87% want tax increases

And yet, none of us have lost this debate.

1) We are a Republic.I never said we were not you lying fucking hack
2) The poll does not say that the middle class wants their taxes raisedYes it does
3) The European austerity you say everyone opposes is supported by 87% of people in this poll.prove it

These are the 3 points we've made on this board. They are true. And you can't disprove them.

Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

which every fucking dictionary in the world says is a democracy
And yet, none of us have lost this debate.

1) We are a Republic.I never said we were not you lying fucking hack
2) The poll does not say that the middle class wants their taxes raisedYes it does
3) The European austerity you say everyone opposes is supported by 87% of people in this poll.prove it

These are the 3 points we've made on this board. They are true. And you can't disprove them.

Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

Your God Paul is a republican
Last edited:
Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

which every fucking dictionary in the world says is a democracy

prove it instead of just saying it.
Me? what? I think Bush was horrible President, he grew Government, did TARP, Homeland security, the Patriot act, the war on terror, Wars, Stimulus, grew the DOEducation, welfare and so on... The man was a Progressive liberals wet dream, the only problem is he was white and a Republican... Now that Obama is doing it you are happy as a bug in a rug. Don't believe me? what part of all the policies that I just listed do you hold against Obama seeing as he expanded or renewed all of them?

Please. Don't lie. All Republicans loved Bush. I mean yeah, you're a libertarian, but libertarians are just Republicans:)

Yes they are.

BTW what is Ron Paul.

Hes a republican huh?

You need to learn to read between the lines TM. Avatar is pointing out that libertarians like Paul or myself are registered Republicans but have no intension of voting in lock step with Republicans based on the Party > all mentality.

Your brush is board and bigoted TM.
Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

Your God Paul is a republican

Sorry I'm not religious and Paul is not a God nor my God, so well just add your comment to the "made up shit TM says" pile.
Just because you want power and KNOW you cant have any without all your republican friends you want to get pissy with me?
Well you lying sack of shit you keep claiming I said we are not a republic too.

Lying is just part of the republican platform you hate but signed up for I guess
There you have it folks.

the right will just lie about the very definitions of words when they lose a debate

And yet, none of us have lost this debate.

1) We are a Republic.I never said we were not you lying fucking hack
2) The poll does not say that the middle class wants their taxes raisedYes it does
3) The European austerity you say everyone opposes is supported by 87% of people in this poll.prove it

These are the 3 points we've made on this board. They are true. And you can't disprove them.

Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

I havent built a single straw men. You've been arguing for nearly 18 pages that we are a Democracy and not a Republic. You lost so you are backtracking now like you always do.

The poll you cited. Says nothing about the middle class wanting their taxes raised.

The poll you cited did say there was strong supports for spending cuts with tax increases. That's European Austerity.

And I dont support Ron Paul
Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

which every fucking dictionary in the world says is a democracy


Republic - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of REPUBLIC
a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government
b (1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government
c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit <the French Fourth Republic>

: a body of persons freely engaged in a specified activity <the republic of letters>

: a constituent political and territorial unit of the former nations of Czechoslovakia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Yugoslavia

Do you see the word DEMOCRACY there? I don't.

In fact you yourself claimed Merriam-Webster was the definitive definition of Republic earlier in the thread.

Since THEY don't call a republic a democracy, your statement that 'every fucking dictionary in the world says is a democracy' is a lie.

Here endeth the lesson, shit-for-brains.
Now building straw men, lying and pulling shit out of your as as if its facts makes you a great little paulbot

Avatar is not a Paul-bot.

Because you brought up Republicans hating science and education TM, did you know Ron Paul is a doctor, he had to go to school for that… what do you do again TM? What did Obama go to school for again TM?

Hmm, odd that the ultra conservative Republican Ron Paul would inject himself into a life of science as a doctor when you claim Republicans hate education and science... Very odd indeed. I'll bet your education is in something spectacular! I'll be Obama was a rocket scientist, doctor and something else that would make him look so super duper smart sounding!!!

Oh and we are a Republic, the constitution says so.

Your God Paul is a republican

lying sack of shit.

I never said we are not a republic.

I said we are a democracy.

You are the one denying cold hard facts
Austerity or Stimulus? Americans Want BOTH, Survey Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Here are some of the findings of the survey, courtesy of Politico's Morning Money:
•81% of respondents say the national debt is a major problem that must be addressed now.
•86% of respondents agree reducing the deficit would help the economy.
•87% of respondents believe that to solve the long-term debt problem, Republicans will have to agree to some tax increases and Democrats will have to agree to some spending cuts..
•53% of respondents would be more likely to support a candidate for Congress if they knew that the candidate supported a bipartisan agreement that included both spending cuts and tax increases.
•76% of middle class voters believe that the middle class should contribute to the solution.

what you think they thought they were going to hold bake sales?
Austerity or Stimulus? Americans Want BOTH, Survey Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Here are some of the findings of the survey, courtesy of Politico's Morning Money:
•81% of respondents say the national debt is a major problem that must be addressed now.
•86% of respondents agree reducing the deficit would help the economy.
•87% of respondents believe that to solve the long-term debt problem, Republicans will have to agree to some tax increases and Democrats will have to agree to some spending cuts..
•53% of respondents would be more likely to support a candidate for Congress if they knew that the candidate supported a bipartisan agreement that included both spending cuts and tax increases.
•76% of middle class voters believe that the middle class should contribute to the solution.

what you think they thought they were going to hold bake sales?

and now that your attempt to derail your own thread has had your ass handed to you yet again, you want to slink back to the OP topic. PRICELESS!
Well you lying sack of shit you keep claiming I said we are not a republic too.

Lying is just part of the republican platform you hate but signed up for I guess

I don't think you understand what it means to be in a party... I don't have to vote for a Republican, I don't have to for "the" Republican that wins the nomination and I don't have to vote at all.

I also never said you claimed we are not a Republic, we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic, it might be a form of a Democracy but a Democracy and a Republic are two different things, hence the two separate words and the constitution naming us a Republic.

It is very clear you are now going off the deep end, it’s very entertaining to watch as you have a very predictable and consistent cycle. It’s like watching a child slowly erupt into a giant flailing fit only to close up and sit in silence… I wonder when you will power down.

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