9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

I find it odd that you post no links to the source of your "knowledge" in the matter, Princess.
The actual USGS study conflicts with your version of it. I wonder why that is? :cuckoo:

Wrong, you've not even seen the complete report, just that piddling little summary that you posted. You can believe that's the be-all and end-all if you like, but you'll continue to be wrong.


Read it and weep, Princess...

USGS Spectroscopy Lab - World Trade Center USGS Bulk Chemistry results

So what was the source of the previous "facts" you've posted on this subject. Why must you be embarassed into doing the right thing and providing sources for your BS? Now that you posted from the actual USGS study, can you say there is anything unusal about the presence of those elements in the 9/11 dust? Does it prove a nuke was used to bring down those buildings as you claimed? Please include credible sources and links, Princess. Thanks. :D

I don't know who the fuck you think you are, bitch, but I'm getting God damned sick and fucking tired of your constant bullshit!

Why don't you just STFU, asshole, if you don't have anything but insults and garbage to post?

And by the way, you non-comprehending piece of shit, I never DID say those buildings were brought down by nukes. You just ASS-umed it, you ignorant fucking TROLL!
Any chance of you explaining how AA77 took down those light poles when the FDR shows it's altitude a couple hundred feet higher??

Simple, the FDR--a sensitive instrument from a demolished aircraft is wrong. Five downed light poles can't be explained. Your turn.

You mean that thing they spend DAYS looking for at aircraft crash sites around the world in order to figure out the causes of those crashes isn't reliable enough to provide correct information?

If that were the case, corndog, why the fuck do they bother putting them on the airplanes?

Not every plane crashes at full speed into a concrete reinforced structure so damage of the magnitude of AA77 isn't always there.

So, now explain what knocked down the light poles...c'mon...what knocked them down if it wasn't AA77.
Wrong, you've not even seen the complete report, just that piddling little summary that you posted. You can believe that's the be-all and end-all if you like, but you'll continue to be wrong.


Read it and weep, Princess...

USGS Spectroscopy Lab - World Trade Center USGS Bulk Chemistry results

So what was the source of the previous "facts" you've posted on this subject. Why must you be embarassed into doing the right thing and providing sources for your BS? Now that you posted from the actual USGS study, can you say there is anything unusal about the presence of those elements in the 9/11 dust? Does it prove a nuke was used to bring down those buildings as you claimed? Please include credible sources and links, Princess. Thanks. :D

I don't know who the fuck you think you are, bitch, but I'm getting God damned sick and fucking tired of your constant bullshit!

Why don't you just STFU, asshole, if you don't have anything but insults and garbage to post?

And by the way, you non-comprehending piece of shit, I never DID say those buildings were brought down by nukes. You just ASS-umed it, you ignorant fucking TROLL!

You tried to prove they were, Princess, and I'll take that diatribe to mean you posted BS from BS sources and once cornered you lashed out at me because I had the temerity to require you to act and think rationally. Bummer, dude. :cuckoo:
The video is interesting....Should anyone be surprised? The same actors seem to populate every sleazy event, not only in America, but world-wide. They are a revolving-door team of cabinet members in almost every administration, but mostly Republican...The problem is that the general public has a short memory and very little inclination to research the histories of these people and to hold them responsible....Even our current president refuses to hold them responsible and states that we should move forward....What about justice? I have found so many discrepancies in the 9/11 Commission Report...I did find in the report that Osama BL disappeared the first two weeks of July which is interesting in itself in that Le Figaro French Press and Agence French Press reported that Larry Mitchell, CIA agent met with OBL at the American Hospital in Dubai in the first week of July. Someone knew where he was, even if the Commission did not. (This was two months prior to 9/11)


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And...Atta was in Spain the same week that the CIA allegedly met OBL in Dubai...This is in the Commission Report footnotes...(dates for Atta's trip)

Here is some information on DOV Zakheim mentioned in the video:

Dov S. Zakheim is Corporate Vice President of System Planning Corporation (SPC), a high technology, research, analysis, and manufacturing firm based in Arlington, Virginia.
System Planning Corporation's is proud to offer the Flight Termination System (FTS), a fully redundant turnkey range safety and test system for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles. The FTS consists of SPC's Command Transmitter System (CTS) and custom control, interface, and monitoring subsystems. The system is fully programmable and is flexible enough to meet the changing and challenging requirements of today's modern test ranges.

