81-year-old Ohio man charged with murder for shooting Black Uber driver

You claimed reasonable people would run from people with a gun. Well, here we are discussing a person that did exactly what you say is what people would do, run. This person got killed doing exactly what you said reasonable people would do, run.

Get it, your idea that you would run and that is reasonable, got the person we are discussing killed.
How does that thing work anyway? If you move forward it's "assault", if you stand still it's "resisting", and If you move away it's "evading" and I guess if you lay down to express submission it's "reaching".
Almost is very debatable.

Either way, by stating almost, you must admit any reasonable police officer would treat her as a suspect.
I cant imagine how the uber computer could be manipulated to dispatch the right driver to the old man’s home
And they drive identifiable company vehicles and and wear uniforms.

Your obsession with railroading white people is duly noted. You can now send flowers to your local George Floyd mural in honor of your efforts.

If the races were reversed my opinion would be the same. You can use deadly force only when defending yourself or another from harm. That’s it.

Where you see the race first, and actions second. A white kills a black? Well obviously they had a good reason. Blacks are criminals.
How does that thing work anyway? If you move forward it's "assault", if you stand still it's "resisting", and If you move away it's "evading" and I guess if you lay down to express submission it's "reaching".
Standing still is not resisting. Standing still is complying.

Nice try at building a strawman
Simple, it takes no manipulation at all. The Uber computer picks the closest, available driver, to the location. All a criminal has to do is be the closest to the location and available.
That a good answer

Whether it’s right or not is another question
If the races were reversed my opinion would be the same. You can use deadly force only when defending yourself or another from harm. That’s it.
Fortunately for us who defend our homes, with deadly force, for those of us that protect our property with deadly force, we are protected by our rights and laws.
So that makes it okay to murder an innocent woman who was just doing her job responding to an Uber alert that popped up in her phone?
No, he did not have to shoot I suppose?

But the question was about stranger showing up asking for the package. Direct involvement as far as the old man knows. Uber? Phony uber? he doesn’t know?

If he had a cellphone, take pictures for police. Not shoot. But if she gets away and Police are not interested? He's thinking all these sort of thoughts? Shoot the tires out maybe? The radiator. Get the keys. But he’s old. Stuff happens.
That a good answer

Whether it’s right or not is another question
It is right, the Uber computer picks the person who is closest and available. It is a business model providing for efficiency which results in profits and a service that convenient.

It is a system that can be exploited by criminals, who either are the drivers, or use the drivers who participate unwittingly.

I can not help but be disgusted, if Uber is doing nothing to train and protect their drivers. After reading this story, I searched for answers and found that their are many crimes, murders, involving Uber. It is a very dangerous occupation to be an Uber driver.

thousands of leaked confidential files reveal a treasure trove of sketchy and unlawful behavior from Uber. The Uber Files, which were originally shared with The Guardian and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, show a company that has knowingly broken laws, gone to extreme lengths to avoid justice, secretly lobbied governments, received aid from top politicians and exploited violence against drivers to drum up business.
How does that thing work anyway? If you move forward it's "assault", if you stand still it's "resisting", and If you move away it's "evading" and I guess if you lay down to express submission it's "reaching".
Standing still is not resisting. Standing still is complying.

Nice try at building a strawman
Hold on just a cotton-picking minute:

"Keep your hands where I can see them!"
"Exit the car!"
"I told you to keep your hands where I can see them!"
"Lay down on the ground!"

"I told you to keep your hands where I can see them!"

Nice try at being stupid but I need my hands to open the car door, to exit the car, and to lay down on the ground. Oh, and I can't walk backwards to the sound of anyone's voice. So, just shoot me, right?
It is right, the Uber computer picks the person who is closest and available. It is a business model providing for efficiency which results in profits and a service that convenient.

It is a system that can be exploited by criminals, who either are the drivers, or use the drivers who participate unwittingly.

I can not help but be disgusted, if Uber is doing nothing to train and protect their drivers. After reading this story, I searched for answers and found that their are many crimes, murders, involving Uber. It is a very dangerous occupation to be an Uber driver.

It works both ways

There are videos of uber and doordash drivers stealing packages when they deliver food
Fortunately for us who defend our homes, with deadly force, for those of us that protect our property with deadly force, we are protected by our rights and laws.
Yeah, it's called the "John Wayne pussy who needs a gun to win an argument" law.
Fortunately for us who defend our homes, with deadly force, for those of us that protect our property with deadly force, we are protected by our rights and laws.

Yes. Those laws protect you when you are acting in self defense. Pursuing someone is not self defense. Taking property from someone else is not self defense. Telling people they can not leave your area is not self defense.

The laws that would otherwise protect you, now say you have committed crimes.
He did call 911, he did alert the police.

After he killed someone. not before.

And that is the thing about guns, it is better to be caught with a gun then to be caught without the gun. And the other things about guns, don't fight with the person holding the gun, cooperate, and most likely you will never ever be shot.

And when you use your gun unlawfully you will spend the rest of your days in jail like this guy. I hope he finds a nice boyfriend in prison to take care of him
Fortunately for us who defend our homes, with deadly force, for those of us that protect our property with deadly force, we are protected by our rights and laws.

And this guy was not doing that, thus he will spend his last days in prison.
No, he did not have to shoot I suppose?

But the question was about stranger showing up asking for the package. Direct involvement as far as the old man knows. Uber? Phony uber? he doesn’t know?

If he had a cellphone, take pictures for police. Not shoot. But if she gets away and Police are not interested? He's thinking all these sort of thoughts? Shoot the tires out maybe? The radiator. Get the keys. But he’s old. Stuff happens.
Have you read about the countless crimes involving Uber? It is astonishing. Most of the google results are flooded with sexual assaults so it is difficult to quickly find the other crimes involving Uber. But they are there.

Uber releases safety data: 998 sexual assault incidents including 141 rape reports in 2020

After he killed someone. not before.

And when you use your gun unlawfully you will spend the rest of your days in jail like this guy. I hope he finds a nice boyfriend in prison to take care of him
It still not change the fact, that the Uber driver was participating in a crime.

Do you realize that there are thousands of crimes involving Uber. Any reasonable person, certainly would answer the door, with a gun, if a suspect came to the door demanding the package containing ransom money.
It still not change the fact, that the Uber driver was participating in a crime.

That is not a fact, it is a lie. And no matter how many times you tell it, it will still be a lie. But hey, keep trying.

Do you realize that there are thousands of crimes involving Uber. Any reasonable person, certainly would answer the door, with a gun, if a suspect came to the door demanding the package containing ransom money.

Good thing this person did not come to the door demanding ransom money.

Odin forbid that someone might have brought food to his door, they would have been dead also.
It still not change the fact, that the Uber driver was participating in a crime.

Do you realize that there are thousands of crimes involving Uber. Any reasonable person, certainly would answer the door, with a gun, if a suspect came to the door demanding the package containing ransom money.

These QuickDraw armchair judges like BlackMacGater always jump in early declaring guilt and demanding life behind bars based on a snippet of a video? as if they will get joy paying $100K/yr to house an old inmate for 2-10 more years. All is not known at this time perhaps?
Have you read about the countless crimes involving Uber? It is astonishing. Most of the google results are flooded with sexual assaults so it is difficult to quickly find the other crimes involving Uber. But they are there.

Uber releases safety data: 998 sexual assault incidents including 141 rape reports in 2020

Out of 2.1 billion trips...that is Billion with a B. That is one out of every 2.1 million trips taken.

A person has a 0.000048% chance of that happening to them when using Uber.

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