87% want tax increases

Summary data for Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Source of Funds

Individual Contributions
- Small Individual Contributions
- Large Individual Contributions

$9,145,126 (11%)
$77,631,320 (90%)


PAC Contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






How complete are this candidate's campaign finance reports?
Face that your hero is a shill of hte wealthy

I have no issue with that. Do you have issue with Obama receiving vastly more than Paul from the wealthy, being a "shill of hte wealthy" as you put it.

Summary data for Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Paul is doneas far as this election is concerned.

Obama has a 56% of his money from big donnors.

Now what matters is what this number is when your done with the election.

Im sure you wont see it that way though

So Obama has a higher percentage of big donors than Paul does and yet Paul is owned by the "rich f*&#ers" and Obama is the champion of the poor?

How is it you dont see such an obvious conflict in your own positions?
Face that your hero is a shill of hte wealthy

I have no issue with that. Do you have issue with Obama receiving vastly more than Paul from the wealthy, being a "shill of hte wealthy" as you put it.

Summary data for Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Paul is doneas far as this election is concerned.

Obama has a 56% of his money from big donnors.

Now what matters is what this number is when your done with the election.

Im sure you wont see it that way though

So Obama has 56% and Paul has 53% and Paul is owned and a shill for the wealthy and Obama is what to you?

Also maybe you should take a look at the size of the "big" donations...

Planning on voting for a sellout in 2012 are you TM?
Summary data for Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Source of Funds

Individual Contributions
- Small Individual Contributions
- Large Individual Contributions

$9,145,126 (11%)
$77,631,320 (90%)


PAC Contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






How complete are this candidate's campaign finance reports?

What relevance do they have to your incorrect interpretation of your poll?
Now to be fair to Romney the election isnt over yet.

he may catch up with Obama on the small donner side huh?
Maybe paul will beat them all huh?

except we all know the republican party will NEVER let it be paul onhte ticket
Middle class people voting to have middle class taxes raised means what?

do you suggest they thought the poll was talking about them giving blood to fix the problem?

Polling does NOT equal voting.

So much for your use of "facts".


Dear idiot.

that is how they voted in the poll

Dear Retard,

That is how they answered a question in a poll.

No vote was taken.

Now toddle off and eat another bowl of paint chips.
Now how many small donations has paul recieved?

how many Americans gave to Obama with small money?
90 % of robmoney money come from rich fucks

You mean like Apple Computer? Oh wait, they are giving millions to Obama. I know, Geico, oops, that's George Soros, corrupt socialist and Obama supporter. How about GM, whoops, Obama bought them off with Taxpayer money. McDonalds? Uh, more Obama support.

Shit, looks like the sleaziest rich fucks are on the Obama train...
Now to be fair to Romney the election isnt over yet.

he may catch up with Obama on the small donner side huh?

Good point, so if Paul started at 53% being owned by the rich by the end of the GE he might be down in the 40% or even less... Wow, Obama really sucks, lol thanks for pointing that out TM.
Maybe paul will beat them all huh?

except we all know the republican party will NEVER let it be paul onhte ticket

who decides who goes on the ticket? the voters, dipshit. No party would put someone on the ticket who did not win the majority of voter support ion the primaries. It has never happened, and it never will.
I think we all know why Obama beat paul in big donners.

Its because most of the wealthy know PAUL will never be allowed the spot
90 % of robmoney money come from rich fucks

You mean like Apple Computer? Oh wait, they are giving millions to Obama. I know, Geico, oops, that's George Soros, corrupt socialist and Obama supporter. How about GM, whoops, Obama bought them off with Taxpayer money. McDonalds? Uh, more Obama support.

Shit, looks like the sleaziest rich fucks are on the Obama train...
Do your homework. The rich fucks give to both slimes more or less equally. No matter who is placed as puppet, they still win.

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