85 year old woman dragged into lake by 11ft gator

I've never been to Florida nor spent one day there yet I know. This woman lived there, moved there, 85 years of living and learning and still didn't know? No one in Florida told her about gators? Her friend living right there taking the video didn't know? Never mind could see it coming from out in the middle of the lake. The people who own the property who should have had signs up or maybe even a ten foot cordon around the lake didn't know either?

What a shame that the innocent gator who has every right to be there had to pay the price for everyone else's stupidity.

Nature politics.
These things move around and could have been a new arrival.
People have to be smarter than this......

Hate to sound cruel, but this is how nature thins out the herd so that only the strong and not idiotically stupid survive.

I have to believe that on your first day moving to a rest home in Florida or whatever that was that THE FIRST FUCKING THING THEY TELL YOU IS TO WATCH OUT FOR THE GATORS and to STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER.

Even worse if you were born and raised there.


I'm afreaid that there ought to be some criminal negligence charges filed against both the property owner AND the woman taking the video who filmed it all while saying nothing.
I've never been to Florida nor spent one day there yet I know. This woman lived there, moved there, 85 years of living and learning and still didn't know? No one in Florida told her about gators? Her friend living right there taking the video didn't know? Never mind could see it coming from out in the middle of the lake. The people who own the property who should have had signs up or maybe even a ten foot cordon around the lake didn't know either?

What a shame that the innocent gator who has every right to be there had to pay the price for everyone else's stupidity.

Nature politics.
But the video in post #29 relocated it. A relocation service is only as good as its surveillance. Go-Pros and a human monitor.
Hate to sound cruel, but this is how nature thins out the herd so that only the strong and not idiotically stupid survive.

I have to believe that on your first day moving to a rest home in Florida or whatever that was that THE FIRST FUCKING THING THEY TELL YOU IS TO WATCH OUT FOR THE GATORS and to STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER.

Even worse if you were born and raised there.


I'm afreaid that there ought to be some criminal negligence charges filed against both the property owner AND the woman taking the video who filmed it all while saying nothing.
After having survived for 85 years, one would think that a person could claim the right to some slothfulness in thinking and acting.
That is a serious rope.

Houston and Gulf Coast Texas are not Florida, but its not unusual for gators to be in golf course water hazards, drainage bayous, etc. I had a gator eat a golf ball on the green once, and when I was kid we were crawdadding and a gator pulled our net out of my hand.

Inversely my Louisiana relatives actively hunted gators.

Props for proper use of the term crawdad.
These things move around and could have been a new arrival.

If you watched the video, this gator was famously known by the people there as a long term resident there for its size. And if they move around, even worse as that means even a "safe" body of water ought to treated as suspect especially getting right up against the edge of the water.

The woman was likely senile and had no business out there; even after the gator came ashore and the dog ran around her, she still wasn't aware of it and held onto the leash preventing the dog from fleeing causing the dog to get eaten.

Pox on the developers because really, no one should even be living in such gator-infested waters like that except the damn greedy developers only care about the money and can't pack enough people in there.
After having survived for 85 years, one would think that a person could claim the right to some slothfulness in thinking and acting.

Walking right along the water's edge in a region replete with gator-infested waters is a very bad choice for a place to be slothful in.

Gator food.
If you watched the video, this gator was famously known by the people there as a long term resident there for its size. And if they move around, even worse as that means even a "safe" body of water ought to treated as suspect especially getting right up against the edge of the water.

The woman was likely senile and had no business out there; even after the gator came ashore and the dog ran around her, she still wasn't aware of it and held onto the leash preventing the dog from fleeing causing the dog to get eaten.

Pox on the developers because really, no one should even be living in such gator-infested waters like that except the damn greedy developers only care about the money and can't pack enough people in there.
She may have been a little deaf, or short-sighted --- but I watched the video and it said it was NOT a person taking the video, that was footage from a security camera (and not all of it! They stopped it before the gator, you know, sort of ate her). So that's better than someone who didn't warn her.

Also, it was incredibly fast. They are, you know. That's why they catch so many people and small dogs in Florida.
If you watched the video, this gator was famously known by the people there as a long term resident there for its size. And if they move around, even worse as that means even a "safe" body of water ought to treated as suspect especially getting right up against the edge of the water.

The woman was likely senile and had no business out there; even after the gator came ashore and the dog ran around her, she still wasn't aware of it and held onto the leash preventing the dog from fleeing causing the dog to get eaten.

Pox on the developers because really, no one should even be living in such gator-infested waters like that except the damn greedy developers only care about the money and can't pack enough people in there.
Florida has regulations in place that prevent developers from doing that....

Just kidding....that's communism
She may have been a little deaf, or short-sighted ---
More reasons to not be right at the water's edge.

but I watched the video and it said it was NOT a person taking the video, that was footage from a security camera
A security camera that first pans right to put the incoming gator in the center of the shot then pans left to put the woman at center? And why have a security camera aimed at a lake unless you expect to see something there?

So that's better than someone who didn't warn her.
Her girlfriend was right there watching the whole thing and should have known and yelled to her or told her first, besides the lack of signage.

That's why they catch so many people and small dogs in Florida.
They catch unsuspecting people and animals who wander within their grasp.
More reasons to not be right at the water's edge.
I can't argue with that, anyway!

Reminds me of my ex-late-father-in-law's point of view about Arizona's rattlesnakes. They would go camping, and he'd always go around with his six-gun and clear the whole area of rattlesnakes as soon as they got there. He was pretty annoyed when they made a law calling them endangered!! He said he thought rattlesnakes weren't nearly endangered enough.
Where is the rest of the video..?

To be sure, I feel sorry most for the poor dog who was first lead there by its idiot owner, but who was then eaten because the owner held the leash not allowing it to get away. Clearly, this woman had no business being out there unsupervised; she might have just as easily stumbled, tripped and fallen into the water and drowned.
Where is the rest of the video..?
Have to say, I wondered about that myself. My guess is it was heavily edited, for some reason. Well: it did kill her, so it must be pretty grisly. They probably wanted to use what they showed as a warning to the public.
To be sure, I feel sorry most for the poor dog who was first lead there by its idiot owner, but who was then eaten because the owner held the leash not allowing it to get away. Clearly, this woman had no business being out there unsupervised; she might have just as easily stumbled, tripped and fallen into the water and drowned.
I think she was a free woman, you know: I hope and pray when I get to be 85 nobody is going to "supervise" me!

Though I admit I hope I don't end that way, either.
Reminds me of my ex-late-father-in-law's point of view about Arizona's rattlesnakes. They would go camping, and he'd always go around with his six-gun and clear the whole area of rattlesnakes as soon as they got there. He was pretty annoyed when they made a law calling them endangered!! He said he thought rattlesnakes weren't nearly endangered enough.

Rattlesnakes endangered? And the problem with that is. . . ?

Makes we want to go out and order a pair of custom made rattlesnake boots.

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