9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Wasn't really addressing you so much. I was addressing the Sock Puppet weirdo SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/obamerican. He or she is literally here every day of the week. It seems as if it's a job or something. The 'Tinfoil Hat' insults are so tired and lame at this point. I mean, why come here if that's all you got? Just seems like such a waste of time.

I know you weren't addressing that post to me, but the point of it fits for me as well.

Browsing USMB is part of my daily ritual. I am here at least once a day while I eat my breakfast. Sometimes that might be a short look at my subscribed threads, but that's enough to send me to the CT section, if not necessarily to this particular thread.

I don't mean to speak for anyone else, but it's very easy to come to a particular forum or even thread every day if it keeps getting traffic.

As far as the tinfoil hat insults, they were old years and years ago. It doesn't mean they don't apply. :tongue: And considering your overuse of terms like goose-steppers, and 9/11 IJ's fart posts, I don't think that repetitive insults are in any way limited to a particular poster. ;)

I hear ya, but you clearly don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So what's the point of continuing to post on the threads? I just don't get people like you and Ollie. I mean, i understand the Sock Puppet SAYIT/dawgshit/Candycorn/Obamerican. He or she really is completely deranged. That one can't go a single day without stalking my threads. But you and Ollie seem like normal rational people.

So why continue posting on the same threads over & over again? You both clearly don't subscribe to any of these theories. So why come here so often to express that? We got your point by now. So there's no need to continue repeating your disapproval or disbelief. It just seems like useless repetitive Trolling at this point. You guys don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. We get it. Maybe now it's time for you guys to move on?

Probably for the same reason you and other CT subscribers continue to respond to our posts. We want to either find a way to get you to see why you are wrong (in our PoV) or, unlikely but perhaps possible, show us that bit of evidence or argument we've been missing that will bring us to your way of thinking.

Purely for myself, one of the big reasons I started going to message boards in the first place is because I like to argue. I actually have found it less fun on message boards in some ways, but still, there's a lot more people to argue with and a lot greater variety of arguments, so I keep coming. :tongue:
I know you weren't addressing that post to me, but the point of it fits for me as well.

Browsing USMB is part of my daily ritual. I am here at least once a day while I eat my breakfast. Sometimes that might be a short look at my subscribed threads, but that's enough to send me to the CT section, if not necessarily to this particular thread.

I don't mean to speak for anyone else, but it's very easy to come to a particular forum or even thread every day if it keeps getting traffic.

As far as the tinfoil hat insults, they were old years and years ago. It doesn't mean they don't apply. :tongue: And considering your overuse of terms like goose-steppers, and 9/11 IJ's fart posts, I don't think that repetitive insults are in any way limited to a particular poster. ;)

I hear ya, but you clearly don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So what's the point of continuing to post on the threads? I just don't get people like you and Ollie. I mean, i understand the Sock Puppet SAYIT/dawgshit/Candycorn/Obamerican. He or she really is completely deranged. That one can't go a single day without stalking my threads. But you and Ollie seem like normal rational people.

So why continue posting on the same threads over & over again? You both clearly don't subscribe to any of these theories. So why come here so often to express that? We got your point by now. So there's no need to continue repeating your disapproval or disbelief. It just seems like useless repetitive Trolling at this point. You guys don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. We get it. Maybe now it's time for you guys to move on?

Probably for the same reason you and other CT subscribers continue to respond to our posts. We want to either find a way to get you to see why you are wrong (in our PoV) or, unlikely but perhaps possible, show us that bit of evidence or argument we've been missing that will bring us to your way of thinking.

Purely for myself, one of the big reasons I started going to message boards in the first place is because I like to argue. I actually have found it less fun on message boards in some ways, but still, there's a lot more people to argue with and a lot greater variety of arguments, so I keep coming. :tongue:

Oh, you enjoy useless repetitive Trolling. Ok. Hey, at least you're honest. Gotta give ya that. :)
From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?
not really, from the very first post sister jones has been nothing but a self important, hubris laden, paranoid asshat. (I could go on but I think you get the gist )

Aw what's the matter dawgshit, are you upset that you can't substantiate your conspiracy theory and people are exposing it for the sham it is?
You people need to take a long hard look at the BS you are defending because it can't stand without lies. They have been exposed for years now, and you act as though there is nothing to question or to see..That is denial at its worst...
read previous post
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?

Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...

Woo. Talk about your verbose yet useless responses. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think he has a crush on me.:eusa_drool:
Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...
no sister jones it's you who's existence is a sad one.. how exhausting it must be to driven by your overwhelming obsession.

IMHO he can't face the fact that his countless hours of 9/11 "research" were in vain, thus the shrill and desperate nature of his posts The poor guy probably hasn't laughed or taken a good dump in years. In other words, he's full of crap. :D
Easy to say but much harder to actually prove. You're addressing someone who doesn't trust the government at all. You should be able to prove it to me, yet I'm also a logical person who knows bull shit when he sees it and knows that the government isn't the only source of the world's bull shit.

Really, the only things that have come forward, besides the NIST's report, is conspiracy theory arguments, most of which are easily shown to be junk.

Which lies were that? You cannot be talking about Iraq's WMDs. Thye had them, they used them, that is fact.

Actually I'm not, but I'll bet that you have some examples of "lies" that only exist in the CT Handbook.

Jumping to conclusions about me kinda suggests that you're not to be trusted in your other "conclusions" either.

Now I have not gotten into the name-calling and visiousness that these threads have experienced. I have been respectful of the oninions of the Conspiracy Theorists here. Let it be known that YOU chose to be rude and condescending.

I face the real world, I'm not the one inventing fantacies, that would be you.

You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...
You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...

No one has come forward with proof of a conspiracy. No one.

Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times? How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?

What our Air Force was doing on 9/11 is immaterial. There is no reason to believe those passenger jets could or would have been shot down.

How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....

9/11 clearly was the reason we initiated those wars, however those wars were not the reason we were attacked on 9/11.

It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...

From one side of your mouth you claim to respect the opinion of those who do not buy your CTBS and from the other you ridicule PredFan for acting as though he has no access to 9/11 info. It never occurs to pompous CT jackasses that others look at the facts and see your CTBS for what it is.

People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

Normal peeps do not spend countless hours (as you seem to have) dredging the fetid bowels of the Internet for support for some predetermined conclusions (as you clearly have done). If you look at your CTBS with the same skepticism you reserve for the gov't, you would no longer be the wild-eyed loon you are today.
major bump!
I hear ya, but you clearly don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So what's the point of continuing to post on the threads? I just don't get people like you and Ollie. I mean, i understand the Sock Puppet SAYIT/dawgshit/Candycorn/Obamerican. He or she really is completely deranged. That one can't go a single day without stalking my threads. But you and Ollie seem like normal rational people.

So why continue posting on the same threads over & over again? You both clearly don't subscribe to any of these theories. So why come here so often to express that? We got your point by now. So there's no need to continue repeating your disapproval or disbelief. It just seems like useless repetitive Trolling at this point. You guys don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. We get it. Maybe now it's time for you guys to move on?

Probably for the same reason you and other CT subscribers continue to respond to our posts. We want to either find a way to get you to see why you are wrong (in our PoV) or, unlikely but perhaps possible, show us that bit of evidence or argument we've been missing that will bring us to your way of thinking.

Purely for myself, one of the big reasons I started going to message boards in the first place is because I like to argue. I actually have found it less fun on message boards in some ways, but still, there's a lot more people to argue with and a lot greater variety of arguments, so I keep coming. :tongue:

Oh, you enjoy useless repetitive Trolling. Ok. Hey, at least you're honest. Gotta give ya that. :)

Ok, I see now....you are using your own definition of trolling.

Here's one for you :
Trolling is an Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else. It is often associated with online discussions where users are subjected to offensive or superfluous posts and messages in order to provoke a response.

Trolling | Know Your Meme

I clearly said nothing like that. Enjoying argument is not the same as intentionally trying to get people angry or frustrated. And considering I started off saying that I and others probably want to change other people's minds, or possibly have our own views changed, I truly wonder just what you define trolling as. Continuing to discuss things with someone you don't agree with seems to be the definition you are using!

If you are going to be this far wrong on something this simple, it doesn't speak well for your ability to get points across. ;)
You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...
You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...

No one has come forward with proof of a conspiracy. No one.

Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times? How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?

What our Air Force was doing on 9/11 is immaterial. There is no reason to believe those passenger jets could or would have been shot down.

How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....

