85 year old woman dragged into lake by 11ft gator

Sadly, there are no good or easy ways to get taken by a gator. Her leg bone was likely crushed by the bite, massive blood loss, then dragged into the water where she drowned quickly or if she had it in her to struggle, then the gators usually shake or tumble you until you are motionless. Which is what angers me how totally unnecessary and avoidable the whole thing was.

May be she fainted....or had a heart attack....then it was fast and she didn't feel anything...:confused::dunno:
Never did. Just said I learn from them not to make bigger, stupid, fatal ones.

Much better. I'm not fool enough to walk along the water's edge with dog bait by a lake with a gator in it so big the neighbors have given it a pet name.

Lesson #1: Always try to be as aware of your surroundings as possible!
again, the words of someone who never made a mistake
There have been DNR vaccination programs for 'coons. A rabies sensor at the food station that dispenses the rabies vaccine. It's not that far-fetched. Can visitors be radio-tagged when they come to this food station? Can video surveillance actuate the vaccinating mechanism so as to discriminate between kinds of animals?
again, the words of someone who never made a mistake

You have some problem with comprehension today? What part of you can't fucking read that everyone makes mistakes! That has nothing to do with this. This wasn't some small oops, this was a tragic calamity of MASSIVE STUPID IDIOTIC CARELESS BLUNDERS 6X over to fail to safeguard her own life when it EASILY could have been avoided.

This woman had no business out there. If not this, another day, she would have walking in front of a car or some other thing. Her time had come, just too bad it had to be like this.
Why shouldn't the software include DNR's local list of tagged animals within a five-mile radius? Why shouldn't the DNR get off its ass and do this with all American 'coons and 'possums? If the signal comes into range of the cellphone app, an alert is issued. duh
Yea, sounds like a plan.
Would only cost around 10 trillion dollars to radio tag all the gators, coons, possums in our country.
Heck, why not also radio tag all the rattle snakes. ... :thup:
Nessie's size can trigger an alarm when spaced-out, multiple sensors, are made one sensor via the software.
Yea, sounds like a plan.
Would only cost around 10 trillion dollars to radio tag all the gators, coons, possums in our country.
Heck, why not also radio tag all the rattle snakes. ... :thup:
No, more cheaply, DNR experiments have already proven mass 'coon vaccination via vaccine feeding stations. One should feel free to take the concept to the absurd and then slowly bring it back into coherence hoping for a breakthrough.
You have some problem with comprehension today? What part of you can't fucking read that everyone makes mistakes! That has nothing to do with this. This wasn't some small oops, this was a tragic calamity of MASSIVE STUPID IDIOTIC CARELESS BLUNDERS 6X over to fail to safeguard her own life when it EASILY could have been avoided.

This woman had no business out there. If not this, another day, she would have walking in front of a car or some other thing. Her time had come, just too bad it had to be like this.
She had all the legitimate business necessary in being there: she rented or owned the real estate. Along with this purchasing power should come DeSantis-style safety measures.
Listen to this guy:
  • People in Florida SHOULD KNOW to always be wary along a waters edge.
  • The woman baited the gator in with its favorite meal: pets.
  • The woman fought with the gator trying to save the dog costing her own life. I mean, she could barely walk!
  • The dog lived.
In most cases a gator isn’t a big problem unless a human has been feeding it.

That may not be the case here. It looks like the gator was after the dog and decided the woman looked tasty.

I always kept my dog on a leash away from the water when I was in an area with gators.
So let me see. A woman who LIVES right at the lake taking the video and knows it is full of gators didn't bother to tell her friend not to walk within 2 feet of the water, even though you could see the gator coming.

There are no posted gator warning signs.

An 85 year old woman doesn't have sense to stay away from water in an area with gators. Nor does she apparently even think to watch out for them or opay attention to her surroundings.

Coming ashore, even the dog is oblivious and even after running from it, still doesn't even bark to warn the woman.

Of course, no one has a gun to shoot the gator.

Had the woman just stayed back 6 more feet from the waters edge, she'd likely be alive now.

I went to school in Florida and worked my way through cutting grass at a Golf Course. They rarely attack people. One day I was cutting on one of those mowers that you control forward and backward with a pedal. I got the deck stuck ove an edge at the lake, I hit the reverse with too much force and when the deck came loose I went flying over the front of the mower, When I woke up there was a massive Gator sunning himself maybe 50 feet away. It does happen but it is rare.
"Henry" was a regular fixture of the lake often sunning himself right on the bank where the woman baited it with her dog as her girlfriend watched helplessly never telling her not to get so close to the water with a pet!

I went to school in Florida and worked my way through cutting grass at a Golf Course. They rarely attack people.

The woman attacked it. The dumb broad brought the attack on herself. It went for the dog she baited it with and then she stupidly tried to fight it off.

How does anyone live in Florida and not know that gators like pets? Much less be an 85 year old geriatric and try to fight with a 600-700 pound alligator!
I went to school in Florida and worked my way through cutting grass at a Golf Course. They rarely attack people. One day I was cutting on one of those mowers that you control forward and backward with a pedal. I got the deck stuck ove an edge at the lake, I hit the reverse with too much force and when the deck came loose I went flying over the front of the mower, When I woke up there was a massive Gator sunning himself maybe 50 feet away. It does happen but it is rare.
One must not forget the constitution of the brain of the gator. A gator with dementia could be a dangerous gator.
The woman attacked it. The dumb broad brought the attack on herself. It went for the dog she baited it with and then she stupidly tried to fight it off.

How does anyone live in Florida and not know that gators like pets? Much less be an 85 year old geriatric and try to fight with a 600-700 pound alligator!
The dog quickly ran in front of the woman leaving her a setting duck.

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