9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

It's unfortunate that so few CTers can speak rationally and maturely on the subject they are so involved in. IMO, Eots and Paulitician are the only ones who can manage it. I might not agree with them but you can have a debate with them. Mr.Jones tests ones patience a lot (but I'm always willing to give him a chance) and 9/11 is totally irrational.
6 farts in a row from 9/11 IJ! :poop:

That's strangely not satisfying.....


If the Conspiracy theorists won't listen to us, they should concider this:

If 9/11insidejob is thanking your posts, that would be a strong indication that you seriously need to re-examine your beliefs!
I can't believe how often I run into truthtards. If it wasn't for these fools Ron Paul couldn't be marginalized.

Ever notice how once a candidate for any office gives Alex Jones the time of day their poll numbers plummet.
The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.

Easy to say but much harder to actually prove. You're addressing someone who doesn't trust the government at all. You should be able to prove it to me, yet I'm also a logical person who knows bull shit when he sees it and knows that the government isn't the only source of the world's bull shit.

Really, the only things that have come forward, besides the NIST's report, is conspiracy theory arguments, most of which are easily shown to be junk.

Which lies were that? You cannot be talking about Iraq's WMDs. Thye had them, they used them, that is fact.

Actually I'm not, but I'll bet that you have some examples of "lies" that only exist in the CT Handbook.

Jumping to conclusions about me kinda suggests that you're not to be trusted in your other "conclusions" either.

Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...

Now I have not gotten into the name-calling and visiousness that these threads have experienced. I have been respectful of the oninions of the Conspiracy Theorists here. Let it be known that YOU chose to be rude and condescending.

I face the real world, I'm not the one inventing fantacies, that would be you.

You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...
You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...

No one has come forward with proof of a conspiracy. No one.

Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times? How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?

What our Air Force was doing on 9/11 is immaterial. There is no reason to believe those passenger jets could or would have been shot down.

How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....

9/11 clearly was the reason we initiated those wars, however those wars were not the reason we were attacked on 9/11.

It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...

From one side of your mouth you claim to respect the opinion of those who do not buy your CTBS and from the other you ridicule PredFan for acting as though he has no access to 9/11 info. It never occurs to pompous CT jackasses that others look at the facts and see your CTBS for what it is.

People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

Normal peeps do not spend countless hours (as you seem to have) dredging the fetid bowels of the Internet for support for some predetermined conclusions (as you clearly have done). If you look at your CTBS with the same skepticism you reserve for the gov't, you would no longer be the wild-eyed loon you are today.
From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?
not really, from the very first post sister jones has been nothing but a self important, hubris laden, paranoid asshat. (I could go on but I think you get the gist )

Aw what's the matter dawgshit, are you upset that you can't substantiate your conspiracy theory and people are exposing it for the sham it is?
You people need to take a long hard look at the BS you are defending because it can't stand without lies. They have been exposed for years now, and you act as though there is nothing to question or to see..That is denial at its worst...

Thing is, when stacked up against your CTBS the NIST report looks like the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You CTs are your "causes" own worst enemies. :cuckoo:
Conspiracy Theorist: The attack on 9-11 was planned by (Insert mysterious cabal here) and not the way it was told to us in the official government report!

Skeptic: Where did you hear that?

Conspiracy Theorist: On the internet.

Skeptic: And you believe it?

Conspiracy Theorist: Yes, they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

Skeptic: Who told you that?

Conspiracy Theorist: The internet.
Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....
honest inquiry by assholes like you now that is funny ...
btw nice effort in attempting to color everyone else as being in denial, that's a rock solid indicator of a tenuous grip on reality.
that tactic is only good if it's true since nothing you say, infer or yammer about me is even remotely close to being fact, makes me immune.
you on the other hand go bat shit when it's pointed out how far from reality you are..

How about an honest inquiry regarding the facts? You provide nothing that substantiates your position, and it is you that resorts to generalization statements that lump all who don't believe in your CT as...well...CT's!!!
You can never be specific about anything, and always get your ass kicked in..You didn't even know who Bazant was, and then tried to get me to show YOU that is WASN'T A "PILE OF STEAMING...."
I mean how many more times does one have to show you just how ridiculous your arguments are??

