9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

I never see posts like this from you when 9/11 inside blowjob makes these posts.

I wonder why that is? :dunno:

:cuckoo: Seriously, how long have you nutter trolls been trolling this forum? 1, 2, 3 years, longer? You and that Sock mutant SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/Obamerican have been coming here for several years saying the same things over & over again. "Tinfoil Hat", Blah Blah Blah. What the Hell is wrong with you? You don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. Man, we get that by now. You're not making any new or original points. You just keep saying the same thing over & over again. And for how many years?

Why do you still come here? I'm just curious. You don't have anything new to add to the discussions. So what's the point of coming here every day? You guys may have serious mental illness. And i'm not saying that to insult you. Try taking a break from the Forum for a bit. It'll be healthy for you. Just a suggestion anyway. Give it a shot. Good luck.
what paulie and co. fail to understand is, a discussion of conspiracy theories where everyone agrees that the said conspiracies are fact is not a discussion or a debate ,it's A. pseudo religious testimony meeting. B. a fan club C. a circle jerk.
pick one only please.

Sock, come on, how many days straight do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Could it number in the Thousands now? I mean, how may times do you need to spew a tired "Tinfoil Hat" insult at someone. That has to get old even for you, no? You might just have a mental illness. And i'm not joking or trying to insult you when i say that.

Let's be realistic, can you go even one day without stalking and trollng this Forum? Or when's the last time you remember not coming here? Can you remember? What are you doing? You're not saying anything new or original at this point. You flamed out a long long time ago. You're completely out of insult material. Like i said, i'm actually helping you. Take a long break from the Forum. Accept my help. Good luck. I mean that.
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:cuckoo: Seriously, how long have you nutter trolls been trolling this forum? 1, 2, 3 years, longer? You and that Sock mutant SAYIT/dawgshit/Candyass/Obamerican have been coming here for several years saying the same things over & over again. "Tinfoil Hat", Blah Blah Blah. What the Hell is wrong with you? You don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. Man, we get that by now. You're not making any new or original points. You just keep saying the same thing over & over again. And for how many years?

Why do you still come here? I'm just curious. You don't have anything new to add to the discussions. So what's the point of coming here every day? You guys may have serious mental illness. And i'm not saying that to insult you. Try taking a break from the Forum for a bit. It'll be healthy for you. Just a suggestion anyway. Give it a shot. Good luck.
what paulie and co. fail to understand is, a discussion of conspiracy theories where everyone agrees that the said conspiracies are fact is not a discussion or a debate ,it's A. pseudo religious testimony meeting. B. a fan club C. a circle jerk.
pick one only please.

Sock, come on, how many days straight do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Could it number in the Thousands now? I mean, how may times do you need to spew a tired "Tinfoil Hat" insult at someone. That has to get old even for you, no? You might just have a mental illness. And i'm not joking or trying to insult you when i say that.

Let's be realistic, can you go even one day without stalking and trollng this Forum? Or when's the last time you remember not coming here? Can you remember? What are you doing? You're not saying anything new or original at this point. You flamed out a long long time ago. You're completely out of insult material. Like i said, i'm actually helping you. Take a long break from the Forum. Accept my help. Good luck. I mean that.
that's ironic coming from the queen of no concept of reality.
I was not here yesterday, most of last week all of last weekend...need any more help.
haven't used a tin foil hat line in months or more.
as to new and original, I could be dead and do a better job of keeping current then you have in your whole no life ,life.
speaking of out of material, your latest stalker troll /mental illness dodge has run it's course and has had the expected no effect ,effect...
what paulie and co. fail to understand is, a discussion of conspiracy theories where everyone agrees that the said conspiracies are fact is not a discussion or a debate ,it's A. pseudo religious testimony meeting. B. a fan club C. a circle jerk.
pick one only please.

Sock, come on, how many days straight do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Could it number in the Thousands now? I mean, how may times do you need to spew a tired "Tinfoil Hat" insult at someone. That has to get old even for you, no? You might just have a mental illness. And i'm not joking or trying to insult you when i say that.

Let's be realistic, can you go even one day without stalking and trollng this Forum? Or when's the last time you remember not coming here? Can you remember? What are you doing? You're not saying anything new or original at this point. You flamed out a long long time ago. You're completely out of insult material. Like i said, i'm actually helping you. Take a long break from the Forum. Accept my help. Good luck. I mean that.
that's ironic coming from the queen of no concept of reality.
I was not here yesterday, most of last week all of last weekend...need any more help.
haven't used a tin foil hat line in months or more.
as to new and original, I could be dead and do a better job of keeping current then you have in your whole no life ,life.
speaking of out of material, your latest stalker troll /mental illness dodge has run it's course and has had the expected no effect ,effect...

