89% of Clinton Foundation funding went to charities

:badgrin:Yeah, THATS going to be an honest document.

Yes it's completely fabricated yet the powerful Clintons are able to keep their not for profit status because well, the IRS is in their pocket right next to the DOJ. :laugh:

When you have to pivot to conspiracy this early, you've already lost.
Wow, what a moron. We have proven evidence of the IRS being used as a tool against Democrat enemies (yea, they actually do refer to people who disagree with them as enemies).

Now your inability to comprehend what goes on around you not withstanding, I did NOT say it was fabricated. I said it was not an honest document. Now, go play with mommy or something.

I did NOT say it was fabricated. I said it was not an honest document.

There's no difference dope.
The IRS accept both the financial documents of the foundation and their personal taxes. The only way for that to be true and your assertion that they aren't "honest" to be true, a conspiracy within the IRS is required.
Your assertions have no merit.
Figures you deny the IRS targeted conservative groups.
You're a delusional lefty.

I did not speak to that in any way dope.

One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

Comrade Trump would want you to think that the Clinton's go the money. WRONG......AGAIN!

tell us when your spaceship arrives

it has lifted off after leaving an orange clown with fake hair.

One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

Comrade Trump would want you to think that the Clinton's go the money. WRONG......AGAIN!

tell us when your spaceship arrives

it has lifted off after leaving an orange clown with fake hair.

your avatar. your a Trump fan
The Clinton Foundation "cannot be accurately be captured by the Charity Navigator". In other words the dumb Arkansas hicks who claim to be too stoopid to work a cell phone have employed slick operators who have successfully laundered the "donations" to the point that amateur monitors ain't got a clue and if they had one they would probably be threatened by the IRS of some sinister Clinton hitman. It ain't the first time that people have died on Clinton's watch and you can bet your ass(ets) that "charity Navigator' doesn't want to be on the outs with the Clintons..
The Clinton Foundation "cannot be accurately be captured by the Charity Navigator". In other words the dumb Arkansas hicks who claim to be too stoopid to work a cell phone have employed slick operators who have successfully laundered the "donations" to the point that amateur monitors ain't got a clue and if they had one they would probably be threatened by the IRS of some sinister Clinton hitman. It ain't the first time that people have died on Clinton's watch and you can bet your ass(ets) that "charity Navigator' doesn't want to be on the outs with the Clintons..

Factual evidence shows that less than 15% makes it to actual charities.
There is a graph that shows their costs. Other charitable contributions can be filed differently. 89% is correct. HOWEVER, that 89% ALSO includes their lavish lifestyles and shit. That charity doesn't give 89% directly to the needy. Tailored pant suits, whores and private jets don't benefit the needy, I wouldn't think..

Come on, it does benefit some needy... Bill, perhaps?
The only charitable thing that Comrade Trump has ever done is allow casino employees to get unemployment after he bankrupts their gaming establishment.
Why do you call him comrade Trump when hillary has had commie ties for years. Commies back the dimwit party, imagine that. One of many reasons I will never vote for a lying scum dem.

Have you been on Mars? Pooootin and Comrade Trump are butt buddies. Comrade Trump has already signaled to Pooootin that he could have all of Crimea and that he would make NATO turn its back on Russian aggression in the old satellite states.

Oh, and he invited Russia to hack his political opponent's email. You really need to turn off FOX and listen to some real news.

View attachment 86952
Pics are cute, you are a liar as always though. Go trump, kick the scum hildabeast fat ass.

Comrade Trump is just breaking election records with......on his way down:badgrin:
In your dreams asswipe. Only scum support hilliary.
:badgrin:Yeah, THATS going to be an honest document.

Yes it's completely fabricated yet the powerful Clintons are able to keep their not for profit status because well, the IRS is in their pocket right next to the DOJ. :laugh:

When you have to pivot to conspiracy this early, you've already lost.
Wow, what a moron. We have proven evidence of the IRS being used as a tool against Democrat enemies (yea, they actually do refer to people who disagree with them as enemies).