Remote control airborne vehicles? Hmmmm


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So what was the source of the previous "facts" you've posted on this subject. Why must you be embarassed into doing the right thing and providing sources for your BS? Now that you posted from the actual USGS study, can you say there is anything unusal about the presence of those elements in the 9/11 dust? Does it prove a nuke was used to bring down those buildings as you claimed? Please include credible sources and links, Princess. Thanks. :D

I don't know who the fuck you think you are, bitch, but I'm getting God damned sick and fucking tired of your constant bullshit!

Why don't you just STFU, asshole, if you don't have anything but insults and garbage to post?

And by the way, you non-comprehending piece of shit, I never DID say those buildings were brought down by nukes. You just ASS-umed it, you ignorant fucking TROLL!

You tried to prove they were, Princess, and I'll take that diatribe to mean you posted BS from BS sources and once cornered you lashed out at me because I had the temerity to require you to act and think rationally. Bummer, dude. :cuckoo:

Do me a favor, Mr. Knowitall, quote the post where I said nukes knocked down the buildings, or STFU. Quote my words, or admit that you're a lying asshole.

You can take the 'diatribe' any fucking way you want to, you're dumb enough so that it really doesn't matter to me. The truth is I get tired of smartass bitches like you trying to run me all over the Internet just to satisfy you. Go look the shit up yourself, bitch.

Your problem is you think you're so much smarter than everyone else while proving daily that you're not even smarter than your keyboard.

Dismissed, Princess...
I don't know who the fuck you think you are, bitch, but I'm getting God damned sick and fucking tired of your constant bullshit!

Why don't you just STFU, asshole, if you don't have anything but insults and garbage to post?

And by the way, you non-comprehending piece of shit, I never DID say those buildings were brought down by nukes. You just ASS-umed it, you ignorant fucking TROLL!

You tried to prove they were, Princess, and I'll take that diatribe to mean you posted BS from BS sources and once cornered you lashed out at me because I had the temerity to require you to act and think rationally. Bummer, dude. :cuckoo:

Do me a favor, Mr. Knowitall, quote the post where I said nukes knocked down the buildings, or STFU. Quote my words, or admit that you're a lying asshole.

You can take the 'diatribe' any fucking way you want to, you're dumb enough so that it really doesn't matter to me. The truth is I get tired of smartass bitches like you trying to run me all over the Internet just to satisfy you. Go look the shit up yourself, bitch.

Your problem is you think you're so much smarter than everyone else while proving daily that you're not even smarter than your keyboard.

Dismissed, Princess...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now that's a textbook case of projection. If "smartass bitches" keep running you over perhaps it's because you're such a lame-ass bitch.
As for your nuke denials, I'll simply remind you it was you who interjected (bogus) "facts" about elements found at Ground Zero (from unaccredited sources) into a conversation about nukes as the cause of the Tower's collapse, claiming: "Now where did all that radioactive shit come from?" :D

There's a typical CT stretch. Do you have a link which connects the increase in cancer to a 9/11 nuclear attack on the WTC, Princess?

Here's what the USGS found in the dust of the Trade Center...
Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum, Yttrium and other elements were discovered in the dust and are characteristic fission products of Uranium. Even some Uranium was present in significant amounts.
Now where did all that radioactive shit come from?
I find it odd that you post no links to the source of your "knowledge" in the matter, Princess.
The actual USGS study conflicts with your version of it. I wonder why that is? :cuckoo:

Wrong, you've not even seen the complete report, just that piddling little summary that you posted. You can believe that's the be-all and end-all if you like, but you'll continue to be wrong.


Read it and weep, Princess...

USGS Spectroscopy Lab - World Trade Center USGS Bulk Chemistry results

So what was the source of the previous "facts" you've posted on this subject. Why must you be embarassed into doing the right thing and providing sources for your BS? Now that you posted from the actual USGS study, can you say there is anything unusal about the presence of those elements in the 9/11 dust? Does it prove a nuke was used to bring down those buildings as you claimed? Please include credible sources and links, Princess. Thanks. :D

You have missed the whole point.... There was an investigation,,,,,That is the point....They can find the investigation when they think it suits them......
Guy started the Nukes with his claim that the inner core turned into dust before our eyes and I said we do not have the tech. Then someone else said we do have the tech NUkes, then i said there were no nukes and it went to shit from there...
Guy started the Nukes with his claim that the inner core turned into dust before our eyes and I said we do not have the tech. Then someone else said we do have the tech NUkes, then i said there were no nukes and it went to shit from there...
All I did was ask questions, I didn't "claim" anything. I've seen several different camera angles of the 'spire', and no matter the angle, the core columns turn to dust. Don't know what caused it, but it's what's recorded on several different videos.