You use several Socks. We all know that. It's so sad you can't even admit that. But that's just another sign you're a bit off. But seriously be honest, how many straight days do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Be honest, not with me, but with yourself. What are you doing? You flamed out a long long time ago. You don't have any fresh material. So why have you come here every day for all these years? What's your point? Seriously, i'm curious.
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Well, if none of us who believe your conspiracy theories were wrong ever came on here then you guys would have to argue among yourselves about which wacky theory was the right one.......
Oh, you enjoy useless repetitive Trolling. Ok. Hey, at least you're honest. Gotta give ya that. :)

Ok, I see now....you are using your own definition of trolling.

Here's one for you :
Trolling is an Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else. It is often associated with online discussions where users are subjected to offensive or superfluous posts and messages in order to provoke a response.

Trolling | Know Your Meme

I clearly said nothing like that. Enjoying argument is not the same as intentionally trying to get people angry or frustrated. And considering I started off saying that I and others probably want to change other people's minds, or possibly have our own views changed, I truly wonder just what you define trolling as. Continuing to discuss things with someone you don't agree with seems to be the definition you are using!

If you are going to be this far wrong on something this simple, it doesn't speak well for your ability to get points across. ;)

You're not gonna change any minds. So now you're just engaging in repetitive trolling. You don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So why still hang around?

You've just described pretty much every single argument on USMB as trolling. :tongue:

To be clear : it's unlikely that anyone is going to change another person's mind on a message board. It happens, but rarely. That doesn't mean we aren't going to try.

I've now explained, multiple times, why I still 'hang around'. I still get enjoyment from the discussions and arguments in here. I still cling to the possibility I might change someone's mind at least a little, or even *gasp* have my own changed.

Why are you still hanging around? You think 9/11 was an inside job, we all get it, why not move on? It seems like you're just engaging in repetitive trolling!

In your case, I could easily argue, using evidence, that you are trolling based on your repeated use of inflammatory and insulting phrases (goose-stepper, government shill, etc.). So perhaps you should consider not throwing stones in this particular glass house....

Most importantly, you do not own USMB or make the rules here. Until it becomes against the board rules for me to post on a particular thread, I am not going to follow your desires about whether or not I post there. I wouldn't expect you to do what I want you to in this respect, either. ;)
Sock, come on, how many days straight do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Could it number in the Thousands now? I mean, how may times do you need to spew a tired "Tinfoil Hat" insult at someone. That has to get old even for you, no? You might just have a mental illness. And i'm not joking or trying to insult you when i say that.

Let's be realistic, can you go even one day without stalking and trollng this Forum? Or when's the last time you remember not coming here? Can you remember? What are you doing? You're not saying anything new or original at this point. You flamed out a long long time ago. You're completely out of insult material. Like i said, i'm actually helping you. Take a long break from the Forum. Accept my help. Good luck. I mean that.
that's ironic coming from the queen of no concept of reality.
I was not here yesterday, most of last week all of last weekend...need any more help.
haven't used a tin foil hat line in months or more.
as to new and original, I could be dead and do a better job of keeping current then you have in your whole no life ,life.
speaking of out of material, your latest stalker troll /mental illness dodge has run it's course and has had the expected no effect ,effect...

You use several Socks. We all know that. It's so sad you can't even admit that. But that's just another sign you're a bit off. But seriously be honest, how many straight days do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Be honest, not with me, but with yourself. What are you doing? You flamed out a long long time ago. You don't have any fresh material. So why have you come here every day for all these years? What's your point? Seriously, i'm curious.
the sock delusion solved:Re: major bullshit


Quote: Originally Posted by daws101
recently in the conspiracy theory section one of the more unbalanced posters (paulitician ) has started a rumor (for lack of a better term) that at least 5 separate posters are one poster using different id's. (socks) is there a way to prove (as denial of this nonsense has had no effect) that these posters (including myself) are all separate individuals to shut this raving slapdick up? thank, daws101.
The fact that you and the other accounts are still here is reason enough to tell him there is zero evidence of his accusations. We check all new accounts and while people still manage to register other accounts through other means the fact still remains, there is no proof

Ignore it, I was accused of being a sock for a long time too lol. True story.

cereal killer..
There is a 57.34% chance that paulitician is 911nutsack's sock and a 48.23% chance drivebymedia is also his sock.

Hows that for grinding out rumors?

