88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

There are no damages there,
Sure there are. That day on January 6 I was heading home driving west on IRAQ 66 in Virginia just west of the Capitol. On the eastbound lane there was a convoy of Virginia state troopers local cops, black SUVs, I have no idea where they all came from but it was several miles long racing towards DC at a high rate of speed, sirens blaring. all traffic in the oncoming lanes on interstate 66 were pulled out of the way. Never seen anything like it. So I do not know what that cost the state where I pay taxes for my local government but the only reason those police officers had to risk their lives to go into DC to try and save our elected officials was because of Trump. If Trump didn’t push the big lie and call for a wild demonstrationOn January 6 so he could try to overturn the election those damages would not have been occurred. It’s the butt for situation.

And we have found out since then is that Donald J Trump was AWOL during this whole thing so it was the vice president who mobilize these forces.
Sure there are. That day on January 6 I was heading home driving west on IRAQ 66 in Virginia just west of the Capitol. On the eastbound lane there was a convoy of Virginia state troopers local cops, black SUVs, I have no idea where they all came from but it was several miles long racing towards DC at a high rate of speed, sirens blaring. all traffic in the oncoming lanes on interstate 66 were pulled out of the way. Never seen anything like it. So I do not know what that cost the state where I pay taxes for my local government but the only reason those police officers had to risk their lives to go into DC to try and save our elected officials was because of Trump. If Trump didn’t push the big lie and call for a wild demonstrationOn January 6 so he could try to overturn the election those damages would not have been occurred. It’s the butt for situation.

And we have found out since then is that Donald J Trump was AWOL during this whole thing so it was the vice president who mobilize these forces.
If only Nazi Piglosi would have accepted Trump's offer of the National Guard.

I guess you are really upset with her for having to watch all those cars go by you fast. :laughing0301:
Where in any of that testimony was Trump accused of insurrection or inciting to riot?

Watch the hearings. my understanding of his attemp to seize power illegally and unconstitutionally did not involve inciting a riot. Trump did not need a riot. The riot happened because of everything he did but he did not call for it. All Trump needed to get the chaos on the Senate floor started was Mike Pence to recognizethe fraudulent fake counterfeit un-American fake electors’ certificates from Michigan Arizona Nevada Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia and New Mexico.

You people cannot make the fake electors seem like it was just some kind of hobby or something. It is fraud. It is election fraud.
If only Nazi Piglosi would have accepted Trump's offer of the National Guard.

Trouble is there’s no record anywhere of Trump ever making that offer. So that’s that. You are a very stupid liar when you fall for this stuff.

If only Nazi Piglosi would have accepted Trump's offer of the National Guard.

What encourages you to lie like that? Is it some kind of a white European entitlement or something?

Your fellas went into hang her. When you refer to her as a Nazi which is absurd ? you are encouraging that kind of violence.

The Nazis showed up in Idaho this past weekend. Why don’t you get concerned about them.

Anyway, regarding your bullshit claim

No record of the request​

A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally.​
Drew Hammill, Pelosi's spokesperson, told USA TODAY that Pelosi’s office was not consulted or contacted regarding any request for the National Guard ahead of Jan. 6, and he noted the speaker of the House does not have the power to reject that type of request​
Sure there are. That day on January 6 I was heading home driving west on IRAQ 66 in Virginia just west of the Capitol. On the eastbound lane there was a convoy of Virginia state troopers local cops, black SUVs, I have no idea where they all came from but it was several miles long racing towards DC at a high rate of speed, sirens blaring. all traffic in the oncoming lanes on interstate 66 were pulled out of the way. Never seen anything like it. So I do not know what that cost the state where I pay taxes for my local government but the only reason those police officers had to risk their lives to go into DC to try and save our elected officials was because of Trump. If Trump didn’t push the big lie and call for a wild demonstrationOn January 6 so he could try to overturn the election those damages would not have been occurred. It’s the butt for situation.

And we have found out since then is that Donald J Trump was AWOL during this whole thing so it was the vice president who mobilize these forces.
Just STFU. Every time you open your ignorant mouth, you embarrass yourself more.
The Nazis showed up in Idaho this past weekend.
What law did those 31 guys break other than riding in the back of a U-Haul truck? Shields, shin guards, one smoke bomb and being masked is not illegal moron. You fucking idiots seem to think that if you don't like something it magically becomes illegal. The cops arrested these guys on conspiracy charges to prevent a POTENTIAL riot situation. There is NO basis for any further action and all charges will be dropped. Even if you and the MSM disagree, commie. BLM/Antifa committed much worse crimes during the DNC summer of love 2020 and they were not arrested nor charged.
Feel free to point out my lie, Simpleton.
I Did. POST 645

When you read the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada and New Mexico. This give Trump an electoral college win.

That Pronouncement by Pence is expected to be rejected by the Democrats which throws the election into chaos and then supposedly according to the constitution the matter is to be settled in the house of representatives where Republicans have a majority and they choose Trump/Pence to serve a second term

The following reply from you Nostra was a reply to the above explanation by me of the Eastman coup.

