9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

We had a special prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's penis but no prosecutor to investigate the attack on America and the righties think I'm wearing a tin foil hat because I point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE, repeat, IMPOSSIBLE!!!! that a modern steel frame high rise can collapse due to fire. Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

We'll never solve the question here. We need a real investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power. Considering that this has not been done I ask all the nay sayers what are you afraid of?

yeah thats another little pesky fact they always ignore is they spent so much more money on that little stupid thing of Clinton and did not spend anywhere near as much money in the investigation of 9/11.frady cat deniars like montrovent and predfan troll cant comprehend that little fact though that it wasnt a REAL investigation especially with Bush and Cheney allowed to testify behind closed doors. together:cuckoo:
I never said I wouldn't accept the possibilities. I said that you guys only discuss possibilities. "Possibilities" won't get any answers will they?

If i only talked possibilities, I could tell you that it's possible that space aliens destroyed the towers because a secret lab in one of the towers was developing warp drive, and the aliens had to destroy both because they didn't know which one had the lab.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful here but I'm using a ridiculous analogy to bring home the point.

The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.

Easy to say but much harder to actually prove. You're addressing someone who doesn't trust the government at all. You should be able to prove it to me, yet I'm also a logical person who knows bull shit when he sees it and knows that the government isn't the only source of the world's bull shit.

Really, the only things that have come forward, besides the NIST's report, is conspiracy theory arguments, most of which are easily shown to be junk.

Which lies were that? You cannot be talking about Iraq's WMDs. Thye had them, they used them, that is fact.

Actually I'm not, but I'll bet that you have some examples of "lies" that only exist in the CT Handbook.

and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...

Jumping to conclusions about me kinda suggests that you're not to be trusted in your other "conclusions" either.

Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...

Now I have not gotten into the name-calling and visiousness that these threads have experienced. I have been respectful of the oninions of the Conspiracy Theorists here. Let it be known that YOU chose to be rude and condescending.

I face the real world, I'm not the one inventing fantacies, that would be you.

You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...
You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...
Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times? How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?
How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....
It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...
People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...
Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....

From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?
not really, from the very first post sister jones has been nothing but a self important, hubris laden, paranoid asshat. (I could go on but I think you get the gist )

Aw what's the matter dawgshit, are you upset that you can't substantiate your conspiracy theory and people are exposing it for the sham it is?
You people need to take a long hard look at the BS you are defending because it can't stand without lies. They have been exposed for years now, and you act as though there is nothing to question or to see..That is denial at its worst...
yeah, buildings burn and collapse perfectly symmetrically all the time. Happens every day in fact. Seriously, it's true. ;)

what was perfect and symmetrical about how the towers fell?

NIST described the collapse as symetrical

as usuaul,prefan troll and gomer ollie get their asses handed to them on a platter by Eots and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they worship NIST to no end so they cant get around this one that they dont know what they are talking about.:lol::lol::lol::D

agent Gomer fucked up BIG TIME thanking predfan troll.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

its funny how Gam likes to quote truthers of things they said before in the past but he will of course leave out Predfan trolls comment of what was perfect and symmetrical about the collapse.such hypocrisy from agent Gamolon.:cuckoo:
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....

From my experiences with you today, I'm willing to be that he tried having a civil discussion with you at some point previously, and you resorted to name-calling. Who's the sad sad creature?

such hypocrisy from predfan troll.Like the time he cursed me out and put me on ignore MONTHS ago after in a civilized way,I proved he was rambling and did not know what he was talking about.oh the Irony and hypocrisy here.:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.

Easy to say but much harder to actually prove. You're addressing someone who doesn't trust the government at all. You should be able to prove it to me, yet I'm also a logical person who knows bull shit when he sees it and knows that the government isn't the only source of the world's bull shit.

Really, the only things that have come forward, besides the NIST's report, is conspiracy theory arguments, most of which are easily shown to be junk.

Which lies were that? You cannot be talking about Iraq's WMDs. Thye had them, they used them, that is fact.

Actually I'm not, but I'll bet that you have some examples of "lies" that only exist in the CT Handbook.

Jumping to conclusions about me kinda suggests that you're not to be trusted in your other "conclusions" either.

Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...

Now I have not gotten into the name-calling and visiousness that these threads have experienced. I have been respectful of the oninions of the Conspiracy Theorists here. Let it be known that YOU chose to be rude and condescending.

