88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

I understand why you'd rather change the subject.
No liar . Look at the OP. I wrote it.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House

all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day.

This thread is not about Hitler or Marx or books about them. It is about what Trump did and attempted to do after losing the election.

IF you can’t post about that GFY
I don’t support Trump’s fascist attempt to overturn an American election stay in power after being rejected overwhelmingly by the vast majority of votersx

That is what you support because you are a fascist in actions words and deeds.

No wonder you spent you career in summer school.
I just explained that you are the Fascist.

More, you imbecile: Democrat FDR was so in love with Fascism, he called it the New Deal, and imposed it on America.

  1. English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union. The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property.
    1. Mussolini wrote a book review of Roosevelt’s “Looking Forward,” in which he said “…[as] Roosevelt here calls his readers to battle, is reminiscent of the ways and means by which Fascism awakened the Italian people.” Popolo d’Italia, July 7, 1933.
    2. In 1934, Mussolini wrote a review of “New Frontiers,” by FDR’s Sec’y of Agriculture, later Vice-President, Henry Wallace: “Wallace’s answer to what America wants is as follows: anything but a return tyo the free-market, i.e., anarchistic economy. Where is America headed? This book leaves no doubt that it is on the road to corporatism, the economic system of the current century.” Marco Sedda, Il politico, vol. 64, p. 263.
No liar . Look at the OP. I wrote it.

This thread is not about Hitler or Marx or books about them. It is about what Trump did and attempted to do after losing the election.

IF you can’t post about that GFY

Trump did nothing but benefit America and Americans.

12 Thousand Democrat authorized riots, arsons, anarcho-terrorist acts.

And the only insurrection:

Watch the Terrifying Democrat Insurrection and Attack On the White House

During the Trump administration there was a terrifying riot in Washington as angry, violent, lawless, left wing, anti-Trump protestors tried to enter the White House. Luckily, the White House had a massive amount of force to stop the rioters who were trying to come over the fence. But 67 Secret Service officers were wounded and sent to the hospital and the President had to be removed to a secure bunker for safety.

There were times overnight when America's capital city descended into chaos, with running battles between rioters and police through the streets.

This was more violent than January 6th and if anything would qualify as an "insurrection" seizing the White House would be it. Yet, no investigation, no panel, no commission, no one thrown in jail without bail.

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” https://www.newsmax.com/us/protests-washington-fire/2020/05/31/id/969879/

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

The Democrat party would love to have an excuse to cover, to mitigate, what they have done for a full year of riots....and that is the reason for amplifying the farrago at the Capitol.
Answer the question, dunce:

If you are not watching there is no need to answer your question because you know nothing about the facts they are presenting.

Lets take any of their facts that you think you can refute?

Ivanka agrees with Bill Barr that her daddy’s election fraud claims are bullshit
If you are not watching there is no need to answer your question be cause you know nothing about the facts they are presenting.
If you are not watching there is no need to answer your question because you know nothing about the facts they are presenting.

Lets take any of their facts that you think you can refute?
I suppose it is a lack of creativity, not just honesty, that your sort simply copies their forebears.

First, they took a page from earlier socialists, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, who burned down their capitol and said the other side did it....

The True Story of the Reichstag Fire and the Nazi Rise to ...

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › history › true-story...
— Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's fire, conspiracy theories are sure to follow. At least, that's what happened in Germany on ...

The exact story of Jan6....

And their other cousins.....who tried political enemies on fake charges.

Great Purge​

Soviet history
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Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
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Date: August 1936 - March 13, 1938Location: Moscow RussiaKey People: Lev Kamenev Karl Radek Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov Leon Trotsky Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda...(Show more)
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Read a brief summary of this topic​

Great Purge, also called purge trials, three widely publicized show trials and a series of closed, unpublicized trials held in the Soviet Union during the late 1930s, in which many prominent Old Bolsheviks were found guilty of treason and executed or imprisoned. All the evidence presented in court was derived from preliminary examinations of the defendants and from their confessions. It was subsequently established that the accused were innocent, that the cases were fabricated by the secret police (NKVD), and that the confessions were made under pressure of intensive torture and intimidation.
The trials successfully eliminated the major real and potential political rivals and critics of Joseph Stalin. The trials were the public aspect of the widespread purge that sent millions of alleged “enemies of the people” to prison camps in the 1930s.
Joseph Stalin

Luckily they both had ooodles of brain dead adherents.....you know.....like you.

Have you ever read any history???????

Have you ever read a book???

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Lets take any of their facts that you think you can refute?

Ivanka agrees with Bill Barr that her daddy’s election fraud claims are bullshit

National Socialist German Worker's Party, who burned down their capitol and said the other side did it....

Is Trump’s favorite most beautiful daughter that he’d like to date a Nazi?

I saw her testimony. I don’t think she is.
Nazis are the parents of your party.
Did you see IVANKA testify against her father. It was fantastic. All Trump’s are not fascists. Why can’t you agree with Ivanka that there was no significant fraud in the 2020 election.

The white supremacists align with you, They are the purest of all Nazis in America. You would March alongside them if they come to your town to save your Confederate statues or come to beat up gay and lesbian people.
SCOTUS already ruled that voters have no standing.
Are you saying a first term President is above the law and can cancel an election if he loses a bid for a second term and declare himself the winner ????!!

I don’t think that is possible. There is no precedent for what the fat scum attempted to do on Jan6,
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Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?
Do you mean the ones who voted to overturn the election after the seditious conspirators and the Trump confederate mob were told byTrump that he loves them …….. and then they asked Trump for pardons due to their consciousness of guilt?
Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?

Because proTrump members of Congress have become legitimate participating actors in the Big Lie and the resultant scheme to drive the election into chaos on Jan6 sufficient to stop the inauguration of Joe Biden who won.

Those who promote the big lie could never be trusted to investigate themselves and their involvement in the deep dark underbelly of the violent attack on the Capitol abd the Trump plot to stay in power beyond his legal tines
If you are not watching there is no need to answer your question because you know nothing about the facts they are presenting.

Lets take any of their facts that you think you can refute?

Ivanka agrees with Bill Barr that her daddy’s election fraud claims are bullshit
Ok, let’s run with your premise. So what?

If Trump’s claims are bullshit is that any reason for a made for TV Prime Time event two years after the fact, Dumbass?

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