88,00 jobs in March 2013, much below expectations

so, as I said last month to the usual gaggle of Obamabot cheer leaders when we 'created' 0ver 230K, I said, wait, we have been here before, lets let it ride and see wher we are in the summer, we have had some good spring numbers in 10, 11 and 12 and there after there was a Summer of Recovery ( which became summer at bernies [sic] for job seekers) announced each and every time and......zip, zero, nada....

The U.S. economy added just 88,000 jobs in March, far below economists’ expectations of up to 200,000. The numbers–which showed the weakest job creation since June 2012–added to signs of weaker growth heading into the spring.

Live From New York! It's Jobs Friday! - MarketBeat - WSJ

385.000 new unemployment claims in the same period....That is a net LOSS of 303,000 jobs.
Not acceptable. We will be moving quite a bit of money out of stocks over the next few weeks in the expectation of another recession happening. When and if that does happen, we will put the money into property.

COmmercial or residential?..
I am getting mail solicitations for mountain property which is discounted 90% of it's value from 10 years ago...NC Mtn property in the early to mid 2000's was so hot, only wealthy retirees could touch it.
Now, it cannot be given away.
Between automation and cheap overseas labor, people aren't needed for jobs anymore.

Looks like maybe we've outsmarted ourselves.
If President Bush had posted numbers like that week after week after week for four years and two+ months and counting, I don't think there would be a soul on the planet who would be defending it.

And yet this administration remains unwilling to do ANY of the things that would have the best shot at improving those numbers.
1. Give up the silly notion of raising taxes during high unemployment and recession or imminent threat of recession and set a reasonable tax policy in place with guarantees for at least ten years.
2. Relax oppressive regulation that is not absolutely necessary.
3. Repeal or suspend Obamacare that is causing far more layoffs and failures to hire than any good it could possibly do.
4. Put a higher federal minimum wage on the back burner for awhile and promote right to work laws.

Even a grade schooler can figure out that more tens of millions of people working and paying taxes will generate far more reveues and bring down deficits much faster than will higher taxes on a few rich folks. They probably can even understand that it is the threat of such taxes that is hindering a lot of those rich folks from hiring those tens of millions of people out of work.

BUT IN THE "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP" category, we got hit with a double whammy this week: hundreds of thousands more people had given up looking for work and only 88,000 found jobs.

And still we had this idiot talking head on the news this morning bragging that unemployment was coming down. The percentage ticked down a tenth this week.

Well hell. Let's just tell everybody who is looking for work to give up, go on welfare, and that will bring the unemployment rate down to zero.

That will give them something to REALLY brag about.
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Well somebody is making money but they aren't creating jobs or rewarding their workforce.

Your point?

What's the title of this thread?
Look at Germany, companies are investing a higher percentage of their profits back into the company, they are expanding and Germany's unemployment rate is near it's average. These companies are thinking long-term profits and becoming stronger and more competitive on the world stage. In the US the mentality is for short term gratification for the shareholder. Little or no reinvestment for growth and so no expansion of their workforce is what we get.
Well somebody is making money but they aren't creating jobs or rewarding their workforce.

Your point?

What's the title of this thread?
Look at Germany, companies are investing a higher percentage of their profits back into the company, they are expanding and Germany's unemployment rate is near it's average. These companies are thinking long-term profits and becoming stronger and more competitive on the world stage. In the US the mentality is for short term gratification for the shareholder. Little or no reinvestment for growth and so no expansion of their workforce is what we get.

Germany presents a very different economic picture. There the gov't has avoided most of the deficit spending and stimulus crap we fell for. Their legal system is stable and companies are not facing much uncertainty on taxes and regulation.
Here companies never know what costly new program the gov't might roll out. Obamacare? Carbon tax? Mandatory sex change operations? The sky's the limit. Companies are reinvesting for growth, just not necessarily in America.
If President Bush had posted numbers like that week after week after week for four years and two+ months and counting, I don't think there would be a soul on the planet who would be defending it.

And yet this administration remains unwilling to do ANY of the things that would have the best shot at improving those numbers.
1. Give up the silly notion of raising taxes during high unemployment and recession or imminent threat of recession and set a reasonable tax policy in place with guarantees for at least ten years.
2. Relax oppressive regulation that is not absolutely necessary.
3. Repeal or suspend Obamacare that is causing far more layoffs and failures to hire than any good it could possibly do.
4. Put a higher federal minimum wage on the back burner for awhile and promote right to work laws.

Even a grade schooler can figure out that more tens of millions of people working and paying taxes will generate far more reveues and bring down deficits much faster than will thigher taxes on a few rich folks. They probably can even understand that it is the threat of such taxes that is hindering a lot of those rich folks from hiring those tens of millions of people out of work.