So many instances that reasonable people can point to that justify them not believing the OCT narrative, and you people act like you were born yesterday!!!
This is why you I can conclude you are in denial, and I have come to realize that most of you can not debate this topic rationally, because you depend on pretending none of the things brought up exist or have been posted and linked before....

You folks are sad....:cuckoo:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Another funny! You are really on a roll today, Princess. The idea of you claiming someone else is irrational made my coffee squirt out my nose. Thanks.
We had a special prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's penis but no prosecutor to investigate the attack on America and the righties think I'm wearing a tin foil hat because I point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE, repeat, IMPOSSIBLE!!!! that a modern steel frame high rise can collapse due to fire. Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

We'll never solve the question here. We need a real investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power. Considering that this has not been done I ask all the nay sayers what are you afraid of?

Well said. Yup, quickly shipped the steel off to China and wrapped up a completely phony investigation. Unfortunately, it's probably too late for truth now. The evidence was quickly destroyed and disposed of. The only truth we're left with, is the fact we were lied to. Sadly, that will always be the only truth we'll get on 9/11.

as it was in the oklahoma city bombing,waco,and the JFK assassination,But thats all too complicated for frady cat denying trolls like Predfan to understand that our government has a long history of destroying and removing evidence at a crime scene in political events like these and that they are illegal.

all that common knowledge,facts,logic and common sense is way too practical for them to understand and you'll overfry his brain with too much logic and comon sense like that if you lay it on him like that.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

the agent trolls like gomer and Moron in the hat will make up some kind of crap of course to try and get around those facts.thats a given.

Ya know, I used to think 9/11 Hand job was just a brain-dead fool but now I realize he's a paid gov't troll planted here to make the 9/11 CT Movement and CTs in general look really, really stupid. He certainly does a fine job. :D
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It's unfortunate that so few CTers can speak rationally and maturely on the subject they are so involved in. IMO, Eots and Paulitician are the only ones who can manage it. I might not agree with them but you can have a debate with them. Mr.Jones tests ones patience a lot (but I'm always willing to give him a chance) and 9/11 is totally irrational.

IMHO Eots & Pauli are just inveterate liars ... bottom feeders.
I think Eots is hoping for an Internet radio show like Terral and Pauli may well be a teenager. Jones is firmly wedded to his CTBS but at least he doesn't lie.
All of 'em are irrational.
what was perfect and symmetrical about how the towers fell?

NIST described the collapse as symetrical

as usuaul,prefan troll and gomer ollie get their asses handed to them on a platter by Eots and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they worship NIST to no end so they cant get around this one that they dont know what they are talking about.:lol::lol::lol::D

agent Gomer fucked up BIG TIME thanking predfan troll.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

its funny how Gam likes to quote truthers of things they said before in the past but he will of course leave out Predfan trolls comment of what was perfect and symmetrical about the collapse.such hypocrisy from agent Gamolon.:cuckoo:

I thought we were all on ignore? I guess it's true, 911shitforbrains lies.........
What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

My God...I can't believe a military man doesn't have the smarts to read all the vast amounts of information regarding this....
It was for oil, and no YOU weren't going to be given any stock or free fucking gasoline.
It was also for the "security of Israel"...These 2 things have been repeated by many in the former administration, military, and intelligence people...
You got had, bamboozled, and fucking scammed, wake the fuck up to the reality, because no matter what you try to convince yourself of otherwise, it's the reality....you ignorant gump..

Gee i thought Mrs Jones wasn't talking to me anymore.....

Oh well, Yes a military man can see how easy it would have been to restart the shooting war with Saddam without going through years of preparation and coverup. Simple as I said just one fighter blown out of the sky, and blamed on Saddam.

Even if it was for oil or for Israel the same applies one plane, not 3000 innocent lives. And almost zero chance of getting caught.
Now who in the former administration has said these things? Please go ahead and quote where anyone in the Government said that 011 happened so we could go after Saddam....
We can wait......

BTW, Did you know that Nixon sabotaged the 68 peace accords? Now that's a conspiracy that has been proven.......
No one has come forward with proof of a conspiracy. No one.
You're an idiot in denial if you think there is no proof of a concerted conspiracy to deceive the 9-1 commission and the American people, you also fool yourself thinking there was no effort to scientifically deceive by NIST.
What's funny is that no one has come forward with proof that 9-11 was planned, and perpetrated by 19 fanatical Jihadists. No one.

