9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

corporations made less money under bush, income inequality was LOWER, yet the Left insists we are doing so much better now under obama. not according to what you just posted "brain"

So are you saying that businesses are making more money under Obama than they were under Bush?


I had no idea Obama was so good for the economy.

he isnt dullard. what makes you say that?

You're the one who said it. Make up your mind. Either Obama has been good for the economy, or he hasn't.
You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

1 - False
2 - On what basis do you suggest that the majority of Americans are desperate for work?
3 - I'm pretty sure I already know what your answers will be, more or less. The problem is that you're doing it wrong!

you mean the tens of millions not employed dont want a job after-all?
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

I would guess that a majority of hires are in no position to negotiate anything.
corporations made less money under bush, income inequality was LOWER, yet the Left insists we are doing so much better now under obama. not according to what you just posted "brain"

So are you saying that businesses are making more money under Obama than they were under Bush?


I had no idea Obama was so good for the economy.

he isnt dullard. what makes you say that?

You're the one who said it. Make up your mind. Either Obama has been good for the economy, or he hasn't.

um no i didnt leftard. i said corporations are making record profits. are record corporate profits the main factor in determining a good economy?

try again
under obama corprations are making record profits while the very richest get richer and the very poorest get, got poorer; both at a FASTER PACE then was happening under Bush and Republicans

hurray for good ol Progressive values!!
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

I would guess that a majority of hires are in no position to negotiate anything.

BS, everyone is in a position to do it. they might get turned down but what's it hurt to try?

such defeated attitudes. no wonder this country is failing in this day and age

The job offer can be withdrawn if you try to negotiate. If it took 2 years to finally get a job offer, you'd be foolish to take that risk.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...
as was explained earlier Mr Left-wing nutjob Crotch-rot; what you think is the conclusion isnt necessarily the case dullard

And if you would simply keep your mouth shut, we wouldn't have so many Democrats in the country. Idiots like you and Stephanie make such a spectacular demonstration of the deepest cess-pits of human stupidity, it's no wonder there are so many people who would rather look like an ass than be associated with anything you say.

What "conclusion" is there to be drawn in regards to the fact that Stephanie claimed that article didn't "name names" when the names were clearly listed in the second paragraph of the article? How can there be any conclusion whatsoever, beyond the simple fact that Stephanie didn't bother to click the link?

Oh, you weren't talking about that? I see. You jumped to some asinine conclusion that I'm a liberal just because I'm not siding with Stephanie. Seeing as Stephanie is a piece of shit, I will never side with her. I will side with the truth, always. Seeing as I'm a conservative, I reject the arguments these liberals are making. If you'd bother to scroll up a bit, you'd see my repudiations of their arguments.

Seeing as I'm intelligent, I reject you. Period.
Ethics and morality seem to escape a large number of people.

It looks as if it is going to have to be done the hard way.
well put down your play box and lead the charge

I will grab a box of popcorn and laugh at you taking a crap on a cop car, like I did with occupy wall street :)

What ever happens to you guys anyways? Had to go home?

Winter happened.

Um, I was just offering an answer to your question. Not an excuse.

Now way would I ever be associated with any of those occupied assholes.

I was trying to be funny, pointing out that once it became uncomfortable the commitment to ows waned.
as was explained earlier Mr Left-wing nutjob Crotch-rot; what you think is the conclusion isnt necessarily the case dullard

And if you would simply keep your mouth shut, we wouldn't have so many Democrats in the country. Idiots like you and Stephanie make such a spectacular demonstration of the deepest cess-pits of human stupidity, it's no wonder there are so many people who would rather look like an ass than be associated with anything you say.

What "conclusion" is there to be drawn in regards to the fact that Stephanie claimed that article didn't "name names" when the names were clearly listed in the second paragraph of the article? How can there be any conclusion whatsoever, beyond the simple fact that Stephanie didn't bother to click the link?

Oh, you weren't talking about that? I see. You jumped to some asinine conclusion that I'm a liberal just because I'm not siding with Stephanie. Seeing as Stephanie is a piece of shit, I will never side with her. I will side with the truth, always. Seeing as I'm a conservative, I reject the arguments these liberals are making. If you'd bother to scroll up a bit, you'd see my repudiations of their arguments.

Seeing as I'm intelligent, I reject you. Period.

you're simply laughable. one of the arrogant losers who think they know more than anybody. you're all butthurt because for the most part nobody left OR right cares what you have to say. i "assumed" you were a left-winger because you come off with the arrogance so many of them display. so you think a 100-line lecture is going to change that ^^^^^?????

