88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

Democrats did not call for those mobs. Derek Chauvin caused those mobs.
By your logic, you should have rioted in DC because an unarmed trespasser was murdered by capitol police. Try again. And yes, the DNC/BLM/Antifa did orchestrate every one of those mob actions in 2020.
Putting aside that the results were not questionable, the attempted coup had many more facets than just the Capital riot. I recommend you Google John Eastman and read about what he and Trump were plotting. You might also want to read up on the slates of fake electors that were submitted. Or the plan to have the votes in contested states thrown out so the election could be thrown back to Repub controlled state legislatures. Please don't tell me you are ignorant about those aspects of the coup plot.
I stopped reading when you started off with the results are not questionable. There are many more questions than existed in 2000 with Bush v Gore and even more questions than those arising from the fact that Democrats tried to persuade electors to be faithless in 2016. If you can't see that, you're too partisan to be taken seriously.
sure, if you did the research you'd find their names.
I did the research - there are no names. Minor incidents only. Did you send Trump money to find the names. Watch the hearings - I think they have proof Trump knows he lost the election - what he knew and when he knew it.

You are kiddding? Cyber Ninja Qanon audit found more votes for Biden.
I stopped reading when you started off with the results are not questionable.
Trump has not found any state to have a questionable election result - he is the one who claims he won. He needs to prove it or shut up.
Good luck with that, but I think you are blowing smoke our asses and have nothing.

There is no disputing what Trump attempted to do to stay in power. It will come down to whether it can be proven he knowingly had criminal intent to defraud the Federal Government.

It is laughable to suggest that Trump genuinely believed he had won the 2020 election. We already know that experts and advisers told him the election results were legitimate. He heard this from his campaign advisers, DOJ lawyers, high-level officials in his own Department of Homeland Security and Republican elected officials. Trump knew he had lost a free and fair election, but he wanted to remain in power anyway.​

Civil trials will be slam dunks. Trump’s empire is going down

When he did what he did based on his great lie? he should be convicted. But one idiot Trump cult jurer can aquit him on criminal charges. That is sad.
There is no disputing what Trump attempted to do to stay in power. It will come down to whether it can be proven he knowingly had criminal intent to defraud the Federal Government.

It is laughable to suggest that Trump genuinely believed he had won the 2020 election. We already know that experts and advisers told him the election results were legitimate. He heard this from his campaign advisers, DOJ lawyers, high-level officials in his own Department of Homeland Security and Republican elected officials. Trump knew he had lost a free and fair election, but he wanted to remain in power anyway.​

Civil trials will be slam dunks. Trump’s empire is going down

When he did what he did based on his great lie? he should be convicted. But one idiot Trump cult jurer can aquit him on criminal charges. That is sad.
Like I said, I don't think you have spoken to an attorney about this, you are all talk and no action. All you have done is started your thread on the issue so you can troll. Prove me wrong.

BTW, you calling others idiots when you can't spell "juror" or "acquit" is really sad. :rolleyes:
BTW, you calling others idiots when you can't spell "juror" or "acquit" is really sad.
This ain’t a spelling contest. I see you know what I meant so when are you gonna get a life and deal with the issue that this thread is about. Do you think Trump is justified to attempt to deprive the American people to choose who they want to be president. That’s why he thought he could cancel the entire 2020 presidential election and get the decision into the house of representatives. Tell me why you think it’s OK for Trump to try to do that. I don’t need a lawyer to tell me that it’s wrong and fascist.
Like I said, I don't think you have spoken to an attorney about this
What do I need to speak to an attorney for when I see all you Trump supporters cannot defend him and don’t even try. Again are you OK with Trump canceling the entire 2020 election so he can rig it By creating chaos with the big lie and disrupting the January 6 constitutional ceremony
This ain’t a spelling contest. I see you know what I meant so when are you gonna get a life and deal with the issue that this thread is about. Do you think Trump is justified to attempt to deprive the American people to choose who they want to be president. That’s why he thought he could cancel the entire 2020 presidential election and get the decision into the house of representatives. Tell me why you think it’s OK for Trump to try to do that. I don’t need a lawyer to tell me that it’s wrong and fascist.
The thread is about you wanting to start a class action lawsuit, so have you talked to your attorney,yet or are you going to continue to divert answering a simple yes or no?

The only reason I mentioned spelling is that you called others idiots and then couldn't spell two simple words in your accusation, that is funny, ironic and worth pointing out. That you are so sensitive about it is totally hilarious.

I'm sorry for those who voted for Biden or Trump, to think either could run this country was a mass deception as we have seen from 2016 until today. If I had voted for either one, I would not admit it.
What do I need to speak to an attorney for when I see all you Trump supporters cannot defend him and don’t even try. Again are you OK with Trump canceling the entire 2020 election so he can rig it By creating chaos with the big lie and disrupting the January 6 constitutional ceremony
I haven't defended a thing, I told you good luck. So you are just trolling because you don't intend to do anything, got it.

Trump by the way cancelled nothing, he isn't President, it is now Biden's turn to screw up America and he is just as good at it as Trump was. Why do you Republicans and Democrats vote for bad candidates?
This ain’t a spelling contest. I see you know what I meant so when are you gonna get a life and deal with the issue that this thread is about. Do you think Trump is justified to attempt to deprive the American people to choose who they want to be president. That’s why he thought he could cancel the entire 2020 presidential election and get the decision into the house of representatives. Tell me why you think it’s OK for Trump to try to do that. I don’t need a lawyer to tell me that it’s wrong and fascist.
You couldn't understand logic if it slapped you between the eyes. IDIOT.

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