What our Air Force was doing on 9/11 is immaterial. There is no reason to believe those passenger jets could or would have been shot down.
What an asinine assumption. Why bother to even try to intercept wayward flights? Is this your supposition? Why were/are shoot down orders given?
You think it OK to let hijacked airliners fly above the US, for 2 hours, even when their purpose was already known, and what the US air defenses were busy doing is irrelevant?
There is no rational reason to think a weapon that is targeting America would NOT be shot down...
Again no amount of insane logic is too great when defending the perpetrators, in fact if you were in charge that fateful day, we can assume you would do nothing..

How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....
I see you wont address this and ignore it like most other relevant questions...

9/11 clearly was the reason we initiated those wars, however those wars were not the reason we were attacked on 9/11.
It is NOT clearly why we initiated those wars...The plans for the wars were conceived long before 9-11, and Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks...If you don't know these things,you are deserving of being called an idiot...And everybody knows we weren't attacked on 9-11 because of those wars you fool....The US was attacked in a false flag effort to secure Israel from it's enemies in the ME, and to garner support for the war campaigns that were planned...

It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...
From one side of your mouth you claim to respect the opinion of those who do not buy your CTBS and from the other you ridicule PredFan for acting as though he has no access to 9/11 info. It never occurs to pompous CT jackasses that others look at the facts and see your CTBS for what it is.
I don't respect anything about you or your opinions and I never claimed to.
You make shit up as you go along, all the while never addressing or answering what is being said or mentioned in regards to this topic. I'm sure no one here especially you, has looked at any of the glaring discrepancies that are almost everywhere in the OCT with any honest objectivity.
This is evident by the way you assume that
the US air defenses and what they were doing that day is "immaterial" and that no one should assume ,had they not been busy attending to phantom radar blips, and exercises,
that the weapons used against the US that day would have not been blown out of the sky, thus saving the lives of 3000 people....

People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

Normal peeps do not spend countless hours (as you seem to have) dredging the fetid bowels of the Internet for support for some predetermined conclusions (as you clearly have done). If you look at your CTBS with the same skepticism you reserve for the gov't, you would no longer be the wild-eyed loon you are today.
I am an American, you Zionist motherfucker..I and others like me who love their country have a right, and a duty to learn all we can about events like these, and the sob's who committed the crimes, that killed our people, and who pointed the fingers away from themselves while inflaming our men and women to go off and die for lies, and Isntreal.
It's loyal Zionist MFKers like you that spend their day shift hours defending the criminals, the liars, and the cover up. Wretched assholes like yourself are who support a predetermined conclusions that 9-11 was done by 19 Jihadists all by themselves, and had nothing to do with your wicked, apartheid, terrorist home state of Isntreal.
You fool no one you anti American POS.
There is nothing that you have ever posted that substantiates your stupid assumptions, or your insane CT, nothing....Thinking Americans know better then to believe such rubbish, and are not scared to debate you on it either, because you have nothing to make your case, no proof that your OCT is even valid, and when you get burned and caught in lies
like the one whopper you told about Leslie Robertson, while then you try to side track the issues. You BS is so transparent....
You make sure that you never miss an opportunity to show your anti American Zionist loving agenda, and defend a CT that makes no sense, and only benefited Isntreal, at the expense of American blood and treasure...
Conspiracy Theorist: The attack on 9-11 was planned by (Insert mysterious cabal here) and not the way it was told to us in the official government report!

Skeptic: Where did you hear that?

Conspiracy Theorist: On the internet.

Skeptic: And you believe it?

Conspiracy Theorist: Yes, they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

Skeptic: Who told you that?

Conspiracy Theorist: The internet.

what is it exactly you claim not to be true ?
What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

My God...I can't believe a military man doesn't have the smarts to read all the vast amounts of information regarding this....
It was for oil, and no YOU weren't going to be given any stock or free fucking gasoline.
It was also for the "security of Israel"...These 2 things have been repeated by many in the former administration, military, and intelligence people...
You got had, bamboozled, and fucking scammed, wake the fuck up to the reality, because no matter what you try to convince yourself of otherwise, it's the reality....you ignorant gump..

Gee i thought Mrs Jones wasn't talking to me anymore.....
Your ignorance is hard to avoid, especially when you hide behind the cover of your supposed military service. It obvious you're a phoney, and try to garner respect and support for the liars and criminals who sent our people off to die for lies.

