85 year old woman dragged into lake by 11ft gator

Have to say, I wondered about that myself. My guess is it was heavily edited, for some reason. Well: it did kill her, so it must be pretty grisly.

Most likely, the gator, after it got the dog and the woman barely able to walk could hardly move, grabbed her by the leg and dragged her into the lake. They like to stick their catch under water under a log or something at the bottom for safe keeping until they are ready.

The woman probably died of shock and drowning more than anything else.
Walking right along the water's edge in a region replete with gator-infested waters is a very bad choice for a place to be slothful in.

Gator food.
No, population adjustments. These are slow-growing critters, giving enough time for such things. So badger helps start Gatorbusters, with go-pros and DeSantis brochures. They were doing relocations in Clearwater in the 1960s. What happened? Sloth?
No, population adjustments. These are slow-growing critters, giving enough time for such things. So badger helps start Gatorbusters, with go-pros and DeSantis brochures. They were doing relocations in Clearwater in the 1960s. What happened? Sloth?
Please tell me they don't have sloths TOO. And I think *I* have wild animal problems. ;)
Rattlesnakes endangered? And the problem with that is. . . ?

Makes we want to go out and order a pair of custom made rattlesnake boots.
Yes. Badger and a German radioastronomer room-mate, Devil's Backbone, Galisteo Basin, New Mexico. We were literally caught between a rock and a hard place: the bull, staring at us as we walked along the ridge of rocks, and the rocks, infested that time of year with rattlesnakes. Luckily, we made it to Pueblo Blanco at the end of the ridge without a problem.
So let me see. A woman who LIVES right at the lake taking the video and knows it is full of gators didn't bother to tell her friend not to walk within 2 feet of the water, even though you could see the gator coming.

There are no posted gator warning signs.

An 85 year old woman doesn't have sense to stay away from water in an area with gators. Nor does she apparently even think to watch out for them or opay attention to her surroundings.

Coming ashore, even the dog is oblivious and even after running from it, still doesn't even bark to warn the woman.

Of course, no one has a gun to shoot the gator.

Had the woman just stayed back 6 more feet from the waters edge, she'd likely be alive now.
In all fairness to that poor woman. It's really easy to take that for granted. Gators don't do that on a regular basis here. Every body of water that isn't an ocean or a pool has gators in them and they very rarely do that. Believe me, if anyone lived here for more than 20 years you will eventually walk by ponds, canals or lakes and will also take it for granted. That's a very sad case. A very bad way to.go.
Coons for rabies, possums are apparently immune but may be carriers..
It's well known that skunks are the most common carriers of rabies but they can carry the viral disease without it affecting them.
If bitten by a skunk you've most likely contracted rabies.
But if sprayed by a skunk don't worry.
Their noxious smelling spray won't transmit rabies even if the skunk has rabies.
Yeah, I have a thread in General Discussion on a bad rabies situation several days ago, and it was a raccoon. It vanished after the first sighting (and aggressive, screaming charge!) --- we tried to trap it but it apparently left the area.
Probably died.
No, more so because it could have been so easily avoided by literally everyone involved. Worse, the dumb bitch watching it all from a few feet away and filming it knowing there was a "classic fixture" of an alligator living in these alligator-infested waters didn't have the sense to even yell over to stay away from the water or to look out and get away from the gator clearly coming from 20 feet away, and the community leaders apparently having neither the brains to put up signs, or a woman apparently having lived many years in Florida without the common sense or knowledge to have known that alligators actually inhabit southern Florida. Incredible.
It was a home camera on the side of a house. The woman wasn't filming it.
In all fairness to that poor woman. It's really easy to take that for granted. Gators don't do that on a regular basis here. Every body of water that isn't an ocean or a pool has gators in them and they very rarely do that. Believe me, if anyone lived here for more than 20 years you will eventually walk by ponds, canals or lakes and will also take it for granted. That's a very sad case. A very bad way to.go.

I wouldn't walk right up to the waters edge unless I was young, fit, alert, and had a .45. You only have to be unprepared one time. People seldom run red lights too, but I always look both ways before pulling out on my green because it only takes getting hit broadside once to kill you.
You know, I've never seen a gator killed with anything bigger than a .22.

I'm sure some crackers use bigger guns. I tried to before with a slug but it never got close enough. That gator was smart.

In hindsight that was pretty stupid, camping out in a big gator's bed drinking beer all night.

She'd pop up about 50 feet out every so often to peek to see if the 2 dumbasses were still there.
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In case anyone doesn't know, a gator can be right at the water's edge just inches below the surface watching you and be practically invisible. Then they lunge out and run up and grab you.

Gators jump out and grab stuff much more alert and quicker-responding than people like antelope.

Walk along the water's edge unprepared and unarmed at your own risk.

Walk right along the water totally oblivious, geriatric and not even paying attention looking way down the other side of the lake without a care and you will likely end up gator food.
Had the woman just stayed back 6 more feet from the waters edge, she'd likely be alive now.
I don't know about that. That alligator could've come up out of the water no matter how much farther back the woman could've been, and it moved pretty fast during that clip. Could an 85 year old person out run it? Another thing to consider is whatever feelings she had for her pet. If she had tried to run, she would've wanted to make sure that her pet was not left there to fend for itself.

God bless you and the lady's family always!!!


P.S. The good thing is that the alligator was taken out later on. It reminds me of how The Glades A&E TV drama got started. An alligator is taken out in the first episode. I love that show. :) :) :)
DeSantis borchures will not suffice
In case anyone doesn't know, a gator can be right at the water's edge just inches below the surface watching you and be practically invisible. Then they lunge out and run up and grab you.

Gators jump out and grab stuff much more alert and quicker-responding than people like antelope.

Walk along the water's edge unprepared and unarmed at your own risk.

Walk right along the water totally oblivious, geriatric and not even paying attention looking way down the other side of the lake without a care and you will likely end up gator food.
So the Florida DNR gets off its ass and tags these rogues so that their movements can be monitored. If they whine that there's too many of them, the DNR still has a responsibility problem.
It's well known that skunks are the most common carriers of rabies but they can carry the viral disease without it affecting them.
If bitten by a skunk you've most likely contracted rabies.
But if sprayed by a skunk don't worry.
Their noxious smelling spray won't transmit rabies even if the skunk has rabies.
About the only thing we DON'T have tright here is skunks ---- we used to, I don't know what happened to them!

But that's all right, that is okay. :oops:
I've never been to Florida nor spent one day there yet I know. This woman lived there, moved there, 85 years of living and learning and still didn't know? No one in Florida told her about gators? Her friend living right there taking the video didn't know? Never mind could see it coming from out in the middle of the lake. The people who own the property who should have had signs up or maybe even a ten foot cordon around the lake didn't know either?

What a shame that the innocent gator who has every right to be there had to pay the price for everyone else's stupidity.

Nature politics.
Her friend was not videoing the event

What you see was recorded by wildlife video

I agree that the woman was careless

Who can say they have never been careless?

I certainly have been and could easily be 6 feet under myself several times
You know, I've never seen a gator killed with anything bigger than a .22.

I'm sure some crackers use bigger guns. I tried to before with a slug but it never got close enough. That gator was smart.

In hindsight that was pretty stupid, camping out in a big gator's bed drinking beer all night.

She'd pop up about 50 feet out every so often to peek to see if the 2 dumbasses were still there.
Uncle was constantly killing them as Clearwater developed. Used a .357. He said "Right between the eyes."

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