88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

The sitting democratically elected president of our constitutional republic attempted to use the power of that
sacred office to totally dismiss the voters in an election that he lost. The democratically elected presidents of our constitutional republic swear an oath to abide by and defend the Constitution and when they lose an election they are expected to relinquish their power according to the dates and the terms of the constitution.

Donald J Trump did not do that. He attempted to stay in power by denying the will of the voters to overturn the election through chaos in our Capitol building and around it on January 6. His last chance to unlawfully stay in power. He sat and watch for three hours and did nothing while United States of America was under attack by his supporters.

You say you don’t support Trump but you don’t care about what he did to the democratic process of our constitutional republic that was blatantly unconstitutional if not criminal. You could care less that he tried to shit on 150 million Americans who voted. Shit on them all for his own Putinesque lust for power.

You therefore are a worthless American because you bring absolutely no defense to our constitutional republic and its institution of democracy when it was under attack, and it is still under attack but you’re tired. Poor little snowflake.

It will be a mugwump like ThunderKiss1965 that destroys our constitutional republic with their passive lazy belief that everybody’s wrong so nobody’s wrong.
You are a babbling moron with an unhealthy pathological fixation on Trump. The Government is still here if Trump truly wanted to retain power he was the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military in history he could have had troops take over the Capital. According to the bureaucrats at the Pentagon the military is riddled with rightwing extremist so it would have been easy to round up a battalion or so.

The real truth is a bunch of unarmed protesters rioted and the Democrats are making theater out of it because they are about to get their asses handed to them in the upcoming elections. The left elite are feeding you drooling morons shit and your all eating it up. No worries though because after the Republicans take back the Senate they are going to do the same crap to Biden that Democrats have done and continue to do to Trump. The difference between you and me is I'm not a hypocrite I call out both sides for their bullshit.

I'm a Army Veteran. What the fuck have you done for this country ?
88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?

Now it's 88 million - Did they just find, or create more ballots?
Please submit your evidence that the vulnerabilities lead to actual hacking.

Dominion machines can be altered to manipulate tallies in just a few minutes, using malicious code, according to Princeton professor of computer science and election security expert Andrew Appel.

A ballot can be spoiled or altered by the Dominion machine because “the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box,” a study by University of California–Berkeley said.

The voting machines are susceptible to hacking or remote tampering because they are connected to the internet, even though they’re not supposed to be, according to a lawsuit. “If one laptop was connected to the internet, the entire precinct was compromised.”

There is evidence of remote access and remote troubleshooting, “which presents a grave security implication,” according to Finnish computer programmer and election security expert Hari Hursti. His declaration also claims the activity logs of the voting machines can be overwritten by hackers to erase their steps.

Dominion machine operators can change settings to exclude certain ballots from being counted. The ballots can be put in a separate file and deleted simply, according to Ronald Watkins, a software and cyber-security expert who reviewed the Dominion software manual. He also said final vote count involved machine operators copying and pasting the “Results” folder onto a USB drive, a process he calls “error-prone and very vulnerable to malicious hacking.

No names, IP addresses, social security #s ,etc are the slightest bit necessary. Just the fact that the "election" was wide open to this type of manipulation is waaay mire than enough to declare it's INVALIDITY, with or without a single fingerprint.
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Well then just find the people that left the machines unaddressed and taken to court. You are wrong the courts have not shut down in America you can still get these people and prove in a court of law that there was massive voter fraud that led to the election of President Joseph Biden.

From your link

“Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed,

And please tell us the 16 states that they were used in and how many votes could’ve been affected.
Already addressed multiple times. Stop being an idiot.
Already addressed multiple times.
You are a liar. You didn’t address that you link does not cite a lick of evidence that a single Voting machine was hacked in the 2020 elections or connected to the Internet or that any ballots were fraudulent. Nothing you have nothing. Lying that you addressed my response is a lie because that’s all you can do is lie.
if Trump truly wanted to retain power he was the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military in history he could have had troops take over the Capital.
That is not how Trump chose to do it because most of the top brass in the military thinks he’s a wacko.

Trump tried to do it by lying that he won the election and then creating chaos on the Senate floor on January 6 because all he needed was for Mike Pence to recognize the fake electors that Trump’s campaign organized and sent to Congress. That is fraud. That’s how Trump planned plotted connived and attempted to overturn the election.

Our military won’t follow the orders of a madman 30 days before being booted out of the White House by the voters.

Voters constitutional rights that you are too fucking lazy to protect as far as I can tell.
No one cares about Jan. 6.
Not now and, more importantly, not in November.

Apparently it struck a nerve with the Bloated one though. He's upset with Barr for telling the world that the story about a stolen election was bullshit. Funny that his daughter agreed with Barr.

88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
The first thing they'd have to do is prove how they were harmed to have standing.

That won't happen.
82 still isn't the number. try again.
So what? the lawsuit will represent over 100,000,000 who don’t think Trump should have tried to cancel their votes even if they were stupid enough to vote for him.

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