Oh well, Yes a military man can see how easy it would have been to restart the shooting war with Saddam without going through years of preparation and coverup. Simple as I said just one fighter blown out of the sky, and blamed on Saddam.
Well then if it was so fucking easy why didn't you volunteer your vast expertise and show them how they could fake a shootdown? Why didn't they just go ahead and do that instead of pretending it was democracy and liberation of Iraq, or that Iraq had something to do with 9-11? Or the whole fake WMD story?
You are a joke, and a fool, and it's sickening to read your rubbish in defense of lies and the enemies of America, while pretending to be a military patriot, just fucking sickening..

Even if it was for oil or for Israel the same applies one plane, not 3000 innocent lives. And almost zero chance of getting caught.
Now who in the former administration has said these things? Please go ahead and quote where anyone in the Government said that 011 happened so we could go after Saddam....
We can wait......
It was for oil, ME military strategy, and Israel, but if all the lies and information that has come out don't matter to you or the deaths that resulted, you aren't worthy of calling yourself an American...
Not once have I read anything where you criticize the lies, and false rumors that were spread in order to foment anger so our people would fight this useless war....Not once.

South Carolina's senior Senator said in May 2004 that Iraq was invaded "to secure Israel,
Politicians and intellectuals spoke out and were promptly chastised and labelled with the BS anti -Semitic tag.
Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Charles Krauthammer,and other Zionist scumbags pushed for war in the ME as way to make secure their shitty little state.
These Zionist infiltrated the US government like a fucking cancer. They wrote about such military adventures that would only be favorable to Israel. These were the same men who quickly pointed to OBL and Qaeda as the 9-11 attackers..By way of deception your nation was attacked, and dragged into conflicts with devastating results, that you say you
witness, and even try to console the dead's widows???
But you defend the liars every chance you get? You are a sick twisted person, and a hypocrite.

After the US Senator was attacked and slandered for speaking the truth, he rose in the Senate on May 20 to defend and explain himself

"I don't apologize for this column," he said. "I want them to apologize to me for talking about anti-Semitism." President Bush went to war in Iraq "to secure our friend, Israel" and "everybody knows it,"
This man had more balls then you could ever dream of having, you fucking gump.
Referring to the cowardly reluctance of his Congressional colleagues openly to acknowledge this reality, he said that "nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on."
With few exceptions, members of Congress uncritically support Israel and its policies due to "the pressures that we get politically," he said. The pro-Israel lobby knows "how to make you tuck tail and run." But "not the Senator from South Carolina," he added, referring to himself. To emphasize the seriousness of his remarks, Hollings said: "I have thought this out as thoroughly as I know how, and it worries me that here we are..."

Bush's motive in going to war for Israeli interests, Hollings charged, was to get Jewish support in election campaigns. "President Bush came to office imbued with one thought: reelection. I say that advisedly. I have been up here with eight Presidents. We have had support of all eight Presidents. Yes, I supported the President on this Iraq resolution, but I was misled. There weren't any weapons, or any terrorism, or al-Qaida. This is the reason we went to war. He had one thought in mind, and that was reelection...

"That is not a conspiracy. That is the policy. I didn't like to keep it a secret, maybe; but I can tell you now, I will challenge any one of the other 99 Senators to tell us why we are in Iraq, other than what this policy is here. It is an adopted policy, a domino theory of The [Zionist] Project For The New American Century. Everybody knows it [is] because we want to secure our friend, Israel...

"Let's realize we are in real trouble. Saudi Arabia is in trouble. Israel is in trouble. The United States is in trouble. I am going to state what I believe to be the fact. In fact, I believe it very strongly. They just are whistling by on account of the pressures that we get politically. Nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on."

Hollings cited the role of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most important pro-Israel lobby group in Washington, in determining US policy in the Middle East. "You can't have an Israel policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here. I have followed them mostly in the main, but I have also resisted signing certain letters from time to time, to give the poor President a chance.

"I can tell you no President takes office -- I don't care whether it is a Republican or a Democrat -- that all of a sudden AIPAC will tell him exactly what the policy is, and Senators and members of Congress ought to sign letters. I read those carefully and I have joined in most of them. On some I have held back. I have my own idea and my own policy...