9 CEOs out of a nation with more than 300 Million People.

Of course the loons want to base National Policy on such an outlier statistic.
You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

1 - False
2 - On what basis do you suggest that the majority of Americans are desperate for work?
3 - I'm pretty sure I already know what your answers will be, more or less. The problem is that you're doing it wrong!

The majority are desperate for work because they're deep in debt and we've had high unemployment for several years. Most of the jobs available don't pay enough to live on, so many need 2 or 3 jobs. They're not in position to negotiate wages. Most of these jobs, e.g. service industry and low wage healthcare, have wages that are set in stone and there is no negotiation of wages even if you tried.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.
9 CEOs out of a nation with more than 300 Million People.

Of course the loons want to base National Policy on such an outlier statistic.

the brainwashing by this Progressive/democrat/commie party is showing its working.
which should the scare the hell out of us more than anything else
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

you're saying it is the job of government to dictate how ALL capital resources are used

that's why nobody takes you seriously
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

you're saying it is the job of government to dictate how ALL capital resources are used

that's why nobody takes you seriously
your simply not having a clue or a Cause with your diversions does not mean my line of reasoning is unsound.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

Fixing Standards is delegated to our legislative branches of Government.

Correcting for market failures and inefficiencies is one function of government.

The researchers do not say that income inequality hurts economic growth. They say lack of income growth within the bottom 95% of wage earners harms the economy. Not quite the same thing.

The research claims that economic growth in the past was fueled by increasing personal debt (not to mention national debt). To me then that indicates that economic growth of the past was an unsustainable bubble, just like the housing market, fueled by the same, excessive debt.

What's your solution to this problem?

Seems to me the best solution would be to increase exports, which could be achieved by free trade deals. I don't think punishing CEOS for their income would accomplish much. Wealth redistribution could put more money in the hands of those who will spend more, but I don't think that would help because the economy needs investors as well as buyers of goods.

Workers need to make more, not execs. Problem is not just ceos. We need a tax system that gives incentives to pay workers more and hire more.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

you're saying it is the job of government to dictate how ALL capital resources are used

that's why nobody takes you seriously
your simply not having a clue or a Cause with your diversions does not mean my line of reasoning is unsound.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

Fixing Standards is delegated to our legislative branches of Government.

Correcting for market failures and inefficiencies is one function of government.


every time you get cornered with your own bullshit and exposed for the far-left freak you are, you start crying that others "dont have a clue"
it's so old, tiring, boring and predictable palos

what a tool you are

Wow, left wing economists say that not taxing people enough and giving it to greedy politicians hurts an economy........who would have thought?

All the money going to the top slows an economy. The rich guy only eats 3 times a day. If you own a restaurant do you want 100 people who can afford to eat out or just the 1. You seem to lack common sense on all subjects.

Are you really that dumb brain...does the rich guy put the rest of his money under his bed,after he gets,done eating? They put their money in investments...you know...job creators.......you are an idiot.........

Like Mark Steyn always says, you leftists think that the rich are like Scrooge Mcduck...they have their gold coins piled up in a warehouse and spend their day pushing it from one side of the warehouse to the other....you are,an idiot...the rich put their money out in investments which go to other people trying to create businesses which hire people to do work, which gives them money and benefits.....

You morons should never get your hands on the levers of power....

How does that help the restaurant owner? He need customers moron. The rich guy investing does not help him.

You are too fucking stupid....when someone who has an idea for a restaurant but has no money for it, he gets the investor....that guy gives him the money to get the building the staff the food...moron...and hen shares in the profits......people get jobs,, the vendors make money, and pay their people....capitalism at work...

Like trying to explain math to a dog...but eventually a dog will pick up on the math...leftists? there is no hope for them.....

And then he still doesn't have customers. So all that doesn't matter. If only one guy can afford to eat out that's only 3 meals a day. The restaurant needs lots of people who can afford to eat out.
You can only negotiate wages if you are not desperate for work.

1 - False
2 - On what basis do you suggest that the majority of Americans are desperate for work?
3 - I'm pretty sure I already know what your answers will be, more or less. The problem is that you're doing it wrong!

The majority are desperate for work because they're deep in debt and we've had high unemployment for several years. Most of the jobs available don't pay enough to live on, so many need 2 or 3 jobs. They're not in position to negotiate wages. Most of these jobs, e.g. service industry and low wage healthcare, have wages that are set in stone and there is no negotiation of wages even if you tried.

Well, that's what happens when the economy is growing at HALF THE RATE it should be and generating a paltry amount of jobs.

Crushing regulation, high taxes, and increased federal power do not lead to economic growth.

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