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Well, if none of us who believe your conspiracy theories were wrong ever came on here then you guys would have to argue among yourselves about which wacky theory was the right one.......

You guys never add anything new or original. It's all the same ole "You're Crazy/Tinfoil Hat" shite. I mean, what's your point in the end? You don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. We get that at this point. You guys got anything else to add? If not, maybe it's time to move on?
Why don't you tell us exactly what you believe happened on 911, and we can then once again show you that you are wrong.....

Or would you rather just call people names?
Ok, I see now....you are using your own definition of trolling.

Here's one for you :
Trolling is an Internet slang term used to describe any Internet user behavior that is meant to intentionally anger or frustrate someone else. It is often associated with online discussions where users are subjected to offensive or superfluous posts and messages in order to provoke a response.

Trolling | Know Your Meme

I clearly said nothing like that. Enjoying argument is not the same as intentionally trying to get people angry or frustrated. And considering I started off saying that I and others probably want to change other people's minds, or possibly have our own views changed, I truly wonder just what you define trolling as. Continuing to discuss things with someone you don't agree with seems to be the definition you are using!

If you are going to be this far wrong on something this simple, it doesn't speak well for your ability to get points across. ;)

You're not gonna change any minds. So now you're just engaging in repetitive trolling. You don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So why still hang around?

You've just described pretty much every single argument on USMB as trolling. :tongue:

To be clear : it's unlikely that anyone is going to change another person's mind on a message board. It happens, but rarely. That doesn't mean we aren't going to try.

I've now explained, multiple times, why I still 'hang around'. I still get enjoyment from the discussions and arguments in here. I still cling to the possibility I might change someone's mind at least a little, or even *gasp* have my own changed.

Why are you still hanging around? You think 9/11 was an inside job, we all get it, why not move on? It seems like you're just engaging in repetitive trolling!

In your case, I could easily argue, using evidence, that you are trolling based on your repeated use of inflammatory and insulting phrases (goose-stepper, government shill, etc.). So perhaps you should consider not throwing stones in this particular glass house....

Most importantly, you do not own USMB or make the rules here. Until it becomes against the board rules for me to post on a particular thread, I am not going to follow your desires about whether or not I post there. I wouldn't expect you to do what I want you to in this respect, either. ;)

Trying to change minds? Why? And calling someone "Crazy" and spewing lame "Tinfoil Hat" insults isn't going to accomplish that anyway. You and a couple others here have repeatedly stated you don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. So what point are you trying to make now? You've already expressed your point Ad nauseum. Everyone who disagrees with you is a "Tinfoil Hat-wearing Nut." You don't have to continue making that point over & over. We really do get it. So unless you have anything new & original to offer, it's probably time for you guys you to move on. It is what it is.
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You're not gonna change any minds. So now you're just engaging in repetitive trolling. You don't subscribe to any of these Conspiracy Theories. You've made that point repeatedly. So why still hang around?

You've just described pretty much every single argument on USMB as trolling. :tongue:

To be clear : it's unlikely that anyone is going to change another person's mind on a message board. It happens, but rarely. That doesn't mean we aren't going to try.

I've now explained, multiple times, why I still 'hang around'. I still get enjoyment from the discussions and arguments in here. I still cling to the possibility I might change someone's mind at least a little, or even *gasp* have my own changed.

Why are you still hanging around? You think 9/11 was an inside job, we all get it, why not move on? It seems like you're just engaging in repetitive trolling!

In your case, I could easily argue, using evidence, that you are trolling based on your repeated use of inflammatory and insulting phrases (goose-stepper, government shill, etc.). So perhaps you should consider not throwing stones in this particular glass house....

Most importantly, you do not own USMB or make the rules here. Until it becomes against the board rules for me to post on a particular thread, I am not going to follow your desires about whether or not I post there. I wouldn't expect you to do what I want you to in this respect, either. ;)

Trying to change minds? Why? And calling someone "Crazy" and spewing lame "Tinfoil Hat" insults isn't going to accomplish that anyway. You and a couple others here have repeatedly stated you don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. So what point are you trying to make now? You've already expressed your point Ad nauseum. Everyone who disagrees with you is a "Tinfoil Hat-wearing Nut." You don't have to continue making that point over & over. We really do get it. So unless you have anything new & original to offer, it's probably time for you guys you to move on. It is what it is.

First, I don't believe I've ever described anyone in a post here as a tinfoil hat wearing nut. You are either lumping everyone who disagrees with your CTs together, or are just hoping some strawmen will make your point for you.