Now your inability to comprehend what goes on around you not withstanding, I did NOT say it was fabricated. I said it was not an honest document. Now, go play with mommy or something.

I did NOT say it was fabricated. I said it was not an honest document.

There's no difference dope.
The IRS accepted both the financial documents of the foundation and their personal taxes. The only way for that to be true and your assertion that they aren't "honest" to be true, a conspiracy within the IRS is required.
Your assertions have no merit.
Shut up jake.

One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

Comrade Trump would want you to think that the Clinton's go the money. WRONG......AGAIN!
Well it sure contributed to Bill and Hillary Clinton giving speeches where they were getting paid anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000.

Why is giving paid speeches nefarious?
Is it illegal?

When it's pay for play...yes.


One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

Comrade Trump would want you to think that the Clinton's go the money. WRONG......AGAIN!
Well it sure contributed to Bill and Hillary Clinton giving speeches where they were getting paid anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000.

Why is giving paid speeches nefarious?
Is it illegal?

While we wait for Comrade Trump's income tax returns...:popcorn:

It's funny how supposed nefariousness of the Clintons is front and center even though their financial documents are readily available. At the same time the other guy is the first in 40 years not to release his, hasn't donated to his own foundation since '08, has countless lawsuits filed against him, is being investigated for fraud and had to be browbeaten by the media to actually donate the money promised to veteran organizations.

And we still hear 'Crooked Hillary." I wager we will NEVER see his income tax return.

When will we see the transcripts of Hillary and Bill's speeches to Wall Street? We'd learn a LOT more with those.
Rwers have no choice but to lie. Comrade Trump is dragging the party into a huge ditch.
You really can say that, despite the fact that there's a plethora of documented evidence of Hillary's lies, evidence tampering, deception, corruption, and of course criminal behavior of which she's gotten a pass beczuse of a corrupt administration and attorney general? Seriously? Ha ha ha.
Rwers have no choice but to lie. Comrade Trump is dragging the party into a huge ditch.
You really can say that, despite the fact that there's a plethora of documented evidence of Hillary's lies, evidence tampering, deception, corruption, and of course criminal behavior of which she's gotten a pass beczuse of a corrupt administration and attorney general? Seriously? Ha ha ha.
Like a well trained parrot. Have a cracker.

One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

Comrade Trump would want you to think that the Clinton's go the money. WRONG......AGAIN!
Well it sure contributed to Bill and Hillary Clinton giving speeches where they were getting paid anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000.

Why is giving paid speeches nefarious?
Is it illegal?

When it's pay for play...yes.


Are we talking about paid speeches or the foundation?
Factual evidence shows that less than 15% makes it to actual charities.

that is false. but feel free to post that "factual evidence" from legitimate sources.

How about their own tax return?


i do not think it says what you think it says....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?
A majority - $143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.

I read your headline (OP title) went and did a little fast google research on the funding (sources and uses) from the Clinton Foundation and can only say...

I truly feel bad for you (if you actually believe what you wrote)

Have a nice day!
Factual evidence shows that less than 15% makes it to actual charities.

that is false. but feel free to post that "factual evidence" from legitimate sources.

How about their own tax return?


i do not think it says what you think it says....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

I can read a tax form jillian. The tax form tells me that FactCheck.org...doesn't.
Of the 89% ALL the private jet costs, luxury hotels, three star restaurant meals limousine services etc etc fucking ETC is included!!!!!
Nice 'gig'.
Factual evidence shows that less than 15% makes it to actual charities.

that is false. but feel free to post that "factual evidence" from legitimate sources.

How about their own tax return?


i do not think it says what you think it says....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

I can read a tax form jillian. The tax form tells me that FactCheck.org...doesn't.
Factcheck.org is a branch of the Democratic Party. With about 5 minutes of research I laid out the Clinton scam in post 116.

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