I face the real world, I'm not the one inventing fantacies, that would be you.

You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...
You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...
Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times? How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?
How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??
Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....
It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.
With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...
People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....
honest inquiry by assholes like you now that is funny ...
btw nice effort in attempting to color everyone else as being in denial, that's a rock solid indicator of a tenuous grip on reality.
that tactic is only good if it's true since nothing you say, infer or yammer about me is even remotely close to being fact, makes me immune.
you on the other hand go bat shit when it's pointed out how far from reality you are..

How about an honest inquiry regarding the facts? You provide nothing that substantiates your position, and it is you that resorts to generalization statements that lump all who don't believe in your CT as...well...CT's!!!
You can never be specific about anything, and always get your ass kicked in..You didn't even know who Bazant was, and then tried to get me to show YOU that is WASN'T A "PILE OF STEAMING...."
I mean how many more times does one have to show you just how ridiculous your arguments are??

So many instances that reasonable people can point to that justify them not believing the OCT narrative, and you people act like you were born yesterday!!!
This is why you I can conclude you are in denial, and I have come to realize that most of you can not debate this topic rationally, because you depend on pretending none of the things brought up exist or have been posted and linked before....

You folks are sad....:cuckoo:
We had a special prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's penis but no prosecutor to investigate the attack on America and the righties think I'm wearing a tin foil hat because I point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE, repeat, IMPOSSIBLE!!!! that a modern steel frame high rise can collapse due to fire. Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

We'll never solve the question here. We need a real investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power. Considering that this has not been done I ask all the nay sayers what are you afraid of?

Well said. Yup, quickly shipped the steel off to China and wrapped up a completely phony investigation. Unfortunately, it's probably too late for truth now. The evidence was quickly destroyed and disposed of. The only truth we're left with, is the fact we were lied to. Sadly, that will always be the only truth we'll get on 9/11.

as it was in the oklahoma city bombing,waco,and the JFK assassination,But thats all too complicated for frady cat denying trolls like Predfan to understand that our government has a long history of destroying and removing evidence at a crime scene in political events like these and that they are illegal.

all that common knowledge,facts,logic and common sense is way too practical for them to understand and you'll overfry his brain with too much logic and comon sense like that if you lay it on him like that.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

the agent trolls like gomer and Moron in the hat will make up some kind of crap of course to try and get around those facts.thats a given.
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We had a special prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's penis but no prosecutor to investigate the attack on America and the righties think I'm wearing a tin foil hat because I point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE, repeat, IMPOSSIBLE!!!! that a modern steel frame high rise can collapse due to fire. Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

We'll never solve the question here. We need a real investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power. Considering that this has not been done I ask all the nay sayers what are you afraid of?

1. Prosecutors "investigate" crimes. We did have a prosecutor. It isn't his job to come up with a theory. He isn't an engineer.

2. It is NOT impossible for a modern steel high rise to collapse due to fire.

3. The people who are skeptical of your conspiracy theory aren't "righties" they are composed of sane people from all political walks of life.

as usual,predfan proves what a lying troll he really is.He talks crap like its not impossible for a modern steel high rise to collapse due to fire yet he cant back it up.sane people dont ignore the laws of physics that he does as well.oh the hypocrisy he constantly displays.:clap2:
Some of it was. But most was shipped to China and other foreign nations. And it was done very quickly. Way too quickly. There was no credible investigating done. They just wanted the evidence out of the way as quickly as possible. It's a real shame.

They wanted to clear the site. They had to move the stuff, it's a shame they sent it to China (if in fact they did). That in no way means there was some conspiracy. How was the steel sent to China different from the steel used to make the ship? What would ordinary steel tell us about how the towers fell?

You CT people are long on imagination, short on facts or logic.

No excuses, they should have done a proper investigation. They violated all acceptable protocols of proper investigating. They simply wanted to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible. They shipped that steel off way too quickly. It wasn't right.

all that is just a little too logical and practical for prefan troll to comprehend or understand though of course.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: and like I said before,its too complicated for him to understand as well that our government has a LONNGGGGGGGG history of doing that in political cases,that this wasnt the first time.:cuckoo:

All a very sad sham. Evidence was destroyed and disposed of. It was anything but a proper investigation.
predfan troll REALLY needs to get that comedy club started.thats the riot of the century and his biggest lie as well his entire time here saying they did a proper investigation.

