9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

Just because you can't understand the reasons, doesn't mean it's not possible. It just means you can't or won't accept the possibilities.

Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.
You are just repeating what you already said. My question is why? I said it's because they have already been questioned. You disagree. What do you think it means?

We don't know if they were questioned at all. I've never seen any reports on that. As far as what it could mean, i'll have to let you contemplate the possible implications.

I have already done that. It means that the Bin Laden family didn't know where OBL was, that they didn't know he was going to do that, and that they've been asked about him from at least as far back as the USS Cole bombing. So the US Government let them go.

Well then you answered all your questions yourself. I'm not gonna attack you for your beliefs. It's your call.
What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

Just because you can't understand the reasons, doesn't mean it's not possible. It just means you can't or won't accept the possibilities.

Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.

Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.
Just because you can't understand the reasons, doesn't mean it's not possible. It just means you can't or won't accept the possibilities.

Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.

Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.
Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.

Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

Well like i said, i wont attack you for your beliefs. The case is closed in your opinion. I'm good with that. I disagree, but it is your call in the end.
No Pauline, the only reason is pure stupidity. Why spend all that time and energy and take the chance of having it found out when all you needed was to have one missile take out one fighter to get the same end result......

You think our Government is smart enough to pull off 911 but to stupid to see how much easier and safer for them it could be?

Pull your head out of your ass and think for a change.........

What I'll never understand is why the CT crowd thinks the govt would want to collapse the towers.

If the govt really wanted an excuse to go to war, they would have gotten more people riled up had the towers sat like festering wounds on the New York skyline for years.
Possibly. But i would think our Law Enforcement authorities would have wanted to thoroughly question and investigate them before allowing them to just pack up and fly away. They were his Family after all. It just reinforces the opinion of many, that there was no credible 9/11 investigation.
what paulie and co mean by a credible investigation is they would be proven correct. the reality is that a credible reinvestigation would not result in their much wished for conclusion.
a credible investigation would have to be objective and all twoofer evidence would have to be investigated for the possibility of fraud.
also no conspiracy theorists could participate due to a conflict of interest.

Goose Stepper illogic. :cuckoo:
typical no answer... please point where it's illogical..
What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

My God...I can't believe a military man doesn't have the smarts to read all the vast amounts of information regarding this....
It was for oil, and no YOU weren't going to be given any stock or free fucking gasoline.
It was also for the "security of Israel"...These 2 things have been repeated by many in the former administration, military, and intelligence people...
You got had, bamboozled, and fucking scammed, wake the fuck up to the reality, because no matter what you try to convince yourself of otherwise, it's the reality....you ignorant gump..
Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.

Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.
With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...
You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past, and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...this despite all that has come to light, and all the information that is available for you to research....
Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...
what paulie and co mean by a credible investigation is they would be proven correct. the reality is that a credible reinvestigation would not result in their much wished for conclusion.
a credible investigation would have to be objective and all twoofer evidence would have to be investigated for the possibility of fraud.
also no conspiracy theorists could participate due to a conflict of interest.

Goose Stepper illogic. :cuckoo:
typical no answer... please point where it's illogical..

Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.
With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...
You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past, and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...this despite all that has come to light, and all the information that is available for you to research....
Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?
Goose Stepper illogic. :cuckoo:
typical no answer... please point where it's illogical..

Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..
I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.
With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...
You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past, and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...this despite all that has come to light, and all the information that is available for you to research....
Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?

Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...
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typical no answer... please point where it's illogical..

Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....
The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.
With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...
You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past, and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...this despite all that has come to light, and all the information that is available for you to research....
Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?

Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...
no sister jones it's you who's existence is a sad one.. how exhausting it must be to driven by your overwhelming obsession.
Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.

Easy to say but much harder to actually prove. You're addressing someone who doesn't trust the government at all. You should be able to prove it to me, yet I'm also a logical person who knows bull shit when he sees it and knows that the government isn't the only source of the world's bull shit.

With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...

Really, the only things that have come forward, besides the NIST's report, is conspiracy theory arguments, most of which are easily shown to be junk.

You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....

Which lies were that? You cannot be talking about Iraq's WMDs. Thye had them, they used them, that is fact.

You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past,

Actually I'm not, but I'll bet that you have some examples of "lies" that only exist in the CT Handbook.

and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...

Jumping to conclusions about me kinda suggests that you're not to be trusted in your other "conclusions" either.

Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...

Now I have not gotten into the name-calling and visiousness that these threads have experienced. I have been respectful of the oninions of the Conspiracy Theorists here. Let it be known that YOU chose to be rude and condescending.

I face the real world, I'm not the one inventing fantacies, that would be you.
Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....

From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?
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Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....
honest inquiry by assholes like you now that is funny ...
btw nice effort in attempting to color everyone else as being in denial, that's a rock solid indicator of a tenuous grip on reality.
that tactic is only good if it's true since nothing you say, infer or yammer about me is even remotely close to being fact, makes me immune.
you on the other hand go bat shit when it's pointed out how far from reality you are..
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....

From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?
not really, from the very first post sister jones has been nothing but a self important, hubris laden, paranoid asshat. (I could go on but I think you get the gist )
lets see,the CIA CONTROLLED LAMESTREAM MEDIA announces IMMEDIATELY that VERY DAY that Bin Laden was behind the attacks,who was funded by the CIA by the way,and yet he is ALLOWED to fly out of the country.sorry,thats the most key stone cop invetigaation of a joke in the history of the united states ever.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Stupid here thinks Bin Laden was in the US on 9/11. :rofl: :rofl:

Stupid is as stupid does.

which is what predfan troll shows what he always is all the time here.

Okay I was in a rush yesterday when i made the post,i met to say his FAMILY was flown out of the united states,and that STILL doesnt get around the fact a CIA man visited Bin Laden a couple months before 9/11 in another country just to spell it out dummies style for agent troll moron in the hat.

.as usual,agent troll Moron In the hat evades THAT LITTLE FACT in the process.

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