Why would I try to change anyone's mind? Why wouldn't I? I think I'm right, I want to try and correct others in their mistaken belief, I just want to see if I can successfully argue a particular point, there are multiple reasons why. Why do YOU want to change anyone's mind? Or do you, perhaps, merely want to pat yourself and other CT subscribers on the back for your ingenious ability to ferret out the truth, without having to bother arguing your points?

When did you last offer anything new and original in this thread?

If having some posters who disagree with your CT posting in this thread bothers you so much, perhaps it is YOU who should be moving on. :eusa_whistle: The rest of us seem to have little problem continuing to post here, no matter who is posting or what they are saying.

And once again, I enjoy the irony of you trying to silence dissenting opinions, when you so often complain about government overreach, tyranny, big government controlling us, etc. :lmao:
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You've just described pretty much every single argument on USMB as trolling. :tongue:

To be clear : it's unlikely that anyone is going to change another person's mind on a message board. It happens, but rarely. That doesn't mean we aren't going to try.

I've now explained, multiple times, why I still 'hang around'. I still get enjoyment from the discussions and arguments in here. I still cling to the possibility I might change someone's mind at least a little, or even *gasp* have my own changed.

Why are you still hanging around? You think 9/11 was an inside job, we all get it, why not move on? It seems like you're just engaging in repetitive trolling!

In your case, I could easily argue, using evidence, that you are trolling based on your repeated use of inflammatory and insulting phrases (goose-stepper, government shill, etc.). So perhaps you should consider not throwing stones in this particular glass house....

Most importantly, you do not own USMB or make the rules here. Until it becomes against the board rules for me to post on a particular thread, I am not going to follow your desires about whether or not I post there. I wouldn't expect you to do what I want you to in this respect, either. ;)

Trying to change minds? Why? And calling someone "Crazy" and spewing lame "Tinfoil Hat" insults isn't going to accomplish that anyway. You and a couple others here have repeatedly stated you don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. So what point are you trying to make now? You've already expressed your point Ad nauseum. Everyone who disagrees with you is a "Tinfoil Hat-wearing Nut." You don't have to continue making that point over & over. We really do get it. So unless you have anything new & original to offer, it's probably time for you guys you to move on. It is what it is.

First, I don't believe I've ever described anyone in a post here as a tinfoil hat wearing nut. You are either lumping everyone who disagrees with your CTs together, or are just hoping some strawmen will make your point for you.

Why would I try to change anyone's mind? Why wouldn't I? I think I'm right, I want to try and correct others in their mistaken belief, I just want to see if I can successfully argue a particular point, there are multiple reasons why. Why do YOU want to change anyone's mind? Or do you, perhaps, merely want to pat yourself and other CT subscribers on the back for your ingenious ability to ferret out the truth, without having to bother arguing your points?

When did you last offer anything new and original in this thread?

If having some posters who disagree with your CT posting in this thread bothers you so much, perhaps it is YOU who should be moving on. :eusa_whistle: The rest of us seem to have little problem continuing to post here, no matter who is posting or what they are saying.

And once again, I enjoy the irony of you trying to silence dissenting opinions, when you so often complain about government overreach, tyranny, big government controlling us, etc. :lmao:

Not trying to silence anyone. A couple posters here have been coming here for years expressing the same point over & over Ad nauseum. They don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. I think we all get that by now. So it's no longer necessary for them to continue expressing that point. I mean, why come here every day to express the same ole stale "You're Crazy/Tinfoil Hat" shite? What's the point of that in the end?

And as far as changing minds goes, you guys blew that opportunity long ago. You blew it the day you started attacking and ridiculing. So your changing minds agenda is dead. Not gonna happen now. So what's left? You guys got anything new & original to offer? I'm a fair person. I'll wait and observe.
...In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. ...

Two words: proxy servers.

A smart player could have fifty socks, and so long as he or she played the cards right, the moderators would be none the wiser...
Trying to change minds? Why? And calling someone "Crazy" and spewing lame "Tinfoil Hat" insults isn't going to accomplish that anyway. You and a couple others here have repeatedly stated you don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. So what point are you trying to make now? You've already expressed your point Ad nauseum. Everyone who disagrees with you is a "Tinfoil Hat-wearing Nut." You don't have to continue making that point over & over. We really do get it. So unless you have anything new & original to offer, it's probably time for you guys you to move on. It is what it is.

First, I don't believe I've ever described anyone in a post here as a tinfoil hat wearing nut. You are either lumping everyone who disagrees with your CTs together, or are just hoping some strawmen will make your point for you.

