately you are now seeing those insurance companies leave the exchanges because they have found that it is still unsustainable. Not enough young and healthy people signing up to pay for the sick.

The only way they go back on the exchange ( if they do at all) is at a large increase in premiums...up to 80%.
Last edited:
TY for helping the poor and pre-existing, and now it's guaranteed. And IS a beginning of a solution for costs, the actual problem.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.

Like strokes, heart attacks, surgeries. In other words, the MAJOR medical. The premiums were dirt cheap.
No thanks for fucking all the rest of us up the ass. The only way to drive down the cost of healthcare is to get government out of the picture because government is what drives up the cost.
I ask you since your buddy won't answer. What ACA generated tax do you pay?

The government has always been involved in the sense of regulating the healthcare industry.

Are you proposing we have no regulations?
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.

I had a relevant discussion with my mother concerning that recently. Although I don't remember, she was telling me that when I was a kid they paid cash when they went to the doctor and had medical coverage for what she referred to as catastrophic events. She called it Major Medical and said the Minor Medical was where the cash payments went. We didn't have the problems we have now, according to her, until the government started thinking it had a place in it.
Yep, even things like broken arms were paid with a check. Insurance was used only for stuff that required a long hospital stay.
Only if you had catastrophic insurance.

In laugh at you moronic jackasses saying how great catastrophic insurance was & then bitching about high deductibles on some plans on the exchganges.

A choice that people made. Strange thing is the government didn't force people to buy it.

Yeah, the deductibles were high on catastrophic insurance. They were only used in catastrophic situations not everyday things for which the deductibles are very high. If you're going to make a valid comparison, don't paint an orange red, call it an apples, then compare it with other apples. It's still an orange.
Where did I mention a tax? The fact is Obamacare includes 11 taxes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, the rates of people like me are jacked up to pay the subsidies for losers like you. The government has not always been involved in regulating the healthcare industry. That didn't start until the 1960s, and when it did the price immediately started going up. That's what happens when government pokes its nose in things where it doesn't belong.
Seems to be you were complaining about paying for some else to get health insurance.
What you pay for insurance had zero to do with subsidies. The subsidies were aid through funding generated by the ACA. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Total bullshit, of course. Why even bother someone who is so eager to lie? The insurance companies are forced to raise premiums on people like me to subsidize parasites like you.

I guess operating a legal business is more expensive than cheating your customers so it's the governments fault for making companies not cheat and you want to return to allowing companies top cheat their customers.

The ACA forces insurance companies to cheat people like me. Why would insurance companies raise prices on customers who can pay for the benefit of customers who can't pay if it wasn't for the government forcing them to? How do they gain by subsidizing deadbeats?
They always did, but now the deadbeats pay SOMETHING and get preventive medicine.

Or they don't pay at all nor pay the fine because they're deadbeats.

I have a solution. Stop subsidizing deadbeats, stop providing them with something they're unwilling to provide for themselves, and if you care as much as you claim, you provide it to them with your money. If you can't, I guess they're out of luck.

Those who get subsidies are working dumbass.

Never said they weren't. Working has nothing to do with being a deadbeat in this case. They're a deadbeat because they're unwilling to provide themselves what they should be providing despite working.

It's the same as a deadbeat dad not paying his child support. He may or may not be working. What makes him a deadbeat is that he isn't doing what he's supposed to be doing for his kids.

Are you claiming all those getting subsidies are working?

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