It means everything, if you take the time to think about it. Why the rush to ship all that steel off to China? That doesn't cause you to be even a tad bit suspicious or curious?

not frady cat deniars like predfan troll obviously.:lmao:

Obviously, the Bin Laden Family had many close friends in our Government.

thats just a little too complicated for Gomer Ollie to understand.Its also too complicated for him to understand the Bush family had a long friendship with the Bin Laden family.hee hee.
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You're right it IS suspicious. I suspect it was for their protection.

Possibly. But i would think our Law Enforcement authorities would have wanted to thoroughly question and investigate them before allowing them to just pack up and fly away. They were his Family after all. It just reinforces the opinion of many, that there was no credible 9/11 investigation.

Most likely they have already questioned them as much as they could. Remember that OBL didn't just show up on 9-11. The US was probably satisfied a while back that they knew nothing about OBL.

this idiot has REALLY topped himself now.Obviously he is not aware that Bin Laden and Al Queda were funded by the CIA and that a CIA official vistited Bin Laden in a hospital a couple months before 9/11.Oh the apologist is REALLY grasping at straws living in denial now.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Just because you can't understand the reasons, doesn't mean it's not possible. It just means you can't or won't accept the possibilities.

Here's the problem my friend, you guys are long on "possibilities" but short on reason.

Well there it is. You can't or won't accept the possibilities. Case closed i guess. So why do you still come here every day.

He kind of gave that way MONTHS ago when he first started trolling these boards never watching videos dismissing them as youtube videos.:cuckoo:

He comes here because he obviously has no life and no friends and just feels the need to troll for attention is why.
Stupid is as stupid does.

There is good reason 9/11 Hand Job has received the impossibly low 299 "thanks" for his 6700+ posts; no one respects a word he mutters and no one - not even his loony CT comrades - wants their SN's attached to anything he says. Obviously he a terrible embarassment for them but he's great entertainment for everyone else and irrefutable evidence that the CT Movement attracts the dimmest peeps.

Or it's because almost everyone here has him on ignore. Like I do.

I love the logic of predfan troll saying almost everyone has him on ignore because HE has me on ignore cause I embarrassed him and took him to school several months ago and he threw tantrems and cussed me out for it.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

funny that predfan troll listens to dawghists sock sayit and what HE says.:lol::lol: no surprise. predfan is the one thats great for entertainment as evidenced on this entire thread.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

He hasnt posted ONE coherant thing in his ramblings on here.hee hee.
What was the motive for the 911 attacks again?

To get Iraqi Oil I believe is the general CT consensus....

Yet we still don't have that oil, and we don't need that oil....

Not to mention the fact that we were already bombing Iraqi military targets and didn't need much to start a full scale war, Just crash one fighter would have been enough.

And then there's the confusion of why use a bunch of Saudi's and bin Laden in Afghanistan if Iraq was the target......

Makes about zero sense......

But of course Ct'ers won't understand that......

My God...I can't believe a military man doesn't have the smarts to read all the vast amounts of information regarding this....
It was for oil, and no YOU weren't going to be given any stock or free fucking gasoline.
It was also for the "security of Israel"...These 2 things have been repeated by many in the former administration, military, and intelligence people...
You got had, bamboozled, and fucking scammed, wake the fuck up to the reality, because no matter what you try to convince yourself of otherwise, it's the reality....you ignorant gump..

Let me be sure I undertsand your "reasoning." You claim Israel attacked us on 9/11 so we would go to war with Iraq "for the security of Israel?" Yeah ... that makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
You act as though what is widely known does not come from knowing sources, and instead some handbook...

Like 99% of the CTers, you are long on imagination, but short on facts. Your theories are not widely known outside of your own group, and your sources are suspect at best.

You are in denial of what has already been known and come to light, some from Bushes own administration members...

Again, according to you and your fellow conspiracy theorists only.

Do you think coincidences can be excepted as totally within the realm of possibility multiple times?

if you're talking about real coincidences, yes. It happens every day.

How possible is it for the Jihadists to have known that the US air defenses would be occupied on that day, at that time, with terror drills?

I have shown that they wouldn't care, they don't have to.

How about terrorists, doing the London bombings at the same time and day as their own drills??

Drills happen on a regular basis, again why would the terrorists even care?