Why would I try to change anyone's mind? Why wouldn't I? I think I'm right, I want to try and correct others in their mistaken belief, I just want to see if I can successfully argue a particular point, there are multiple reasons why. Why do YOU want to change anyone's mind? Or do you, perhaps, merely want to pat yourself and other CT subscribers on the back for your ingenious ability to ferret out the truth, without having to bother arguing your points?

When did you last offer anything new and original in this thread?

If having some posters who disagree with your CT posting in this thread bothers you so much, perhaps it is YOU who should be moving on. :eusa_whistle: The rest of us seem to have little problem continuing to post here, no matter who is posting or what they are saying.

And once again, I enjoy the irony of you trying to silence dissenting opinions, when you so often complain about government overreach, tyranny, big government controlling us, etc. :lmao:

Not trying to silence anyone. A couple posters here have been coming here for years expressing the same point over & over Ad nauseum. They don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. I think we all get that by now. So it's no longer necessary for them to continue expressing that point. I mean, why come here every day to express the same ole stale "You're Crazy/Tinfoil Hat" shite? What's the point of that in the end?

And as far as changing minds goes, you guys blew that opportunity long ago. You blew it the day you started attacking and ridiculing. So your changing minds agenda is dead. Not gonna happen now. So what's left? You guys got anything new & original to offer? I'm a fair person. I'll wait and observe.
First, I don't believe I've ever described anyone in a post here as a tinfoil hat wearing nut. You are either lumping everyone who disagrees with your CTs together, or are just hoping some strawmen will make your point for you.

Why would I try to change anyone's mind? Why wouldn't I? I think I'm right, I want to try and correct others in their mistaken belief, I just want to see if I can successfully argue a particular point, there are multiple reasons why. Why do YOU want to change anyone's mind? Or do you, perhaps, merely want to pat yourself and other CT subscribers on the back for your ingenious ability to ferret out the truth, without having to bother arguing your points?

When did you last offer anything new and original in this thread?

If having some posters who disagree with your CT posting in this thread bothers you so much, perhaps it is YOU who should be moving on. :eusa_whistle: The rest of us seem to have little problem continuing to post here, no matter who is posting or what they are saying.

And once again, I enjoy the irony of you trying to silence dissenting opinions, when you so often complain about government overreach, tyranny, big government controlling us, etc. :lmao:

Not trying to silence anyone. A couple posters here have been coming here for years expressing the same point over & over Ad nauseum. They don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. I think we all get that by now. So it's no longer necessary for them to continue expressing that point. I mean, why come here every day to express the same ole stale "You're Crazy/Tinfoil Hat" shite? What's the point of that in the end?

And as far as changing minds goes, you guys blew that opportunity long ago. You blew it the day you started attacking and ridiculing. So your changing minds agenda is dead. Not gonna happen now. So what's left? You guys got anything new & original to offer? I'm a fair person. I'll wait and observe.

Still stalking, ay Sock? I guess you really couldn't go even a day without stalking and trolling this Forum. So sad. Hopefully, one day you'll get the help you need. I mean that.
Not trying to silence anyone. A couple posters here have been coming here for years expressing the same point over & over Ad nauseum. They don't subscribe to Conspiracy Theories. I think we all get that by now. So it's no longer necessary for them to continue expressing that point. I mean, why come here every day to express the same ole stale "You're Crazy/Tinfoil Hat" shite? What's the point of that in the end?

And as far as changing minds goes, you guys blew that opportunity long ago. You blew it the day you started attacking and ridiculing. So your changing minds agenda is dead. Not gonna happen now. So what's left? You guys got anything new & original to offer? I'm a fair person. I'll wait and observe.

Still stalking, ay Sock? I guess you really couldn't go even a day without stalking and trolling this Forum. So sad. Hopefully, one day you'll get the help you need. I mean that.
there you again lying and repeating yourself....

Still stalking, ay Sock? I guess you really couldn't go even a day without stalking and trolling this Forum. So sad. Hopefully, one day you'll get the help you need. I mean that.
there you again lying and repeating yourself....

All these years you've stalked and trolled this Forum, yet you've never said anything of consequence or substance. And that's just plain sad. Seriously, get the help you need. Good luck.
Still stalking, ay Sock? I guess you really couldn't go even a day without stalking and trolling this Forum. So sad. Hopefully, one day you'll get the help you need. I mean that.
there you again lying and repeating yourself....

All these years you've stalked and trolled this Forum, yet you've never said anything of consequence or substance. And that's just plain sad. Seriously, get the help you need. Good luck.
another piece of dried up not of substance or consequence lashing out by paulie.

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