I think it 'odd' to find such high levels of barium and strontium, two known byproducts of nuclear fission, at the WTC. Don't know what caused it, but it's what's recorded on the USGS report.

There is audio, visual and seismic recordings that indicate subterranean explosions PRIOR to the collapse. Don't know what caused it, but it's what's recorded, etc., etc.

Why do you get so upset over people asking questions?
Just keep in mind, False Flag Operations do work. They're a proven winner for Big Brother and many other evil-doers all over the World. They terrify and unite the People. It has been proven that after such operations, the People are likely to allow their Government to do almost anything. So expect many more in the future. Until it's no longer a winner for them, they'll continue to carry them out.
There is audio, visual and seismic recordings that indicate subterranean explosions PRIOR to the collapse. Don't know what caused it, but it's what's recorded, etc., etc.

Really? Please take these one at a time and provide your proof of these explosions, Audio, visual, and seismic. And no we will not accept truther opinion....
Once again you demonstrate your comprehension level is equivalent to a 2X4.

Did I say anything about 'efx'? No, I didn't.

I asked you what would cause this seeming 'mirage' as videotaped by ABC?

Or is it a 'mirage', as you seem to claim?

Please explain your rationale for NOT believing what the camera captured and your own eyes see?
if my comprehension level is equivalent to a 2x4 yours must be that of a toothpick and I'm being generous.
as I said, it being ABC is not relevant
I never inferred I did not believe what the camera captured ,that's a false assumption by you, and it's a really bad habit you asshats all have.
there are a myriad of conditions that could cause the crumbling to dust effect you claim to see. heat, making the air ripple, distance, air quality focal length image compression etc..
as to what your eyes see it's not just a simple picture, your brain has more to do with what you actually comprehend and understand then you think.

Any and all of those things you describe as possible causes, if in fact they were present, either singularly or in multiples, would have distorted those images continuously throughout that segment of videotape. The fact that they didn't leads a rational person to believe that something else caused the visual effect seen. Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel.

That makes at least as much sense as a pancake collapse through 1,000 feet of little to no resistance...
wrong! no they would not have do even have any idea what image compression is?
what leads you to believe that you are rational?
a truly rational person does not need to mention their rationality.

"Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel." -GP
the core collapsed because it lost it structural integrity from impact damage and fire. no dissolved steel was ever found.
rust was however.
if a method of dissolving steel had been found ,then the building demo business would be a lot different.
and the planes would have been unnecessary.
if my comprehension level is equivalent to a 2x4 yours must be that of a toothpick and I'm being generous.
as I said, it being ABC is not relevant
I never inferred I did not believe what the camera captured ,that's a false assumption by you, and it's a really bad habit you asshats all have.
there are a myriad of conditions that could cause the crumbling to dust effect you claim to see. heat, making the air ripple, distance, air quality focal length image compression etc..
as to what your eyes see it's not just a simple picture, your brain has more to do with what you actually comprehend and understand then you think.

Any and all of those things you describe as possible causes, if in fact they were present, either singularly or in multiples, would have distorted those images continuously throughout that segment of videotape. The fact that they didn't leads a rational person to believe that something else caused the visual effect seen. Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel.

That makes at least as much sense as a pancake collapse through 1,000 feet of little to no resistance...
wrong! no they would not have do even have any idea what image compression is?
what leads you to believe that you are rational?
a truly rational person does not need to mention their rationality.

"Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel." -GP
the core collapsed because it lost it structural integrity from impact damage and fire. no dissolved steel was ever found.
rust was however.
if a method of dissolving steel had been found ,then the building demo business would be a lot different.
and the planes would have been unnecessary.

I love this circular argument....

If steel 'dissolved', what you would find left behind is the iron it's made from, which comprised 10% of the DUST studied by the USGS.

It seems the method has been found, because we saw it happen.

Or....., what was filmed from several different angles wasn't filmed at all, and my lying eyes deceive me?

That's convincing... :D
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There is supposed evidence of nuclear fission....

Got a link to that "fact?" :cuckoo:

I would imagine the precipitous rise of cancers among Ground Zero workers would provide some of the evidence you seek.