That (above) is what you cited to not be illegal and not inciting violence,

Now, is that illegal? Nope. Is that inciting violence? Nope.

and now you become a liar ;

the discussion was about the comment I quoted

You were replying to this:

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan etc.

You told me that was not illegal.

Are you saying you agree with Pence attorney that the Eastman coup would be illegal for Pence to to go ahead with it?

Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887
I Did. POST 645

The following reply from you Nostra was a reply to the above explanation by me of the Eastman coup.

That (above) is what you cited to not be illegal and not inciting violence,

and now you become a liar ;

You were replying to this:

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan etc.

You told me that was not illegal.

Are you saying you agree with Pence attorney that the Eastman coup would be illegal for Pence to to go ahead with it?

Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887
I already addressed this bullshit post, Dumbass.

You selectively edited posts in an attempt to save your sorry ass. It isn't working.

Try quoting all the posts in their entirety. You won't because you would expose yourself as the lying sack of shit you are. Why to you think your moronic games will work?
I Did. POST 645

The following reply from you Nostra was a reply to the above explanation by me of the Eastman coup.

That (above) is what you cited to not be illegal and not inciting violence,

and now you become a liar ;

You were replying to this:

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan etc.

You told me that was not illegal.

Are you saying you agree with Pence attorney that the Eastman coup would be illegal for Pence to to go ahead with it?

Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887
Here is your original post in it's entirety, not your highly edited version.

Yes, Trumps rally speech is everywhere, but I provide a link below:

Earlier that day Trump announced that the a Eastman coup was still on in this tweet;

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada and New Mexico. This give Trump an electoral college win.

That Pronouncement by Pence is expected to be rejected by the Democrats which throws the election into chaos and then supposedly according to the constitution the matter is to be settled in the house of representatives where Republicans have a majority and they choose Trump/Pence to serve a second term.

Jan6, 2021

I asked you how that tweet was illegal. Man, you aren't very good at this.

What a clown.
Did that happen? Nope. STFU, no crime was committed, moron.

No, The fake elector certificates were signed and submitted to Pence. The crime went beyond the planning stages at that point

Trump's coup.attempt did not need be successful to be a crime
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No, The fake elector certificates were signed and submitted to Pence. The crime went beyond the planning stages to the point

Trump's coup.attempt did not need be successful to be a crime
There was no coup attempt, moron. Coup--A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover. Enough of the idiocy. You're a fucking moronic troll that is incapable of cognizant thought. Is your middle name Robinette?
asked you how that tweet was illegal

You are a liar. You never asked if the “tweet” was illegal. You replied to my full post with the explanation of the the plan to win penned by John Eastman.


Did Trump say this to his unhappy people @Nostra on Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMANWhy is that not an attempted coup @Nostra based on canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost

Dunno. Did he say that?

Yes he said that about an hour before the Proud Boys began attacking the police defending the joint session of Congress.

He also said this at the rally …

And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it.

He did? Gotta link to his quote?

Surely you don't want us to take your word for it.

Of course a tweet and speech is not illegal.

So what about Trump pressuring Pence to recognize the fake electors’ certificates to create chaos in an election that Trump did not win. Do you think pressuring Pence because of his unique constitutional authority to commit fraud by recognizing the fraud (fake electors) that Trump had set up? Is that illegal?
You are a liar. You never asked if the “tweet” was illegal. You replied to my full post with the explanation of the the plan to win penned by John Eastman.

View attachment 658464

Of course a tweet and speech is not illegal.

So what about Trump pressuring Pence to recognize the fake electors’ certificates to create chaos in an election that Trump did not win. Do you think pressuring Pence because of his unique constitutional authority to commit fraud by recognizing the fraud (fake electors) that Trump had set up? Is that illegal?
There was no coup attempt, moron. Coup--A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover.

That’s not the only definition of a coup or coup attempt. Your mind is way too limited to function properly in the modern age,

Technically, what Trump attempted is what’s known as a “self-coup” and Trump isn’t the first leader to try it. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of the first Napoleon) pulled one off in France in December 1851 to stay in power beyond his term. Then he declared himself Emperor, Napoleon III. More recently, Nicolas Maduro perpetrated a self-coup in Venezuela after losing the 2017 elections.​
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That’s not the only definition of a coup or coup attempt. You mind is way too limited to function properly in the modern age,

Technically, what Trump attempted is what’s known as a “self-coup” and Trump isn’t the first leader to try it. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of the first Napoleon) pulled one off in France in December 1851 to stay in power beyond his term. Then he declared himself Emperor, Napoleon III. More recently, Nicolas Maduro perpetrated a self-coup in Venezuela after losing the 2017 elections.​
An opinion piece by some Dimtard involved in Trump's Shampeachment? Really?

At least she made up a snappy term "self-coup". :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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