88,00 jobs in March 2013, much below expectations

It takes time people. Obama is only just starting his second term and cleaning up the mess that George Bush and his Deregulation Spree created.

And when Obama walks out the door after his second term and UE is back around
8% again the left will call it a a job well done that he didn't let things get worse.Then
the media will agree and say Obama was the most successful president in our
country's history.

Go figure!

That's pretty much the totalitarian thug playbook.
how about the playbook where you fools followed the grover norquist plan right into an economic crash?

he said right out loud he wanted to murder our democracy and you fools sign his pledges
Your lies dont fly anymore and you will NOT be allowed to destroy this country
If we'd had a proper recovery, there would be 8-10M more people employed right now.

What carnage for the lives of the people who are unemployed because of Obamanomics.

I don't fault them for trying something they believed in. But I sure can fault them for keeping on doing the same thing over and over after it has proved to be a failure and worse, detrimental to the people it was supposed to benefit.

I do fault them for trying something they believe in. Their Faith Based Keynesianism is destructive. They are responsible for that.

Ignorance with the Best of Intentions is horrific...and often worse than actual Mal Intent.

Okay, let's compromise on this one. Acknowledging that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the unintended negative consequences of well intended policy seems to be the norm rather than rare these days, can we at least believe that some on the Left really did believe the keynesian strategy and other policies would be beneficial? I mean they had prominent economists in the NY Times, etc. saying that they would be beneficial.

What we CAN'T forgive is a media who challenges nothing that comes from the Left, and people going along to get along when they knew better.
so, as I said last month to the usual gaggle of Obamabot cheer leaders when we 'created' 0ver 230K, I said, wait, we have been here before, lets let it ride and see wher we are in the summer, we have had some good spring numbers in 10, 11 and 12 and there after there was a Summer of Recovery ( which became summer at bernies [sic] for job seekers) announced each and every time and......zip, zero, nada....

The U.S. economy added just 88,000 jobs in March, far below economists’ expectations of up to 200,000. The numbers–which showed the weakest job creation since June 2012–added to signs of weaker growth heading into the spring.

Live From New York! It's Jobs Friday! - MarketBeat - WSJ

3.7 million job openings and Unemployment up while jobs go unfilled - The Sun Chronicle

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 3.7 million job openings now, even though 12.5 million people are unemployed. About 600,000 of the openings are in manufacturing.

Wow, 3.7 million. And all it takes is a little education. Something right wingers say is for snobs.

How many cry "Government can't create jobs" and then blame Obama. And look at that 3.7 million jobs just sitting there.

Now this is what's hilarious. Right wing leaders want to bring immigrants here to take those jobs. Why? Because they know their base is only qualified to "vote white" and nothing else.
It takes time people. Obama is only just starting his second term and cleaning up the mess that George Bush and his Deregulation Spree created.
Blame bush for the 150000 new applicants for ssi disability each month?

Let 'em die. The GOP health care plan.

Two More Arizonians Join Jan Brewer?s Death Panel

Just like what Gov. Walker is trying to do in Wisconsin, Gov. Brewer handed out corporate tax cuts, and then claimed that the state could no longer afford to pay for life saving organ transplants. Walker is using a budget crisis that he created in an attempt to strip collective bargaining rights from public sector employees, while Brewer is using her own self-created budget crisis to justify her death panel. It is important to connect the dots, because this is about to become a common political tactic of Republican governors all across America.
Well somebody is making money but they aren't creating jobs or rewarding their workforce.

Your point?

Pending a response from the original poster, let me help you out:

There were three points:
1. somebody is making money
2. they aren't creating jobs
3. they aren't rewarding their workforce
The evidence is conclusive that all three points are accurate if point three means "rewarding with pay increases in proportion to top ten percent or so of earners".
Well somebody is making money but they aren't creating jobs or rewarding their workforce.

Your point?

Pending a response from the original poster, let me help you out:

There were three points:
1. somebody is making money
2. they aren't creating jobs
3. they aren't rewarding their workforce
The evidence is conclusive that all three points are accurate if point three means "rewarding with pay increases in proportion to top ten percent or so of earners".

Is their workforce continuing to be employed with salary and presumably benefits? The answer is yes, otherwise everyone would quit.
Therefore your 3rd point is wrong.
And you're stupid.
And you smell funny.

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