BUT IN THE "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP" category, we got hit with a double whammy this week: hundreds of thousands more people had given up looking for work and only 88,000 found jobs.

And still we had this idiot talking head on the news this morning bragging that unemployment was coming down. The percentage ticked down a tenth this week.

Well hell. Let's just tell everybody who is looking for work to give up, go on welfare, and that will bring the unemployment rate down to zero.

That will give them something to REALLY brag about.


I recall the lefties crying that 5% unemployment was a jobs recession.
The proverbial "elephant in the room" that the Obamanistas don't want anybody to know about, is the FACT that roughly 340,000 people PER WEEK filed for FIRST TIME unemployment benefits in March, and that number has been consistent for a LONG time.

So "creating" 88,000 jobs is a JOKE, when you compare that paltry number to the 1.5 MILLION workers who are getting laid off from their jobs every month.

You might want to read the endnotes on the BLS website. The 88k figure is net job creation/reduction. 88k id not enough to support a robust recovery, but it beats the negative figures of 2008--2010.
If President Bush had posted numbers like that week after week after week for four years and two+ months and counting, I don't think there would be a soul on the planet who would be defending it.

And yet this administration remains unwilling to do ANY of the things that would have the best shot at improving those numbers.
1. Give up the silly notion of raising taxes during high unemployment and recession or imminent threat of recession and set a reasonable tax policy in place with guarantees for at least ten years.
2. Relax oppressive regulation that is not absolutely necessary.
3. Repeal or suspend Obamacare that is causing far more layoffs and failures to hire than any good it could possibly do.
4. Put a higher federal minimum wage on the back burner for awhile and promote right to work laws.

Even a grade schooler can figure out that more tens of millions of people working and paying taxes will generate far more reveues and bring down deficits much faster than will thigher taxes on a few rich folks. They probably can even understand that it is the threat of such taxes that is hindering a lot of those rich folks from hiring those tens of millions of people out of work.

BUT IN THE "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP" category, we got hit with a double whammy this week: hundreds of thousands more people had given up looking for work and only 88,000 found jobs.

And still we had this idiot talking head on the news this morning bragging that unemployment was coming down. The percentage ticked down a tenth this week.

Well hell. Let's just tell everybody who is looking for work to give up, go on welfare, and that will bring the unemployment rate down to zero.

That will give them something to REALLY brag about.


I recall the lefties crying that 5% unemployment was a jobs recession.

I recall Pelosi the blinky moonbat complaining about a 4.4 % unemployment rate under the Bush Presidency in 2006, an economic disaster as bad as the depression..:lol:

Then her and Harry took over and proceeded to show what a lasting recession (for far too many a depression) really is...
It takes time people. Obama is only just starting his second term and cleaning up the mess that George Bush and his Deregulation Spree created.

and fdr was just getting wound up when he was in what, year 76? :rolleyes:we'll be hearing this BS every year till 16....won't fly anymore.

dude please huh...he had all the tools he wanted and needed....and the 'deregulation spree' junk ( BUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH, it started bush) is just that, its a not very good try at BS mitigation....
No jobs have been added since Democrats took office in 2007. This is a jobs disaster. At this rate Bernanke will never stop printing money.


Would you care to identify the red and blue lines in the graph you pasted? They have nothing to do with your statement, which is factually false.
so, as I said last month to the usual gaggle of Obamabot cheer leaders when we 'created' 0ver 230K, I said, wait, we have been here before, lets let it ride and see wher we are in the summer, we have had some good spring numbers in 10, 11 and 12 and there after there was a Summer of Recovery ( which became summer at bernies [sic] for job seekers) announced each and every time and......zip, zero, nada....

The U.S. economy added just 88,000 jobs in March, far below economists’ expectations of up to 200,000. The numbers–which showed the weakest job creation since June 2012–added to signs of weaker growth heading into the spring.

Live From New York! It's Jobs Friday! - MarketBeat - WSJ

385.000 new unemployment claims in the same period....That is a net LOSS of 303,000 jobs.
Ummm the 88,000 jobs IS ALREADY THE NET CHANGE.

Geez, why do people think they can talk about things they know nothing about?

Oh and it's not the same period either...
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If President Bush had posted numbers like that week after week after week for four years and two+ months and counting, I don't think there would be a soul on the planet who would be defending it.

