88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

Was Donald J Trump democratically elected in 2016?

Was Donald J Trump democratically defeated in 2020 In his bid for reelection?

In other words how did Trump become the president in 2016 and how was Trump booted out for being a godawful lying racist divider President in 2020?
The Electoral College elected Trump as it has for every President. Seriously are you from another country or has the education system gone to complete shit.
The Electoral College elected Trump as it has for every President. Seriously are you from another country or has the education system gone to complete shit
OK I see you’re engaged in nonsense but to humor you, who do you think chose the electors in each respective state?
You are one of Trump’s top ten fascists liars I bet:

Verdict: False

There was not a Dominion Voting Systems hack during a recent Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing, according to the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office and Dominion Voting Systems. The device in question was a poll pad from KnowInk, an election technology vendor that also refuted claims its equipment was hacked.

Fact Check:

The election technology firm Dominion Voting Systems has been the target of several baseless allegations of election fraud since the November elections, the Washington Post reported.

Now, a viral Facebook post claims Dominion Voting Systems was hacked on live TV on Dec. 30. The Facebook user linked in the comments section to an article about CueCat inventor Jovan Pulitzer claiming he accessed Dominion’s system by hacking a poll pad during a Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing held that same day. Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Greene further spread the claim on Twitter, remarking, “Well would you look at that! @JovanHPulitzer was able to hack into Dominion machines because they are connected to the internet. @GaSecofState our #Georgia elections are not safe!”

However, no Dominion Voting Systems machine was hacked during the hearing, according to both the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office and Dominion Voting Systems. (RELATED: Does Brad Raffensperger Have A Brother Who Works For Huawei?)

“In his presentation, Hutton Pulitzer, formerly J. Jovan Philylaw, claimed without providing any evidence that he had ‘hacked’ a poll pad,” reads a statement from the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. “He then went on to claim that meant that the entire voting system was compromised even though the poll pad, like the poll books which they have replaced, are never connected to the rest of the voting system.”

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office statement goes on to explain that poll pads, which are different from vote tabulators, are the “only piece of election infrastructure that is ever hooked up to the internet or connected to devices that are hooked up to the internet” so that election workers can “download updated voter lists to the poll pads that are used to check people in on Election Day.” WiFi capability is “disabled before the poll pads are put in to use at the polling place,” according to the statement.

Touch screens and printers at polling places are “never attached to the poll pads” and are “air-gapped so that they cannot be connected to the internet,” per the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office. Scanners also do not connect to any other equipment.

Dominion Voting Systems said on its website that “this is another deliberately inaccurate claim,” noting that the comments at the hearing “actually focused on PollPad electronic check-in devices.” The firm does not make poll pads, and poll pads do not connect to Dominion Voting Systems tabulators, according to its website.

As part of its election system, Georgia uses electronic poll books made by election technology vendor KnowInk. In a statement on its website, KnowInk likewise refuted allegations that its equipment was compromised by Pulitzer. (RELATED: Explaining The Viral Video Claiming To Show Election Fraud In Fulton County, Georgia)

“The assertions made about unauthorized access to our systems are patently false,” reads the company’s statement. “The man claiming that someone ‘got into’ our systems did not happen according to our forensic analysis. There was no ‘hack,’ there was no ‘back door’ entry, there was no ‘pump and dump,’ and there was no access through a ‘thermostat’ located hundreds of miles away in Savannah.”

In KnowInk’s Dec. 31 statement, the company further noted that its “our electronic poll books are not being used for voter check-ins during the early voting process currently underway in Georgia, and they won’t be used until next Tuesday on Election Day.”
Horseshit. Liberals think all they have to do is throw the words "Fact Check" around and we're all supposed to bow down.
“Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed, the nation’s leading cybersecurity agency says in an advisory sent to state election officials.” So reported Associated Press on May 31 regarding an “advisory” issued by the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) to state officials.

The vulnerabilities that worry Dr. Halderman are the same weaknesses that election expert Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Hyde (Ret.) and Dr. Douglas Frank have been warning about concerning the 2020 presidential election. Lt. Col. Hyde, an elections historian and former adjunct instructor teaching a systems analysis course, was one of the earliest critics of electronic voting, pointing out since the mid-1980s that the move toward electronic ballots and away from an auditable paper trail was a dangerous trend. Dr. Franks, a physicist, mathematician, computer scientist, inventor, and former professor, has spent the better part of the past two years analyzing voter data, testifying before legislatures, and speaking to audiences across the nation on the manner in which the voting machine vulnerabilities and voter databases were exploited during the 2020 election to dramatically and illegally shift the vote in favor of Joe Biden.

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I think you morons will find that most people with an ounce of brain matter are tired of the shit from both sides.

The sitting democratically elected president of our constitutional republic attempted to use the power of that
sacred office to totally dismiss the voters in an election that he lost. The democratically elected presidents of our constitutional republic swear an oath to abide by and defend the Constitution and when they lose an election they are expected to relinquish their power according to the dates and the terms of the constitution.

Donald J Trump did not do that. He attempted to stay in power by denying the will of the voters to overturn the election through chaos in our Capitol building and around it on January 6. His last chance to unlawfully stay in power. He sat and watch for three hours and did nothing while United States of America was under attack by his supporters.

You say you don’t support Trump but you don’t care about what he did to the democratic process of our constitutional republic that was blatantly unconstitutional if not criminal. You could care less that he tried to shit on 150 million Americans who voted. Shit on them all for his own Putinesque lust for power.