FDNY Study Confirms Rise in Cancer After 9/11 - Firehouse
There was a nuke in the basement

No there wasn't. None of the basic characteristics of a nuclear detonation (intense flash, thermal pulse, observable radial shockwave, or emission of nuclear radiation) were exhibited during the event. The physics departments of NYU, Columbia, Stuyvesant High School, and every other school in the area would have been all over that with Geiger counters, and most of Lower Manhattan would now be uninhabitable. Also, to put it in perspective, the 1988 PEPCON explosion in Nevada was less than a tenth of the size of the Little Boy explosion at Hiroshima in 1945, and not even half the size of the fizzled North Korean nuclear test in 2006. That'd have to be one hell of a small nuke,[16] and it doesn't even begin to take into account that the tower collapses started from the impact sites, not the basement. The shock wave also would have easily registered on seismic counters all over the world that listen for nuclear testing.

9/11 conspiracy theories - RationalWiki
Any and all of those things you describe as possible causes, if in fact they were present, either singularly or in multiples, would have distorted those images continuously throughout that segment of videotape. The fact that they didn't leads a rational person to believe that something else caused the visual effect seen. Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel.

That makes at least as much sense as a pancake collapse through 1,000 feet of little to no resistance...
wrong! no they would not have do even have any idea what image compression is?
what leads you to believe that you are rational?
a truly rational person does not need to mention their rationality.

"Since it happened at the very moment that the spire collapsed it would be reasonable to assume that the two are related., and that technology has indeed concocted a method of dissolving steel." -GP
the core collapsed because it lost it structural integrity from impact damage and fire. no dissolved steel was ever found.
rust was however.
if a method of dissolving steel had been found ,then the building demo business would be a lot different.
and the planes would have been unnecessary.

IOW, what was filmed from several different angles wasn't filmed at all, my lying eyes deceive me?

That's convincing... :D
no it was videotaped and yes your lying eyes deceive you 24/7
Here's what the USGS found in the dust of the Trade Center...

Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum, Yttrium and other elements were discovered in the dust and are characteristic fission products of Uranium. Even some Uranium was present in significant amounts.

Now where did all that radioactive shit come from?

Let's see what the USGS really found:

Dust Components

The dust samples were largely made up of a mix of materials commonly used in building construction or found in office buildings: particles of glass fibers, gypsum wallboard, concrete, paper, window glass, etc.

The dust contained higher amounts of lead, zinc, antimony, copper, and other elements of building materials than found in natural soils. The level of lead in some samples was high enough to be a potential concern.

The team also found the less dangerous variety of asbestos, chrysotile asbestos, in most samples at higher levels than what is found in urban particulate matter.

However, the team was grateful not to find amphibole asbestos — the kind generally viewed as the more dangerous, more carcinogenic form of asbestos — in any of the samples.

Even though this more dangerous form of asbestos was absent from the dust samples, the materials that were found indicated a potential health threat, and USGS scientists reported that cleanup of dusts and debris should be done with appropriate respiratory protection and dust control measures.

By combining the remotely sensed data with the lab results, the team produced a series of maps that showed the distribution of asbestos, concrete, and other materials in the dust around lower Manhattan. As one might expect, heavier materials tended to settle closer to Ground Zero, while lighter materials traveled further away.

Trying to Identify Dust in the Lungs

More recently, scientists have been trying to determine whether this dust signature can help link exposure to World Trade Center dust to respiratory problems experienced by some of the September 11 survivors and emergency responders.

In 2009, Dr. David Prezant, the chief medical officerat the Office of Medical Affairs for the New York City Fire Department, asked Meeker to examine the lung tissue of a firefighter who had developed pulmonary fibrosis. Prezant wanted to know whether particles the firefighter had inhaled as a first responder may have contributed to the disease.

Due to his disease, the firefighter had had a lung transplant, and with both a sample of lung tissue and the means to potentially identify World Trade Center dust, USGS scientists examined the tissue to see if they could demonstrate a link.

What they found was inconclusive. They found an abundance of particles in the lung tissue, but no definitive proof that any of it was dust from the World Trade Center. This lack of proof was not surprising as most glass fibers dissolve in the lungs over time, and it would be unlikely that the particles found in the lung tissue years after the event would be in the same ratios and form as the samples collected.

But this was just one sample, and as more lung tissue becomes available for testing more data may help experts to find better answers about the possible link between exposure to the dust and long-term health problems.

September 11, 2001: Studying the Dust from the World Trade Center Collapse | Science Features

And no mention whatsoever of ANY radioactive isotopes ANYWHERE in that 'report'.

I find that rather odd, considering they exist almost EVERYWHERE in trace amounts.
ding ...ding ...ding... give that man the stating the obvious prize
the operative phrase is " they exist almost EVERYWHERE in trace amounts."
true! they were no higher after 911 then they were previously.
no nuke in history ever did that!

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