9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

9 CEOs out of a nation with more than 300 Million People.

Of course the loons want to base National Policy on such an outlier statistic.

the brainwashing by this Progressive/democrat/commie party is showing its working.
which should the scare the hell out of us more than anything else

The transformation that Obama has wrought for America consists of Envy Driven Group Think Totalitarian Mobs.

This is not going to end well.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

you're saying it is the job of government to dictate how ALL capital resources are used

that's why nobody takes you seriously
your simply not having a clue or a Cause with your diversions does not mean my line of reasoning is unsound.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

Fixing Standards is delegated to our legislative branches of Government.

Correcting for market failures and inefficiencies is one function of government.


every time you get cornered with your own bullshit and exposed for the far-left freak you are, you start crying that others "dont have a clue"
it's so old, tiring, boring and predictable palos

what a tool you are
nothing but diversion? how clueless and how Causeless of you.

i even try to keep my banter, propaganda, and rhetoric, relevant if not always poetic.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.

Lots of cheap labor lowers wages for everyone.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
I believe a general tax on firms could solve one social dilemma and lower our tax burden at the same time; regarding unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

you're saying it is the job of government to dictate how ALL capital resources are used

that's why nobody takes you seriously
your simply not having a clue or a Cause with your diversions does not mean my line of reasoning is unsound.

Full employment of capital resources in any capital economy is always a good thing especially if by a Standard such as a form of minimum wage.

Fixing Standards is delegated to our legislative branches of Government.

Correcting for market failures and inefficiencies is one function of government.


every time you get cornered with your own bullshit and exposed for the far-left freak you are, you start crying that others "dont have a clue"
it's so old, tiring, boring and predictable palos

what a tool you are
nothing but diversion? how clueless and how Causeless of you.

i even try to keep my banter, propaganda, and rhetoric, relevant if not always poetic.

and there you go again; with the "clueless thing. you cant even help yourself. i know it's killing you that a right-winger is calliing you boring and predictable, because as is so typical of many of your ilk you are overly impressed with yourself for no apparent reason. but it is what it is.................
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.

Lots of cheap labor lowers wages for everyone.

Good for the rich, not good for the poor.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........
do these people on the left ever come up a new line. they use the POOR like they use everyone else. They champion abortion so they CAN not claim they care about ANYONE. People are beginning to see right their lines of BS

Here's where your lack of LOGIC comes through......

1. We on the left respect a woman's right to choose, and sometimes that means abortions.

2, We all know that the vast number of abortions are performed on minorities.

3. If there were less abortions, the number of minorities would increase.

4. We also should know that minorities usually and overwhelmingly vote democrat.

5. Ergo, if it was just "political" and we wanted more "lefties" voting and beating the crap from right wingers, we TOO would be against abortions.
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also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

Yes, but I don't think it has anywhere near the suppressant effect as the apathy of the typical present day American to their own wages. We have always had illegal immigration, but we haven't always had the insane stagnation of wages as we've seen in the past couple decades. The widespread apathy has become so systemic that it's reaching a critical mass point. And it's also the place where people have more direct opportunity to take charge and change things. I'm starting to see more and more hiring managers who themselves don't seem to have any idea that salary negotiation is supposed to be a normal part of the hiring process.

Earlier this year I had a company ask me to come in for an interview for a position they were looking to fill. They asked me, mind you. I agreed to interview with them, and it turned out to go well. I became interested, they were interested. Then made an offer. It was not the kind of offer I found especially appealing. So, I asked when they needed a decision. The HR woman was shocked. She seemed to expect me to make a decision right there, over the phone. A couple days later, I emailed her with a modest counter offer that would have been more in line with the market. She seemed befuddled. "I already told you this is what it pays" was basically her response. She also said something to the effect that I was confusing her because she's never seen anyone do things the way I was doing them. Which was ironic, because I was having the same thoughts about her. Anyway, I declined the offer, but my point is that eventually there was someone out there who eventually filled that role. Someone who had no idea what their market value should have been, someone who obviously had no interest or intention of asserting their market rate. Someone who simply was going to catch whatever low wage was thrown at them. That is the going to be a much more significant deterrent from me being able to command the price I believe I'm worth, than will some dirty Mexican washing dishes under the table.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.
These guys are just idiots taking marching orders from above. Their thought masters tell them what to get outraged about so they can gain power. It's no more complicated than that.

Stupid....as usual.....who are these "guys from above"??? Presumably they would be the wealthy and influential, don't you think?
Therefore, the "guys from above" would be arguing AGAINST their own best interests.....Which would make them dumb.....as you are.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

And I am not outraged by any pay earned in the private sector.

I'll save my outrage for Politicians, Public Employees and Big Government Cronies who enrich themselves by selling influence and raiding taxpayer coffers.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........
I think if you have the drive to start a business or climb the ladder, you deserve the $

I'm an underachieving slacker... I don't complain about my pay.
I know how to make more $

I just am too lazy to do it.
I will grab a box of popcorn and laugh at you taking a crap on a cop car, like I did with occupy wall street :)

A follow-up form a NY newspaper, determined that the guy taking a crap was a homeless veteran........most likely a poor bastard who had no where else to go....Are you against veterans?
are record corporate profits the main factor in determining a good economy?

try again

It is under the supply side economics bullshit you have been otherwise spouting. The real problem is that you're an uneducated idiot. You don't know what you're talking about, and you're too stupid to know that you don't know what you're talking about. So you regurgitate a smattering of sound bytes you've heard others say, and then you regurgitate another smattering of sound bytes you heard somewhere else. At the end of the day, you'll say anything whatsoever as long as you think you can turn it into an insult against Obama. In the process, you cross so many wires that you end up convincing people to vote for Obama.

Stop talking. Just stop. You are the Democrats MVP. The best way you can help the team is to ride the bench. And maybe die. Whatever you do, just don't talk.
These guys are just idiots taking marching orders from above. Their thought masters tell them what to get outraged about so they can gain power. It's no more complicated than that.
Stupid....as usual.....who are these "guys from above"??? Presumably they would be the wealthy and influential, don't you think?
Therefore, the "guys from above" would be arguing AGAINST their own best interests.....Which would make them dumb.....as you are.
Yes, wealthy rich liberals that want more power. You think they're helping you but they're using you. They are using other people's money and getting richer.
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

I'm much more outraged by what we pay athletes....

I player can make more in one game (much more!) on BENCH then I do or an entire year....
What a messed up world we live in..........

Talk to the ceos that decide to pay them that much.

Actually WE can control that.
Stop going to and watching the games.

If every bad team was boycotted, let's see what happens then..........

It is the owners. The players are just pawns.
A ceo is deciding to pay him that much.

Maybe, if he's the owner of a privately owned company. But if it's a corporation, the CEO reports to the board. But even then, it's true that in many ways the CEO still decides how much to be paid. He/she does this through negotiation.

The number one reason wages have been stagnant for so long is because so many Americans nowadays settle for whatever is thrown out there. It's the stupidest thing in the world, and it drags down the market for the rest of us who are smart enough to be assertive. Wages will continue to stagnate (i.e. go down when you take into account inflation) until the American public starts taking personal responsibility for their pay, starting with the wage negotiation prior to job acceptance.

also....illegal immigrant labor brings down wages.......but no one cares,about that...

I agree. We shouldnt have lots of immigration in our current economic climate.

No, we shouldn't.

As Milton Friedman said: "You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state."

If we want increased immigration levels, we need to get rid of entitlements.

Lots of cheap labor lowers wages for everyone.
It is why we simply need a fixed Standard regarding any form of minimum wage.

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