9/11 clearly was the reason we initiated those wars, however those wars were not the reason we were attacked on 9/11.

It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...

From one side of your mouth you claim to respect the opinion of those who do not buy your CTBS and from the other you ridicule PredFan for acting as though he has no access to 9/11 info. It never occurs to pompous CT jackasses that others look at the facts and see your CTBS for what it is.

People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

Normal peeps do not spend countless hours (as you seem to have) dredging the fetid bowels of the Internet for support for some predetermined conclusions (as you clearly have done). If you look at your CTBS with the same skepticism you reserve for the gov't, you would no longer be the wild-eyed loon you are today.
major bump!

:cuckoo: Wow, you really are one crazed Sock stalker troll. Seriously, consider taking me up on my offer. If you can't go just one day without stalking my threads, you know you have a mental illness. The exercise will help you at least realize you have a problem, and start you down the road to recovery. So give it a shot. Good luck. :)
Hmmm. A skeptical look at Hollings 2004 op-ed piece, one you found at a well known Nazi web site (IHR), would have caused you to scream "CONSPIRACY!"
As an outgoing Senator Hollings imposed upon Congress to fund a trust to benefit something known as The Hollings Center which, according to its mission statement is an "organization dedicated to fostering dialogue between the United States and countries with predominantly Muslim populations in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Eurasia and Europe." What better way to establish one's credentials in Turkey (and the Muslim World) where the Center is co-headquartered and where conferences are typically convened? What better way to travel the world in retirement on the public dime? What a slimy dirtball!
Throwing his former Congressional mates under the bus was no sweat off Hollings nose.

Hollings Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hollings Center for International Dialogue

LOL...A Nazi site huh? Just whose opinion is that...let me take a guess, yours and your Zionist fiends? Fuck off with that non sense already. It's obvious your a Zionist,and want to cry and play the victim card... You seem to give a pass to the dirtbags that have thrown this nation under the wheels of the REAL Nazis, the ones who scream 'anti Semite, and 'Holocaust" when ever an American or any Gentile for that matter, musters the balls to speak out against your filth.

Many Americans are aware of the cancerous infiltration that has taken place, and the senator spoke the truth as many others have. Of course you being a hardline Zionist, feel that you can continue to bad mouth Americans for finally taking a stand in favor of the truth. There is nothing wrong with a senator or any American calling out the the hard-line Zionist lobby in America.
Again, this nation went to war in Iraq and shed its blood for Israel, and this can not be denied, no matter how hard you wish to deny it.
Zionist fiends !bhahahahahahaha
tell us where ze ark is mister jones!
Woo. I guess you just couldn't keep your goose-steppin off this board, Princess. I've posted no lies but I now judge you, not by your shrill claims of patriotism, but by the source you use to support your hate (IHR). Once your 9/11 CT was exposed for the BS we both know it to be you slipped into something you clearly find more comfortable ... your SS uniform.
Sieg Heil, Bubba, Sieg Heil.

The United Kingdom's Channel 4 describes the IHR as a "pseudo-academic body based in the United States which is dedicated to denying that the Holocaust happened," while the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette called the IHR a "blatantly anti-Semitic assortment of pseudo-scholars". The Daily Star, the leading English language paper in Lebanon, in response to a planned IHR meeting in the country called the IHR "loathsome pseudo-historians" and an "international hate group," and reported "as one former PLO official has put it, 'with friends like that, we don't need enemies.'"

Institute for Historical Review - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Target of Bigotry

Predictably, we have come under fire from hostile sectarian groups that regard the IHR as harmful to their interests. Zionist groups such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League routinely smear the IHR, attacking us as a "hate group" or dismissing us as a "Holocaust denial" organization.

In fact, the IHR steadfastly opposes bigotry of all kinds. We are proud of the support we have earned from people of the most diverse political views, and racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds.

One prominent American journalist and author who has looked into the critical claims made about the IHR is John Sack, who is Jewish. He reported on a three-day IHR conference in an article published in the Feb. 2001 issue of Esquire magazine. He rejected as unfounded the often-repeated lie that the IHR and its supporters are "haters" or bigots. He described those who spoke at and attended the IHR conference as "affable, open-minded, intelligent [and] intellectual."

