88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

That’s not the only definition of a coup or coup attempt. You mind is way too limited to function properly in the modern age,

Technically, what Trump attempted is what’s known as a “self-coup” and Trump isn’t the first leader to try it. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of the first Napoleon) pulled one off in France in December 1851 to stay in power beyond his term. Then he declared himself Emperor, Napoleon III. More recently, Nicolas Maduro perpetrated a self-coup in Venezuela after losing the 2017 elections.​
Blah, blah blah. The definition I provided was the only one that was pertinent to the case. Fuck Napoleon, his bullshit 300 years ago means nothing and neither did the communist actions in Venezuela. The fact that you are attempting to distract from facts with a bunch of irrelevant crap is proof that you don't know WTF you are talking about. BTW, an opinion in Politico (of all bullshit sources) is hardly something to hang a discussion on. Nothing you have posted makes an ounce of sense.
The definition I provided was the only one that was pertinent to the case.

The universe outside of your simple mind does not need your permission to call an unconstitutional scheme, plot, conspiracy, and plan by a loser one term President who actually attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power by creating such chaos that the system was somehow expected to make the loser the winner. - a fucking coup attempt.

Who do you think you are?
The universe outside of your simple mind does not need your permission to call an unconstitutional scheme, plot, conspiracy, and plan by a loser one term President who actually attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power by creating such chaos that the system was somehow expected to make the loser the winner. - a fucking coup attempt.

Who do you think you are?
I would ask you the same question. In your case, the only words that come to mind are "FUCKING IGNORANT" I find it hard to believe that anyone that has reached the age of majority is as blatantly uneducated as you are.
I would ask you the same question. In your case, the only words that come to mind are "FUCKING IGNORANT"
Can you describe specifically what leads to the conclusion that I am ignorant.

For instance I mentioned the fake electors as part of the coup attempt and you say nothing about them. Are you ignorant of the relevance and bearing that committing fraud for Trump’s self coup had on this case?
Actually Garland is trying to put the DOJ back on track, and not pull political stunts like talking about ongoing investigations.

Remember, what DOJ policy was before William Barr corrupted it?
Yeah, shipping guns to Mexico, and lying to Congress as Obama’s “Wing man”
Can you describe specifically what leads to the conclusion that I am ignorant.

For instance I mentioned the fake electors as part of the coup attempt and you say nothing about them. Are you ignorant of the relevance and bearing that committing fraud for Trump’s self coup had on this case?
Self coup. :laughing0301:
Self coup.

Had Trump succeeded - meaning the entire 2020 election was thrown out and Republicans determined Trump won - Supreme Court packing pays off - military had to stand down - what is your preferred nomenclature for that? As if it really fucking matters?

Self Coup refers to an elected head of state who refuses to respect the voters and attempts to stay beyond his lawful term: It is fine nomenclature.
Did that happen? Who was in the WH on Jan. 21? Answers: No; Joe Biden. Do I need to tell you why you're ignorant? Probably.

it was an attempted self-coup, a trial run, aka practice for next try.
Did that happen?

Since you bless his attempt, you would bless his success even morel. Such is the dream of having a fascist leader discard the the two and a half centuries of constitutional election process that white European Christians could freely dominate and control - but no more.

You want the Putin way
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How did you become a Trump supporting fascist like PoliticalChic is then?
Dumbass partisan fucktardry. I should sue your slanderous ass. :p

Trump has addled your brain.

You can not show where I ever voted for Donald Trump. Not once, not ever.

You're spewing random bullshit out your ass, LIKE ALL LEFTIES DO THESE DAYS.

That's one of the reasons you're leaving office. We don't need a bunch of loose cannons around, we have enough already.
You are a filthy un-American racist liar. She never said that “riots” should not or are not going to stop. Your Racism is never going to stop is it?

Kamala Harris personally paid to bail communist agitators out of jail and encouraged others to do the same

Fuck you and your race baiting bullshit, dimwitted leftard. Every time you play the race card I'm going to clobber your miserable ass. I'm going to make this stupid shit VERY COSTLY for you assholes.
The universe outside of your simple mind does not need your permission to call an unconstitutional scheme, plot, conspiracy, and plan by a loser one term President who actually attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power by creating such chaos that the system was somehow expected to make the loser the winner. - a fucking coup attempt.

Who do you think you are?
I still don't care.

I want to know who is funding antiFa TODAY, to travel from Portland to Idaho and engage in political violence


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