87% want tax increases

It does...

A distinct set of definitions for the word republic evolved in the United States. In common parlance a republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. This understanding of the term was originally developed by James Madison, and notably employed in Federalist Paper No. 10. This meaning was widely adopted early in the history of the United States, including in Noah Webster's dictionary of 1828. It was a novel meaning to the term; representative democracy was not an idea mentioned by Machiavelli and did not exist in the classical republics.

Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says we are a federal republic.

Federal republic — a federal union of states or provinces with a republican form of government. Examples include Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Germany, India, Russia, the United States,[note 1] and Switzerland.

Note: It doesnt say Democracy:)

Because EVERY sane person knows its a type of democracy
See if you can pick out the mistake, TM...

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Democracy for which it stands, once nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
well Ok you are just a lying piece of shit who has no commitment to facts.
There you have it folks.

the right will just lie about the very definitions of words when they lose a debate

Unless you read the constitution... And you have not it seems. BAck to the OP?

TM got her ass handed to her on a silver platter about the OP. That's why she derailed her own dumb-ass thread.

I know. Honestly I don't know why I keep going lol. It's funny to think of her sitting there, freaking out and scrabbling around finding meaningless links to prove the constitution wrong. I use her as an example when I talk to people in person, I simply say “There is this person on the political forums named TM who thinks _______” when I describe stupid inferior people trying to debate politics. This usually saves me a lot of time because people immediately understand how and why her positions are moronic. I say this to people that think in TM's direction, I show them a fast forward of where they will end up in the debate. Once people understand how dumb it sounds to take that position they want to learn rather than barf their opinion out as TM does.
They hate sceince, history, educators and even now hate dictionaries
Hurry up and rush out to your local tea party and tell them they need to start buring dictionaries
There you have it folks.

the right will just lie about the very definitions of words when they lose a debate

Prove the constitution wrong TM, not me... Actually there are dictionaries that have Republic meaning what the FF created, you simply look for information that you agree with and stop there.
Dictionaries are anti founder now according to these disgruntled brained idiots
This is why they can not win.

They have NO set of morals that they wont abandon for their owners
I wonder if they will call for Bush to be arrested for trying to spread Democracy to the middle east?
They hate sceince, history, educators and even now hate dictionaries

Prove I hate science, history and dictionaries... You have history wrong, you don't even understand basic science and you can't even read to different definitions that two separate words give in a dictionary without having a meltdown.

I like that you head down this road every time you start to seizure.

TM, why do you hate Freedom!?
TM, why do you hate black children!!?
Tm why do you hate white children!!!?
TM, why do you want to see poor people starve and die!!!!?

Answer these important factual questions TM!!!!!!
Remember you guys all loved that word when Bush told you to love it

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