Joseph Sobran, who for years was a nationally syndicated columnist and a National Review senior editor, spoke about the Institute and its director at the 2002 IHR Conference:

"...If I'm 'courageous,' what do you call Mark Weber and the Institute for Historical Review? They have been smeared far worse than I have; moreover, they have been seriously threatened with death. Their offices have been firebombed. Do they at least get credit for courage? Not at all. They remain almost universally vilified. When I met Mark, many years ago, I expected to meet a raving Jew-hating fanatic, such being the generic reputation of 'Holocaust deniers.' I was immediately and subsequently impressed to find that he was just the opposite: a mild-mannered, good-humored, witty, scholarly man who habitually spoke with restraint and measure, even about enemies who would love to see him dead. The same is true of other members of the Institute. In my many years of acquaintance with them, I have never heard any of them say anything that would strike an unprejudiced listener as unreasonable or bigoted."

The Institute has been a target of authentic hate groups. It has come under repeated assault from the Jewish Defense League -- identified as a terrorist group by the FBI. On July 4, 1984, the JDL destroyed the Institute's office and warehouse in a major arson attack. Estimated property loss was more than $400,000, including tens of thousands of books, rare documents, irreplaceable files and expensive office equipment. This fire-bombing climaxed a months-long campaign by the JDL that included numerous death threats by telephone and mail, extensive property damage, five relatively minor fire bombings, one drive-by shooting and two physical assaults.

Sayit being a Zionist and anti American would probably defend the terrorist activities of the Jewish Defense League..
His hate and disdain for Americans is obvious.
link? shithead...
Probably for the same reason you and other CT subscribers continue to respond to our posts. We want to either find a way to get you to see why you are wrong (in our PoV) or, unlikely but perhaps possible, show us that bit of evidence or argument we've been missing that will bring us to your way of thinking.

Purely for myself, one of the big reasons I started going to message boards in the first place is because I like to argue. I actually have found it less fun on message boards in some ways, but still, there's a lot more people to argue with and a lot greater variety of arguments, so I keep coming. :tongue:

Oh, you enjoy useless repetitive Trolling. Ok. Hey, at least you're honest. Gotta give ya that. :)

Ok, I see now....you are using your own definition of trolling.

Here's one for you :
Trolling is an Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else. It is often associated with online discussions where users are subjected to offensive or superfluous posts and messages in order to provoke a response.

Trolling | Know Your Meme

I clearly said nothing like that. Enjoying argument is not the same as intentionally trying to get people angry or frustrated. And considering I started off saying that I and others probably want to change other people's minds, or possibly have our own views changed, I truly wonder just what you define trolling as. Continuing to discuss things with someone you don't agree with seems to be the definition you are using!

If you are going to be this far wrong on something this simple, it doesn't speak well for your ability to get points across. ;)

You're not gonna change any minds. So now you're just engaging in repetitive trolling. You don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So why still hang around?
I guess you think 9/11 IJ is loony as well. After all, how many times can you spew the same ole tired 'Someone Farted' insult? What's the point? :tongue:

I keep coming because it's still enjoyable. I spent a long time going to the Creationists thread in the religion section, doesn't mean I think creationism might be real, I just enjoyed the thread. Eventually I got bored of it and unsubscribed. I might end up doing that here as well.

Wasn't really addressing you so much. I was addressing the Sock Puppet weirdo SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/obamerican. He or she is literally here every day of the week. It seems as if it's a job or something. The 'Tinfoil Hat' insults are so tired and lame at this point. I mean, why come here if that's all you got? Just seems like such a waste of time.

I know you weren't addressing that post to me, but the point of it fits for me as well.

Browsing USMB is part of my daily ritual. I am here at least once a day while I eat my breakfast. Sometimes that might be a short look at my subscribed threads, but that's enough to send me to the CT section, if not necessarily to this particular thread.

I don't mean to speak for anyone else, but it's very easy to come to a particular forum or even thread every day if it keeps getting traffic.

As far as the tinfoil hat insults, they were old years and years ago. It doesn't mean they don't apply. :tongue: And considering your overuse of terms like goose-steppers, and 9/11 IJ's fart posts, I don't think that repetitive insults are in any way limited to a particular poster. ;)
don't forget his ongoing delusion that's shared with hj sj eots etc. that at least 5 different posters are one person.
I prefer the idea that it paulie's way of feigning superiority. then again if the delusion is fact ....
Somebody farted in here 32 times. :poop:

Just trying to get back on topic. :D

Talk about repetitive trolling? Wait for the tired "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. Wait for it...

