88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

The simple question is, does the DOJ have an enough evidence to arrest and bring charges against Trump (& Co)?

It is looking likely...
That is the question, the Congressional hearings are nothing but political posturing and winning votes, the DOJ is the one to watch and if there was conspiracy and it was planned and thought out, then the people behind the scenes need to be brought to justice.
You people were clearly violating his Elizabeth Warren given tenant rights, and DNC granted COVID eviction protections in trying to toss him out early.
Trump did not purchase or rent or lease The White House, anyway I live most the time in Mar-a-Lago anyway we do not evict him from there. So you’re a phony and a fool as well as a liar
I hope so. The problem with filing charges against Trump is that he will end up with a jury trial. And the likelihood that one absolutely truth denying Trump cult I’ll wear it gets a Missouri one person can shut the whole thing down and then Trump will run around screaming about how the deep state failed again. I think Trump can be destroyed and removed from Menacing the world forever more will be through civil lawsuits. He should go to fate of Alex Jones Sandy Hook.
What has your attorney said?
The American people should sue....

Hillary, Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Rice, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, Nadler, and others for 6 years of never-ending scandal, sedition, corruption, perjury, crimes, treason, and millions spent on fa8led coup attempts, illegal Impeachments, and the never-ending political and personal TDS-driven vendetta.
I hope so. The problem with filing charges against Trump is that he will end up with a jury trial. And the likelihood that one absolutely truth denying Trump cult Follower it gets on the jury, one person can shut the whole thing down and then Trump will run around screaming about how the deep state failed again. I think Trump can be destroyed and removed from Menacing the world forever more will be through civil lawsuits. He should go to fate of Alex Jones Sandy Hook.

I hope so. The problem with filing charges against Trump is that he will end up with a jury trial. And the likelihood that one absolutely truth denying Trump cult I’ll wear it gets a Missouri one person can shut the whole thing down and then Trump will run around screaming about how the deep state failed again. I think Trump can be destroyed and removed from Menacing the world forever more will be through civil lawsuits. He should go to fate of Alex Jones Sandy Hook.
Your mental illness is frightening.

show us.jpg
This is what made Trump believe he had a right to overturn the election that he lost.

America is a special nation divinely favored by God and entrusted to white Christians as its sovereign protectors, The original big lie

"Christian nationalism believes in the enduring and dangerous 'deep story' that America is a special nation divinely favored by God and entrusted to white Christians as its sovereign protectors, in order to implement and spread the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth," Ali wrote. "These 'Christian' values and morals are allegedly under active threat and assault by 'invaders — who presently include feminists, LGBTQ+, Jews, people of color, Muslims, immigrants, and essentially anyone who opposes their proposed theocratic state."​
Trump tapped into that ideology with his slogan "Make America Great Again," which means something very specific and menacing for Christian nationalists.​
I’d love to see a civil case like this make it to the Supreme Court or the Trump justices will have to defend the man who appointed them who attempted to deprive 88 million people have the right to vote and be counted. That would beat the scopes monkey trial if they try to defend that.
Where did you get 88 million? Even your masters have always said 81 million.

Listen, I can't wait to watch this riveting shit show. I heard that the best experience is to watch it with a 10" spaghetti spoon inserted completely into your rectum. The drinking game is every time pelosi slurs like a drunken fucktard, you drink a sip of LiquidPlumr. Let's hope the orange man shoots 3 over par today worrying about this shit clown spectacle.

I'd love it if each of those 81 million people are willing to identify themselves.
You think people paying over $100 to fill their gas tanks, and $15 for a pound of bacon care about Jan. 6?

I don't give a flying fuck about January 6, but I did pock up a pound of Oscar Mayer bacon at the NAS Jacksonville commissary for $4.88 yesterday. I had a $2 off coupon...
88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
What 88 million voters? We all know that lying Biden didn't get that many votes.

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