And yet this administration remains unwilling to do ANY of the things that would have the best shot at improving those numbers.
1. Give up the silly notion of raising taxes during high unemployment and recession or imminent threat of recession and set a reasonable tax policy in place with guarantees for at least ten years.
2. Relax oppressive regulation that is not absolutely necessary.
3. Repeal or suspend Obamacare that is causing far more layoffs and failures to hire than any good it could possibly do.
4. Put a higher federal minimum wage on the back burner for awhile and promote right to work laws.

Even a grade schooler can figure out that more tens of millions of people working and paying taxes will generate far more reveues and bring down deficits much faster than will thigher taxes on a few rich folks. They probably can even understand that it is the threat of such taxes that is hindering a lot of those rich folks from hiring those tens of millions of people out of work.

BUT IN THE "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP" category, we got hit with a double whammy this week: hundreds of thousands more people had given up looking for work and only 88,000 found jobs.

And still we had this idiot talking head on the news this morning bragging that unemployment was coming down. The percentage ticked down a tenth this week.

Well hell. Let's just tell everybody who is looking for work to give up, go on welfare, and that will bring the unemployment rate down to zero.

That will give them something to REALLY brag about.


I recall the lefties crying that 5% unemployment was a jobs recession.

been there done that foxy and B...;)

I posted links to articles in a thread last month when the market hit 14K, when the leftys here was celebrating, that were slamming bush when the market hit its last high in Oct 2007, NY Times wapo et al....

mind you- gdp that 3rd qtr ( latest number we had) was 3.8% , the UE rate was 4.7%, and 96K jobs were created that September.... etc etc etc etc ...they beat the snot out of him, rich getting richer cause the market was going gangbusters , the poor getting poorer the whole magilla....

anyone making excuses for Obama now, is just full of it and has a very selective memory.
No jobs have been added since Democrats took office in 2007. This is a jobs disaster. At this rate Bernanke will never stop printing money.


Would you care to identify the red and blue lines in the graph you pasted? They have nothing to do with your statement, which is factually false.

You are an idiot. You cant understand facts or read a chart. You are a complete waste of my time.

According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Seasonally Adjusted Total Non-Farm Payroll there were 138 million employed in 2007 when the Democrats took control of the House & Senate. Today there are only 135 million employed. This is way worse in percentage terms when you factor in population growth. In 2007, 63.6% percent of the people had jobs, now only 58.4% have jobs.

The Total Un-Adjusted Employment to Population Ratio (LNU02300000) is shown on the chart in Red.
The Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment to Population Ratio (EMRATIO) is shown on the chart in Blue.
Can you comprehend it now?:cuckoo:

If we'd had a proper recovery, there would be 8-10M more people employed right now.

What carnage for the lives of the people who are unemployed because of Obamanomics.
If we'd had a proper recovery, there would be 8-10M more people employed right now.

What carnage for the lives of the people who are unemployed because of Obamanomics.

I don't fault them for trying something they believed in. But I sure can fault them for keeping on doing the same thing over and over after it has proved to be a failure and worse, detrimental to the people it was supposed to benefit.

-The number of homeless people sleeping in homeless shelters in New York City has increased by 19 percent over the past year.

-The number of Americans on food stamps has risen from 32 million to 47 million while Barack Obama has been in the White House.

-According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income” at this point.

-Median household income in the United States has fallen for four consecutive years.

. . . .the percentage of Americans with a job fell from about 63 percent to below 59 percent during the last economic crisis. Since that time, it has not risen back above 59 percent. This is the first time in the post-World War II era that we have not seen the employment rate bounce back following a recession. At this point, the employment-population ratio has been below 59 percent for 42 months in a row.

Yes, we should be thankful that things have stabilized, but as you can see there has been no recovery. The percentage of Americans with a job is essentially exactly where it was three years ago. Despite the trillions of dollars that the U.S. government has borrowed, and despite the reckless money printing that the Federal Reserve has been doing, the employment situation in the U.S. has not turned around.
The Real Story Behind The Unemployment Rate? | ETF DAILY NEWS
It takes time people. Obama is only just starting his second term and cleaning up the mess that George Bush and his Deregulation Spree created.

And when Obama walks out the door after his second term and UE is back around
8% again the left will call it a a job well done that he didn't let things get worse.Then
the media will agree and say Obama was the most successful president in our
country's history.

Go figure!
If we'd had a proper recovery, there would be 8-10M more people employed right now.

What carnage for the lives of the people who are unemployed because of Obamanomics.

I don't fault them for trying something they believed in. But I sure can fault them for keeping on doing the same thing over and over after it has proved to be a failure and worse, detrimental to the people it was supposed to benefit.

I do fault them for trying something they believe in. Their Faith Based Keynesianism is destructive. They are responsible for that.

Ignorance with the Best of Intentions is horrific...and often worse than actual Mal Intent.

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