I never see posts like this from you when 9/11 inside blowjob makes these posts.

I wonder why that is? :dunno:

:cuckoo: Seriously, how long have you nutter trolls been trolling this forum? 1, 2, 3 years, longer? You and that Sock mutant SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/Obamerican have been coming here for several years saying the same things over & over again. "Tinfoil Hat", Blah Blah Blah. What the Hell is wrong with you? You don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. Man, we get that by now. You're not making any new or original points. You just keep saying the same thing over & over again. And for how many years?

Why do you still come here? I'm just curious. You don't have anything new to add to the discussions. So what's the point of coming here every day? You guys may have serious mental illness. And i'm not saying that to insult you. Try taking a break from the Forum for a bit. It'll be healthy for you. Just a suggestion anyway. Give it a shot. Good luck.
Last edited:
Normal peeps do not spend countless hours (as you seem to have) dredging the fetid bowels of the Internet for support for some predetermined conclusions (as you clearly have done). If you look at your CTBS with the same skepticism you reserve for the gov't, you would no longer be the wild-eyed loon you are today.
major bump!

:cuckoo: Wow, you really are one crazed Sock stalker troll. Seriously, consider taking me up on my offer. If you can't go just one day without stalking my threads, you know you have a mental illness. The exercise will help you at least realize you have a problem, and start you down the road to recovery. So give it a shot. Good luck. :)
major bump!

:cuckoo: Wow, you really are one crazed Sock stalker troll. Seriously, consider taking me up on my offer. If you can't go just one day without stalking my threads, you know you have a mental illness. The exercise will help you at least realize you have a problem, and start you down the road to recovery. So give it a shot. Good luck. :)

Come on Sock, you know you post on my threads every single day. You are a Sock stalker troll. And admitting that, will be the first step in your recovery. Seriously, how many days straight do you think you've stalked & trolled this Forum? It has to number in the Thousands by now. You don't think that's a little creepy? Can you go even one day without stalking my threads? Think about that a bit. If the answer is no, you know you have a mental illness and need some help. Try taking a few days off from the Forum. It'll do you some real good. I'm actually trying to help you. Accept the help. And good luck.
Talk about repetitive trolling? Wait for the tired "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. Wait for it...

I never see posts like this from you when 9/11 inside blowjob makes these posts.

I wonder why that is? :dunno:

:cuckoo: Seriously, how long have you nutter trolls been trolling this forum? 1, 2, 3 years, longer? You and that Sock mutant SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/Obamerican have been coming here for several years saying the same things over & over again. "Tinfoil Hat", Blah Blah Blah. What the Hell is wrong with you? You don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. Man, we get that by now. You're not making any new or original points. You just keep saying the same thing over & over again. And for how many years?

Why do you still come here? I'm just curious. You don't have anything new to add to the discussions. So what's the point of coming here every day? You guys may have serious mental illness. And i'm not saying that to insult you. Try taking a break from the Forum for a bit. It'll be healthy for you. Just a suggestion anyway. Give it a shot. Good luck.
what paulie and co. fail to understand is, a discussion of conspiracy theories where everyone agrees that the said conspiracies are fact is not a discussion or a debate ,it's A. pseudo religious testimony meeting. B. a fan club C. a circle jerk.
pick one only please.
:cuckoo: Wow, you really are one crazed Sock stalker troll. Seriously, consider taking me up on my offer. If you can't go just one day without stalking my threads, you know you have a mental illness. The exercise will help you at least realize you have a problem, and start you down the road to recovery. So give it a shot. Good luck. :)

Come on Sock, you know you post on my threads every single day. You are a Sock stalker troll. And admitting that, will be the first step in your recovery. Seriously, how many days straight do you think you've stalked & trolled this Forum? It has to number in the Thousands by now. You don't think that's a little creepy? Can you go even one day without stalking my threads? Think about that a bit. If the answer is no, you know you have a mental illness and need some help. Try taking a few days off from the Forum. It'll do you some real good. I'm actually trying to help you. Accept the help. And good luck.
doesn't your delusion ever get tiresome?
the reality is I'm don't post here every day but from your, this is my party pov, even one dissenting opinion is far more then your delicate metal condition can handle.

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