You therefore are a worthless American because you bring absolutely no defense to our constitutional republic and its institution of democracy when it was under attack, and it is still under attack but you’re tired. Poor little snowflake.

I'm not a Trump supporter.

It will be a mugwump like ThunderKiss1965 that destroys our constitutional republic with their passive lazy belief that everybody’s wrong so nobody’s wrong.

Well then just find the people that left the machines unaddressed and taken to court. You are wrong the courts have not shut down in America you can still get these people and prove in a court of law that there was massive voter fraud that led to the election of President Joseph Biden.

From your link

“Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed,

And please tell us the 16 states that they were used in and how many votes could’ve been affected.
88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
What on Earth are you talking about? Biden won and took office right when he was supposed to in January 2021. Should we sue Al Gore for taking forever to concede in 2000 and trying to subvert the election results?
What on Earth are you talking about?
Exactly what I posted in the OP.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House

Yes it was an attempt. It was an attempt that failed to produce electoral college chaos on January 6 by presenting Mike Pence with fake certified electors
from seven states that Biden won.

Had Pence not stood his ground and lived up to his oath to the Constitution Trump may have succeeded in creating the chaos and put an end To the Democratic electoral institutions and processes of our constitutional republic that is served America and its citizens since George Washington was the first leader of a revolution that won and then step down. Trump is still shitting on George Washington’s grave as we speak. He is scum
Can you hear yourself? When you make demonstrably false statements about the courts, about the media, about elections, when every time you are presented with irrefutable evidence you simply dismiss it as fake, you sound like a paranoid lunatic who refuses to accept reality because it clashes with the alternate reality right wing media has constructed for you.
His response was right on! You merely ignored the scam
Well then just find the people that left the machines unaddressed and taken to court. You are wrong the courts have not shut down in America you can still get these people and prove in a court of law that there was massive voter fraud that led to the election of President Joseph Biden.

From your link

“Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed,

And please tell us the 16 states that they were used in and how many votes could’ve been affected.
You truly are ignorant. Bricks are smarter than you
. Donald J Trump did not do that. He attempted to stay in power by denying the will of the voters to overturn the election through chaos in our Capitol building and around it on January 6. His last chance to unlawfully stay in power. He sat and watch for three hours and did nothing while United States of America was under attack by his supporters.
Oh, shut the hell up, you fkn :ahole-1:
You dont know what you're talking about. Airheads like you fk up a forum like this. First, you post FALSE crap about Dominion machines, and now you falsely claim that Trump did nothing for 3 hours on Jan 6.

YOU LIE! Trump told his supporters who stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday that he “knows their pain” but that they must “go home in peace.”

The clip was flagged by Twitter, and comments blocked.

“I know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace. I know you’re in pain. I know you’re hurt,” Trump said in a one minute video address released on his Twitter account. Here is that video >>

Exactly what I posted in the OP.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House

Yes it was an attempt. It was an attempt that failed to produce electoral college chaos on January 6 by presenting Mike Pence with fake certified electors
from seven states that Biden won.

Had Pence not stood his ground and lived up to his oath to the Constitution Trump may have succeeded in creating the chaos and put an end To the Democratic electoral institutions and processes of our constitutional republic that is served America and its citizens since George Washington was the first leader of a revolution that won and then step down. Trump is still shitting on George Washington’s grave as we speak. He is scum
FALSE! The electors that Trump supported were legit. Biden stole the election. He is the scum, and you're right there with him.

Trump did not advocate any attempt to subvert our right to do anything. You are a mindless DUPE, of the leftist lying media. Trump told his supporters to "PEACEFULLY & patriotically make your VOICES heard."

“Electronic voting machines from a leading vendor used in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities that leave them susceptible to hacking if unaddressed, the nation’s leading cybersecurity agency says in an advisory sent to state election officials.” So reported Associated Press on May 31 regarding an “advisory” issued by the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) to state officials.
Please submit your evidence that the vulnerabilities lead to actual hacking.
Exactly what I posted in the OP.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House

Yes it was an attempt. It was an attempt that failed to produce electoral college chaos on January 6 by presenting Mike Pence with fake certified electors
from seven states that Biden won.

Had Pence not stood his ground and lived up to his oath to the Constitution Trump may have succeeded in creating the chaos and put an end To the Democratic electoral institutions and processes of our constitutional republic that is served America and its citizens since George Washington was the first leader of a revolution that won and then step down. Trump is still shitting on George Washington’s grave as we speak. He is scum
You need to ween yourself off the kool aid.
How Trump succeeded on January 6 my lawful legal vote for Joe Biden would not have counted. That was the intent of the whole day and was part of the plans for two months. Not counting my vote is damage. Why don’t you think so?
funny, xiden did succeed and my lawful legal vote was removed. hmmmmmmmm see how that works?
You can't fake 88 million real people...so that'll never happen
Ballots are a different story
that dumb ass doesn't know ballots are counted, not voters. too fking funny. And, that, like was noted in 2000 mules, 2000 people at least dumped multiple ballots over 10 drop boxes. Law enforcement knows this because of cell phone tower data. They even traced where the mules went, to HDQTs and then to drop boxes. All on cell tower data. Funny how significantly stupid demofks really are that they don't know that cell tower data is real.

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