The Iraq war has been "a bad mistake," said Hollings. "Getting rid of Saddam was not worth almost 800 dead GIs and over 3,500 maimed for life..." This war is "a mistake like Vietnam," he added. "We got misled with the [1964] Gulf of Tonkin [incident]. We got misled here, and we are in that quagmire...

"The entire thing is a mess. Don't give me 'support the troops, support the troops.' I have been with troops, about three years in combat, so don't tell me about troops. I have always supported the troops."
'Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,' Says Senator Hollings

So Ollie, your idea of supporting your fellow brothers and sisters in arms, is to tell hand their next of kin a flag and tell them "on behalf of a grateful nation'?
How about next time you tell them on behalf of a not so grateful Israeli nation instead, as that is the truth of it.

BTW, Did you know that Nixon sabotaged the 68 peace accords? Now that's a conspiracy that has been proven.......
Did you know that there are, and always have been conspiracies? 9-11 and the illegal wars are but 2 instances that you defend to no end.
It's unfortunate that so few CTers can speak rationally and maturely on the subject they are so involved in. IMO, Eots and Paulitician are the only ones who can manage it. I might not agree with them but you can have a debate with them. Mr.Jones tests ones patience a lot (but I'm always willing to give him a chance) and 9/11 is totally irrational.

IMHO Eots & Pauli are just inveterate liars ... bottom feeders.
I think Eots is hoping for an Internet radio show like Terral and Pauli may well be a teenager. Jones is firmly wedded to his CTBS but at least he doesn't lie.
All of 'em are irrational.

a teenager a heart perhaps...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwQjCKO3Gvo]Its A wonderful world the eots - YouTube[/ame]
Did anyone read Mrs jones's rant?

I gave up as soon as she called me a fake.

I have to go see if I am permitted by the establishment to neg the fuck out of her......

But First.........

Well then if it was so fucking easy why didn't you volunteer your vast expertise and show them how they could fake a shootdown? Why didn't they just go ahead and do that instead of pretending it was democracy and liberation of Iraq, or that Iraq had something to do with 9-11? Or the whole fake WMD story?

That's what I'm asking you dipshit. Why the fuck plan this elaborate attack and coverup of which you would be caught when all you had to do was blow up one plane and call it an attack.......

Do you deny that one plane being blown out of the sky by Saddam would not have given us the blessings of the UN? At least as much of a blessing as they gave us to start with....

You really are fucking stupid, but you knew that.
How does Ollie's military service have anything to do with his beliefs about 9/11 Mr. Jones?

Do you think that all former and current military members believe 9/11 was an inside job? Or do you think that all of those who believe the conclusions of the NIST report are un-American traitors, or whatever tripe you are saying?

Hell, neither one of us can say for sure whether Ollie is or is not a veteran. The idea that he can't be a patriot and a veteran and still believe the events were an attack by terrorists which caused the collapse of the towers is asinine at best.
Did anyone read Mrs jones's rant?

I gave up as soon as she called me a fake.

I have to go see if I am permitted by the establishment to neg the fuck out of her......

But First.........

Well then if it was so fucking easy why didn't you volunteer your vast expertise and show them how they could fake a shootdown? Why didn't they just go ahead and do that instead of pretending it was democracy and liberation of Iraq, or that Iraq had something to do with 9-11? Or the whole fake WMD story?

That's what I'm asking you dipshit. Why the fuck plan this elaborate attack and coverup of which you would be caught when all you had to do was blow up one plane and call it an attack.......

Do you deny that one plane being blown out of the sky by Saddam would not have given us the blessings of the UN? At least as much of a blessing as they gave us to start with....

You really are fucking stupid, but you knew that.

I could give 2 shits about your neg rep asshole. What I posted is true and factual, and was quoted from a US senator. Your delusional fantasy scenarios are irrelevant as the lies spread about the reasons for war in Iraq started out as lies about involvement in 9-11, and ended as lies just the same. The problem you have is that you think you can demand respect, when no one even knows who the fuck you are, or if you even did serve, and judging by your disrespectful attitude towards those that did serve in Iraq, and Afghanistan that have denounced those wars, it is not hard for anyone to imagine that your real loyalty and support lies with those that lied them into their deaths..

Name one instance that disgusts you about the way the American president and his cabinet full of Zionists lied to your fellow comrades...Just one...

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