Sorry man, but you can't come to grips that you have been lied to about 9-11, and the subsequent wars, the use of tortured information etc...You say you live in the real world but deny real world facts regarding much of 9-11 and the wars....

I don't deny real world facts. I just deny made up crap that makes no logical sense.

It is you that believe in a wild CT, I just point out where and why I don't subscribe to it.

Do I believe it's 100% true? Of course not. It is however, the closest thing to the truth we'll ever be able to find out and it's waaaay closer to the truth that any conspiracy theory you or anyone else has ever been able to put forward (In the RARE cases that you or they have actually put a competing theory up for examination). All you guys can do is poke holes in the NIST's theory. That only proves what we all know to be true; that the government did the best they could piecing together the events after they happened without any for-knowledge.

With all that is available to learn about this topic, its funny that you act as though you have no assess to information...

You're like that girl on the commercial that believes that you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true, right?

People like you ask others to provide proof, of a conspiracy when it is so prevalent. What you fail to do is provide anything that substantiates the accuracy of the story you believe and defend, as though it needs no defending at all lol...

I don't see how in the world you can say that. All the thousands of posts on this forum about this subject that has been posted in defense of the NIST's report and you missed all of it? How could you miss it when you were part of it??? Now you are just making shit up.
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Goose Stepper illogic. :cuckoo:
typical no answer... please point where it's illogical..

Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...

Of course, there is nothing which supports your claim that anything of importance was "ignored," a claim you have made repeatedly but just as often have failed to support. The fact remains you often claim to have proven your CTBS but never actually do. It's just another of your bogus claims.
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The American people were lied to about 9-11 and the reasons for war, plain and simple.
With all that has come forward since, and all we now have knowledge of, it should be obvious, especially when much of it comes from the mouths of may that had positions to know the real reasons...
You somehow find it so hard to digest that the wars for example, were based on lies, and that they were planned far in advance of the 911 attacks....You are oblivious to the many times Americans were lied to in the past, and there is documented historical proof of this, yet you believe this not to be so, and don't think it happened again,...this despite all that has come to light, and all the information that is available for you to research....
Grow up and face the real world, it's embarrassing to listen to grown adults deny this to themselves, and to others...
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?

Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...

Woo. Talk about your verbose yet useless responses. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Logic would assume that if nothing was ignored, and everything available to investigate was indeed looked at, and questions about events and circumstances were answered instead of ignored, a different conclusion would be the outcome....This is just common sense you fucking idiot!

Any investigation that ignores, reports, proof, evidence and vital information and their sources, is not a proper investigative effort, and points to a cover up to hide something.
You also can not take the testimony of tortured sources, and deem their information accurate or credible, this is also common sense and common knowledge that is known around the world....even by the torturers themselves!

Why do you people continue to lie to yourselves and others? Your government has lied to you for generations. Why do you deny this fact, and the fact that they did so again, and continue to?? Why do you side with the people and entities that are at odds with the nations citizens? How much information do you people need, or how many times must this be shown to you?
It is you all that are illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence...
yes dear now put the crack pipe down..

Yet another fine example of someone who has no honest reply to an honest inquiry about their perception of reality. You simply must avoid an honest answer, so you post nothing but imagined non sense..What a sad sad creature you are....

Now that's funny coming from the QIN (Queen of Imaginary 9/11 Nonsense). :lol: :lol: :lol:
if you really want to see embarrassing just look in the nearest mirror.. ever wonder why you're never invited anywhere?

Yet again another useless response from the idiot who never has any rational answers for the things he is asked to explain....You always resort to this and NEVER EVER will admit that your CT and rational for believing in it is fatally flawed.
Take a good look at yourself, and do an accounting of just how you answer these questions, and if you do this honestly, you will find that you are just plain ridiculous, and have been in a state of denial for a long time...
I doubt that people like you will ever do this honestly, as denial of reality is the staple of your insane CT premises, and denial of reality must be protected by you at all costs in order to preserve your twisted views about yourself, the nation you claim to live in, and the world at large...
What a sad existence it would be to be someone like you...
no sister jones it's you who's existence is a sad one.. how exhausting it must be to driven by your overwhelming obsession.

IMHO he can't face the fact that his countless hours of 9/11 "research" were in vain, thus the shrill and desperate nature of his posts The poor guy probably hasn't laughed or taken a good dump in years. In other words, he's full of crap. :D
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