87% want tax increases

No, that is what happens when we turn into a Democracy. When politicians stop following the constitution you get people like Bush, Obama and Mitt... Spend Spend Spend, Buy Buy Buy.

The Republic is dead when people find they can vote themselves money and Democracy is born.

How do you turn into one if you are one

Give up your liberties and void the constitution. Once the politicians can buy you thing that they never had power to do (SS,MC,MC,Obamacar<MC-partD,Welfare) it becomes mob rule for entitlements.

who owns 53% of Paul?
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Well you lying sack of shit you keep claiming I said we are not a republic too.

Lying is just part of the republican platform you hate but signed up for I guess

I don't think you understand what it means to be in a party... I don't have to vote for a Republican, I don't have to for "the" Republican that wins the nomination and I don't have to vote at all.

I also never said you claimed we are not a Republic, we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic, it might be a form of a Democracy but a Democracy and a Republic are two different things, hence the two separate words and the constitution naming us a Republic.

It is very clear you are now going off the deep end, it’s very entertaining to watch as you have a very predictable and consistent cycle. It’s like watching a child slowly erupt into a giant flailing fit only to close up and sit in silence… I wonder when you will power down.

You said you didnt then I proved you did
Well you lying sack of shit you keep claiming I said we are not a republic too.

Lying is just part of the republican platform you hate but signed up for I guess

I don't think you understand what it means to be in a party... I don't have to vote for a Republican, I don't have to for "the" Republican that wins the nomination and I don't have to vote at all.

I also never said you claimed we are not a Republic, we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic, it might be a form of a Democracy but a Democracy and a Republic are two different things, hence the two separate words and the constitution naming us a Republic.

It is very clear you are now going off the deep end, it’s very entertaining to watch as you have a very predictable and consistent cycle. It’s like watching a child slowly erupt into a giant flailing fit only to close up and sit in silence… I wonder when you will power down.

You said you didnt then I proved you did

Proved I did what? You have to understand TM you kind of spew tons of crap... it's very hard to keep up when you jump around so much.
what you think they thought they were going to hold bake sales?

No. They are clearly arguing for the European Austerity programs you are against.


prove it

You already did TM. You're highlighting the line saying that 87% want spending cuts and tax increases. Right here:

•87% of respondents believe that to solve the long-term debt problem, Republicans will have to agree to some tax increases and Democrats will have to agree to some spending cuts..

That's the very definition of the European austerity programs. Cut spending and increase taxes.

They are wrong of course. Cutting spending and cutting taxes are whats best.
You lied and now you will try to bury it.

no worries Ill remember to bumb it when you need to be outed

large donations.

hes just as owned as your hated republican party you belong to

Cycle Source of Funds, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte only

Individual Contributions
- Small Individual Contributions
- Large Individual Contributions

$16,399,521 (44%)
$19,513,178 (53%)


PAC Contributions



Candidate self-financing





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